5.5-23GHz Driver Amplifier
GaAs Monolithic Microwave IC
The CHA3063 is a two-stage general
purpose monolithic medium power
amplifier.The back side of t he chip is both RF
and DC grounds.This helps simplify the
assembly process.
The circuit is manufactured with a PMHEMT process : 0.25µm gate length, via
holes through the substrate, air bridges and
electron beam gate lithogr aphy.
It is supplied in chip form.
Main Feature
§ Broad band performance 5.5-23G Hz
§ 21dBm output power (Psat)
§ 19dB gain, ± 1dB gain flatness
§ PAE:11%@P-1dB typical
§ Chip size : 1.33 x 0.910x 0.1mm
Gain Rlosses & NF ( dB )
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
Frequency ( GHz )
On wafer typical measurements
Main Characteristics
Tamb = +25°C
Symbol Parameter Min Typ Max Unit
Fop Operating freq uency range 5.5 23 GHz
G Small signal gain 18 19 dB
Pout Output power, Pin=0dBm +18 +20 dBm
Id_small_signal Bias current 160 210 mA
ESD Protection : Electrostatic discharge sensitive device observe handling precautions !
Ref : DSCHA30632263 -20-Sept.-02 1/7 Specifications subject to change without notic e
United Monolithic Semiconductors S.A.S.
Route Départementale 128 - B.P.46 - 91401 Orsay Cedex France
Tel. : +33 (0)1 69 33 03 08 - Fax : +33 (0)1 69 33 03 09
5.5-23GHz Driver Amplifier
Electrical Characteristics on wafer
Tamb = +25°C, Vd1 = Vd2 =4V Vg tuned for Id=160mA (around –0.27V)
Symbol Parameter Min Typ Max Unit
Fop Operating frequency range 5.5 23 GHz
G Small signal gain 18 19 dB
Is Reverse isolation 35 dB
P1dB CW output power at 1dB compression (1) +16 +18 dBm
Psat Saturated Output Power (Pin=0dBm) +18 +21 dBm
IP3 3 rd order intercept(2) 28 dBm
VSWRin Input VSWR 2.0:1 2.5:1
VSWRout Output VSWR 2.0:1 2.5:1
NF Noise figure 4.5 6 dB
Id_small signal Bias current 160 210 mA
(1) These values are representative for CW on-wafer measurements that are made without
bonding wires at the RF ports.
(2) Value representative for CW on jig measurement
Small signal gain flatness
Absolute Maximum Ratings
Tamb. = 25°C (1)
Symbol Parameter Values Unit
Vds Drain bias voltage_small signal 5.0 V
Ids Drain bias current_small signal 210 mA
Vg Gate bias voltage -2 to +0.4 V
Ig Gate bias current 0.7 mA
Vgd Maximun negative gate drain Voltage (Vg-Vd) -5 V
Pin Maximum continuous input power
Maximum peak input power overdrive (2)
Ta Operating temperature range -40 to +85 °C
Tstg Storage temperature range -55 to +125 °C
(1) Operation of this device above anyone of these parameters may cause permanent damage.
(2) Duration < 1s.
Ref : DSCHA30632263 -20-Sept.-02 2/7 Specifications subject to change without notic e
Route Départementale 128 , B.P.46 - 91401 ORSAY Cedex - FRANCE
Tel.: +33 (0)1 69 33 03 08 - Fax : +33 (0)1 69 33 03 09
5.5-23GHz Driver Amplifier
Typical Scattering Parameters ( On wafer Sij measurements)
Bias Conditions : Vd1,2= 4V, Vg = -0.27V, Id = 160 m A.
FREQ S11 S11 S12 S12 S 21 S21 S22 S22
GHz dB
1,0 -0,3 -35,6 -60,9 84,0 -12,7 86,9 -0,6 -35,0
2,0 -0,7 -75,6 -63,1 142,8 -13,7 -179,2 -1,4 -67,7
3,0 -3,4 -113,7 -54,5 -53,2 11,6 123,1 -4,7 -93,2
4,0 -5,7 -140,7 -53,1 138,2 15,2 58,5 -6,2 -111,6
5,0 -7,9 -170,3 -43,5 67,4 16,4 19,0 -7,4 -133,3
6,0 -9,0 162,5 -44,2 34,7 18,8 -12,3 -11,1 -149,1
7,0 -11,3 121,8 -41,0 13,6 19,3 -46,9 -12,0 -155,1
8,0 -13,5 82,5 -38,7 -16,7 18,9 -75,2 -11,6 -173,2
9,0 -14,3 39,7 -37,6 -39,6 19,1 -100,4 -12,9 171,7
10,0 -14,0 0,9 -37,1 -61,4 19,3 -125,2 -14,4 165,8
11,0 -13,2 -34,0 -36,7 -82,9 19,5 -150,7 -13,7 164,9
12,0 -13,2 -62,6 -35,6 -107,7 19,6 -175,1 -13,5 148,9
13,0 -15,3 -95,8 -36,0 -126,6 19,5 159,3 -11,9 131,3
14,0 -16,7 -125,2 -35,0 -148,4 19,2 133,1 -11,9 116,0
15,0 -21,2 -125,5 -34,7 -175,9 18,5 111,1 -13,1 95,0
16,0 -18,6 -140,0 -36,4 170,4 18,2 89,1 -14,7 79,9
17,0 -19,8 -124,7 -36,4 137,3 18,1 70,4 -19,5 72,4
18,0 -18,8 -172,0 -38,5 135,9 18,1 44,3 -17,4 72,2
19,0 -20,8 101,6 -37,4 154,6 18,0 22,0 -18,5 57,4
20,0 -19,8 23,1 -35,2 125,8 18,0 -2,5 -19,4 47,4
21,0 -15,4 -14,7 -34,0 101,5 18,2 -26,4 -23,3 32,5
22,0 -14,2 -34,2 -33,8 71,7 18,9 -57,7 -21,4 76,8
23,0 -11,5 -43,5 -35,3 46,5 19,5 -89,3 -16,9 77,6
24,0 -11,6 -30,9 -33,1 -0,4 20,4 -144,0 -6,3 46,6
25,0 -3,9 -46,7 -34,9 -86,0 17,6 153,9 -3,1 -13,3
26,0 -2,0 -74,8 -35,3 -172,0 10,9 104,5 -3,2 -59,0
27,0 -1,3 -99,2 -39,7 157,6 3,9 69,9 -4,3 -90,9
28,0 -1,3 -115,8 -33,9 138,6 -3,5 44,6 -4,7 -113,7
29,0 -1,3 -128,4 -32,3 128,4 -12,1 29,3 -5,0 -133,9
30,0 -1,2 -140,1 -28,7 96,4 -21,0 47,7 -5,9 -153,6
Ref : DSCHA30632263 -20-Sept.-02 3/7 Specifications subject to change without notic e
Route Départementale 128 , B.P.46 - 91401 ORSAY Cedex - FRANCE
Tel.: +33 (0)1 69 33 03 08 - Fax : +33 (0)1 69 33 03 09