3900 Coral Ridge Drive
Coral Springs, FL 33065
Phone: +1- 954-346-2442
Toll Free: 1-800-440-3504
Web site – http://www.unipowerco.com
Sageon Shield Standalone Battery Monitor
Please Note: For your protection, the following information and the product manual should be read and
thoroughly understood before unpacking, installing, or using the equipment.
UNIPOWER, LLC presents all equipment to the delivering carrier securely packed and in perfect
condition. Upon acceptance of the package from us, the delivering carrier assumed responsibility for its
safe arrival to you. Once you receive the equipment, it is your responsibility to document any damage the
carrier may have inflicted, and to file your claim promptly and accurately.
1.1 Examine the shipping crate or carton for any visible damage: punctures, dents, and any other signs of
possible internal damage.
1.2 Describe any damage or shortage on the receiving documents, and have the carrier sign their full name.
1.3 If your receiving freight bill notes that a Tip-N-Tell is attached to your freight, locate it. If the Tip-N-Tell
arrow has turned even partially blue, this means the freight has been tipped in transport. Make sure the
carrier notes this on your receipt before you sign for the freight.
2.1 Within fifteen days, open the crate and inspect the contents for damages. While unpacking, be careful not
to discard any equipment, parts, or manuals. If any damage is detected, call the delivering carrier to
determine appropriate action. They may require an inspection.
2.2 After the inspection has been made, call UNIPOWER. We will determine if the equipment should be
returned to our plant for repair, or if some other method would be more expeditious. If it is determined
that the equipment should be returned to UNIPOWER, ask the delivering carrier to send the packages
back to UNIPOWER at the delivering carrier's expense.
2.3If repair is necessary, we will invoice you for the repair so that you may submit the bill to the delivering
carrier with your claim form.
2.4It is your responsibility to file a claim with the delivering carrier. Failure to properly file a claim for
shipping damages may void warranty service for any physical damages later reported for repair.
Equipment can be universally heavy or top-heavy. Use adequate humanpower or equipment for handling.
Until the equipment is securely mounted, be careful to prevent the equipment from being accidentally
tipped over.
PM990-4023-01, Issue 4 i
Sageon Shield Standalone Battery Monitor
Updated UNIPOWER logo & contact information.
See PCO# 44465
Each piece of UNIPOWER equipment is identified by a part number on the nameplate. Please refer to
this number in all correspondence with UNIPOWER.
All equipment is shipped from our production area fully checked and adjusted. Do not make any
adjustments until you have referred to the technical reference or product manual.
To minimize downtime during installation or operation, we suggest you purchase spare fuses, circuit
boards and other recommended components as listed on the Recommended Spare Parts List in the back of
the product manual. If nothing else, we strongly recommend stocking spare fuses for all systems.
The information contained in this product manual is the sole property of UNIPOWER, LLC. R eproduc tion of the
manual or any portion of the manual without the written permission of UNIPOWER, LLC is prohibited.
Data, descriptions, and specifications presented herein are subject to revision by UNIPOWER, LLC without
notice. While such information is believed to be accurate as indicated herein, UNIPOWER, LLC makes no
warranty and hereby disclaims all warranties, express or implied, with regard to the accuracy or completeness of
such information. Further, because the product(s) featured herein may be used under conditions beyond its
control, UNIPOWER, LLC hereby disclaims and excludes all warranties, express, implied, or statutory, including
any warranty of merchantability, any warranty of fitness for a particular purpose, and any implied warranties
otherwise arising from course of dealing or usage of trade. The user is solely responsible for determining the
suitability of the product(s) featured herein for user’s intended purpose and in user’s specific application.
Throughout the remainder of this manual, “UNIPOWER” will mean “UNIPOWER, LLC.”
Installation, setup, operation, and servicing of this equipment should be performed by qualified persons
thoroughly familiar with this Product Manual and Applicable Local and National Codes. A copy of this manual is
included with the equipment shipment.
7. SETTING UP NETWORK INTERFACES.....................................................................................................27
7.1.1. Preparations for local address set up ................................................................................................27
7.1.2. Local IP address set up procedure ....................................................................................................27
7.1.3. Preparations for gateway address set up ...........................................................................................27
7.1.4. Gateway IP address set up procedure ...............................................................................................28
7.2. PROGRAMMING IP ADDRESSES USING ARP AND TELNET ACCESS ........................................28
7.2.1. Preparations for local address set up ................................................................................................29
7.2.2. L
ocal IP address set up procedure ....................................................................................................29
7.2.3. Configuring the Unit .........................................................................................................................30
7.2.4. Server Configuration (Network Configuration) ...............................................................................31
Figure 12. SBM connections to a 48V (24 cell) battery string. .................................................................. 9
Figure 13. SBM connections to two 48V (12 monoblock) battery string. ................................................ 10
Figure 14. SBM connections to two 48V (8 monoblock) battery string. .................................................. 11
Figure 15. SBM connections to four 48V (4 monoblock) battery string. ................................................. 12
Figure 16. SBM connections to two 24V (12 cell) battery string. ............................................................ 13
Figure 17. 24V connection for 2-strings of 4V monoblocks .................................................................... 14
Figure 18. SBM connections to four 24V (4 monoblock) battery string. ................................................. 15
Figure 19. SBM connections to four 24V (2 monoblock) battery string. ................................................. 16
PM990-4023-01, Issue 4 iv
Sageon Shield Standalone Battery Monitor
The Sageon Shield Standalone Battery Monitor is a complete solution for monitoring the status of a 48V battery
string. The Sageon Shield Battery Monitor will monitor individual cell voltage, ambient and pilot cell
temperature, and battery string charge/discharge current (optional). Using UNIPOWER’s Sagev iew softwa re the
user can obtain a snapshot view of the present state of the batteries remotely via the integral Web/SNMP interface
card, or locally at the unit via the front panel USB connection. Alarming is provided via five user configurable
relays that can be triggered on a variety of battery conditions; by default, these relays will “trip” on high battery
cell voltage, low battery cell voltage, high cell voltage deviation, low cell voltage deviation, and high ambient or
battery temperature.
The battery monitor is mounted into a standard 19” rack using 12-24 screws. A minimum of four screws are
required to secure the Power shelf into the rack. It is recommended to initially install the Power shelf into the rack
without the Controller in place. 23” mounting brackets are available; consult factory for part numbers.
Figure 2. Mount points for securing battery monitor in a rack
Wiring for the standard Power shelf is rear access only.
WARNING: Access to the rear wiring should be limited to qualified service personnel. It is recommended to
remove the power before gaining access to the rear wiring due to the safety hazard present inside the electrical
enclosure. Similarly, the energy hazard associated with wiring connected to the batteries bus must be addressed
through the use of appropriately insulated tools and other measures to prevent accidental short circuits to the DC
Figure 3. Opening top rear cover to access wiring
All connections to the Sageon Shield Standalone Battery Monitor are made at the rear of the unit and within the
battery connection module. To open the top rear cover, remove the two rear M3 screws securing the cover to the
back. The top cover will then hinge up to provide access to the wiring. To gain access to the boards in the battery
connection module remove the (2) 4-40 screws from the front panel and slide the cover forward.
(7) Standalone system voltage connection (Controller power and voltage sensing) – special
* Devices and cable connections are pre-wired as part of the supplied and tested battery monitor
PM990-4023-01, Issue 4 3
Sageon Shield Standalone Battery Monitor
The optional sensors for measuring ambient and battery temperature are the same device (Part No. 385-5941-03).
The system auto-detects if the sensor is plugged into one of the positions (4) or (5) shown in Figure 6. If no
sensor is installed, the Controller will show “Not Available” in the menu items for the temperature measurements.
Locate the ambient sensor on a large thermal mass, such as the equipment rack; this will prevent large swings in
temperature readings. Locate the battery sensor on a battery block in the middle shelf of the battery bank (likely
hot zone). The battery temperature sensors are connected directly to the battery posts using the integral lug of th e
temperature sensor. The temperature sensors are galvanically isolated from the lug.
NOTE: Up to four battery temperature sensors can be connected to the Sageon Shield Standalone Battery
Monitor; however, only the highest battery temperature will be displayed at the front panel or via SageView.
Figure 7. Alarm relay connect ions (r ight ) and remot e commun ica ti ons modu le loca tion (l ef t)
The alarm relay board is inverted when installed in the rear cover lid such that Relay 5 is on the left when viewed
from the rear of the metalwork. The connections are labeled again on the rear cover. Each alarm is user
programmable through the Controller using the SageView PC software.
PM990-4023-01, Issue 4 4
Figure 8. Alarm relay board connections
Sageon Shield Standalone Battery Monitor
Relay #
Pin #
Pin function
activate for multiple alarm conditions or a single alarm
that one becomes a controller failure indicator (use the
N.O. (normally open)
N.C. (normally closed)
C (common)
The user configurable auxiliary relays contacts are shown above. The contacts are rated for 1A 250VAC or 1A
32VDC and have >1kV isolation to the coils. The pin configuration is pin 1 at the right as seen in Figure 7.
The relays, being user configurable, can be arranged to
only. The logic can be inverted for individual relays so
normally closed contact as this will also indicate if the
relay power has failed).
Power for the Controller and its peripherals is derived from the DC bus or the charged battery. The Battery
connection module has reverse polarity protection circuit; however, a reversed connection will fail to power the
controller. There is one connection to the (+) terminal and one connection to the (-) battery terminal.
Remove the top cover of the Sageon shield to view the power connections to the Battery Distribution Module
(BDM). The red wire should be connected to the BATTERY POS(+) terminal, X16. The black wire should be
connected to the BUS (-) and LVDS COMMON terminals, X2 and X9, respectively. Connect the black wire to
the battery (-) terminal and the red wire to the battery (+) terminal to complete the power connections to the
Sageon Shield.
The system voltage is sensed solely on the connections to the battery. No additional user connections are required
to power the Controller.
The front USB port on the Controller is configured as USB-slave and has a B-type connector. A standard USB A-
to-B cable is required. The Controller can only communicate via the USB port to a PC running the SageView
The USB connection requires that a USB driver be installed on the PC. The first time the Controller is plugged
into the PC via the USB port, a Microsoft® Windows dialogue box will appear asking the user to install the
Controller USB Interface drivers. The Microsoft® Windows operating system should be able to find the drivers
automatically on the Sageview CD-ROM, assuming it is in the CD-ROM drive of the PC.
If Sa geView is running when the unit is plugged in, a Windows dialogue box will appear asking the user if they
wish to connect to the unit immediately. Otherwise, the user will need to select the Controller from the available
controller USB devices in USB section in the Connection Setup.
The SageNET/SNMP remote communications module is located to the left of the alarm relay header when viewed
from the rear. The SageNET module is capable of delivering plant information via an ethernet connection to
PM990-4023-01, Issue 4 5
Sageon Shield Standalone Battery Monitor
remote workstation running the SageView software. For more information on SageView operation, refer to
TG990-4262-00 on the documentation CD. Additionally, remote monitoring of the Sageon Shield Standalone
Battery Monitor can be accomplished via SNMP. Refer to the SageNET setup and configuration guide on the
documentation CD for more information.
The Sageon Battery Monitor (SBM) PCB is located under the sheet metal cover of the Battery Distribution
Module (BDM). It is used to monitor individual cells of a battery during float or equalization operation, or during
a discharge. Each SBM unit is capable of monitoring up to 24 cells or monoblocks. An additional three external
SBM units (up to four SBM units total) can be used to monitor up to four battery strings of 24 cells or
monoblocks each.
The cell voltages can be viewed in real time when the SCU is connected to a PC. The SageView software that is
running on the PC can display the cell voltage data in various convenient formats to ascertain the state of health of
batteries. In addition to the real time representation of the data on the SageView, the cell voltages can also be
observed in real time on the SCU display locally.
A number of pre-programmed parameter levels are used to generate alarms that are annunciated on the SCU front
panel by a LED and screen message and remotely via voltage free contacts, or via the USB port, which can
connect directly to a PC locally, or remotely via SNMP and an Ethernet connection.
• Up to 24 cells can be monitored by a single SBM module. Cell voltage setting can be 2V, 4V, 6V,
and 12V.
• Up to four SBM boards can be connected to a single SCU.
• Individual cell voltages of a battery can be viewed on the SCU display in real time. The cell voltage
rounded to the nearest 5mV (applies only to 2V range) is displayed together with the cell number and
its percentage deviation from the average cell voltage of the battery.
• All the cell voltages can be displayed in a “Histogram” format locally or remotely on a PC using
Sageview software for a very convenient and rapid visual indication of normal and deviant cells.
• As the SBM is permanently connected to the batteries, daily or weekly viewing of the steady state cell
voltages for the different batteries in a system to a remote monitoring PC can be very useful for
anticipating the state of health of the batteries.
Battery configuration options (48V systems): 24Cell x 2V, 12Cell x 4V, 8Cell x 6V, 4Cell x 12V
Battery configuration options (24V systems): 12Cell x 2V, 6Cell x 4V, 4Cell x 6V, 2Cells x 12V (not e: 24V
systems are specially configured and require a different controller model; contact the factory for more
Maximum battery voltage: 75Vdc
Number of cells: 24 maximum per SBM
Number of strings per SBM: 1, 2, 3, or 4 depending on configuration (See section 3.3).
Cell Voltage selection (DIP switch setting on the board):