Bluetooth Mini Keyboard
Downloading the electronic file:
www.u nisengr oup.com /KP-810 -30B inst ruction s.pdf

1.In tr oduct io n:
Blue tooth Min i keyboar d is small an d portabl e, it is
wide ly used for :
Enha nce Fire TV Sti ck ’s o perat io n with th e sl eeve
for Fi re T V St ick rem ot e
(No in cludes Fi re TV St ick rem ot e)
- Peop le who need t o be apart fr om their ba se
equi pment and y et contro l it for thei r enterta iment,
trai ni ng, pre sentati on.
- As an ext ernal key board for i PAD , iP hone4 , an d
Sams un g Galax y mobile ph one,etc
Pack age:
Blue tooth 1
User m anual 1
Feat ure:
-Por table and h andheld s ize
-Ful l QW ERTY keyboard
-Sup ports mul ti langua ge
Spec ificati ons:
-Blu etooth co nnectio n;Max dis tance:1 0m
-Pow er Supply : DC 3V(1.5 V AAA Battery x 2)
-Phy sical Par ameter:
Keyb oard
Size : 155X46X 15mm
Weight : 90 g

How to u se
Star t up
1. Open the lid
2. Install the battery
3. Cover the lid
Func ti on desc ri ption o f ke yboar d
Fn+ ESC to ”=“BT to } ” ke ys
eg.Fn+ESC = “ BT ” ke y