About This Guide .............................................................................................................................................................1
Serial Communication Interface ....................................................................................................................................... 5
Data Bit .....................................................................................................................................................................7
Stop Bit .....................................................................................................................................................................8
Hardware Flow Control .............................................................................................................................................8
USB Interface................................................................................................................................................................... 9
USB HID-KBW .......................................................................................................................................................... 9
USB Country Keyboard Types .................................................................................................................................. 9
Country Code Table (Appendix 5)........................................................................................................................... 10
Beep on Unknown Character .................................................................................................................................. 11
Function Key Mapping ............................................................................................................................................ 11
Convert Case .......................................................................................................................................................... 13
USB COM Port Emulation....................................................................................................................................... 14
Acquire Scanned Data ............................................................................................................................................15
IBM SurePOS(Tabletop)..........................................................................................................
IBM SurePOS (Handheld)....................................................................................................................................... 16
Auto Mode...................................................................................................................................................................... 17
Decode Area .................................................................................................................................................................. 21
Whole Area Decoding .............................................................................................................................................21
Central Area Decoding ............................................................................................................................................22
Specify Central Area ...............................................................................................................................................22
Beep after Good Decode................................................................................................................................................25
Additional Settings for Type 1 .................................................................................................................................27
LED Notification .............................................................................................................................................................29
LED Notification for Good Decode ..........................................................................................................................29
LED Notification Duration for Good Decode......................................................................................
...................... 29
Chapter 7 Data Formatting.........................................................................................................................................................30
General Settings ............................................................................................................................................................31
Enable/Disable All Prefix/Suffix............................................................................................................................... 31
AIM ID Prefix.................................................................................................................................................................. 32
Code ID Prefix................................................................................................................................................................ 32
Restore All Default Code IDs .................................................................................................................................. 33
Modify Code ID ....................................................................................................................................................... 33
Set Custom Prefix ...................................................................................................................................................37
Set Custom Suffix ................................................................................................................................................... 38
Data Packing.................................................................................................................................................................. 39
Normal Pack ...........................................................................................................................................................39
Terminating Character Suffix..........................................................................................................................................40
Enable/Disable Terminating Character Suffix.......................................................................................................... 40
Set Terminating Character Suffix.............................................................................................................................41
General Settings ............................................................................................................................................................42
Enable/Disable All Symbologies..............................................................................................................................42
Set Length Range for Code 128 .............................................................................................................................43
ISBN .......................................................................................................................................................................50
Enable/Disable ISBN ..............................................................................................................................................50
Set ISBN Format.....................................................................................................................................................50
Transmit System Character “0”............................................................................................................................... 52
Transmit Preamble Character “0”............................................................................................................................ 55
Interleaved 2 of 5 .................................................................................................................................................... 56
Enable/Disable Interleaved 2 of 5 ........................................................................................................................... 56
Set Length Range for Interleaved 2 of 5 .................................................................................................................56
Set Discrete Lengths for Interleaved 2 of 5............................................................................................................. 58
Set Length Range for Code 39 ...............................................................................................................................63
Set Length Range for Codabar ............................................................................................................................... 66
Start/Stop Character Format ................................................................................................................................... 68
Set Length Range for Code 93 ...............................................................................................................................69
Set Length Range for Code 11................................................................................................................................73
Enable/Disable Industrial 2 of 5 ..............................................................................................................................75
Set Length Range for Industrial 2 of 5 ....................................................................................................................75
Standard 25.............................................................................................................................................................77
Enable/Disable Standard 25....................................................................................................................................77
Set Length Range for Standard 25..........................................................................................................................77
Set Length Range for Plessey ................................................................................................................................79
Set Length Range for MSI-Plessey......................................................................................................................... 81
PDF 417.................................................................................................................................................................. 83
Enable/Disable PDF 417......................................................................................................................................... 83
Set Length Range for PDF 417...............................................................................................................................83
PDF 417 Inverse ..................................................................................................................................................... 84
QR Code................................................................................................................................................................. 86
Enable/Disable QR Code........................................................................................................................................ 86
Set Length Range for QR Code .............................................................................................................................. 86
QR Twin Code......................................................................................................................................................... 87
Set Length Range for Aztec Code........................................................................................................................... 88
Read Multi-barcodes of an Image ...........................................................................................................................89
Set the Number of Barcodes................................................................................................................................... 90
Data Matrix..............................................................................................................................................................91
Enable/Disable Data Matrix..................................................................................................................................... 91
Set Length Range for Data Matrix........................................................................................................................... 91
Data Matrix Inverse.................................................................................................................................................92
Data Matrix Twin Code............................................................................................................................................ 93
Set Length Range for Maxicode.............................................................................................................................. 94
Chinese Sensible Code...........................................................................................................................................95
Enable/Disable Chinese Sensible Code ................................................................................................................. 95
Set Length Range for Chinese Sensible Code........................................................................................................ 95
Chinese Sensible Code Inverse.............................................................................................................................. 96
Appendix 2: AIM ID Table.............................................................................................................................................105
Appendix 3: Code ID Table...........................................................................................................................................106
Appendix 5: Country Code Table...................................................................................................................................111
Appendix 6: ASCII Function Key Mapping Table .......................................................................................................... 112
Appendix 7: Symbology ID Number ............................................................................................................................. 114
a. Program the Decode Session Timeout.............................................................................................................. 115
b. Program the Timeout between Decodes (Same Barcode)................................................................................ 115
c. Program the Central Area.................................................................................................................................. 115
d. Program the Duration of Good Decode Beep (Type 1) ..................................................................................... 116
e. Program the Frequency of Good Decode Beep (Type 1).................................................................................. 116
f. Program the LED Notification Duration for Good Decode.................................................................................. 116
g. Program the Custom Prefix/Suffix..................................................................................................................... 117
h. Program the Terminating Character Suffix ........................................................................................................ 117
i. Program the Code ID ......................................................................................................................................... 117
j. Program the Length Range (Maximum/Minimum Lengths) for a Symbology ..................................................... 118
k. Program the Discrete Lengths for Interleaved 2 of 5......................................................................................... 119
The MS842N series embedded 2D barcode scan engines are armed with CMOS image capturer, featuring fast scanning
and accurate decoding on barcodes on virtually any medium - paper, magnetic card, mobile phones and LCD displays.
About This Guide
This guide provides programming instructions for the MS842N. Users can configure the MS842N by scanning the
programming barcodes included in this manual.
The MS842N has been properly configured for most applications and can be put into use without further configuration.
Users may check the Factory Defaults Table in Appendix for reference. Throughout the manual, programming barcodes
marked with asterisks (**) are factory default values.
1 **Exit Setup
Enter Setup
Barcode Scanning
The MS842N feasures fast scanning and decoding accuracy. Barcodes rotated at any angle can still be read with ease.
When scanning a barcode, simply center the aiming beam or pattern projected by the MS842N over the barcode.
Programming Barcodes
Scanning the Enter Setup barcode can enable the engine to enter the setup mode. Then you can scan a number of
programming barcodes to configure your engine. To exit the setup mode, scan the Exit Setup barcode.
If the engine has exit the setup mode, only some special programming barcodes, such as the Enter Setup barcode and
Restore All Factory Defaults barcode, can be read.
Enter Setup
** Exit Setup
Programming barcode data can be transmitted to the Host. Scan the appropriate barcode below to enable or disable the
transmission of programming barcode data (programming commands) to the Host.
Transmit Programming Barcode Data
** Do Not Transmit Programming Barcode Data
** Exit Setup 2
Enter Setup
Factory Defaults
Scanning the following barcode can restore the engine to the factory defaults. See Appendix 1: Factory Defaults Table for
more information.
Restoring the engine to factory defaults will not remove custom defaults stored on the engine.
Restore All Factory Defaults
Note: Use this feature with discretion.
Custom Defaults
Scanning the Restore All Custom Defaults barcode can reset all parameters to the custom defaults. Scanning the Save as
Custom Defaults can set the current settings as custom defaults.
Custom defaults are stored in the non-volatile memory.
Save as Custom Defaults
Restore All Custom Defaults
3 **Exit Setup
Enter Setup
** Exit Setup 4
Enter Setup
Chapter 2 Communication Interfaces
The MS842N engine provides a TTL-232 interface and a USB interface to communicate with the host device. The host
device can receive scanned data and send commands to control the engine or to access/alter the configuration
information of the engine via the TTL-232 or USB interface.
Serial Communication Interface
Serial communication interface is usually used when connecting the engine to a host device (like PC, POS). However, to
ensure smooth communication and accuracy of data, you need to set communication parameters (including baud rate,
parity check, data bit and stop bit) to match the host device.
The serial communication interface provided by the engine is based on TTL signals. TTL-232 can be used for most
application architectures. For those requiring RS-232, an external conversion circuit is needed. The conversion circuit is
available only to some models.
Serial Communication
Default serial communication parameters are listed below. Make sure all parameters match the host requirements.
Parameter Factury Default
Serial Communication Standard TTL-232
Baud Rate 9600
Parity Check None
Data Bits 8
Stop Bits 1
Hardware Auto Flow Control None
5 **Exit Setup
Enter Setup
Baud Rate
Baud rate is the number of bits of data transmitted per second. Set the baud rate to match the Host requirements.
** Baud Rate 9600
Baud Rate 1200
Baud Rate 2400
Baud Rate 19200
Baud Rate 38400
Baud Rate 57600
Baud Rate 4800
Baud Rate 14400
** Exit Setup 6
Baud Rate 115200
Enter Setup
Parity Check
Even Parity
** None
Odd Parity
Data Bit
** 8 Data Bits
7 Data Bits
6 Data Bits
5 Data Bits
7 **Exit Setup
Enter Setup
Stop Bit
** 1 Stop Bit
2 Stop Bits
Hardware Flow Control
If this feature is enabled, the engine determines whether to transmit data based on CTS signal level. When CTS signal is at
a low level which means the serial port’s cache memory of receiving device (such as PC) is full, the engine sends data
through RS-232 port until CTS signal is set to high level by receiving device. When the engine is not ready for receiving, it
will set RTS signal to low level. When sending device (such as PC) detects it, it will not send data to the engine any more to
prevent data loss.
If this feature is disabled, reception/transmission of serial data will not be influenced by RTS/CTS signal.
Enable Hardware Flow Control
** Disable Hardware Flow Control
Note: Before enabling this feature, make sure that RTS/CTS signal line is contained in RS-232 cable. Without the signal
line, serial communication errors will occur.
** Exit Setup 8
Enter Setup
USB Interface
A driver is required when using this protocol to communicate with the engine. Its advantages include fast data transmissoin
and easy to use.
When you connect the engine to the Host via a USB connection, you can enable the USB HID-KBW feature by scanning
the barcode below. Then engine’s transmission will be simulated as USB keyboard input. The Host receives keystrokes on
the virtual keyboard. It works on a Plug and Play basis and no driver is required.
USB Country Keyboard Types
Keyboard layouts and country codes vary from country to country. All supported keyboard types are listed in the Country
Code Table. The default setting is US keyboard type.
To learn how to select a keyboard type, see the example below.
Select Country Code
9 **Exit Setup
Enter Setup
Country Code Table (Appendix 5)
Country/Language Code Country/Language Code
Hungary10Turkey F25
Israel(Hebrew)11Turkey Q26
Example: Program the engine to emulate Norwegian keyboard (Norway)
1. Scan the Enter Setup barcode.
2. Scan the Select Country Code barcode.
3. Check the country code for Norway in the Country Code Table. (Norway: 15)
4. Scan the numeric barcodes “1” and “5”.
5. Scan the Save barcode.
6. Scan the Exit Setup barcode.
** Exit Setup 10
Enter Setup
Beep on Unknown Character
Due to the differences in keyboard layouts, some characters contained in barcode data may be unavailable on the selected
keyboard. As a result, the engine fails to transmit the unknown characters.
Scan the appropriate barcode below to enable or disable the emission of beep when an unknown character is detected.
Beep on Unknown Character
** Do Not Beep on Unknown Character
Emulate ALT+Keypad
When Emulate ALT+Keypad is turned on, any ASCII character (0x00 - 0xff) is sent over the numeric keypad no matter
which keyboard type is selected. Since sending a character involves multiple keystroke emulations, this method appears
less efficient.
Emulate ALT+Keypad ON
** Emulate ALT+Keypad OFF
Function Key Mapping
When Function Key Mapping is enabled, function character (0x00 - 0x1F) are sent as ASCII sequences over the numeric
keypad. For more information, see Appendix 6: ASCII Function Key Mapping Table
A shortcut to send a function key (F1-F12) is to scan the corresponding barcode in Appendix 9: F-Key Barcodes.
Note: Emulate ALT+Keypad ON prevails over Enable Function Key Mapping.
Enable Function Key Mapping
11 **Exit Setup
** Disable Function Key Mapping
Enter Setup
Example: Barcode data 0x16
Enable Function Key Mapping
Disable Function Key Mapping
Inter-Keystroke Delay
This parameter specifies the delay between emulated keystrokes.
** No Delay
Short Delay (20ms)
Ctrl +V
Long Delay (40ms)
Caps Lock
The Caps Lock ON option can invert upper and lower case characters contained in barcode data. This inversion occurs
regardless of the state of Caps Lock key on the Host’s keyboard.
Caps Lock ON
** Caps Lock OFF
Note: Emulate ALT+Keypad ON/ Convert All to Upper Case/ Convert All to Lower Case prevails over Caps Lock ON.
Example: When the Caps Lock ON is selected, barcode data “AbC” is transmitted as “aBc”.
** Exit Setup 12
Convert Case
Scan the appropriate barcode below to convert all bar code data to your desired case.
** No Case Conversion
Enter Setup
Convert All to Upper Case
Convert All to Lower Case
Example: When the Convert All to Lower Case feature is enabled, barcode data “AbC” is transmitted as “abc”.
Emulate Numeric Keypad
When this feature is disabled, sending barcode data is emulated as keystroke(s) on main keyboard.
To enable this feature, scan the Emulate Numeric Keypad barcode. Sending a number (0-9) is emulated as keystroke(s)
on numeric keypad, whereas sending other character like “+”, “_”, “*” , “/” and “.” is still emulated as keystrokes on main
Numeric keypad is usually situated at the right of the main keyboard. The state of Num Lock on the simulated numeric
keypad is determined by its equivalent on the Host. If Num Lock on the Host is turned off, the output of simulated numeric
keypad is function key instead of number.
Emulate Numeric Keypad
** Do Not Emulate Numeric Keypad
Note: Make sure the Num Lock light of the Host is turned ON before enabling this feature.
Simulate ALT+Keypad ON prevails over Emulate Numeric Keypad.
13 **Exit Setup
Enter Setup
Example: Supposing the Emulate Numeric Keypad feature is enabled:
if Num Lock on the Host is ON, “A4.5” is transmitted as “A4.5”;
if Num Lock on the Host is OFF, “A4.5” is transmitted as follows:
1. “A” is sent as is because it is not included in numeric keypad;
2. “4” is sent as the function key “Cursor Move to Left”;
3. “.” is sent as the function key “Delete After the Cursor”;
4. “5” is not sent as it does not correspond to any function key.
USB COM Port Emulation
If you connect the engine to the Host via a USB connection, the USB COM Port Emulation feature allows the Host to
receive data in the way as a serial port does. However, you need to set communication parameters on the engine to match
the Host requirements.
USB COM Port Emulation
The HID-POS interface is recommended for new application programs. It can send up to 56 characters in a single USB
report and appears more efficient than keyboard emulation.
HID based, no custom driver required.
Way more efficient in communication than keyboard emulation and traditional RS-232 interface.
Note: HID-POS does not require a custom driver. However, a HID interface on Windows 98 does. All HID interfaces
employ standard driver provided by the operating system. Use defaults when installing the driver.
** Exit Setup 14
Access the engine with your program:
1. Use CreateFile to access the engine as a HID device.
2. Use ReadFile to deliver the scanned data to the application program.
3. Use WriteFile to send data to the engine.
Enter Setup
For detailed information about USB and HID interfaces, go to www.USB.org
Acquire Scanned Data
After a barcode is decoded, the engine sends an input report as below:
Symbology ID Number (Appendix 7) or N/C: 0x00
Report ID = 0x02
Barcode Length
Decoded Data (1-56)
Reserved (1-4)
Decode Data
USB uses VID (Vendor ID) and PID (Product ID) to identify and locate a device. The VID is assigned by USB
Implementers Forum. Every PID contains a base number and interface type (keyboard, COM port, etc.).
Product Interface PID (Hex) PID (Dec)
15 **Exit Setup
Base 0000 0
HID-POS 0010 16
Enter Setup
IBM SurePOS(Tabletop)
IBM SurePOS (Handheld)
IBM-SurePOS (Table-Top)
IBM-SurePOS (Hand-Held)
** Exit Setup 16
Enter Setup
Chapter 3 Scan Mode
Trigger Mode
If the Trigger Mode is enabled, receiving a valid trigger signal activates a decode session. The session continues until the
barcode is decoded as long as the trigger signal remains valid; the session stops when the signal becomes invalid. For good
decode, the engine transmits decoded data via communication port. To activate another session, the Hostfirst terminates
the trigger signal, waits 20ms or longer and then makes the signal valid.
Trigger Mode
Auto Mode
If the Auto Mode is enabled, the engine activates a decode session every time it detects a change in ambient illumination.
The decode session continues until the barcode is decoded or the Decode Session Timeout occurs.
Receiving a trigger signal can also activate a decode session. The decode session continues until the trigger signal
becomes invalid or the barcode is decoded or the Decode Session Timeout occurs. The trigger signal needs to be
terminated before the engine is able to monitor ambient illumination again.
** Auto Mode
17 **Exit Setup
Enter Setup
Decode Session Timeout
This parameter sets the maximum time decode session continues during a scan attempt in the Auto Mode. It is
programmable in 1ms increments from 500ms to 3600000ms. The default timeout is 3000ms. To learn how to program this
parameter, see the “a. Program the Decode Session Timeout” section in Appendix.
Decode Session Timeout
Timeout Between Decodes (Same Barcode)
In order not to decode a barcode repeatedly, you can program this parameter to prevent the engine from rereading the
same barcode in a given period of time.
This parameter sets the timeout between decodes for the same barcode in the Auto Mode. It is programmable in 1ms
increments from 1ms to 3600000ms. The default timeout is 1500ms.
To learn how to program this parameter, see the “b. Program the Timeout between Decodes (Same Barcode)” section
in Appendix.
Timeout Between Decodes (Same Barcode)
Disable Timeout Between Decodes: Allow the engine to re-read the same barcode.
Enable Timeout Between Decodes: Do not allow the engine to re-read the same barcode before the Timeout Between Decodes (Same Barcode) occurs.
** Disable Timeout Between Decodes
Enable Timeout Between Decodes
** Exit Setup 18
Continuous Mode
Enter Setup
This mode enables the engine to scan/capture, decode and transmit over and over again.
If the Continuous Mode is enabled, the engine activates/suspends/resumes barcode reading through control over the
trigger signal. When barcode reading is in progress, terminating the trigger signal after having kept it valid for 30ms or
longer will suspend barcode reading; when barcode reading is suspended, performing the same control over the trigger
signal will resume barcode reading.
Continuous Mode
Timeout Between Decodes (Same Barcode)
In order not to decode a barcode repeatedly, you can program this parameter to prevent the engine from rereading the
same barcode in a given period of time.
This parameter sets the timeout between decodes for the same barcode in the Continuous Mode. It is programmable in 1ms
increments from 1ms to 3600000ms. The default timeout is 1500ms.
To learn how to program this parameter, see the “b. Program the Timeout between Decodes (Same Barcode)” section
in Appendix.
Disable Timeout Between Decodes: Allow the engine to re-read the same barcode.
Enable Timeout Between Decodes: Do not allow the engine to re-read the same barcode before the Timeout Between
Decodes (Same Barcode) occurs.
19 **Exit Setup
Timeout Between Decodes (Same Barcode)
Enter Setup
** Disable Timeout Between Decodes
Enable Timeout Between Decodes
** Exit Setup 20
Enter Setup
Chapter 4 Scanning Preferences
This chapter contains information as to how to adapt your engine to various applications with preference setting. For
instance, to improve barcode reading performance off mobile phones and LCD displays; or to narrow the field of view of the
engine to make sure it reads only those barcodes intended by the user.
Regular Mode/Mobile Phone Mode
The engine can capture barcodes printed on paper labels or displayed on the screen of a mobile phone. Select a mode as
per actual need.
Regular Mode: Read barcodes printed on paper or plastic.
Mobile Phone Mode: Read barcodes off mobile phones or LCD displays.
** Regular Mode
Mobile Phone Mode
Decode Area
Whole Area Decoding
When this option is enabled, the engine attempts to decode barcode(s) within its field of view, from the center to the
periphery, and transmits the barcode that has been first decoded.
** Whole Area Decoding
21 **Exit Setup
Enter Setup
Central Area Decoding
The engine attempts to decode barcode(s) within a specified central area and transmits the barcode that has been first
decoded. This option allows the engine to narrow its field of view to make sure it reads only those barcodes intended by the
user. For instance, if multiple barcodes are placed closely together, central area decoding in conjunction with appropriate
pre-defined central area will insure that only the desired barcode is read.
Central Area Decoding
Specify Central Area
The default central area is a (Width*20%) by (Height*20%) area in the center of the engine’s field of view, as shown in the
figure below. You can define the central area by scanning the Specify Central Area barcode and numeric barcode(s)
corresponding to a desired percentage (1-100). If Central Area Decoding is enabled by scanning the Central Area Decoding barcode, the engine only reads barcodes that intersect the predefined central area.
To learn how to program this parameter, see the “c. Program the Central Area” section in Appendix.
** Exit Setup 22
Specify Central Area
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