See the following page for a complete Table of Contents.
MODELS:HF-25 - 25 Ton
HL-30 - 30 Ton
HL-40 - 40 Ton
HL-50 - 50 Ton
Installer should pay particular attention to the words:
clarify or make the installation easier. Cautions
to prevent equipment damage. Warnings
alert installer that personal injury and/or equipment damage may result if installation procedure is not handled
applications only . 4- Pipe condensing unit s cannot be matched with one single 2-Pipe air handler.
4Unitary Products Group
These condensing units are designed for outdoor
installation on a roof or at ground level. Every unit is
completely piped and wired at the factory and is
shipped ready for immediate installation. Only the liquid and suction lines to the evaporator coil, the filter
drier, the control wiring and the main power wiring are
required to complete the installation. Each unit is dehydrated, evacuated, leak tested and pressure tested at
450 psig before being pressurized with a holding
charge of refrigerant-22 for shipment and/or storage.
All controls are located in the front of the unit and are
readily accessible for maintenance, adjustment and
service. All wiring (power and control) can be made
through the front of the unit.
Installer should pay particular attention to the words:
to clarify or make the installation easier. Cautions
given to prevent equipment damage. Warnings
given to alert installer that personal injury and/or equipment damage may result if installation procedure is not
handled properly.
are intended
This product must be installed in strict compliance with the enclosed installation instructions
and any applicable local, state, and national
codes including but not limited to, building,
electrical and mechanical codes.
This instruction covers the installation and operation of
the basic condensing unit. For information on the
installation and operation of the evaporator blower
units, refer to instruction Form No. 035-18496-000.
All accessories come with a separate Installation Manual.
Refer to Parts Manual for complete listing of replacement parts on this equipment.
Design certified by ETL as follows:
Improper installation may create a condition
where the operation of the product could cause
personal injury or property damage.
Improper installation, adjustment, alteration,
service or maintenance can cause injury or
property damage. Refer to this manual for
assistance or additional information, consult a
qualified installer or service agency.
1. For use as a cooling unit.
2. For outdoor installation only.
As soon as a unit is received, it should be inspected for
possible damage during transit. If damage is evident,
the extent of the damage should be noted on the carrier’s freight bill. A separate request for inspection by
the carrier’s agent should be made in writing.
Unitary Products Group5
System 115222436 126901.2525601730179030.081.0
System 215222436 126901.25256030.08
System 120223022 154141.50 32.5781961203737.831.0
System 220223022 154141.50 32.57837.83
System 125223026 193861.5052782470256346.591.0
System 225223026 193861.50527846.59
-2525242434 23244
All compressors are Copeland Scrolls.
One of the fan motors is controlled by a pressure switch and will not operate until system pressure reaches 280 psig and drops
below 180 psig.
The total operating charge of the condensing unit, matching indoor unit and 25 feet of interconnecting piping.
Fan (Propeller) Fan Motor Coil (Copper Tube-Aluminum Fin)
Qty. Dia.
Unit Weight
Charge, R-22
Voltage Variation
Min. / Max.
Ambient Air on Condenser Coil
Suction Pressure at Compressor and
Corresponding Temp. at Saturation
Utilization range “A” in accordance with ARI Standard
These units can operate in an ambient temperature of
125°F providing the wet bulb temperature of the air
entering the evaporator coil does not exceed 67°F . Unit
can operate to 0°F if equipped with a low ambient kit.
Min. /Max.
Min. / Max.
57.5 psig / 92.6 psig
32.0 ºF / 55.0 ºF
These units must be installed in accordance with all
national and local safety codes. If no local codes apply,
installation must conform to the appropriate national
codes. Units are designed to meet National Safety
Code Standards. If components are to be added to a
unit to meet local codes, they are to be installed at the
dealer's and/or the customer's expense.
Use the following guidelines to select a suitable location for both the condensing unit and the evaporator.
1. The condensing unit is designed for outdoor installation only.
6Unitary Products Group
2. The condenser fans are the propeller type and are
not suitable for use with ductwork in the condenser
air stream.
3. The condensing unit and the evaporator should be
positioned to minimize the number of bends in the
refrigerant piping.
4. The condensing unit should be as close to the
evaporator as practical.
5. The condensing unit should not be installed where
normal operating sounds may be objectionable.
6. The evaporator should be located within the building, either outside or inside the conditioned space.
Be careful not to damage the roof. Consult the building
contractor or architect if the roof is bonded. Choose a
location with adequate structural strength to support
the unit.
The condensing unit must be mounted on level supports. The supports can be channel iron beams or
wooden beams treated to reduce deterioration.
Minimums of two (2) beams are required to support
each unit. The beams should: (1) be positioned perpendicular to the roof joists. (2) Extend beyond the
dimensions of the section to distribute the load on the
roof. (3) Be capable of adequately supporting the concentrated loads at the corners. See Figure 1.
These beams can usually be set directly on the roof.
Flashing is not required.
NOTE: On bonded roofs, check for special installation
It is important that the units be installed on a substantial base that will not settle, causing strain on the refrigerant lines and possible leaks. A one-piece concrete
slab with footers that extend below the frost line is recommended. The slab should not be tied to the building
foundation, as noise will telegraph.
Concrete piers can also support ground level units.
These piers should (1) extend below the frost line, (2)
be located under each of the section's four corners,
and (3) be sized to carry the load of the corner it supports.
On either rooftop or ground level installations, rubber
padding can be applied under the unit to lessen any
transmission of vibration.
Holes are provided in the bas e rails for bolting the unit
to its foundation.
For ground level installations, precautions should be
taken to protect the unit from tampering and unauthorized persons from injury. Screws on access panels will
prevent casual tampering. Further safety precautions
such as a fenced enclosure or locking devices on the
panels may be advisable. Check local authorities for
safety regulations.
Do not permit overhanging structures or shrubs
to obstruct condenser air discharge.
Exercise care when moving the unit. Do not remove
any crating until the unit is near the place of installation.
Spreaders, longer than the largest dimension
across the unit must be used across the top of
the unit.
Before lifting a unit, make sure that its weight is
distributed equally on the cables so that it will
lift evenly.
When preparing to move the unit, always determine the
center of gravity (see Table 3 and Figure 1) of the unit
in order to equally distribute the weight. Slings connected to the compressor end of a unit will usually have
to be made shorter, so the unit will lift evenly (see
Figure 2).
The units must be installed with sufficient clearance for
air to enter the condenser coil, for air discharge and for
servicing access. See Table 4 for clearances.
NOTE: Additional clearance is required to remove the
compressors out the side of the unit, unless a
means is available to lift the compressor out
through the top of the unit.
Clearance DescriptionDistance in Inches
Overhead (Top)120
Front (Access Cover)36
Rear (piping connections)36
Left Side30
Right Side30
In all installations where snow accumula tes and winter
operation is expected, additi onal height must be provided
to insure normal condenser airflow.
Rig units by attaching chain or cable hooks to the holes
provided on the base rail. See Figure 7 for details on
rigging holes.
The length of the spreader bars must exceed the width
of the unit. Refer to Table 3 for unit weights.
8Unitary Products Group
NOTE: If planning to handle the 25-50 ton split with a
fork truck, 1WS0407 skid for HF-25/ HL-30 a nd
1WS0408 skid for HL-40/-50 units will be
If handling a unit equipped with a 1WS skid,
length of forks must be a minimum of 96”. Fork
lengths less than 96” will not span the required
width of the skid and can cause damage to the
unit’s base rails or condenser coils.
Check the available power and the unit n ameplate for
like voltage. Run the necessary number of properly
sized wires to the unit. Provide a disconnect switch (if
not included with the unit) and fusing as required.
Route the conduit through the large knockout located
on the front of the electrical box. See Table 5 for Electrical Data.
The disconnect switch may be bolted to the side of the
unit but not to any of the removable panels; this would
interfere with access to the unit. Make sure that no
refrigerant lines will be punctured when mounting the
disconnect switch, and note th at it must be suitable for
outdoor installation.
rotate in the wrong direction at start- up, the electrical
connection to the unit is misphased. Change the
incoming line connection phasing to obtain proper rotation. (Scroll compressors operate in only one direction.
If the scroll is drawing low amperage, has similar suction and discharge pressures, or producing a high
noise level, the scroll is misphased.)
Scroll compressors require proper rotation to
operate correctly. Units are properly phased at
the factory. Do not change the internal wiring to
make the blower condenser fans or compressor rotate correctly.
Route the necessary low voltage con tr ol wires from the
Simplicity™ control board to the thermostat and also
from the low voltage condensing section control box or
the terminal block inside the evapor ator unit and to the
evaporator fan motor controller. Refer to Figures 3 and
4 for field wiring diagrams. A terminal block is provided
in the evaporator control box to accommodate the wiring from the evaporator solenoid valves.
All power and control wiring must be in accordance with National and Local electrical codes.
The units are properly phased at the factory. Check for
proper compressor rotation. If the fans or compressors
The compressors are equipped with crankcase heaters
to prevent the migration of refrigerant to the compressors. The heaters are energized only when the unit is
not running.
If the main switch is disconnected for long periods of
shut down, do not attempt to start the unit for 8 hours
after the switch has been re-connected. This will allow
sufficient time for all liquid refrigerant to be driven out of
the compressor.
Many service problems can be avoided by taking adequate precautions to provide an internally clean and
dry system and by using procedures and materials that
conform to established standards.
Use hard drawn copper tubing where no appreciable
amount of bending around pipes or other obstructions
is necessary. If soft copper is used, care should be
taken to avoid sharp bends that may cause a restriction.
Pack fiberglass insulation and a sealing material such
as permagum around refriger ant lines whe re they penetrate a wall to reduce vibrations and to retain some
Support all tubing at minimum intervals with suitable
hangers, brackets or clamps.
Braze all copper-to-copper joints with Silfos-5 or equivalent brazing material. Do not use soft solder.
Insulate all suction lines with a minimum of 1/2" ARMAFLEX or equal. Liquid lines exposed to direct sunlight
and/or high temperatures must also be insulated.
Never solder suction and liquid lines together. They
can be taped together for convenience and support
purposes, but they must be completely insulated from
each other.
The liquid and suction connections permit leak testing,
evacuation, and partial charging of the field piping and
the evaporator without disturbing the condenser coils
during initial installation.
Before beginning installation of the mains, be sure that
the unit has not developed a leak in transit. If pressure
still exists in the system, it can be assumed to be leak
free. DO NOT release the holding charge.
A filter-drier MUST be field-installed in the liquid line of
every system to prevent dirt and moisture from damaging the system. Properly sized filter-driers are shipped
with each condensing section.
NOTE: Installing a filter-drier does not eliminate the
need for the proper evacuation of a system
before it is charged.
A field-installed moisture indicating sight-glass should
be installed in the liquid line(s) between the filter-drier
and the evaporator coil. The moisture indicating sightglass can be used to check for excess moisture in the
system or used as a visual means to verify refrigerant
All lines have a copper disc brazed over the end. Also,
if the unit does not have service valves, the holding
charge must be reclaimed to allow th e installer to connect piping. The temperature required to make or bre ak
a brazed joint is sufficiently high to cause oxidation of
the copper unless an inert atmosphere is provided.
NOTE: Dry Nitrogen should flow through the system at
all times when heat is being applied and until
the joint has cooled.
10Unitary Products Group
Remove the evaporator holding charge and any caps
or discs on the liquid and suction connections that will
not permit a free flow of nitrogen.
NOTE: Always drill a small hole in sealing caps and
discs before unbrazing to prevent the pressure
in the line from blowing them off.
NOTE: S olenoid and hot gas bypass valves (if used)
should be opened manually or electrically during brazing or evacuating.
The evaporator coil section is shipped with the side
panels suitable for right end piping connections wh en
viewed from the return air ends of the section.
Begin the refrigerant mains by installing the liquid line
from the condensing unit to the evaporator liquid connection, maintaining a flow of nitrogen during all brazing operations. The filter-drier and sight glass must be
located in this line, close to the evaporator. Make the
suction line connection at the evaporator and run the
line to the condensing unit.
For Units Without Service Valves - Reclaim the
refrigerant holding charge prior to op ening any portion
of the system. Connect a low pressure Nitrogen source
to the suction and liquid line service ports on the condensing unit. Drill a small hole in the sealing disk; the
flow of Nitrogen will prevent any debris from entering
the system. Unbraze the sealing disk and prepare the
joint for connections of the main lines. Connect the
lines while maintaining a flow of Nitrogen from the liquid line service port through the evaporator, back to the
condensing unit and out the suction service port.
For Units Equipped With Service Valves - Verify the
service valves are fully seated by screwing the stem
down into the valve body until it stops. Connect a lowpressure nitrogen source to the service port on the
valve body. The flow of Nitrogen will prevent oxidation
of the copper lines during installation. Drill a small hole
in the sealing disk; the flow of Nitrogen will prevent any
debris from entering the system. Wrap the valve body
with a wet rag to prevent the valve body from overheating during the brazing process. Overheating the valve
will damage the valve seals. Ensure the valve is adequately protected prior to any brazing on the valve
body. Unbraze the sealing disk and prepare the joint
for connections of the main lines. Connect the lines
while maintaining a flow of Nitrogen from the liquid line
valve service port through the evaporator, back to the
condensing unit and out the suction valve service port.
Once the brazing process is complete, leak testing
should be done on all interconnecting piping and the
evaporator before proper evacuation to 500 microns is
performed. Once the line set and evaporator section is
properly evacuated the service valves can be opened
and the condensing unit is now ready to charge with
the appropriate weight of refrigerant.
When sizing refrigerant pipe for a split-system air conditioner, check the following:
1. Suction line pressure drop due to friction.
2. Liquid line pressure drop due to friction.
3. Suction line velocity for oil return.
4. Liquid line pressure drop due to vertical rise.
Tables 6 and 7 list friction losses for both the suction and liquid lines on the condensing section. For
certain piping arrangements, different sizes of suction line pipe may have to be used. The velocity of
the refrigerant vapor must always be great enough
to carry the oil back to the compressor.
Evaporator Below Condensing Section - On a split
system where the evaporator blower is located below
the condensing section, the suction line must be sized
for both pressure drop and for oil return. See Table 6.
Condensing Section Below Evaporator - When the
condensing section is located below the evaporator
blower, the liquid line must be designed for the pressure drop due to both friction loss and vertical rise. See
Table 10. If the pressure drop due to vertical rise and
friction exceeds 40 psi, some refrigerant will flash
before it reaches the thermal expansion valve.
Flash gas
1. Increases the liquid line pressure loss due to friction that in turn causes further flashing.
2. Reduces the capacity of the refrigerant control
device that starves the evaporator.
3. Erodes the seat of the refrigerant control device.
4. Causes erratic control of the refrigerant entering
the evaporator.
These condensing units may have service valves on
the compressor suction line and on the liquid line
Unitary Products Group11
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