UNI-T UT118A, UT118B Operating Manual

Measurement Operation
Before measurement, anticlockwise circumgyrate the red cover and rock the input terminal. When all themeasurem en t has bee n comp le te d, deasil circumgyrate the red cover then hide the input
terminal. (see gure 3)
1. AC / DC Voltage auto Measurement.
Warning To avoid harm to the Meter, never input higher than
300 V voltage al th ou gh i t is p os si bl e to m easure
higher voltage.
To measure Voltage, connect the Meter as follows:
● Set the switch to V .
● Auto measuremeng mode is a default. Under this mode can measure AC voltage and DC voltage.
● Connect the test leads across with the object
being measured. The measured value shows on the display.
● When voltage measurement has been completed,
disconnect the connection between the testing leads and the circuit under test, and remove the testing leads away from the input terminal of the meter.
The threshold voltage of AC voltage is around 400mV.
2. DC Voltage Measurement
Warning To avoid harm to the Meter, never input higher than
300 V voltage al th ou gh i t is p os si bl e to m easure
higher voltage.
● Set the switch to V .
● Press SELECT to select DC voltage measurement
● Connect the test leads across with the object
being measured. The measured value shows on the display.
● When voltage measurement has been completed,
disconnect the connection between the testing leads and the circuit under test, and remove the testing leads away from the input terminal of the meter.
International Electrical Symbols
Deciency of Built-In Battery
AC (Alternative Current)
DC (Direct Current)
Double Insulated
Continuity Test
AC or DC
Conforms to Standards of European
Warning. Refer to the Operating Manual
The Meter Structure
(see gure 1)
1. Front Housing 2. Functional buttons
3. Switch 4. LCD Display
5. Input Terminals
Display Symbols
(see gure 2)
Figure 2
1. Indicates auto scan mode
2. High voltage indicator 3 Data hold is active
4. Indicates negative reading
5. The meter is in the autorange mode
6. Indicator for AC voltage
7. Indicator for DC voltage
8. The battery is low
Warning: To avoid false readings, which could lead to po ssi ble el ect ric sh ock or personal injury,
replace the battery as soon as the battery indicator appears.
9. Minimum reading.
10. Maximum reading.
11. The unit of Capacitance 12 Test of diode
13. The continuity buzzer is on.
14. V : Volts. The unit of voltage. mV : Millivolt. 1x10 or 0.001 volts.
15. Ω: Ohm. The unit of resistance kΩ : kilohm. 1x10 or 1000 ohms. MΩ: Megaohm. 1x10 or 1,000,000 ohms
Button function and auto power off
Press SELECT to switch between resistance, AC/DC voltage, continuity buzzer and diode measurement modes. Press and hold more than 2 seconds in or exit “sleep” mode.
UT118A/B Operating Manual
Pen Type Meters
Operating Manual
This Operating Manual covers information on safety
and cautions. Please read the relevant information
carefully and observ e al l th e Warnings and Notes strictly.
To avoid electric shock or personal injury, read the "Safety Information" and "Rules for Safe Operation"
carefully before using the Meter.
The Model UT118A and UT118B (hereafter referred to as “the Meter”) are 3000 counts pen type digits
millimeters. The Meter uses large scale of integrated
circuit with professional multimeter IC as its core and
has full range overload protection.
The Meter measures or tests the following:
● AC/DC voltage
● EF Function (UT118B only)
● Resistance
● Diode
● Continuity
● Capacitance
Unpacking Inspection
Ope n the package case an d take ou t the M eter.
Ch ec k t he follo wi n g ite ms car ef ull y to see any missing or damaged part:
Item Description Qty
1 English Operating Manual 1 piece 2 Test Lead 1 pair In the event you nd any missing or damage, please
contact your dealer immediately.
Safety Information
This Mete r compli es with standard s EN6101 0: in pollution degree 2, over voltage category (CATIII 300V) and double insulation. CATI II : Dist ri bu ti on l ev el , fixe d inst al la ti on , with smaller transient over voltages than CAT IV. Use the Me ter only as spe cif ied in this operating
manu al, ot her wise the protection provi ded by the Meter may be impaired.
In t hi s m an ual , a Warnin g ide nti fi es con di tio ns and actions that pose hazards to the user, or may
damage the Meter or the equipment under test.
A Note identies the information that user should pay
attention on.
Rules For Safe Operation
To avoid possible electric shock or personal injury,
and to avoid possible damage to the Meter or to the
equipment under test, adhere to the following rules:
● Before using the Meter inspect the case. Do not
use the Meter if it is damaged or the case (or part
of the case) is removed. Look for cracks or missing plastic. Pay attention to the insula tion around the
● Inspect the test leads for damaged insulation or exposed metal. Check the test leads for continuity.
Repl ace damage d test leads with ident ical model number or electrical specifications before using the Meter.
● Whe n using the test leads, keep your fingers behind the nger guards.
● Do not apply more than the rated vol tag e, as
marked on the Met er, b et we en the term in al s or between any terminal and grounding.
● When the Meter working at an effective voltage ove r 60V DC or 30V AC, sp ecial care sh ould be
taken for there is danger of electric shock.
● Use the proper func ti on , and rang e for your
● Disconnect circuit power and discharge all high
voltage capacitors before testing current, resistance, diodes or continuity.
● Repla ce the bat te ry as soon as t he batt er y
indicator appear s. With a low bat tery, the Meter might produce false readings that can lead to electric
shock and personal injury.
● Wh e n se r v i c i n g th e Me t e r, use on l y th e
sam e mode l or id en ti cal elect ri ca l specifi ca ti ons replacement parts.
● Th e interna l circuit of the Mete r shall not be
altered at will to avoid damage of the Meter and any accident.
● Soft cloth and mild detergent should be used to
clean the surface of the Meter when servicing. No abrasive and solvent should be used to prevent the surf ace of the Meter from corrosion, damage and accident.
● Do not use or store the Meter in an environment of high temperature, humidity, explosive, inammable
and strong magnetic field. The performance of the Meter may deteriorate after dampened.
Figure 1
Press HOLD to enter an d exit hold mode (exce pt under auto scan mode). Press and hold the HOLD butt o n mor e t h an 2
second s, the mete r automati cally ho lds the value which obtains at 6 seconds later, at this time, is
displayed and ickering. If enter “sleep” mode under hold mode, the meter still
in the hold mode when it be turned on.
The MAX /M IN mode stor es minim um (MIN ) and maximum (MAX) input values (except under auto scan mode). Manual ranging comes when you select this
and vice versa.
Under hold mode and max/min mode, should exit hold mode rst then press and hold MAX/MIN more than 1 second to exit max/min mode.
4. Display Backlig ht and tes t le ad light button, Press
once to turn the display backlight and test lead light on and press again to turn the display backlight and
test lead light off. It will automatically off after around 1 minute.
To preserve battery life, the Meter automatically goes
into a “sleep” mode if you do not press any button for around 10 minutes. The Meter can be activated by
pressing any button, then returns to the display for the function selected previously
The buz zer ph ona te go with every time button be
effectual pressed. When the meter will auto power off
in 20 seconds the buzzer beeps three times. Before power off there will be a long time buzzer beeps.
E. Continuity Measurement
Range Resolution Remark
Open Circuit Voltage around
-1.2V;Buzzer beeps at resistance ≤10Ω; Buzzer not sound when resistance > 70Ω;
F. Diodes Measurement
Range Resolution Overload Protection 1mV 300Vrms Remark: Open Circuit Voltage around 3V, Displays
approximate forward voltage drop.
G. Capacitance
Range Resolution Accuracy Overload Protection 3nF 0.001nF 30nF 0.01nF
300nF 0.1nF 3μF 1nF 30μF 10nF 300μF 100nF ±(5%+5) 3mF reference Remarks:
1. Under auto scan mode the max range is 300μF.
2. There is a residual reading when the circuit is open.
To measure a small value of capacitance, subtract it to ensure accuracy.
(see gure 4)
This section provides basic maintenance information and battery replacement instruction.
Do not attempt to repair or service your Meter unless
you are qual if ied to do so a nd ha ve the rele vant calibration, performance test, and service information. To avoid electrical shock or damage to the Meter, do not get water inside the case.
A. General Service
● Periodically wipe the case with a damp cloth and mild detergent. Do not use abrasives or solvents.
● To clean the terminals with cotton bar with
detergent, as dirt or moisture in the terminals can affect readings.
● Turn the Meter off when it is not use and take out
the battery when not using for a long time.
● Do not store the Meter in a place of humidity, high temperature, explosive, inammable and strong magnetic eld.
B. Replacing the Battery
Warning To avoid false readings, which could lead to possible
electric shock or personal injury, replace the battery
as soon as the battery indicator appears.
To replace the battery:
1. Turn the Meter off. Disconnect the connection
between the testing leads and the circuit under test, and remove the testing leads away from the input terminals of the Meter.
2. Remove the screw from battery compartment and
separate the battery compartment from the case bottom.
3. Remove the battery from the battery compartment.
4. Replace the battery with a new 3V battery
5. Rejoin the case bottom and the battery
compartment, and reinstall the screw.
Operating Manual
Development District,Hu Men Town,Dong Guan City, Guang Dong Province,China
3. AC Voltage Measurement
Warning To avoid harm to the Meter, never input higher than
300 V volt ag e alth ou gh it is po ss ib le to measu re
higher voltage.
● Set the switch to V .
● Press SELECT to select AC voltage measurement
● Connect the test leads across with the object being
measured. The measured value shows on the display.
● When voltage measurement has been completed,
disconnect the connection between the testing leads and the circuit under test, and remove the testing leads away from the input terminal of the meter.
The threshold voltage of AC voltage is around 400mV.
4. EF Measurement( UT118B only)
Warning To avoid harm to the Meter, never input higher than
300 V volt ag e alth ou gh it is po ss ib le to measu re
higher voltage.
● Set the switch to V EF and remove the test lead from the input terminal.
● Press SELECT to select EF measurement mode.
● Unconnected measurement. Place the red terminals towards the object being measured.
5. auto measurement
Warning To a voi d damages to the Meter or to the de vices under test, disconnect circuit power and discharge all
the high-voltage capacitors before measurement.
● Set the switch to .
● Auto measuremeng mode is a default, under this mode can measure Resistance, Diode, Continuity and Capacitance automatically.
● For better accuracy, it better separate the object
being measured from the circuit before measurement.
● When voltage measurement has been completed,
disconnect the connection between the testing leads and the circuit under test.
Under auto measurement mode, when input: Resistance: <15Ω or >10MΩ Capacitance: <400pF or >1mF
Will get an irresponsible value.
6. Resistance Measurement
Warning To a voi d damages to the Meter or to the de vices under test, disconnect circuit power and discharge
all the high -volt ag e capac it ors befor e measu ri ng
To measure resistance, do the following:
● Set he rotary switch to .
● Press SELECT to select Ω measurement mode.
● Connect the test leads across with the object being
● When resistance measurement has been
completed, disconnect the connection between the testing leads and the circuit under test, and remove the testing leads away from the input terminals of the Meter.
7. Continuity Test
Warning To a voi d damages to the Meter or to the de vices under test, disconnect circuit power and discharge all
the high-voltage capacitors before continuity test. To measure resistance, do the following:
● Set he rotary switch to .
● Press SELECT to select measurement mode.
● Connect the test leads across with the object being
● The buzzer sounds continuously if the resistance of a circuit under test is≤30Ω, it indicates the circuit
is in good connection.
When continuity measurement has been completed, disconnect the connection between the testing leads and the circuit und er test, and remove the testin g leads away from the input terminals of the Meter
8. Diodes Test
Warning To avoid damages to the Meter or to the devices under test, disconnect circuit power and discharge all
the high-voltage capacitors before measuring diodes. To measure diode, do the following:
● Set he rotary switch to .
● Press SELECT to select measurement mode
● For better accuracy, it better separate the object
being measured from the circuit before measurement.
● When diodes measurement has been completed,
disconnect the connection between the testing leads and the circuit under test.
9. Capacitance Measurement
Warning To avoid damage to the Meter or to the equipment under test, disconnect circuit power and discharge
al l hi g h-vo lta g e ca pac ito r s be for e m e a s urin g capacitance. Use the DC Voltage function to conrm
that the capacitor is discharged. To mea su re capacit an ce, c on nect the M et er as
● Set he rotary switch to .
● Press SELECT to select measurement mode
● For better accuracy, it better separate the object
being measured from the circuit before measurement.
● When diodes measurement has been completed,
disconnect the connection between the testing leads and the circuit under test.
General Specications
● Maximum voltage between red Terminals and Grounding: 300Vrms.
● Maximum Display: 3000. Updates 4 times/second
● Temperature: Operating: 0℃~40℃ (32℉~104℉); Storage: -10℃~50℃( 14℉~122℉).
● Relative Humidity: ≤75% @ 0℃~30℃; ≤ 50% @ 31℃~40
● Altitude: Operating: 2000m; Storage: 10000m.
● Battery Type: 3V Li-MnO2 Button cell battery
● Battery Deciency: Display “ ”.
● Dimensions (HxWxL): 20.18x26.5x181.5mm
● Weight: Approx.90g (battery included).
Accuracy Specications
Accuracy:±(a% reading+b digits)guarantee for 1 year. Operating temperature: 18℃ ~ 28℃. Relative humidity: <75%.
A . AC Voltage
Range Resolution Accuracy
Overload Protection
3V 0.001V 30V 0.01V ± (1%+4) 300Vrms 300V 0.1V Remark: Input Impedance: ≥10MΩ
Frequency Response: 40Hz ~ 400Hz
B. DC Voltage
Range Resolution Accuracy
Overload Protection
3V 0.001V 30V 0.01V ± (1%+3) 300Vrms 300V 0.1V Remark: Input Impedance: ≥10MΩ
C. EF Test (UT18B Only)
Range Remarks
<10mm: buzzer beeps; 220V/50H 10~50mm: may and may not beeps; >50mm: Buzzer not sound
D. Resistance
Range Resolution Accuracy
Overload Protection
300Ω 0.1Ω 3kΩ 30kΩ 10Ω 300kΩ 100Ω 300Vrms 3MΩ 1kΩ 30MΩ 10kΩ Remark: Under auto scan mode the max range is
± (1%+3)
± (1.5%+5)
0.1 Ω