Unipulse f395 Operation Manual

Operation Manual
10 Apr. 2012
Rev. 1.12


We appreciate your kind purchase of F395 Dinamic Force Processor.
To take full advantage of high performance of F395, Thoroughly read this operating
manual first before use and understand the explanations contained herein for correct
operating procedures.
Safety Precautions
Be sure to read for safety.
In order to have an F395 Dinamic Force Processor used safely, notes I would like you to
surely follow divide into and , and are indicated by the following
documents.Notes indicated here are the serious contents related safely.Please use after
understanding the contents well.
Misuse may cause the risk of death or serious
injury to persons.
Misuse may cause the risk of injury to persons
or damage to property.
Safety Precautions
Use F395 with correct supply voltage.
Do not carry out the direct file of the commercial power supply to a signal input terminal.
Carefully check wiring, etc. before applying power.
Set the correct Excitation Voltage for the sensor. (10V is set when F340A is
dispatched from us.
Do not disassemble the main body for modifications or repair.
Be sure to ground the protective ground terminal.
When smoke, a nasty smell, or strange sound, please shut off a power supply
immediately and extract a power supply cable.
Do not install in the following environments.
- Places containing corrosive gas or flammable gas.
- Where the product may be splashed with water, oil or chemicals.
About the built-in lithium battery
Never disassemble, deform under pressure or throw the battery
into fire.The battery may explode, catch fire or leak.
- Battery
Model: CR14250SE made by SANYO Electric Co., Ltd.
Nominal voltage: 3V
Nominal electric capacity: 850mAh
Safety Precautions
Safety Precautions
Be sure to disconnect the power cable when performing the following.
- Attachment/detachment of connectors of options.
- Wiring/connection of cables to terminal blocks.
- Connection of the ground line.
Take an interval of more than 5 seconds when repeating ON/OFF.
For connection to the signal I/O terminal block, wire correctly after checking the signal
names and terminal block numbers.
Also, turn off the power of the main body before connection/wiring to the signal I/O
terminal block.
Use shielded cables for the connection of strain gauge type sensor, displacement
sensor, External input and output or options.
Take adequate shielding measures when using at the following locations.
- Near a power line.
- Where a strong electric field or magnetic field is formed.
- Where static electricity, relay noise or the like is generated.
Do not install in the following environments.
- Where the temperature and/or humidity exceeds the range in the specifications.
- Places with large quantities of salt or iron powder.
- Where the main body is directly affected by vibration or shock.
Do not use it, broken down.
When you send F395 by repair etc., please take sufficient measures against a shock.
RoHS-compliant product
Please inquire of our sales person about the RoHS-compliance of the option.
The parts and attachments (including the instruction manual, packaging box, etc.) used
for this unit are compliant with the RoHS Directive restricting the use of hazardous
substances with regard to adverse effects on the environment and human body.
What is RoHS?
It is an abbreviation for Restriction on Hazardous Substances, which is implemented by
the European Union (EU). The Directive restricts the use of six specific substances in
electric and electronic equipment handled within EU borders. The six substances are
lead, mercury, cadmium, hexavalent chromium, PBB (polybrominated biphenyls), and
RoHS-compliant product
PBDE (polybrominated diphenyl ethers).


Per Reading This Instruction Manual ........................................1
1Outline of the F395 ................................................................2
1-1What the F395 Can Do: ............................................................................. 2
1-2Waveform Drawing Procedures ............................................................... 3
1-3Multi-Hold Procedures .............................................................................. 3
1-4Hysteresis Procedures .............................................................................. 4
1-5Hysteresis 2 Procedures ........................................................................... 4
1-6Waveform Comparison /
Waveform and Displacement Comparison Procedures ......................... 5
1-7Operation Mode at a Glance ..................................................................... 5
1-8Standard Interface ..................................................................................... 6
1-9Waveform Reading .................................................................................... 6
2Name and Function of Each Part .........................................7
2-1Front Pane .................................................................................................. 7
2-1-1Touch Panel Type Color Liquid Crystal Display ........................................ 7
2-2Rear Panel ................................................................................................ 11
3Screen Configuration and Setting Methods ......................13
3-1Screen Flow Chart ................................................................................... 13
3-2Setting Mode Tree Chart ......................................................................... 15
3-3Setting Methods ....................................................................................... 17
3-3-1Specification of Setting Items ................................................................... 17
3-3-2Unit Setting Method .................................................................................... 18
4Methods of Connection .......................................................20
4-1Connection to the Cage Clamp Type Terminal Block .......................... 20
4-1-1Analog Input / Output Connection ............................................................ 21
4-1-1-1.Analog Input / Output Terminal Pin Assignments .......................................................... 21
4-1-1-2.Strain Gauge Sensor Connection .................................................................................... 22
4-1-1-3.Voltage / Current Type Sensor Connection .................................................................... 23
4-1-1-4.Voltage Output (V-OUT) Connection ................................................................................ 23
4-1-2SI/F Connection .......................................................................................... 23
4-2RS-232C Connection ............................................................................... 24
4-2-1RS-232C Connector .................................................................................... 24
4-2-2Connector Pin Assignments ..................................................................... 24
4-2-3Example of Cabling .................................................................................... 24
4-3Control Connector Connection .............................................................. 25
4-3-1Connector Pin Assignments ..................................................................... 25
4-3-2Input and Output Signals ........................................................................... 25
4-3-3Equivalent Circuit (Input) ........................................................................... 30
4-3-4Equivalent Circuit (Output) ........................................................................ 30
5Methods of Calibration ........................................................31
5-1What is Calibration? ................................................................................ 31
5-2CH1 Input Calibration and CH2 Input Calibration ................................. 31
5-3Equivalent Input Calibration Procedures .............................................. 32
5-4Actual Load Calibration Procedures ..................................................... 33
5-5LOCK Release .......................................................................................... 34
5-6Excitation Voltage ................................................................................... 34
5-7Unit ............................................................................................................ 35
5-8Increment ................................................................................................. 35
5-9Decimal Place .......................................................................................... 35
5-10Zero Calibration ..................................................................................... 35
5-11Equivalent Input Calibration ................................................................. 36
5-12Actual Load Calibration ........................................................................ 37
6Settings and Operations Relating to Indicated Values ....38
6-1Digital Filter .............................................................................................. 38
6-2Analog Filter ............................................................................................. 38
6-3Digital Offset ............................................................................................ 38
6-4Digital Zero ............................................................................................... 39
7Measurement Operation Functional Settings ...................40
7-1Operation Mode ....................................................................................... 40
7-2Sampling Rate .......................................................................................... 40
7-3Sampling Reset ........................................................................................ 41
7-4X/Y-axis Setting by Operation Mode and Input CH .............................. 41
8Hold Point Display Screen ..................................................42
9Method of Starting Measurement .......................................43
10Multi-Hold Mode .................................................................47
10-1Function ................................................................................................. 47
10-2Setting and Operating Method ............................................................. 47
10-3Hold Functions ...................................................................................... 48
10-3-1Sample Hold .............................................................................................. 49
10-3-2Peak Hold .................................................................................................. 50
10-3-3Valley Hold ................................................................................................ 51
10-3-4P-P (Peak-to-Peak) Hold ........................................................................... 52
10-3-5Period Specified Hold (Peak, Valley, P-P) .............................................. 53
10-3-6Time Specified Hold (Peak, Valley, P-P) ................................................. 54
10-3-7Time Specified Automatic Hold (Peak, Valley, P-P) .............................. 55
10-3-8Relative Maximum Value / Relative Minimum Value Hold .................... 56
10-3-9Four Types of Inflection Point Hold ........................................................ 57
10-3-9-1.Inflection Point Hold A ....................................................................................................58
10-3-9-2.Inflection Point Hold B ....................................................................................................59
10-3-9-3.Inflection Point Hold C ....................................................................................................60
10-3-9-4.Inflection Point Hold D ....................................................................................................61
10-3-10Pulse Hold ............................................................................................... 62
11Hysteresis Mode ................................................................64
11-1Function ................................................................................................. 64
11-2Setting and Operating Method ............................................................. 64
12Hysteresis 2 ........................................................................65
12-1Function ................................................................................................. 65
12-2Setting and Operating Method ............................................................. 65
13Waveform Comparison / Waveform and
Displacement Comparison Mode .....................................68
13-1Function ................................................................................................. 68
13-2Setting and Operating Method ............................................................. 68
13-3Waveform Sampling Procedures ......................................................... 69
13-4Waveform Comparison Mode ............................................................... 73
13-5Waveform and Displacement Comparison Mode ............................... 74
13-5-1Scale of the X-axis .................................................................................... 74
13-5-2Handling of Sudden Changes ................................................................. 74
13-5-3Updating the Amount of Displacement .................................................. 75
13-6Timing in the Waveform Comparison /
Waveform and Displacement Comparison Mode ............................... 76
13-7Hold Operation ....................................................................................... 78
13-7-1Operation and Operating Method ........................................................... 78
13-7-2Setting Method .......................................................................................... 80
13-8Un-passing Area Output ....................................................................... 80
13-9Display After Measurement .................................................................. 81
14Waveform Editing ..............................................................82
14-1Waveform Call-up .................................................................................. 82
14-2Waveform Clear ..................................................................................... 82
14-3Waveform Sampling .............................................................................. 83
14-4Waveform Editing .................................................................................. 84
14-4-1Tie Drawing ............................................................................................... 86
14-4-1-1.Tie Drawing Procedures .................................................................................................. 86
14-4-1-2.About Deletion of Previously Prepared Points .............................................................88
14-4-1-3.About the Help Function ................................................................................................. 88
14-4-2Shift ............................................................................................................ 89
14-4-2-1.Shift Procedures ..............................................................................................................89
14-4-3Area Setting .............................................................................................. 90
14-4-3-1.Area Setting Procedures ................................................................................................. 91
14-4-4Waveform Save ......................................................................................... 91
15Waveform Reading ............................................................92
15-1Waveform Reading ................................................................................ 92
15-1-1Cursor Center Key .................................................................................... 94
15-1-2Waveform Reading in the Hysteresis / Hysteresis 2 Mode ................... 94
15-1-3Waveform Reading in the Waveform Comparison / Waveform and
Displacement Comparison Mode ............................................................ 95
15-1-4Hold Jump Function ................................................................................. 95
15-1-5Simple Call-up of the Waveform Reading Screen ................................. 96
15-1-6Display of Hold Point in the Read Waveform ......................................... 96
15-2Rejected Waveform Reading ................................................................ 96
15-3Rejected Waveform Clear ..................................................................... 97
15-4Y-axis Start Point ................................................................................... 97
15-5Y-axis Scaling ........................................................................................ 97
15-6X-axis Start Point ................................................................................... 98
15-7X-axis Scaling ........................................................................................ 98
15-8Control Signal Display .......................................................................... 99
16Code Setting .....................................................................100
16-1Method of Setting the Operation ch ................................................... 100
16-2Each Setting Item ................................................................................ 103
16-2-1Channel Number Selection .................................................................... 103
16-2-2Parameter Copy ...................................................................................... 104
16-2-3Select Analog CH .................................................................................... 104
16-2-4Hold Setting ............................................................................................ 105
16-2-5Auto Code Up / Code Up Point .............................................................. 107
16-2-6High-Low Relative .................................................................................. 108
16-2-7High Limit / Low Limit / HI-HI/LO-LO Mode / HI-HI Limit /
LO-LO Limit ............................................................................................ 109
16-2-8Displacement High-low Mode / Displacement High Limit /
Displacement Low Limit / Displacement Hold High Limit /
Displacement Hold Low Limit ............................................................... 110
16-2-9Level Axis Select / Waveform Start Level /
Waveform Termination Level / Hold Start Level .................................. 113
16-2-10Hold Detect Time .................................................................................. 115
16-2-11Minimum Peak and Valley Difference /
Peak and Valley Detection Rate / Peak and Valley Ordinal .............. 116
16-2-12Minimum Slope Detection Value / Slope Detection Interval A /
Slope Detection Interval B / Preliminary Slope Detection Point ...... 118
16-2-13Inhibit Timer .......................................................................................... 119
16-2-14Hysteresis Interval ................................................................................ 119
16-2-15Forced-termination Limit ..................................................................... 120
16-2-16Forced-termination Output .................................................................. 120
16-2-17Un-passing Area Output ...................................................................... 120
16-3Graph Confirmation ............................................................................. 121
16-3-1Items to be Displayed on the Graph of the Present Value and
Input Value .............................................................................................. 122
16-3-2Minimum Peak and Valley Difference ................................................... 123
16-3-3Peak and Valley Detection Rate ............................................................ 123
16-3-4Peak and Valley Ordinal ......................................................................... 124
16-3-5Minimum Slope Detection Value ........................................................... 124
16-3-6Slope Detection Interval A ..................................................................... 125
16-3-7Slope Detection Interval B ..................................................................... 125
16-3-8Preliminary Slope Detection Point ........................................................ 126
16-3-9Hysteresis Interval .................................................................................. 126
17System-related Settings and Operations ......................127
17-1Set Value Protection ............................................................................ 127
17-2Display Update Rate ............................................................................ 127
17-3Backlight .............................................................................................. 127
17-4Contrast ................................................................................................ 128
17-5All Parameters Clear ........................................................................... 128
17-6Self-test ................................................................................................ 128
17-7Self-test of ROM & RAM / Self-test of NOV-RAM .............................. 131
17-8Pass Word ............................................................................................ 131
17-9Switching between Japanese and English ....................................... 131
18Interface ............................................................................132
18-1SI/F 2-wire Serial Interface .................................................................. 132
18-2RS-232C Interface ................................................................................ 133
18-2-1Communication Specifications ............................................................. 133
18-3Interface-related Settings ................................................................... 133
18-3-1Transmission Speed .............................................................................. 133
18-3-2Character Length .................................................................................... 134
18-3-3Parity ........................................................................................................ 134
18-3-4Terminator ............................................................................................... 134
18-3-5Communication Mode ............................................................................ 134
18-3-6SI/F Hold Point Transmission ................................................................ 134
18-3-7SI/F Hold Point ........................................................................................ 134
18-4RS-232C Format ................................................................................... 135
18-4-1Writing Set Values .................................................................................. 135
18-4-2Reading Set Values ................................................................................ 138
18-4-3Specifying Sampled Waveform Access Channels .............................. 139
18-4-4Writing Sampled Waveform Data .......................................................... 140
18-4-5Reading Sampled Waveform Data ........................................................ 142
18-4-6Writing the Effective Area of the Sampled Waveform ......................... 143
18-4-7Reading the Effective Area of The Sampled Waveformend of
the Area ................................................................................................... 144
18-4-8List of Accessible Waveforms by Operation Mode ............................. 145
18-4-9Reading Indicated Values / Status ........................................................ 146
18-4-10Commands ............................................................................................ 147
18-4-11Reading Hold Data ................................................................................ 147
18-4-12Automatic Transmission Mode ........................................................... 149
19Error Messages ................................................................150
19-1Details of Messages ............................................................................ 150
19-2Method of Checking ADC+OVER / ADC-OVER ................................. 151
20Block Diagram ..................................................................152
21Outer Dimensions ............................................................153
22Mounting to a Panel .........................................................154
23Specifications ..................................................................155
23-1Analog Input Section ........................................................................... 155
23-2Pulse Input Section ............................................................................. 157
23-3Display Section .................................................................................... 157
23-4Setting Section .................................................................................... 158
23-5Input / Output Section ......................................................................... 158
23-6External Power Supply (Shared with Excitation Voltage) ................ 158
23-7Interface ................................................................................................ 158
23-8General Performance .......................................................................... 159
23-9Option ................................................................................................... 159
23-10Accessories ....................................................................................... 160
24Setting Items list ..............................................................161
25Statement of Conformation to EC Directives ................163

Per Reading This Instruction Manual

Per Reading This Instruction Manual
Since various names on the F395 are determined by assuming the X-axis sensor
displacement input, matters relating to the X-axis input may be expressed as
displacement - depending on the description in this instruction manual.

1. Outline of the F395

Sampling of waveform variation with displacement for going and return, detection of points in a waveform such as an inflection point, and judgment of differences between going and return at a given point (Hysteresis / Hysteresis 2 function);
Connection (P.21 ) Calibration (P.31 ) Settings Relating to Indicated Value (P.38 ) Reading of Waveform (P.92 )
Measurement Operation Functional Settings (P.40 ) Multi-Hold, (P.47 ) etc.
Waveform Comparison / waveform and Displacement Comparison, (P.68 ) etc.
The procedures from waveform display to uses of the Multi-Hold function and Waveform Comparison function are as follows:
The Multi-Hold / Hysteresis / Hysteresis 2 / Waveform Comparison / Waveform and Displacement Comparison functions cannot be used simultaneously. Carefully read the explanations of "7. Measurement Operation Functional Settings" P40, "10. Multi-Hold Mode" P47, "11. Hysteresis Mode" P64, "12. Hysteresis 2" P65, "13. Waveform Comparison / Waveform and Displacement Comparison Mode" P68 and select function(s) appropriate for the equipment application you use.
Detection of points in a waveform such as an inflection point (Multi-Hold function);
Basically, the waveform between the START signal and STOP signal is graphically drawn. (Conditional. See "9. Method of Starting Measurement" P43.)
Hysteresis (P.64 ) Hysteresis 2 (P.65 ) etc.
Check to see if the waveform variation with time and displacement is within a certain width (Waveform Comparison / Waveform and Displacement Comparison function).
Waveform display of signals from a strain gauge type sensor;
Strain gauge type sensor

1-1. What the F395 Can Do:

1.Outline of the F395
1.Outline of the F395

1-2. Waveform Drawing Procedures

The F395 can provide waveform displays of signals from a strain gauge type sensor and
displacement sensor. The waveform display procedures are as follows.
(See "7-4. X/Y-axis Setting by Operation Mode and Input CH" P41.):
1. Connect a strain gauge type sensor (and displacement sensor) with the F395.
(See "4-1-1. Analog Input / Output Connection" P21.)
2. Perform calibration. (See "5. Methods of Calibration" P31.)
3. Set each parameter for waveform display.
(See "9. Method of Starting Measurement" P43, and "16-2-9. Level Axis Select /
Waveform Start Level / Waveform Termination Level / Hold Start Level" P113.)
4. Check to see if a waveform is displayed for the set conditions.

1-3. Multi-Hold Procedures

In the Multi-Hold mode, necessary points are detected in the displayed waveform to
make a judgment such as a High/Low Limit Comparison. Up to 32 channels of Hold
types, High and Low Limits, etc., can be stored, which can be switched by external
signals. The procedures for using the Multi-Hold function are as follows:
1. Check to see if a waveform is displayed in accordance with the waveform drawing
procedures. (See "1-2. Waveform Drawing Procedures" P3.)
2. Select a hold function so that necessary points in the waveform can be held. (See "10-
3. Hold Functions" P48.)
3. Carry out Multi-Hold settings. (See "16-2. Each Setting Item" P103.)
4. Select the channel number(s) you want to control externally. (See "4-3. Control
Connector Connection" P25.)
5. Input T/H and H/M signals in accordance with the selected hold function, and check to
see if operation is performed as set. (See "10-3. Hold Functions" P48.)

1-4. Hysteresis Procedures

In the Hysteresis mode, go and return waveform variations with displacement are
sampled, and necessary points in the displayed waveforms are detected to perform
controls such as a High/Low Limit Comparison.
This function is almost the same as the Multi-Hold function except for the return
waveform sampling function by hysteresis interval (See "16-2-14. Hysteresis Interval"
P119.), displacement on the X-axis, and the maximum sampling rate of 2kHz.
1. Check to see if a waveform is displayed in accordance with the waveform drawing procedures. (See "1-2. Waveform Drawing Procedures" P3.)
2. Select a hold function such that necessary points in the waveform can be held. (See "10-3. Hold Functions" P48.)
3. Carry out Hysteresis settings. (See "11-2. Setting and Operating Method" P64.)
4. Select the channel number(s) you want to control externally. (See "4-3. Control Connector Connection" P25.)
1.Outline of the F395
5. Input T/H and H/M signals in accordance with the selected hold function, and check to see if operation is performed as set. (See "10-3. Hold Functions" P48.)

1-5. Hysteresis 2 Procedures

The Hysteresis 2 mode is the same as the Hysteresis mode except for the hold operation.
At the point of displacement where a pulse is input, High/Low Limit Comparison of the
go measured value, and High/Low Limit Comparison of the difference between the go
and return measured values are performed.
1. Check to see if a waveform is displayed in accordance with the waveform drawing procedures. (See "1-2. Waveform Drawing Procedures" P3.)
2. Carry out Hysteresis 2 settings. (See "12-2. Setting and Operating Method" P65.)
3. Select the channel number(s) you want to control externally. (See "4-3. Control Connector Connection" P25.)
4. Provide a load to the strain gauge type sensor / displacement sensor, input START and HOLD 1 ~ 3 signals (See "4-3. Control Connector Connection" P25.), and check to see if operation is performed as set.
1.Outline of the F395
1-6. Waveform Comparison /
Waveform and Displacement Comparison Procedures
In the Waveform Comparison / Waveform and Displacement Comparison mode,
waveform variations with time / displacement are sampled, and a High/Low Limit
Comparison is performed based on the sampled waveform.
A sequential comparison can be performed with respect to dynamic waveform
The procedures for performing a Waveform Comparison / Waveform and Displacement
Comparison are as follows:
1. Check to see if a waveform is displayed in accordance with the waveform drawing procedures. (See "1-2. Waveform Drawing Procedures" P3.)
2. Carry out Waveform Comparison / Waveform and Displacement Comparison settings. (See "13-2. Setting and Operating Method" P68.)
3. Select the channel number(s) you want to control externally. (See "4-3. Control Connector Connection" P25.)
4. Provide a load to the strain gauge type sensor (displacement sensor), input START and other signals, and check to see if operation is performed as set.

1-7. Operation Mode at a Glance

Waveform Comparison
Waveform and Displacement Comparison
Usable X-axis Maximum
4kHz 9 points for all types
2kHz 9 points for all types
4kHz 1 point for three types
2kHz 1 point for three types
of return
Hysteresis 2
2kHz 3 points for one type

1-8. Standard Interface

Status, set values, indicated values, waveform data, etc., can be sent to your PC through
the RS-232C serial interface. Set values and commands can also be sent from the PC to
F395. (See "18-2. RS-232C Interface" P133.)
Also, external equipment such as a printer and large display manufactured by us can be
used by using the SI/F 2-wire serial interface. (See "18-1. SI/F 2-wire Serial Interface"

1-9. Waveform Reading

Measured values at sampling points for the latest sampled waveform and NG-
measurement waveforms (rejected waveform reading: four waveforms at maximum) can
1.Outline of the F395
be read.
(See "15-1. Waveform Reading" P92, "15-2. Rejected Waveform Reading" P96, and "15-
3. Rejected Waveform Clear" P97.)

2.Name and Function of Each Part

Touch panel type color liquid crystal display
Power lamp
Shifts to the
2. High and Low Limit
5. Lithium battery
6. Status display
3. X-axis (displacement)
4. Displacement High and
[Main screen]
1. Y-axis display
Performs Digital Zero.
ⅰ ⅱ ⅲ ⅳ
7. Set Operation
8. Control Signal
9. Display of
In the Pulse Hold / Hysteresis 2 mode, the main screen layout is changed to each specific one. (See "10-3-10. Pulse Hold" P62, and "12. Hysteresis 2" P65.)
Shifts to the Hold Point
Set Values
display section
Low Limit Set Values
Mode display
High and Low Limit Set Values
Display screen.
Mode Setting Selection screen.
2. Name and Function of Each Part

2-1. Front Pane

2-1-1. Touch Panel Type Color Liquid Crystal Display

Indicated values and graphs are displayed, and various items are set on this touch panel
type color liquid crystal display.
[Setting screen]
setting screen with the key displayed in his place.
Returns to the
Setting item
Setting mode name
Returns to
1) Shifts pages when setting items at the same level
2) Moves to another item at the same level on the item
selection key
previous screen level.
the main screen.
item name
cannot be displayed on one page.
2.Name and Function of Each Part
1. Y-axis display section
Measured value .....Displays Y-axis measured values such as pressure, and also
Unit ....................... Displays the unit set with the analog CH set on the Y-axis.
2. High and low limit set values
Displays the High Limit / Low Limit of the ch (operation ch) set by external input in the
Multi-Hold / Hysteresis mode.
Displays the HI-HI Limit / LO-LO Limit of the ch (operation ch) set by external input
in the Waveform Comparison / Waveform and Displacement Comparison mode.
(See "16-2-7. High Limit / Low Limit / HI-HI/LO-LO Mode / HI-HI Limit / LO-LO
Limit" P109.)
displays error messages when measurement errors occur.
(See "7-4. X/Y-axis Setting by Operation Mode and Input CH" P41,
and "19. Error Messages" P150.)
Status Display color
Normal Blue
In sampling White
Hold Green
(See "5-7. Unit" P35, and "16-2-3. Select Analog CH" P104.)
2.Name and Function of Each Part
WAIT S : Waiting for start.
WAIT 2 : Waiting for the rising edge of start/level.
WAIT L : Waiting for level.
SAMPLE : In sampling.
HIS GO : In hysteresis go sampling
HIS RT : In hysteresis return sampling.
COPY : In waveform copy
STOP : Waiting for start.
3. X-axis (displacement) display section
Displays X-axis measured values such as displacement in the Hysteresis / Hysteresis 2 /
Waveform and Displacement Comparison mode, and also displays error messages when
measurement errors occur.
(See "7-4. X/Y-axis Setting by Operation Mode and Input CH" P41, and "19. Error
Messages" P150)
4. Displacement high and low limit set values
Displays the displacement comparison values of the ch (operation ch) set by external
input in the Hysteresis / Hysteresis 2 / Waveform and Displacement Comparison mode.
Displacement comparison values that are displayed vary depending on the Displacement
High-Low Mode.
(See "16-2-8. Displacement High-low Mode / Displacement High Limit / Displacement Low
Limit / Displacement Hold High Limit / Displacement Hold Low Limit" P110.)
Status Display Color
Thinning-out Yellow
Mode Comparison value
Hold Value Displacement Hold High/Low Limit
Peak / Both Displacement High/Low Limit
5. Lithium battery alarm
Displayed when the lithium battery requires replacement. (Normally, nothing is
If this alarm lights, replace the lithium battery in good time. (The life of the lithium
battery is approx. 7 years, which depends on the working environment.) For replacement
of the battery or handling of interchangeable batteries, contact us.
6. Status display section
Status display
2.Name and Function of Each Part
WAIT : In tracking display
DETECT : In hold detection period.
HOLD : In data hold.
NOV : In NOV RAM writing.
HH : Indicated value > HI-HI Limit set value
HI : Indicated value > High Limit set value
OK : Neither of the High and Low Limits is exceeded.
LO : Indicated value < Low Limit set value
LL : Indicated value < LO-LO Limit set value)
Priority : NOV = HH = LL > HI = LO > OK
Hold judgment
comparison judgment
Displays the ch set by external input (operation ch).
Hold status display
High and low limits / NOV RAM writing display
Operation mode Status display
Multi-Hold Hysteresis Hysteresis 2
Waveform Comparison Waveform and Displacement Comparison
ch display
7. Set operation mode display
Displays the currently set Operation Mode.
8. Control signal display
Displays the T/H and H/M input status. (See "15-8. Control Signal Display" P99)
9. Display of high and low limit set values
Displays the High and Low Limit Set Values of the ch (operation ch) set by external input in the
Multi-Hold mode. (See "16-2-7. High Limit / Low Limit / HI-HI/LO-LO Mode / HI-HI Limit /
LO-LO Limit" P109), and displays the comparison waveform of the currently set opera-
tion ch in the Waveform Comparison / Waveform and Displacement Comparison mode.
(See "13-1. Function" P68.)
2.Name and Function of Each Part
1. AC power
2. Frame ground
3. RS-232C connector
4. Calibration
5. Control connector
6. SI/F terminal
7. Analog
8. Optional slot
input connector
LOCK switch
input / output terminals

2-2. Rear Panel

1. AC power input connector
Connect the attached AC power cord. The input voltage is 100 ~ 240V AC ( ± 10%), and
the frequency is 50/60Hz.
2. Frame ground (F.G)
This is a grounding terminal. Be sure to ground the FG terminal to prevent electric
shocks and failures caused by static electricity.
3. RS-232C connector
This is an RS-232C connector to send and receive measured data and status information.
The applicable plug is OMRON-manufactured XM2D-0901 (cover: XM2S-0913 <with
inch thread #4-40>) or an equivalent.
(See "4-2. RS-232C Connection" P24, and "18-2. RS-232C Interface" P133.)
4. Calibration LOCK switch
This is a LOCK switch to prevent calibrated values from being changed by mistake.
Changing of calibrated values is prohibited when this switch is ON. (See "5-5. LOCK
Release" P34.)
2.Name and Function of Each Part
5. Control connector
This is a connector to input and output control signals, operation ch settings, etc. The
applicable plug is DDK-manufactured 57-30500 (accessory) or an equivalent.
(See "4-3. Control Connector Connection" P25.)
6. SI/F terminal
This is a serial interface (SI/F) terminal block to connect a UNIPULSE-manufactured
printer, external display, data converter, etc.
(See "4-1-2. SI/F Connection" P23, and "18-1. SI/F 2-wire Serial Interface" P132)
7. Analog input / output terminals
These are terminals for strain gauge type sensor / displacement sensor inputs and voltage
(See "4-1-1. Analog Input / Output Connection" P21.)
8. Optional slot
Up to four optional boards can be mounted.

3.Screen Configuration and Setting Methods

Mode Setting
Numerical Value Input】
Each mode key
Set Value Selection】
Hold Point Display
Waveform Sampling
Waveform Editing
* Go to Select Rejected Waveform Reading from the selection screen.
Each setting key
3. Screen Configuration and Setting Methods

3-1. Screen Flow Chart

3.Screen Configuration and Setting Methods
Waveform Reading Hold Point for
Rejected Waveform Rejected Waveform
Basic Setting
Code Setting
Hold Setting key
Judgment Setting
Hold Setting
Category key
Waveform ReadingGraph
Reading Selection Reading Graph
Hold Point for Rejected
Waveform Reading
Mode set
CH1 CAL. CH2 CAL. Operation Mode Code set Wave sampling Read Wave Communication Option set System System 2
Axis (P41)
EXC. Volt (P34)
Zero CAL. (P35)
Equiv. CAL. (P36)
Actual CAL. (P37)
Digital Flt. (P38)
Analog Flt. (P38)
Decimal Place (P35)
Unit (P35)
Digital Offset (P38)
Increment (P35)
Read Wave
Read Wave (P92)
Read NG Wave (P96)
NG Wave CLR. (P97)
Control Signal (P99)
Y StartPoint (P97)
Y Scale (P97)
X StartPoint (P98)
X Scale (P98)
Speed (P133)
Data Length (P134)
Parity (P134)
Terminator (P134)
Communication Mode
SI/F Hold Trans. (P134)
SI/F Hold Point (P134)
Operation Mode
Operation Mode (P40)
Sample Rate (P40)
EXC. Volt (P34)
Zero CAL. (P35)
Equiv. CAL. (P36)
Actual CAL. (P37)
Digital Flt. (P38)
Analog FIlt. (P38)
Decimal Place (P35)
Unit (P35)
Digital Offset (P38)
Increment (P35)
Wave Sampling
Wave Call (P82)
Clear (P82)
Sampling (P83)
Edit (P84)
3.Screen Configuration and Setting Methods

3-2. Setting Mode Tree Chart

3.Screen Configuration and Setting Methods
F-T Output (P120)
Auto Code Up (P107)
Code Up Point (P107)
Parameter Copy (P104) Select CH (P104) Wave Start Level (P113) Wave End Level (P113) Hold Timer (P105) Inhibit Timer (P119) Auto Code Up (P107) Code Up Point (P107)
Protect (P127)
Display Rate (P127)
Backlight (P127)
Contrast (P128)
System 2
All Param. CLR. (P128)
Self Test (P128)
Code Set (Display items vary depending on the selected Operation Mode.)
Multi-Hold Wave Comp. Hysteresis Wave&Displace Hysteresis 2
Parameter Copy (P104)
Select CH (P104)
Wave Start Level (P113)
Wave End Level (P113)
Hold Timer (P105) Inhibit Timer (P119)
Parameter Copy (P104) Select CH (P104) Lv. Axis Select (P113) Wave Start Level (P113) Wave End Level (P113) Hold Timer (P105) Inhibit Timer (P119) Hys. Interval (P119) F-T Limit (P120)
Parameter Copy (P104) Select CH (P104) Lv. Axis Select (P113) Wave Start Level (P113) Wave End Level (P113) Hold Timer (P105) Inhibit Timer (P119) F-T Limit (P120) F-T Output (P120)
Parameter Copy (P104) Select CH (P104) Lv. Axis Select (P113) Wave Start Level (P113) Wave End Level (P113) Inhibit Timer (P119) Hys. Interval (P119) F-T Limit (P120) F-T Output (P120)
Auto Code Up (P107) Code Up Point (P107)
DPM Hold HI (P110) DPM Hold LO (P110)
HI-LO Relative (P108) HI Limit (P109) LO Limit (P109) HH/LL Mode (P109) HI-HI Limit (P109) LO Limit (P109) DPM HI-LO Mode (P110) DPM HI (P110) DPM LO (P110)
HI-LO Relative (P108) HI Limit (P109) LO Limit (P109) HH/LL Mode (P109) HI-HI Limit (P109) LO Limit (P109)
HH/LL Mode (P109) HI-HI Limit (P109) LO Limit (P109) U. Area Output (P80)
HH/LL Mode (P109) HI-HI Limit (P109) LO Limit (P109) DPM HI-LO Mode (P110) DPM HI (P110) DPM LO (P110) DPM Hold HI (P110) DPM Hold LO (P110) U. Area Output (P80)
DPM Hold HI (P110) DPM Hold LO (P110)
HI-LO Relative (P108) HI Limit (P109) LO Limit (P109) HH/LL Mode (P109) HI-HI Limit (P109) LO Limit (P109) DPM HI-LO Mode (P110) DPM HI (P110) DPM LO (P110)
* Only the hold setting includes further setting items.
Setting items vary depending on the hold category selection. For the items in the hold setting, see "16-2-4. Hold Setting" P105.
Option Set
* For details, see the
attached Option Manual.
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