User manual
Bluetooth/IR backlit

2. Support system:
1 .Basic info
1.1 Produ ct description
This model is d esigned es pecially for Fire TV Stick and new Fi re TV
box as all of u s knew, for such kind of TV BOX or TV Sti ck, the b iggest
complai nt heard is “Hunt and p eck” text en try by movin g up/do wn arrow
to select t he letter, time cons uming and co nfusing.
Further m ore, th is model com es with 8 IR lea rning butt ons, wi th this
feature t his mini keyboard c an also be use d to control y our TV, 2 in 1,
conveni ent.
3 Specifications:
Bluetoo th connect ion
Max dista nce:10m
Power Sup ply: li-ion batte ry
Battery v oltage:3.7V
Working vol tage: 3.3V
Physica l Parameter:
Dimensi ons: 155X4 6X15m m
Weight: 71. 5g
1.2 Bullet points:
(1)QWERTY lay out allows y ou to type smo othly and quickly
(2)Deta chable bac k silic on sleeve ho lds the orig inal remot e of Fire TV
Stick tog ether
(3) 8 IR lear ning buttons cont rol your TV by cop ying IR code f rom
your TV remot e.
(4)With u seful backlit for c onvenien t operatio n in darkened room.
(5)It’s con venient .U se the Keyboard sid e for text ent ry, flip it
over for co nvenient use of you r existing r emote cont rol.
(6)Can be u sed for fire TV st ick, new Fire TV a nd other devices
with buil t-in Bluetooth.
1.3 Please note:
1)Fire stick remote is not included
2) It doesn't work with YouTube due to system compatibility
-Window s
-Mac OS
-Androi d / iOS OS
-Fire TV stic k/New fire TV
4. Packing list:
-Blueto oth keyboa rd
-Silico n sleeve
-User man ual
-Chargi ng cable

Charging Por t
1、Poduct profile
Power switch
8 IR learning keys
Default Power Bu tto n
Press “Fn ”and
Press “Fn ”and “
the targe t key to input Blue cha racters
BT” to to do pa ir procedure
Press “Fn ”and the spacebar ( with a bulb ic on ) to turn on/ off backlit

IR learni ng: we now take your TV remote to show yo u how to learn I R code
1.Turn on the key board and Ho ld the defau lt “Power” button i ndicated b elow till th e red LED flash then be s teady on
2.Put min i keyboard and TV remote close and fa ce the IR head o f your TV remote t owards to IR h ead of th is mini keyb oard,
on this min i keyboard, click b utton “+”, r ed LED will bl ink one time
Power But ton
3. On your TV rem ote. click “ V+”, re d LED will fla sh 3 times the n go out.
4. Repeat a bove steps to compl ete other bu ttons.
5. Click “P ower” button to sav e the code.
Note: You can p rogram the se butt ons one by one b efore the Re d LED goes out .