Unisys e-action Source NDP Installation And Operation Manual

Unisys e-@ction Source Capture Network Document Processor
Installation and Operation Guide
Printed in USA
July 2001 4326 6295–002
4326 6295–002
Unisys e-@ction Source Capture Network Document Processor
Installation and Operation Guide
© 2001 Unisys Corporation. All rights reserved.
Printed in USA
July 2001 4326 6295–002
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Section 1. Source Capture Network Document Processor
Components ...................................................................................... 1–2
Source NDP Features ........................................................................ 1–3
Documentation .................................................................................. 1–3
Ordering Supplies and Replacement Items .......................................1–3
Getting Assistance and Support ........................................................1–4
Section 2. Source NDP Installation and Deinstallation
Checking Shipped Items.................................................................... 2–2
Starter Kits......................................................................................... 2–3
Selecting a Place for the Source NDP Unit........................................2–3
Before You Begin............................................................................... 2–4
Overview of Hardware Installation..................................................... 2–4
Installing the Source NDP Unit .......................................................... 2–6
Uninstalling a Source NDP Unit .......................................................2–11
Preparing a Source NDP Unit for Shipping....................................... 2–13
Section 3. Source NDP Operation and Document Processing
Normal Operation .............................................................................. 3–1
Powering the Unit On and Off........................................................... 3–2
Start/Stop Button............................................................................... 3–3
Using the Start/Stop Button to Process Documents................ 3–3
Using the Start/Stop Button to Clear the Track ........................ 3–4
Status Lights...................................................................................... 3–4
Processing Documents...................................................................... 3–6
Setting Up the Source NDP Unit.............................................. 3–6
Preparing Documents for Processing....................................... 3–9
Feeding Documents............................................................... 3–13
Removing Documents from Pockets ..................................... 3–17
iv 4326 6295–002
Section 4.
Source NDP Cleaning
Cleaning Supplies...............................................................................4–1
Location of Components for Cleaning................................................4–2
Cleaning the Image Glass As Needed................................................4–3
Cleaning the Source NDP Unit Weekly ..............................................4–3
Summary of Weekly Cleaning Tasks................................................4–10
Section 5. Removal and Replacement of Source NDP
Unit Covers ........................................................................................5–2
Top-Left Cover..........................................................................5–2
Top-Right Cover........................................................................5–4
Pocket Entry Cover...................................................................5–6
Separator Cover........................................................................5–6
Loop Cover ...............................................................................5–7
Removable Track Wall........................................................................5–7
PC Card ............................................................................................5–10
Pocket Flexures................................................................................5–12
Inkjet Print Cartridge.........................................................................5–13
Removing the Inkjet Print Cartridge........................................5–13
Replacing the Inkjet Print Cartridge ........................................5–15
Replacing the Ink Dabber.................................................................5–18
Nudge and Feed Tires and Rollers....................................................5–19
Separator Tire and Holder.................................................................5–22
Rotating the Separator............................................................5–22
Removing and Replacing the Separator Tire and
Holder ................................................................................5–24
Section 6. Recovery from Problem Conditions
General Approach to Problem Recovery ............................................6–2
Recovering from Processing Problems ..............................................6–2
Clearing the Track...............................................................................6–3
Problem Identification and Recovery..................................................6–5
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Appendix A.
Source NDP Specifications
Appendix B. Document Specifications
Appendix C. Supplies and Replacement Items
Starter Kits.........................................................................................C–1
Supplies and Replacement Items ......................................................C–2
Glossary .............................................................................................1
Index .............................................................................................1
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Section 1
Source Capture Network Document Processor
The Unisys e-@ction Source Capture Network Document Processor, or Source NDP, is a compact, desktop document processor for capturing data and images from checks, giros, and other documents. It performs a full range of document processing functions, which include reading MICR and OCR characters, capturing black and white or gray-scale images, endorsing, and document sorting.
Designed for an office environment, the Source NDP captures information at the point of sale, receipt, or transaction and is easy to install and operate. Figure 1-1 shows the Source NDP.
Figure 1–1. Source NDP
Source NDP Networked Document Processor
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Figure 1-2 shows Source NDP components.
1 - 5 Removable Covers 13 Feeder Flag 6 Ink Dabber* 14 Feeder Floor Extender 7 Power On/Off Switch (rear of unit) 15 Check Limiters* 8 Inkjet Print Cartridge* 16 Short Check Limiter Storage 9 Status Lights 17 Pocket Flexures* 10 Separator* 18 Release Levers for Track Wall 11 Nudge and Feed Rollers* 19 PC Card (not shown)* 12 Start/Stop Button
*Consumable and replacement items are available from Unisys Direct. Refer to Appendix C.
Figure 1–2. Source NDP Components
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Source NDP Features
The Source NDP handles 30 documents per minute with automatic feeding. It offers the following features:
Autofeeder with capacity for 100 documents
CMC7 and E13B MICR readers
Full-height OCR reader
Front and rear image at 240 dots per inch
CCITT Group 4 (black and white) or JPEG (gray-scale) images
Inkjet endorser with three adjustable heights
Two pockets with capacity for 100 documents each
Refer to Appendix A for Source NDP specifications.
This guide describes the Source NDP and gives instructions for installation, operation, replacing consumable supplies, cleaning, removing and replacing components, and recovering from problems. Operators and site supervisors are the intended audiences for this guide. The Unisys e-@ction Source Capture Network Document Processor Reference Card is shipped with the unit.
Source NDP documents are available from the Unisys Bookstore. You can also place orders through your local marketing representative or distributor. The Installation and Operation Guide is also available as an electronic file in PDF format on the Source NDP CD-ROM that is shipped with the unit.
Other documentation for system installers and administrators is on the Source NDP CD-ROM.
Ordering Supplies and Replacement Items
Source NDP Starter Kits, supplies, and replacement items are available from Unisys Direct. Power cords are available through your local Unisys sales office. Refer to Appendix C for more information.
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Getting Assistance and Support
Go to your supervisor or site administrator for assistance with questions or problems. If needed, they will contact the appropriate person or organization to resolve questions or problems. They will also contact your marketing representative, distributor, or local Unisys office to resolve questions about shipped items.
A set of frequently asked questions (FAQs) and answers is included on the Source NDP CD-ROM. For the most up-to-date FAQs and other support questions, contact Unisys InfoAdvisor at
http://www.infoadvisor.com For more information about Source NDP products, contact Unisys Payment
Systems at http://www.unisys.com/marketplace/products/psd For support contact information, refer to the detachable reference card
shipped with the Source NDP, or access the Unisys support site from
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Section 2
Source NDP Installation and Deinstallation
Source NDP units are designed for easy installation by an operator without previous computer experience. However, before you install or operate the unit, a site installer who has computer experience and knowledge of networks must complete other installation tasks. Network configuration, Source NDP Manager software installation, and connecting the Source NDP unit to a PC or LAN is described in electronic documents included on the Source NDP CD­ROM.
This section describes the following Source NDP installation tasks that are intended for an operator:
Checking shipped Source NDP items
Selecting a place for the Source NDP unit
Installing the Source NDP unit
Save the shipping carton and packing materials for possible service returns.
Uninstalling a Source NDP unit and packing it for shipping is described at the end of this section.
Source NDP Installation
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Checking Shipped Items
Check that the items shown in Figure 2-1 are included with the Source NDP unit.
1 Source NDP 2 Source NDP CD-ROM -- includes documentation, a training video, and a help (CHM)
file with installation, network, and support information 3 Ferrite bead in nylon case (required for some systems) 4 Inkjet print cartridge (shipping container is shown) 5 PC card 6 Check limiters -- preinstalled (short check limiters are available from Unisys Direct) 7 AC power cord 8 External power supply (automatically senses 50 or 60 cycle power) with attached DC
power cable 9 Source NDP Track Clearing Card / Source NDP Operation Reference Card – stored in
document holder in base of machine 10 Source NDP Installation and Operation Guide – shipped as electronic and printable
document on the Source NDP CD-ROM
Figure 2–1. Shipped Items
Source NDP Installation
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Starter Kits
Starter kits (part number 75-0316-903) are available from Unisys Direct and can be customized at the clients request to include items such as cleaning supplies, extra consumable items, and replacement items. Refer to Appendix C for ordering information.
Selecting a Place for the Source NDP Unit
Select a flat, stable surface for installing the Source NDP unit. The unit can be placed next to a teller, between tellers, or in another convenient location. A local PC workstation is required for Source NDP operation only if the site has determined that the Source NDP unit will not be connected to a LAN.
A Source NDP is designed to require minimum space for operation. However, it is important to allow clearance around the unit as follows:
Allow clearance at the front of the unit to load and remove documents.
Allow clearance above the unit to remove the covers and to permit
access to the track.
Allow clearance at the rear of the unit to protect the connection between
the LAN cable and the PC Card.
Source NDP Installation
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Before You Begin
The Source NDP is designed for installation by an operator. Someone at your site must furnish a LAN connection or a connection to a local workstation. Someone must also install system software along with application software or a Source NDP exerciser program.
Before you begin processing documents, follow the instructions in Section 3 of this guide to adjust the check limiters and set up the endorser.
Overview of Hardware Installation
Follow the steps in Figure 2-2 to install the Source NDP unit. For detailed instructions, refer to Installing the Source NDP Unit, later in this section.
Attach the power cord to the Source NDP unit and plug the cord into a power outlet before inserting the PC Card. Otherwise, electrostatic discharge may damage the unit.
Source NDP Installation
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1 Make sure that the Power On/Off switch is in the Off (O) position.
2 Connect the DC power cable to Source NDP unit.
3 Connect the AC power cord to the power supply.
4 Connect the AC power cord to a power outlet.
5 If one is provided, install the ferrite bead in its nylon case on the cable attached to
the PC Card.
6 Connect the cable from the LAN or PC to the PC Card.
7 Insert the PC Card into slot at the back of the Source NDP unit.
8 Install the Inkjet print cartridge in the holder under the top-right cover.
A Connect the LAN cable or direct-connect (crossover) cable to the LAN card in the
host PC. (This task is normally done by the person responsible for site installation.)
Figure 2–2. Overview of Source NDP Installation
Source NDP Installation
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Installing the Source NDP Unit
Follow these steps to install a Source NDP:
1. Make sure the Power On/Off switch shown in Figure 2-3 is in the Off (O is depressed) position.
Figure 2–3. Power On/Off Switch
2. Connect the DC power cable attached to the power supply to the rear of the document processor. The round, 8-pin plug fits only one way into the unit. Refer to Figure 2-4.
Figure 2–4. Connecting the DC Power Cable
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3. Connect the female end of the AC power cord to the power supply as shown in Figure 2-5.
Figure 2–5. Connecting the AC Power Cord to the Power Supply
4. Plug the male end of AC power cord into the AC power source (wall outlet). Refer to Figure 2-6.
Note: If there is power, you will hear the fan in the power supply.
Figure 2–6. Plugging in the Power Cord
Source NDP Installation
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5. Connect the cable from the LAN or PC (installed by your system installer) to the PC Card. Refer to Figure 2-7.
Figure 2–7. Connecting the LAN Cable to the PC Card
6. Install the ferrite bead in its nylon case, which is shipped with the Source NDP unit, as follows:
Note: Some systems do not require a ferrite bead, in which case, it is not shipped with the system.
a. Open the nylon case enclosing the ferrite bead. b. Place the case over the cable attached to the PC Card, as shown in
Figure 2-8.
Figure 2–8. Installing the Ferrite Bead
Source NDP Installation
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c. Snap the nylon case closed. The position of the ferrite bead on the
cable is shown in Figure 2-9.
Figure 2–9. Position of the Ferrite Bead
7. Insert the PC Card into the slot at the rear of the Source NDP as shown in Figure 2-10.
Figure 2–10. Inserting the PC Card
Source NDP Installation
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8. Remove the shipping tape holding the top covers in place.
9. Install an Inkjet print cartridge as follows:
Remove and insert the cartridge with care. The sharp lower edge of the cartridge can cause damage to the electrical contacts in the cartridge holder. Watch that the bottom edge of the cartridge does not catch on or scrape the electrical contact in the holder. Hold the cartridge level during removal and replacement. Ensure the cartridge is level and fully seated in the holder before closing the blue latch. Refer to “Replacing the Inkjet Print Cartridge in Section 5.
a. Remove an Inkjet print cartridge from its packaging box and container.
Follow the instructions enclosed in the box to prime the cartridge.
Note: The Inkjet print cartridge is packaged in a separate box included in the Source NDP shipping carton.
b. Remove the top-right cover as shown in Figure 5-3. c. Follow the instructions, Replacing the Inkjet Print Cartridge, in
Section 5 to insert the cartridge.
d. Replace the top-right cover as shown in Figure 5-4. Make sure the
three tabs on the bottom of the cover fit in the holes in the baseplate. The pin on the top of the tower must fit into the hole inside the cover.
10. Remove the cardboard insert that protects the separator and feeder flag during shipment. Remove the tape holding the check limiters in place.
Source NDP Installation
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Uninstalling a Source NDP Unit
Follow these steps to uninstall a Source NDP unit and prepare it for shipping in the event the unit needs servicing or repair:
1. Make sure the Power On/Off switch shown in Figure 2-11 is in the Off (O is depressed) position.
Figure 2–11. Power On/Off Switch
2. Disconnect the DC power cable attached to the power supply from the rear of the document processor. Refer to Figure 2-12
Figure 2–12. Disconnecting the DC Power Cable
Source NDP Installation
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3. Follow the instructions in PC Card in Section 5 to remove the card as shown in Figure 2-13.
Figure 2–13. Removing the PC Card
4. Follow the instructions in Removing the Inkjet Print Cartridge in Section 5 to remove the cartridge as shown in Figure 2-14.
Figure 2–14. Removing an Inkjet Print Cartridge
Source NDP Installation
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Preparing a Source NDP Unit for Shipping
Return ONLY the Source NDP Network Document Processor for service. Your system administrator or supervisor has the necessary paperwork. Follow these steps to prepare a unit for shipping:
1. Pack the Source NDP unit for shipment as shown in Figure 2-15. Do not return the power supply and cord, PC Card and cable, any consumable, replacement, or cleaning supply items, or documentation.
2. Include a Return Material Authorization (RMA) for new units and in-service units outside the U.S. Also, include a Return Item Report (RIR).
3. Seal the box with packing tape, and affix a return mailing label and postage.
4. Include customs forms if required.
5. Ship using a carrier that provides proof of delivery and insurance for the full value.
Source NDP Installation
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Figure 2–15. Packing the Source NDP for Shipping
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Section 3
Source NDP Operation and Document Processing
This section describes operating a Source NDP and processing documents. In this section, you will learn how to
Operate the Source NDP unit
Set up the Source NDP unit for processing
Properly prepare documents for processing
Process documents
Keep your Source NDP unit in satisfactory operating condition by keeping it clean. Refer to Section 4, Source NDP Cleaning. Replacing the Inkjet print cartridge and ink dabber is described in Section 5.
Normal Operation
During normal operation, you can expect the unit to behave as follows:
Documents flow smoothly through the track.
The image light in the tower flashes as document images are captured.
Endorsements are printed on documents as controlled by the application.
Documents are pocketed.
What you observe and the audio signals you hear may be important in determining the causes of problems. If a problem occurs, refer to Section 6, Recovery from Problem Conditions.
Source NDP Operation and Document Processing
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Powering the Unit On and Off
An On/Off switch is located at back of the unit, as shown in Figure 3-1.
Figure 3–1. Power On/Off Switch
Press “|” on the power switch to power on the Source NDP unit. The Power status light (top indicator) should turn solid green. Refer to Section 6 if a problem occurs.
Press “O” on the power switch to power off the unit. When the unit is powered on, status light activity monitors the following start-
up sequence:
1. The Ready indicator (middle indicator) blinks yellow while a connection to the host PC is established. This normally takes 30 to 40 seconds.
2. The Ready indicator blinks green while the unit waits for a response from the application at the host PC.
3. The indicator is illuminated solid green when the Source NDP unit is ready to process documents.
Source NDP Operation and Document Processing
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Start/Stop Button
The Start/Stop button is located on the right-hand side of the unit near the feeder. Figure 3-2 shows pressing the Start/Stop button with top-right cover in place. The cover is on during normal operation.
Figure 3–2. Pressing the Start/Stop Button with the Cover in Place
Figure 3-3 shows pressing the Start/Stop button with the cover removed. The cover is off during cleaning and some recovery tasks.
Figure 3–3. Pressing the Start/Stop Button with the Cover Removed
Using the Start/Stop Button to Process Documents
Press and quickly release the Start/Stop button to start or stop
processing documents when the Ready status light is solid green. Use the same action when the Ready light is solid yellow after a track stop to restart document processing.
Source NDP Operation and Document Processing
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Using the Start/Stop Button to Clear the Track
If a document or documents stop in the track during processing, hold down the Start/Stop button for several seconds. This action starts the track motor and normally ejects documents into a pocket for reprocessing.
When a jam occurs, it may be necessary to take other actions to clear the track. Refer to Clearing the Track,” in Section 6.
Status Lights
Three lights on the front of the unit (Figure 3-4) indicate the status of the unit and the application that runs on the host PC. Some applications add audible messages to indicate status.
Figure 3–4. Status Lights
The sequence of lights you normally see when powering on the Source NDP unit is described in Powering the Unit On and Off, earlier in this section. During normal operation, the Ready light remains solid green while documents are flowing. It blinks green if documents stop, which may occur if the application is slow in processing information or if the network is slow. It may also blink green if the Source NDP unit is capturing OCR as well as MICR data because the application is stopping and quickly restarting documents in the track loop area.
The following table describes the meaning of each status light and gives corrective actions for problem conditions. Refer to Section 6 for additional information about recovering from problem conditions.
Source NDP Operation and Document Processing
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Status Light Conditions and Corrective Actions
Power Indicator
Not Illuminated The Source NDP unit does not have power.
1. Press the power switch to Off (O).
2. Check power connections to the unit and external power supply.
3. Press the power switch to On (|).
Solid Green The unit has power.
Ready Indicator
Blinking Green The unit is waiting for a response from the application.
Normally, no action is necessary. If delays are long, contact your site administrator.
Solid Green The unit is ready to process documents or is processing documents.
Blinking Yellow The unit is connecting to the host PC.
After one minute, ensure that the PC Card is plugged into the back of the unit. For long delays, have your site administrator confirm that the Source NDP manager program is running on the host PC.
Solid Yellow A processing problem such as a jam, double document, or skewed document has
occurred. Documents may be outside of specifications in Appendix B. (Holes in a document may cause a too-short condition.)
Follow the steps in Recovering from Processing Problems in Section 6. Return documents to the feeder bay and press the Start/Stop button to continue processing.
Blinking Red There is a problem with the server or LAN.
Power the Source NDP unit off and then on again. Notify your site administrator about recurring problems.
Solid Red There is a potential hardware problem with your Source NDP unit.
Notify your site administrator.
Application Indicator
Blinking Yellow or Solid Yellow
There is an application exception or problem. Refer to the application documentation.
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