20-40GHz Medium Power Amplifier
Electrical Characteristics for Broadband Operation
Tamb = +25°C, Vd1,2,3,4 = 3.5V Id=330mA
Symbol Parameter Min Typ Max Unit
Fop Operating frequency range (1) 20 40 GHz
G Small signal gain [ 20GHz to 35GHz](1) 20 22 dB
G Small signal gain (1) 18 dB
Is Reverse isolation (1) 50 dB
P1dB Pulsed output power at 1dB gain compression (1) 18 20 dBm
P3dB Pulsed output power at 3dB gain compression (1) 20 22 dBm
IP3 3rd order intercept point 29 dBm
PAE Power added efficiency at saturation 10 %
VSWRin Input VSWR (1) 1.2:1 2.0:1
VSWRout Output VSWR (1) 2.0:1 3.0:1
NF Noise figure 8.0 10.0 dB
Vdet Detected voltage : at 25GHz @ Pout=20dBm (2)
Id Bias current (small signal) 330 400 mA
(1) These values are representative for pulsed on-wafer measurements that are made without bonding wires at the RF ports.
(2) In the case of a jig or a module CW mode operation, the typical output power may be around 2dB less.
(2) Voltage across an external 10kOhm parallel resistor connected to the voltage detector pad.
Small signal gain flatness (1) (Any 1GHz BW) ±0.5 dB
Detected voltage : at 38GHz @ Pout=20dBm (2)
Absolute Maximum Ratings (1)
Symbol Parameter Values Unit
Vds Drain bias voltage_small signal (2) 4.0 V
Ids Drain bias current_small signa l 470 mA
Vgs Gate bias voltage -2 to +0.4 V
Vdg Drain Gate voltage (Vds – Vgs) +5 V
Pin Maximum continuous input power (2)
Maximum peak input power overdrive (3)
Ta Operating temperature range -40 to +85 °C
Tstg Storage temperature range -55 to +125 °C
(1) Operation of this device above anyone of these parameters may cause permanent damage.
(2) Duration < 1s.
Ref. : DSCHA30932158 -07-June-02 2/10 Specifications subject to change without notice
+4 (@ 20GHz)
-1 (@ 40GHz)
United Monolithic Semiconductors S.A.S.
Route Départementale 128 - B.P.46 - 91401 Orsay Cedex France
Tel. : +33 (0)1 69 33 03 08 - Fax : +33 (0)1 69 33 03 09

20-40GHz Medium Power Amplifier
Typical Scattering Parameters ( On wafer Sij measurements )
Bias Conditions : Vd1,2,3,4 = 3.5 Volt, Vg1=Vg2,3,4 for Id total = 330 mA.
mod pha mod pha mod pha mod pha
GHz dB
2,00 -9,77 166,10 -79,63 85,41 -44,50 11,25 -0,06 -16,47
4,00 -9,97 159,94 -78,88 19,46 -45,28 64,07 -0,17 -32,94
6,00 -10,97 144,60 -63,16 -150,36 -32,41 -15,70 -0,26 -48,70
8,00 -12,23 141,58 -67,81 -92,96 -30,97 -73,10 -0,19 -66,41
10,00 -13,30 132,93 -76,00 168,10 -39,55 -81,72 -0,32 -86,37
12,00 -14,19 127,48 -69,79 162,87 -12,99 -8,19 -0,95 -109,99
14,00 -15,25 119,12 -68,09 -141,61 4,59 -92,82 -3,13 -134,29
16,00 -16,90 109,51 -56,64 151,79 14,64 166,69 -6,28 -148,92
18,00 -18,45 101,39 -77,66 -40,17 20,56 66,78 -12,44 -152,39
20,00 -18,27 99,66 -54,79 30,38 23,06 -25,87 - 11,02 -127,42
21,00 -20,55 75,06 -69,47 -61,55 23,87 -67,24 -8,60 -138,79
22,00 -20,72 49,52 -57,54 -51,49 24,20 -106,39 -7,90 -148,31
23,00 -29,56 58,15 -54,03 -168,51 23,40 -146,58 -10,21 - 167,46
24,00 -23,58 58,28 -56,11 107,75 22,98 -173,95 -10,20 -161,72
25,00 -21,33 29,56 -54,05 67,67 22,93 156,61 -10,87 -166,58
26,00 -21,32 -8,76 -62,57 -37,46 23,05 125,30 -11,82 179,69
27,00 -22,06 -29,59 -63,41 -139,56 22,56 96,27 -13,75 179,91
28,00 -22,21 -31,27 -56,43 165,63 21,93 70,69 -13,72 -176,79
29,00 -19,66 -44,67 -59,88 138,12 22,19 43,16 -13,95 168,88
30,00 -17,80 -56,40 -58,46 132,33 21,80 16,81 -15,15 167,61
31,00 -17,46 -61,68 -56,48 154,53 21,36 -6,65 -15,78 157,73
32,00 -15,16 -70,64 -52,06 105,41 21,50 -31,90 -15,57 137,58
33,00 -15,09 -83,96 -56,43 63,48 20,88 -56,82 -20,24 133,08
34,00 -14,57 -89,19 -59,91 89,24 20,82 -81,12 -19,36 132,46
35,00 -13,80 -92,45 -54,72 94,43 20,70 -104,79 -18,36 101,23
36,00 -13,55 -97,98 -54,97 59,43 20,47 -129,10 -20,65 80,50
37,00 -12,80 -102,27 -54,75 93,32 20,11 -154,27 -17,69 61,37
38,00 -12,55 -108,34 -54,06 58,24 19,72 -177,11 -18,18 37,45
39,00 -12,64 -110,41 -53,05 50,25 19,84 159,83 -15,31 24,91
40,00 -12,53 -108,87 -50,99 30,11 19,49 133,90 -13,49 5,75
41,00 -11,23 -110,01 -52,73 3,78 19,40 108,31 -11,73 -9,23
42,00 -10,73 -118,61 -56,04 22,66 18,88 81,37 -11,60 -21,67
43,00 -10,79 -124,01 -56,86 -6,86 18,38 56,83 -10,29 -23,61
44,00 -10,93 -121,39 -52,92 -31,58 18,36 32,20 -8,52 -33,55
45,00 -10,92 -125,62 -52,23 -85,31 18,33 -0,36 -7,30 -45,47
46,00 -11,37 -121,74 -60,67 -166,71 17,03 -37,26 -7,39 -51,37
48,00 -8,41 -103,89 -53,21 -121,20 13,67 -104,46 -4,69 -68,35
50,00 -5,96 -119,91 -58,10 116,39 6,60 -158,83 -3,75 -85,06
52,00 -3,89 -131,50 -52,69 160,04 -0,07 156,43 -3,23 -99,24
54,00 -2,88 -146,98 -60,21 15,97 -7,50 118,68 -2,74 -112,94
56,00 -2,21 -160,52 -52,63 159,63 -16,29 95,16 -2,57 -124,78
58,00 -2,02 -173,49 -55,84 -175,77 -29,86 112,18 -2,56 -135,15
60,00 -1,87 175,37 -49,76 95,59 -23,82 170,18 -2,53 -145,16
S11 S12 S21 S22
Ref. : DSCHA30932158 -07-June-02 3/10 Specifications subject to change without notice
United Monolithic Semiconductors S.A.S.
Route Départementale 128 - B.P.46 - 91401 Orsay Cedex France
Tel. : +33 (0)1 69 33 03 08 - Fax : +33 (0)1 69 33 03 09