FN+Spac e
Adjust se ns itivity o f th e touchpa d
Power Swi tc h
the brows er
home page
left mous e
return to m ai n page
searchi ng
right mou se
FN+F6 Loc k/ Unlock
keyboar d an d touchpa d
FN+F8 Turn o n/ off cli ck
functio n of m ouse touc hp ad
Mouse tou ch pad

Introdu ct ion:
- PC Keyboa rd f or Home ent er tainmen t,
multi-m ed ia Educat io n, Trainin g, Conferen ce,
present at ion contr ol led with co mputer.
Perfect f or P ad, Andrio d TV Box, Goo gle
TV Box, X bo x360,PS 3, HTPC/IPT V
Package :
- Mini Keyb oa rd 1
- User manu al 1
- USB cable 1
Specifi ca tions:
- Wireles s co nnectio n
- Max Dista nc e:10 m
- Size:14 7X 99.5X21 .6 mm
- Weigh t: 110g
- Transmit p ow er: +5db Ma x
- Operati on v oltage: 3 .3 V
- Power Sup pl y:Two vers io n for choos ing
b. Rechar ge able Li-i on battery
1.5V 3A Battery x 2
Feature :
Portabl e an d handhel d si ze
- Full QWER TY keyb oard
- Ultra-s en sitive mo us e touchpa d
- Support s mu lti-tou ch g esture an d Scrolling b ar
- Support s mu lti langu ag e (need to be c ustomized )
System Re qu irement :
- Windows
- Mac OS
- Linux
- Android/ Go ogle/Sm ar t TV