FT0851 Wireless 3 Channel Weather Station with WiFi Remote
Monitoring User Manual
1 Introduction
Thank you for your purchase of the FT0851 Wireless 3 Channel Weather Station. The following user guide provides step
by step instructions for installation, operation and troubleshooting.
2GettingSt arted
The FT0851 weather station consists of a display console (receiver), and three thermo-hygrometers (remote transmitters).
Note: The power up sequence must be performed in the order shown in this section (insert batteries in the remote
transmitters first, Display Console second).
The FT0851 weather station consists of the following parts (as referenced in Figure 1).
QTY Item
1 Display Console
Frame Dimensions (LxHxW): 135X195X26mm
LCD Dimensions (LxW): 112 x 63mm
3 Thermo-hygrometer sensor
1 Adaptor
1 Manual
Figure 1
Note: To avoid permanent damage, please take note of the battery polarity before inserting the batteries.
Pull down on the battery door to open the battery compartment, as shown in ,Insert two fresh AAA batteries (with the
negative terminal of the battery in contact with each spring). Lithium batteries are recommended for cold weather
environments. Slide the top lip of the battery door into the battery compartment guide and snap the bottom battery door
bracket into place. The LED shown in will light up (visible through the plastic).
2.3.1 Display Console Layout
The display console layout is shown in Figure 2
Figure 1
Note: The following illustration shows the full segment LCD display for description purposes only and will not
appear like this during normal operation.
Figure 2
1.Temperature units (°F or °C)
2.Indoor Temperature display
3.Indoor temperature HI record data
4.Indoor temperature HI icon
5.Indoor temperature LO record data
6.Indoor temperature LO icon
7.Indoor humidity HI record data
8.Indoor humidity HI icon
9.Indoor humidity LO record data
10.Indoor temperature LO icon
11.CH3 temperature HI record data
12. CH3 temperature HI icon
13. CH3 temperature LO record data
14. CH3 temperature LO icon
15. CH3 humidity HI record data
16. CH3 humidity HI icon
17. CH3 humidity LO record data
18. CH3 humidity LO icon
19.Humidity unit (%)
20. CH3 humidity display
21.Channel 1,2,3 indicator
22. Channel 1 humidity comfort icon
23.Channel 1 humidity change indication
24. Reception icon
25.Channel 1 temperature display
26. Battery low voltage prompt
27.WIFI network
28.Min/Max record mode
29.24hour for clear
30.Weather tendency indicator
31.Time Alarm 1 and Alarm 2
32.Time SYNC
33.Time and date
2.3.2 Display Console Set Up
Note: The sensor array must be powered and updating before powering up the console, or the
console will time out searching for the sensors. Power the console last.
Make certain the weather station sensor array is at least 3m away from the console and within
30m of the console. If the weather station is too close or too far away, it may not receive a proper signal.
Remove the battery door on the back of the display, as shown in Figure 3. Insert three AAA (alkaline or lithium)) batteries
in the back of the display console. The display will beep once and all of the LCD segments will light up for a few seconds
to verify all segments are operating properly.
Note: The character contrast is best from a slightly elevated viewing angle.
Figure 3
Replace the battery door, and fold out the desk stand and place the console in the upright position.
The unit will instantly display indoor temperature, humidity and time. Channel1-3 temperature and humidity will
update on the display within a few minutes. Do not Press any menu buttons until the Channel1-3 transmitters report
in, otherwise the Channel1-3 sensors search mode will be terminated. When the Channel1-3 transmitters data has
been received, the console will automatically switch to the normal mode from which all further settings can be
While in the search mode, the remote search icon will be constantly displayed.
Note: The power adapter is intended to be correctly oriented in a vertical or floor mounted position. The prongs
are not designed to hold the plug in place if it is plugged into a ceiling, under-the-table or cabinet outlet.
Figure 4
Note: If the power adapter is plugged in, AC ON will display in the time area for three seconds when powered
up. Conversely, if the power adapter is not plugged in, AC OFF will be displayed.
2.3.3SensorOperationVerificati o n
The following steps verify proper operation of the sensors prior to installing the sensor array.
1. Verify proper operation of the indoor and outdoor temperature. Verify the indoor and outdoor temperature match
closely with the console and sensor array in the same location
(about 3m apart). The sensors should be within 2°C (4°F) (the accuracy is ±1°C/2°F). Allow about 30 minutes for
both sensors to stabilize.
2. Verify proper operation of the indoor and outdoor humidity. Verify the indoor and outdoor humidity match closely with
the console and sensor array in the same location (about 3m apart). The sensors should be within 10% (the accuracy is ±
5%). Allow about 30 minutes for both sensors to stabilize
3.WeatherSt ationInstallation
Wireless communication is susceptible to interference, distance, walls and metal barriers. We recommend the following
best practices for trouble free wireless communication.
1. Electro-Magnetic Interference (EMI). Keep the console several feet away from computer monitors and TVs.
2. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). If you have other 433 MHz devices and communication is intermittent, try
turning off these other devices for troubleshooting purposes. You may need to relocate the transmitters or receivers to avoid
intermittent communication.
3. Line of Sight Rating. This device is rated at 100 m line of sight (no interference, barriers or walls) but typically you will
get 30 m maximum under most real-world installations, which include passing through barriers or walls.
4. Metal Barriers. Radio frequency will not pass through metal barriers such as aluminum siding. If you have metal siding,
align the remote and console through a window to get a clear line of sight.
The following is a table of reception loss vs. the transmission medium. Each “wall”or obstruction decreases the
transmission range by the factor shown below.
MediumRF Signal Strength Reduction
Glass (untreated) 5-15%
Plastics 10-15%
Wood 10-40%
Brick 10-40%
Concrete 40-80%
Metal 90-100%
If you mount one or more of the sensors outside, it is recommended you mount the sensor(s) on a
north facing wall, in a shaded area. Direct sunlight and radiant heat sources will result in
inaccurate temperature readings. Although the sensors are water resistant, it is best to mount in a
well protected area, such as under an eve. Use a screw or nail (not included) to affix the remote
sensor to the wall, as shown in Figure 5.
Figure 5
3. DisplayFeatures
The comfort icon is based on humidity ranges specified in Figure 6. The icon is displayed for
indoor humidity, remote channel 1-3 humidity .
RH 45%~65% RH >65%
Dry Comfortable Wet
Figure 6
The rate of change icon detects rapid changes in temperature and humidity.
If the arrow points upward, the temperature is increasing at a rate of +1°C per 30 minutes (or
greater). If the arrow points downward, the temperature is decreasing at a rate of -1°C per 30
minutes (or less).
If the arrow points upward, the humidity is increasing at a rate of +5% per 30 minutes (or greater).
If the arrow points downward, the humidity is decreasing at a rate of -5% per 30 minutes (or less).
Note: The console has six buttons for easy operation: MIN/MAX/- button, SNOOZE/LIGHT
button, CHANNEL/+ button on the top ,and SET button,ALARM button and C/F(WiFi) button on
the right side.
Note: WiFi Settings reference 10 STEP.
While in Normal Mode, press and hold the SET key for at least three seconds to enter the Set Mode. The first setting
will begin flashing. You can press the SET key again to skip any step, as defined below.
Note: In the Set mode, press the [+] key or [-] key to change or scroll the value. Hold the [+] key or [-] key for three
seconds to increase/decrease rapidly.
Note: To exit the Set mode at any time, press the SNOOZE/LIGHT button on the top of the display console.
1. 12/24 Hour Format (default: 24h):. Press the SET key again to adjust the 12/24 hour format setting (FMT). Press
the [+] key or [-] key to change between 12 hour and 24 hour format.
2. Change Hour. Press the SET key again to set the hour. Press the [+] key or [-] key to adjust the hour up or down.
3. Change Minute. Press the SET key again to set the minute. Press the [+] key or [-] key to adjust the minute up or
4.Date Format (default: DD-MM): Press the SET key again to enter the day/month format mode. Press the [+] key to
switch between M-D, D-M.
5. Change Month. Press the SET key again to set the calendar month. Press the [+] key or [-] key to adjust the calendar
6. Change Day. Press the SET key again to set the calendar day. Press the [+] key or [-] key to adjust the calendar day.
7. Change Year. Press the SET key again to set the calendar year. Press the [+] key or [-] key to adjust the calendar
8.Weather Forecast Icon Setting (default: partly cloudy). Press the SET key again to set the weather forecast icon
initial conditions (based on the current weather conditions). Press the [+] key or [-] key to toggle weather icons
between sunny, partly cloudy, cloudy, or rainy.
9. Time SYNC(
between SYNCtime ON and SYNCtime OFF of measure.
default:ON).Press the SET key again to set the network time sync. Press the [+] key or [-] key to switch
Press the CHANNEL button to switch the display between remote thermo-hygrometer sensors
1 through 3.
In normal mode, press the "CHANNEL" key switch to set the area (CH1, CH2, CH3 icon single
flashing 5 seconds), and press the "CHANNEL" key for 3 seconds to re-learn the current
flashing guide, can clear the current channel outdoor unit , and re-search the current channel
for 3 minutes. When searching, the channel will be re-registered
Press the MIN/MAX button once to check the MAX values, press and hold the MIN/MAX button
for 3 seconds to restore the MAX values to the current value.
Press the MIN/MAX button once again to check the MIN values, press and hold the MIN/MAX
button for 3 seconds to restore the MIN values to the current value.
When complete, press the MIN/MAX button again, and the display will return to normal mode.
In the maximum and minimum query mode, 15 seconds without operation will automatically
return to normal mode
Note: The minimum and maximum can be set to clear every 24 hours automatically. Press and hold the MIN/MAX
button for 3 seconds to switch between Clears 24h and Clears Manually.
When you manually clear the minimum and maximum, the Clears 24h function will be a day when the 0:00 time
automatic clearance.
If any of the sensor communication is lost, dashes (--.-) will be displayed on the screen. To
reacquire the signal:
1. If a specific channel is lost, press the CHANNEL/+ button until the channel indication
single flashing.
Press and hold the CHANNEL button for 3 seconds, and the remote search icon
be constantly displayed for up to 10 minutes.
Once the signal is reacquired, the remote search icon will turn off, and the current
value will be displayed.
5.5 C/Fbuttonmode.
The default temperature units of measure are degrees Celsius. To toggle between degrees
Celsius and degrees Fahrenheit, press and hold the C/F(WiFi) button while in normal mode.
In normal mode,press and hold the C/F(WiFi) button for three seconds, the console icon(in front
of the indoor temperature) will flash to signify that it has entered WAP (wireless access
point) mode, and is ready to enter for WIFI settings.
When the alarm sounds and alarm icon flashes, press the SNOOZE/LIGHT key to temporarily silence the alarm for
five minutes.
The snooze icon
alarm is turned off. press any key (
will continue to flash , after five minutes, the alarm will sound again. This will continue until the
SET, Min/Max/-,CHANNEL/+, C/F) to permanently exit the Snooze mode.
If the LED is off, press the LIGHT button once. The backlight will turn on for five seconds, and if no operation is
performed for three seconds, the backlight will turn off.
Press and hold the LIGHT key for two seconds, and the backlight will turn on permanently, and display BL ON icon will
be displayed for three seconds in the time field.
To turn off the backlight at any time, Press and hold the SNOOZE/LIGHT key for two seconds, and BL OFF icon will
be displayed for three seconds in the date field.
Note: If plugged into AC power, the time area will display AC ON and the backlight will remain on. It is not
recommended leaving the backlight on for a long period of time when operating on batteries only, or the batteries will run
down quickly.
In normal mode, the signal is interfered by many factors. When there is no signal, the signal is not connected to the base
station. The signal is from no signal to weak signal to good signal, as shown: weak signal
and good signal
Note: The calibrated value can only be adjusted on the console. The remote sensor(s) always displays the
un-calibrated or measured value.
Note: The measured humidity range is between 10 and 99%. Humidity cannot be accurately measured outside of this
range. Thus, the humidity cannot be calibrated below 10% or above 99%.
The purpose of calibration is to fine tune or correct for any sensor error associated with the devices margin of error. The
measurement can be adjusted from the console to calibrate to a known source.
Calibration is only useful if you have a known calibrated source you can compare it against, and is optional. This section
discusses practices, procedures and sources for sensor calibration to reduce manufacturing and degradation errors. Do not
compare your readings obtained from sources such as the internet, radio, television or newspapers. They are in a different
location and typically update once per hour.
The purpose of your weather station is to measure conditions of your surroundings, which vary significantly from
location to location.
The FT0851 supports up to three remote sensors. Each of the three sensors can be calibrated.
5.9.1Tempera tureCalibration
In normal mode, press and hold the SET and C/F(WiFi) keys at the same time for five seconds to enter the temperature
calibration mode. The indoor temperature will begin flashing.
Press the [+] or [-] key to increase or decrease the temperature reading (in increments of 0.1). Press and hold the [+] or [-]
key for three seconds to increase or decrease rapidly.
Press the ALARM key to reset current value.
Press the SET key switch to outdoor temperature channel (1through 3). To exit the calibration mode at any time, press
the SNOOZE/LIGHT button on the top of the display console. If no operation is performed, the calibration mode will
timeout in 30 seconds.
In normal mode, press and hold the SET and Channel/+ keys at the same time for five seconds to enter the humidity
calibration mode. The indoor humidity will begin flashing.
Press the [+] or [-] key to increase or decrease the humidity reading (in increments of 1%). Press and hold the [+] or [-]
key for three seconds to increase or decrease rapidly.
Press the ALARM key to reset current value.
Press the SET key switch to outdoor humidity channel (1through 3). To exit the calibration mode at any time, press the
SNOOZE/LIGHT button on the top of the display console. If no operation is performed, the calibration mode will
timeout in 30 seconds.
Note: Humidity is a difficult parameter to measure accurately and drifts over time. The calibration feature allows you
to zero out this error. To calibrate humidity, you will need an accurate source, such as a sling psychrometer or
Humidipaks One Step Calibration kit.
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