Unisys E-@CTION EFP9800 Owner's Manual

Unisys e-@ction Slip, Validation, and Receipt Printer
EFP9800 Series
Owners Guide
© 2000 Unisys Corporation. All rights reserved.
Printed in USA
November 2000 3255 4073–002
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3255 4073–002 iii
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Page Issue
iii –002 iv Blank v through xv –002 xvi Blank 1–1 through 1–6 –002 2–1 through 2–16 –002 3–1 through 3–33 –002 3–34 Blank 4–1 through 4–7 –002 4–8 Blank 5–1 through 5–10 –002 6–1 through 6–78 –002 7–1 through 7–20 –002 8–1 through 8–15 –002 8–16 Blank 9–1 through 9–24 –002 10–1 through 10–11 –002 10–12 Blank 11–1 through 11–13 –002 11–14 Blank A–1 through A–14 –002
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Section 1 About the EFP9800 Printer
Features and Options....................................................1–3
Receipt Station Features ............................................1–3
Journal Station Features.............................................1–3
Slip/Validation Station Features...................................1–3
General Features .......................................................1–4
Maintaining and Cleaning the Printer.............................1–4
Ordering Paper and Supplies ........................................1–5
Receipt/Journal Paper................................................1–5
Slips and Forms ........................................................1–5
Other Supplies...........................................................1–6
Section 2 Operating the Printer
Using the Controls ........................................................2–1
Changing Paper............................................................2–2
Changing Receipt Paper.............................................2–3
Removing the Old Receipt Paper Roll ....................2–4
Loading the New Receipt Paper Roll......................2–5
Changing Receipt/Journal Paper..................................2–6
Removing the Printed Journal...............................2–6
Loading the New Receipt/Journal Paper Roll..........2–7
Verifying Checks...........................................................2–8
Printing on Slips and Checks.......................................2–11
Validating Slips and Checks ........................................2–13
Changing the Ribbon Cassette ....................................2–14
Replacing the Printhead..............................................2–16
Adjusting the Paper Low Sensor ..................................2–16
vi 3255 4073–002
Section 3 Diagnostics and Print Tests
Level 0 Diagnostics ......................................................3–1
Level 1 Diagnostics ......................................................3–2
Information About DIP Switch Settings .........................3–2
Switch Entry Mode.....................................................3–4
Choose a Printer Emulation..................................3–5
Set Internal Switch Pack Values in NVRAM .............3–7
EFP9800 ESC/POS Internal Switch Pack Settings
(Includes Epson ESC/POS)..........................3–9
Ithaca Peripherals Proprinter Internal Switch Pack
NCR 5021 Internal Switch Pack Settings
(Serial Interface Units Only) ......................3–12
EF4270 Internal Switch Pack Settings ............3–13
Flash Download Mode ..............................................3–17
Data Scope Mode....................................................3–19
Enter Data Scope Mode.....................................3–19
Exit Data Scope Mode.......................................3–21
Enabling or Disabling the Cover Open Switch..............3–21
Verifying Read of MICR Characters ............................3–23
Checking MICR Noise Level.......................................3–25
Selecting the Font for the MICR Check Reader............3–26
Diagnostic Print Tests................................................. 3–28
Print Configuration Information ..................................3–28
Continuous Slip Printing............................................3–29
Print Each Character in the ASCII Character Set..........3–30
General Print Test....................................................3–31
Sample of Configuration Printout...............................3–32
Adjusting the Printhead Gap......................................3–33
Section 4 When Something Goes Wrong
Printer Not Operating ................................................... 4–2
Indicators Showing a Problem....................................... 4–3
Printer Does Not Feed Receipt/Journal Paper............... 4–3
Carriage and Paper Jams.............................................4–4
Slips, Forms, or Checks Not Feeding Properly ..............4–4
Slips, Forms, or Checks Skew When Feeding into the
Printer .....................................................................4–5
Some Dots are Missing.................................................4–5
Ribbon Tears or Frays More Quickly Than Expected...... 4–5
Overall Print is Light or Smudged ................................. 4–6
Other Serious Problems................................................ 4–7
3255 4073–002 vii
Getting Service .............................................................4–7
Section 5 Communication
Interfaces .....................................................................5–1
Sending Commands......................................................5–1
Using DOS to Send Commands...................................5–1
Using BASIC to Send Commands ................................5–2
RS-232C Interface........................................................5–2
RS-232C Interface Protocols.......................................5–2
XON/XOFF Protocol ............................................5–3
DTR/DSR Protocol ..............................................5–4
RS-232C Interface Connectors....................................5–4
RS-232C Communication Connector Pin
Assignments .............................................5–4
RS-232C 9-Pin to 9-Pin Communication Connector
Pin Assignments........................................5–4
RS-232C 25-Pin (Host Computer) to 9-Pin
Communication Connector Pin Assignments.5–5
Power Cable Connector Pin Assignments ..............5–6
Cash Drawer Connector Pin Assignments..............5–6
Parallel Interface ..........................................................5–7
Parallel Interface Connectors ......................................5–7
Parallel Communication Connector Pin
Assignments .............................................5–7
Power Cable Connector Pin Assignments ..............5–8
Cash Drawer Connector Pin Assignments..............5–9
Setting Switches .........................................................5–10
Section 6 EFP9800 ESC/POS Commands
List of EFP9800 ESC/POS Commands ..........................6–1
EFP9800 ESC/POS Command Descriptions ..................6–4
Printer Function Commands........................................6–4
Horizontal Tabs: Skip to Next Tab Stop.................6–5
Standard Mode ..............................................6–5
Page Mode....................................................6–5
Line Feed...........................................................6–5
Standard Mode ..............................................6–5
Page Mode....................................................6–5
Eject Slip ...........................................................6–6
Standard Mode ..............................................6–6
Page Mode....................................................6–6
viii 3255 4073–002
Carriage Return ..................................................6–6
Standard Mode ..............................................6–6
Page Mode....................................................6–6
Cancel Print Data in Page Mode............................6–7
Set Right-Side Character Spacing .........................6–7
Standard Mode ..............................................6–7
Page Mode....................................................6–8
Select Print Mode(s)............................................6–8
Select Print Mode(s) (for Windows Printer
Set Absolute Starting Position............................6–10
Standard Mode ............................................6–11
Page Mode..................................................6–11
Set Line Spacing to Default Spacing ...................6–11
Standard Mode ............................................6–11
Page Mode..................................................6–11
Set Line Spacing...............................................6–12
Standard Mode ............................................6–12
Page Mode..................................................6–12
Return Home....................................................6–12
Select Peripheral Device....................................6–13
Initialize Printer.................................................6–13
Set Slip Eject Length.........................................6–14
Set Horizontal Tab Positions ..............................6–14
Print and Feed Paper.........................................6–15
Standard Mode ............................................6–15
Page Mode..................................................6–15
Select Page Mode.............................................6–16
Select Print Direction in Page Mode ....................6–17
Set/Cancel Uni-Directional Printing......................6–18
Standard Mode ............................................6–19
Page Mode..................................................6–19
Set Printing Area in Page Mode ..........................6–19
Set Relative Print Position ..................................6–21
Standard Mode ............................................6–21
Page Mode..................................................6–21
Select Justification............................................6–22
Select Print Paper(s)..........................................6–22
Select Paper(s) For Setting Line Spacing .............6–23
Select Paper Sensor(s) to Stop Printing...............6–24
Enable/Disable Paper Feed Button......................6–25
Print and Feed n Lines.......................................6–25
Standard Mode ............................................6–25
Page Mode..................................................6–25
3255 4073–002 ix
Set Slip Waiting Time ........................................6–25
Generate Pulse.................................................6–26
Release ...........................................................6–26
Select Head Energizing Time..............................6–27
Set Left Margin.................................................6–27
Set Fundamental Calculation Pitch ......................6–28
Set Printable Area Width....................................6–28
Print Characteristics Commands ...............................6–29
Select/Cancel User-Defined Character Set...........6–29
Define User-Defined Characters..........................6–30
Set/Cancel Underline ........................................6–34
Cancel User-Defined Characters .........................6–35
Set/Cancel Emphasized Mode............................6–35
Set/Cancel Double-Strike Mode..........................6–36
International Character Set.................................6–36
Set/Cancel 90 Degree Clockwise Rotation......6–39
Select Character Code Table .............................6–39
Set/Cancel Upside Down Printing .......................6–39
Graphics Commands................................................6–40
Select Bit Image Mode ......................................6–40
Define Downloaded Bit Image.............................6–42
Print Downloaded Bit Image...............................6–43
Printer Status Commands.........................................6–44
Transmit Peripheral Device Status ......................6–45
Transmit Paper Sensor Status............................6–46
Transmit Printer ID............................................6–47
Enable/Disable Automatic Status Back (ASB) .......6–48
Identifying Auto Status Back Bytes Transmitted by
the Printer...............................................6–53
Transmit Status................................................6–54
Real Time Commands ..............................................6–57
Real Time Status Transmission...........................6–58
Real Time Request to Printer..............................6–62
Bar Code Commands...............................................6–64
Select Printing Position of HRI Characters (Receipt
Select Pitch of HRI Characters (Receipt Station) ...6–64
Select Height of Bar Code (Receipt Station).........6–64
Print Bar Code (Receipt Station) .........................6–65
First Variation: String terminated with NULL
Character ...............................................6–66
Second Variation: Length of Byte Specified at
Beginning of String ..................................6–67
x 3255 4073–002
Select Horizontal Size of Bar Code (Receipt
Page Mode .............................................................6–69
Limitations .......................................................6–70
Command Settings in Both Modes......................6–71
Processing the Data in the Page.........................6–71
Examples of Printing in Page Mode.....................6–74
Flash Memory Commands ........................................6–76
Copy Downloaded Object to Flash Memory..........6–76
Disable Loading the Object to RAM When Powering
on the Printer..........................................6–77
Enable Loading the Object When Powering on the
Printer ....................................................6–78
Copy the Object from Flash Memory to External RAM6–78
Section 7 Ithaca Peripherals Proprinter Emulation Commands
List of Ithaca Peripherals Proprinter Emulation
Commands ..............................................................7–1
Ithaca Peripherals Proprinter Emulation Command
Descriptions............................................................. 7–4
Printer Function Commands........................................7–4
Open Cash Drawer 1...........................................7–4
Open Cash Drawer 2...........................................7–5
Horizontal Tab ....................................................7–5
Line Feed...........................................................7–5
Vertical Tab........................................................7–5
Advance to Top of Next Form...............................7–6
Carriage Return ..................................................7–6
Clear Printer.......................................................7–6
Perform Validation: Open Forms Compensation
Perform Validation: Close Forms Compensation
Perform Validation: Close Forms Compensation
Assembly When Slip Sensed .......................7–7
Set Line Spacing to 1/8 Inch................................7–7
Set Fine Line Spacing (n/216 Inch) .......................7–7
Set Fine Line Spacing (n/72 Inch) .........................7–7
Set Line Spacing to 1/6 Inch................................7–8
Set Form Length in Inches ...................................7–8
Set Form Length in Lines.....................................7–8
Set Horizontal Tab Positions ................................7–9
3255 4073–002 xi
Fine Line Feed ....................................................7–9
Uni-Directional/Bi-Directional Print.......................7–10
Print Characteristics Commands ...............................7–10
Set Single Line Double-Wide...............................7–11
Original Character Size .................................7–11
Doubled Character Size ................................7–11
Set 17.2 Characters/Inch..................................7–11
Set 10 Characters/Inch.....................................7–12
Cancel Single Line Double-Wide ..........................7–12
Cancel Underlining ............................................7–12
Set Underlining .................................................7–13
Select Alternative Character Set.........................7–13
Select Character Set (Code Page 437)................7–13
Set 12 Characters/Inch.....................................7–13
Set Emphasized Printing....................................7–14
Cancel Emphasized Printing...............................7–14
Set Enhanced Printing .......................................7–14
Cancel Enhanced Printing ..................................7–14
Set Superscript ................................................7–15
Set Subscript ...................................................7–15
Cancel Subscript/Superscript ............................7–15
Cancel Double-Wide for Current Font...................7–15
Set Double-Wide for Current Font........................7–16
Graphics Commands................................................7–16
Format of the Data Stream for Graphics..............7–16
Single-Density Graphics .....................................7–18
Double-Density, Half-Speed Graphics...................7–18
Double-Density, Normal Speed Graphics..............7–18
Quadruple Density Graphics...............................7–19
Cash Drawer Status Commands................................7–20
Cash Drawer Status ..........................................7–20
Section 8 NCR 5021 Printer Emulation Commands
List of NCR 5021 Emulation Commands........................8–1
NCR 5021 Emulation Command Descriptions................8–3
Printer Function Commands........................................8–3
Line Feed...........................................................8–3
Carriage Return ..................................................8–3
Reset ................................................................8–4
Open ................................................................8–4
Close ................................................................8–5
Reset Character RAM ..........................................8–6
Read Slip Sensor ................................................8–6
xii 3255 4073–002
Open Forms Compensation Assembly...................8–6
Close Forms Compensation Assembly...................8–7
Reprint After Media Jam.......................................8–7
Echo ................................................................8–8
Write Device Control Memory ...............................8–8
Print Characteristics Commands ...............................8–12
Cancel Double-Wide...........................................8–13
Set Double-Wide................................................8–13
Set Interline Spacing .........................................8–13
Printer Status Commands.........................................8–13
Read Status .....................................................8–13
Read Tallies......................................................8–14
Read and Clear Tallies.......................................8–15
Section 9 EF4270 Emulation Commands
List of EF4270 Emulation Commands ...........................9–1
EF4270 Command Descriptions.................................... 9–4
Printer Function Commands........................................9–4
End of Text ........................................................9–4
Line Feed...........................................................9–5
Vertical Tab........................................................9–5
Eject Slip ...........................................................9–5
Carriage Return ..................................................9–5
Setup Parameters...............................................9–6
Reset Printer......................................................9–7
Cash Drawer 1 ...................................................9–7
Cash Drawer 2 ...................................................9–7
Document Clamp Open........................................9–8
Self Test............................................................9–8
Document Validation............................................9–8
Receipt/Journal Print...........................................9–8
Document Clamp Close.......................................9–9
Form Eject .........................................................9–9
Form In..............................................................9–9
Select 9–10
Either Form-In Sensor........................................9–10
Both Form-In Sensors........................................9–10
Busy Until Buffer Empty.....................................9–10
Clamp Delay.....................................................9–11
Print Speed......................................................9–11
Buffered Validate ..............................................9–11
Buffer Clear......................................................9–12
3255 4073–002 xiii
Repeat Character..............................................9–12
Wait for Slip .....................................................9–12
Cancel Slip Waiting............................................9–13
Print Characteristics Commands ...............................9–13
Double-Wide Font..............................................9–13
Double-Wide Off................................................9–13
Character Set...................................................9–14
Underline Print..................................................9–16
Underline Off....................................................9–16
Double-High Off.................................................9–16
Double-High Font...............................................9–16
Pitch Selection .................................................9–17
Upside-Down Off...............................................9–18
Upside-Down Print.............................................9–18
Rotate Font 90 Degrees Clockwise or Cancel
Rotated Print...........................................9–18
Graphics Commands................................................9–19
Graphics: 5 Dot................................................9–21
Printer Status Commands.........................................9–22
Status: 3 Bit.....................................................9–22
Status: 6 Bit.....................................................9–23
Status: 7 Bit.....................................................9–24
Section 10 Flash Download Commands
List of Flash Download Commands ..............................10–2
Flash Download Command Descriptions ......................10–3
Put the Printer in Flash Download Mode...............10–3
Request Printer Identification..............................10–3
Request Flash Identifier .....................................10–4
Select Sector to Download ................................10–4
Request Retransmission of Last Response ..........10–4
Check CRC ......................................................10–4
Return Microprocessor CRC...............................10–5
Set Emulation...................................................10–5
Request Current Emulation ................................10–5
Write EEROM Switches......................................10–6
Read EEROM switches.......................................10–7
Write EEROM Parameter....................................10–8
Read EEROM Parameter....................................10–9
Erase the Flash ROM.........................................10–9
Return CRC of Selected Flash Sector..................10–9
xiv 3255 4073–002
Erase Selected Sector.....................................10–10
Download Sector ............................................10–10
Reboot the printer...........................................10–11
Section 11 MICR Commands and Parsing
MICR Commands........................................................ 11–1
Read MICR Data and Transmit............................11–1
Define Parsing Format, Save in NVRAM ...............11–1
Reread MICR Data.............................................11–2
Define Parsing Format, Do Not Save Permanently 11–2
MICR Parsing .............................................................11–2
Parsing Parameter String Options..............................11–3
Variable Length Fields........................................11–3
Other Parameters .............................................11–4
Sample Parsing Formats...........................................11–5
ESC w p 18 A <CR> .........................................11–5
ESC w p 18 X A <CR> ......................................11–5
ESC w p 18 x A <CR>.......................................11–5
ESC w p 018 A <CR> .......................................11–6
ESC w p 018 X A <CR> ....................................11–6
ESC w p 018 x A <CR>.....................................11–6
ESC w p T 18 X A 04C <CR> ............................11–6
ESC w p K9 X T 18 X A 04C <CR>.....................11–6
ESC w p T '/ A '/ C '/ S <CR> ...........................11–7
Check Serial Number ...............................................11–9
Parsing the Check Serial Number .......................11–9
Loading the Exception Table ............................11–11
Exception Table Entry Format .................................11–11
Example 1......................................................11–12
Example 2......................................................11–13
Maintaining the Exception Table...............................11–13
Appendix A Specifications
Printing Specifications ......................................................1
EFP9800 ESC/POS (Includes Epson ESC/POS Emulation). 2
Ithaca Peripherals Proprinter Emulation........................... 2
NCR 5021 Emulation .................................................... 3
EF4270 Emulation ........................................................ 3
Print Zones.......................................................................4
3255 4073–002 xv
Receipt and Journal Print Zones ..................................... 4
Validation Print Zone ..................................................... 5
Slip Print Zone.............................................................. 8
MICR Read Zone .............................................................. 8
Dimensions...................................................................... 9
Power Requirements...................................................... 10
Environmental Requirements ......................................... 10
Reliability ...................................................................... 10
Character Sets .............................................................. 11
Code Page 437 (PC US).............................................. 11
Code Page 850 (PC Multilingual)................................... 12
Code Page 852 (Eastern European).............................. 13
Code Page 865 (Nordic Languages) ............................. 14
xvi 3255 4073–002
3255 4073–002 1–1
Section 1 About the EFP9800 Printer
The EFP9800 printer is a fast, quiet, reliable, and very compact multiple­function printer. It prints receipts and a journal, validates and prints checks, and prints on a variety of single- or multiple-part slips. An additional option is the Magnetic Ink Character Recognition (MICR) check reader with parsing which reads account numbers on checks for easy verification.
The industry-standard RS-232C and IEEE 1284 bi-directional parallel communication interfaces allow the EFP9800 to be connected to any host computer. The EFP9800 provides the following emulations: Epson 370/375 printers (included in the EFP9800 ESC/POS commands), Ithaca Peripherals Proprinter emulation, NCR 5021 printer, (Serial Interface Only) and the EF4270 printer. These emulations provide easy integration into applications written for these printers and emulations.
About the EFP9800 Printer
1–2 3255 4073–002
Note: A Running Change acoustic noise reduction enhancement was
released for the EFP9840 and EFP9841 serial interface units. This Running Change incorporates a new solenoid clamp assembly and a revised controller PCBA to further reduce acoustical noise. The change was incorporated into factory production starting at serial number 5108 67054. All EFP9840 and EFP9841 units with serial numbers 5108 67054 and above will have the acoustic enhancements.
The new solenoid assembly has a bumper added to the plunger to
reduce noise. This new solenoid requires a new lower case and therefore cannot be installed in The EFP9840 and EFP9841 units below serial number 5108 67054.
The revised PCBA incorporates a modified print head pin firing
scheme. The PCBA fires the pins in staggered pairs to reduce acoustical noise. This new PCBA is fully backward compatible with previous style EFP9800’s.
About the EFP9800 Printer
3255 4073–002 1–3
Features and Options
The EFP9800 printer comes with a variety of standard features, and can be configured with several options.
Receipt Station Features
Standard/compressed pitch (host computer selectable): 11.6 to 16.8
characters per inch, 33-51 columns (ESC/POS)
Drop in paper loading, requires no spindle
Paper Status indicator light (LED) (adjustable)
Journal Station Features
Standard/compressed pitch (host computer selectable): 11.6 to 16.8
characters per inch, 33-51 columns (ESC/POS)
Automatic paper loading, requires no spindle or threading
Autograph table
Slip/Validation Station Features
Standard/compressed pitch (host computer selectable): 11.6 to 16.8
characters per inch, 33-51 columns (ESC/POS)
Up to 14 lines of validation printing (at 7.2 lines per inch) (ESC/POS)
Printing of slips up to five-parts thick, up to a total thickness of .014 inches
(the receipt is included as one or two of the parts depending if it is one-ply or two-ply)
Top insertion of validation forms with slip stop
Side insertion of slips with override of slip stop and automatic alignment of
Front insertion of slips with override of slip stop and automatic alignment
of slip
Slip In indicator light (LED)
About the EFP9800 Printer
1–4 3255 4073–002
General Features
Industry standard RS-232C communication interface or IEEE 1284 parallel
bi-directional communication interface
NVRAM (Non-Volatile memory) to store customer configuration and
historic data
Cash drawer connector
Online LED
Cover open switch
Magnetic Ink Character Recognition (MICR) check reader built into the slip
station for verifying checks (includes custom MICR field parsing)
Remote power supply
EFP9800-SW1 software utilities
Maintaining and Cleaning the Printer
There is no customer maintenance required for the EFP9800 printer. However, you may occasionally clean the cabinet as needed to remove dust and finger marks. Use any household cleaner designed for plastics, but test it first on a small, unseen area. The cabinet finish and materials are durable and are resistant to cleaning solutions, lubricants, fuels, cooking oils, and ultraviolet light.
If the receipt paper bucket is dirty, wipe it with a clean, damp cloth.
Do not spray or try to clean the printhead or the inside of the printer with any kind of cleaner as this may damage the printhead or the electronics.
About the EFP9800 Printer
3255 4073–002 1–5
Ordering Paper and Supplies
The following section lists the paper , supplies, and documentation available for order.
Receipt/Journal Paper
Item Type Number
One-Ply Receipt or journal
150 feet
Two-Plies Receipt/journal
95 feet
Slips and Forms
The EFP9800 printer prints on single- or multiple-part slips in the slip station. Slips must meet the following requirements (the receipt is included as one or two of the parts depending if it is one-ply or two-ply):
Minimum Slip Size 2.75 inches (69.8 mm) wide by 5.0 inches (127 mm) long
5.0 inches (127 mm) wide by 2.75 inches (69.8 mm) long
Maximum Slip Size 8.5 inches (215.9 mm) wide by 11.69 inches (297 mm) long
Total thickness Single-part slips: 0.003 inches (0.076 mm) (minimum)
Multiple parts: 0.014 inches (0.355 mm) (maximumincludes the receipt)
Number of parts Up to a maximum of five parts (the receipt is included as one or two
Note: If card stock is present, it should be the bottom part. If
multiple-part slips are used, the double-strike mode must be used to ensure that all parts are printed on clearly. Contact your sales representative to order slips and forms.
About the EFP9800 Printer
1–6 3255 4073–002
Other Supplies
Contact your sales representative to order the supplies listed below.
Item Type Number
Ribbon Cassettes Purple ribbon cassette
Black ribbon cassette
04-9815-988 04-9816-986
Power Supply 75-2087-908
Contact your sales representative to order the following documentation:
Title Unisys Number
Unisys e-@ction Slip, Validation, and Receipt EFP9800 Series Owner’s Guide
3255 4073
Unisys e-@ction Slip, Validation, and Receipt EFP9800 Series Installation and Operation Guide
3255 4065
Unisys e-@ction Slip, Validation, and Receipt EFP9800 Series Servicing Guide
3255 4081
3255 4073–002 2–1
Section 2 Operating the Printer
This section includes information about operating the printer controls, loading paper and ribbon cassettes, replacing the printhead, and working with slips, forms, and checks.
Using the Controls
The EFP9800 printer includes the following buttons:
Paper Feed button used to advance paper.
Reset button used to initialize the printer.
Pressing the Reset button initializes the printer, causing any downloaded fonts to be lost.
Operating the Printer
2–2 3255 4073–002
Changing Paper
The EFP9800 features simple paper loading that is quick and efficient, saving both time and paper.
Do not operate the printer if it runs out of paper. The printer will continue to operate, but data may be lost and the printhead may be damaged.
Operating the Printer
3255 4073–002 2–3
Changing Receipt Paper
Note: Use these instructions if you are printing receipts only. If you are
printing both receipts and a journal (record of transactions), or a journal only, see Changing Receipt/Journal Paper later in this section.
Note: All EFP9800 Series printers have a receipt journal take up spool
assembly factory installed that is not always required or utilized by the client.
If the receipt take up assembly is not used, an occasional noise will
occur as the take up roller assembly rotates.
The receipt take up spool has a spring-loaded roller that allows easy
loading. However, if the receipt take up capability is not being used the spring loaded roller shaft will spring upwards and hit the printer top cover once per revolution.
In cases where the receipt take up assembly is not being used it can
be secured in a closed position so that it will not hit the top cover during printing to eliminate the occasional nuisance noise.
A small piece of tape or a rubber band can be used to keep the take up
roller assembly in a closed position at all times.
Operating the Printer
2–4 3255 4073–002
Removing the Old Receipt Paper Roll
1. Open the rear cover.
2. Open the clamshell.
3. Remove the used receipt paper roll.
Operating the Printer
3255 4073–002 2–5
Loading the New Receipt Paper Roll
1. Drop the new roll into the bucket and pull out several inches.
2. Lay the end of the paper out over the top of the slip table, then close the rear cover and the clamshell.
Operating the Printer
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Changing Receipt/Journal Paper
Note: Use these instructions if you are printing both receipts and a journal
(record of transactions) or a journal only. If you are printing receipts only, see Changing Receipt Paper earlier in this section.
Removing the Printed Journal
1. Open the rear cover.
2. Tear the paper off below the last journal entry.
3. Open the clamshell.
4. Slide the printed journal off the take-up core and set it in a safe place.
5. Remove the paper core or remainder of the roll.
Operating the Printer
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Loading the New Receipt/Journal Paper Roll
1. Drop the new receipt/journal roll into the bucket and pull out about 10 inches (25 cm) of paper.
The paper should not extend farther than the back of the printer cabinet.
2. Close the clamshell.
3. Place the end of the journal ply between the halves of the take-up assembly.
If you are printing a journal only, continue with step 4. If you are printing both receipts and a journal, position the top paper ply so
that it extends over the top of the slip table.
4. Press the paper feed button to wind the paper onto the take-up assembly.
5. Close the rear cover.
Operating the Printer
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Verifying Checks
Follow this procedure to verify checks on printers with the MICR check reader option. The printer’s Magnetic Ink Character Reader (MICR) check reader reads the magnetic ink characters on the check in order for the host computer to verify that the check is good.
Note: Verify the check before you validate it. For more information, see
Validating Slips and Checks later in this section.
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