Unipower Sageon PSMC I Product Manual

PM990-2999-00, Rev 5





103-2999-XX +24/-48 Vdc Model
65 Industri al Park Rd Dunlap, TN 37327 Phone: +1-954-346-2442 Toll Free: 1-800-440-3504 Web site – www.unipowerco.com
Please Note: For your protection, the following information and the product manual should be read and thoroughly understood before unpacking, installing, or using the equipment.
UNIPOWER, LLC presents all equipment to the delivering carrier securely packed and in perfect condition. Upon acceptance of the package from us, the delivering carrier assumed responsibility for its safe arrival to you. Once you receive the equipment, it is your responsibility to document any damage the carrier may have inflicted, and to file your claim promptly and accurately.
1.1 Examine the shipping crate or carton for any visible damage: punctures, dents,
and any other signs of possible internal damage.
1.2 Describe any damage or shortage on the receiving documents, and have the
carrier sign their full name.
1.3 If your receiving freight bill notes that a Tip-N-Tell is attached to your freight,
locate it. If the Tip-N-Tell arrow has turned even partially blue, this means the freight has been tipped in transport. Make sure the carrier notes this on your receipt before you sign for the freight.
2.1 Within fifteen days, open the crate and inspect the contents for damages. While
unpacking, be careful not to discard any equipment, parts, or manuals. If any damage is detected, call the delivering carrier to determine appropriate action. They may require an inspection.
2.2 After the inspection has been made, call UNIPOWER, LLC. We will determin e
if the equipment should be returned to our plant for repair, or if some other method would be more expeditious. If it is determined that the equipment should be returned to UNIPOWER, LLC, ask the delivering carrier to send the packages back to UNIPOWER, LLC at the delivering carrier's expense.
2.3 If repair is necessary, we will invoice you for the repair so that you may submit
the bill to the delivering carrier with your claim form.
It is your responsibility to file a claim with the delivering carrier. Failure to properly file a claim for shipping damages may void warranty service for any physical damages later reported for repair.
PM990-2999-00, Rev 5 i
Equipment can be universally heavy or top-heavy. Use adequate human-power or equipment for handling. Until the equipment is securely mounted, be careful to prevent the equipment from being accidentally tipped over.
Each piece of UNIPOWER, LLC equipment is identified by a part number on the nameplate. Please refer to this number in all correspondence with UNIPOWER, LLC.
All equipment is shipped from our production area fully checked and adjusted. Do not make any adjustments until you have referred to the technical reference or product manual.
To minimize downtime during installation or operation, it is suggested that spare fuses, circuit boards and other recommended components be purchased as listed on the Recommended Spare Parts List in the back of the product manual. If nothing else, it is strongly recommend that spare fuses be stocked for all systems.
PM990-2999-00, Rev 5 ii
Checked & Approved by
/ Date
See PCO 45389
CJM / 8-8-19
Revision History
Rev Description
This document explains the installation, operational, maintenance and troubleshooting methods for the UNIPOWER, LLC SAGEON PSMC I Monitor/Controller.


UNIPOWER, LLC. believes that all information contained in this manual is accurate and reliable. However, this information does not constitute any guarantee or warranty by UNIPOWER, LLC, nor does it make UNIPOWER, LLC responsible for any damage that might occur during the installation, use, or maintenance of the equipment described in this manual.
UNIPOWER, LLC. also does not guarantee that the suggested equipment uses given in this manual do not infringe upon any existing or pending patents.
Installers, users, and maintainers of this equipment should not assume that all possible safety measures that could be taken with this equipment are mentioned in this manual. Where unusual environmental conditions or circumstances dictate otherwise, said personnel should not assume that no other precautionary measures may be required for the safe installation, use, and maintenance of this equipment.
PM990-2999-00, Rev 5 iii


TABLE OF ABBREVIATIONS ................................................................................................ VI
TABLE OF REFERENCES ..................................................................................................... VII
CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................... 1
1.1 GENERAL DESCRIPTION ............................................................................................................. 1
1.2 FEATURES ....................................................................................................................................... 1
1.3 SPECIFICATIONS ........................................................................................................................... 2
1.3.1 Physical Specifications ............................................................................................................... 2
1.3.2 Environmental Specifications ..................................................................................................... 2
1.3.3 Electrical Specifications.............................................................................................................. 2
1.3.4 General Plant Performance Specifications .................................................................................. 3
1.3.5 Safety Specifications ................................................................................................................... 3
1.3.6 Monitoring Specifications ........................................................................................................... 3
1.3.7 Control Specifications ................................................................................................................. 4
1.3.8 Alarm Specifications ................................................................................................................... 4
1.3.9 Output Relay Specifications ....................................................................................................... 6
CHAPTER TWO: SAGEON PSMC I INSTALLATION ....................................................... 1
2.1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................. 1
2.2 SELECTING A LOCATION ............................................................................................................ 1
2.3 CABLING REQUIREMENTS ......................................................................................................... 1
2.4 INSTALLATION PROCEDURE OUTLINE ................................................................................... 2
2.5 INSTALLATION GUIDELINES ..................................................................................................... 3
2.6 WIRING THE SAGEON PSMC I .................................................................................................... 4
2.6.1 Plant Ground ............................................................................................................................... 4
2.6.2 Battery ......................................................................................................................................... 4
2.6.3 Analog Inputs .............................................................................................................................. 5
2.6.4 Binary Inputs............................................................................................................................... 5
2.6.5 C
2.6.6 Output Relays ............................................................................................................................. 7
2.7 PRODUCT SUPPORT ................................................................................................................... 8
ontrol Relays ............................................................................................................................ 6
CHAPTER THREE: SAGEON PSMC I OPERATION .......................................................... 1
3.1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................. 1
3.1.1 General Description .................................................................................................................... 1
3.1.2 SAGEON PSMC I Menu Structure ............................................................................................ 2
3.1.3 Accessing the Menus .................................................................................................................. 2
3.1.4 Menu Functionality ..................................................................................................................... 3
3.2 PROGRAMMING THE SAGEON PSMC I ..................................................................................... 6
3.2.1 Factory Default Settings ............................................................................................................. 7
3.3 ENABLING THRESHOLDS ............................................................................................................ 7
3.4 SET THRESHOLDS ......................................................................................................................... 8
3.5 ENABLING CHANNELS .............................................................................................................. 10
3.6 ANALOG CALIBRATION ............................................................................................................ 11
3.6.1 Calibrate Zero ........................................................................................................................... 11
3.6.2 Calibrate Gain ........................................................................................................................... 13
3.6.3 Shunt Calibration Calculations ................................................................................................. 14
3.7 SET SHUNT SCALES ...................................................................................................................... 14
3.8 SYSTEM OPTIONS MENU ............................................................................................................. 15
3.8.1 System Password Sub-Menu..................................................................................................... 15
3.8.2 Negative Volts Sub-Menu ........................................................................................................ 16
PM990-2999-00, Rev 5 iv
Temperature Calibration Calculations ...................................................................................... 14
3.8.3 Negative Amps Sub-Menu ........................................................................................................ 16
3.8.4 Temperature Inputs Sub-Menu ................................................................................................. 16
3.8.5 Idle Display Sub-Menu ............................................................................................................. 16
3.8.6 Audible Alarm Sub-Menu ........................................................................................................ 16
3.8.7 System Voltage Sub-Menu ....................................................................................................... 17
3.8.8 Equalize Sub-Menu ................................................................................................................... 17
3.8.9 Auxiliary Relay Sub-Menu ......................................................................................................... 18
3.8.10 Backlight Option ....................................................................................................................... 18
3.8.11 About PSMC ............................................................................................................................. 18
CHAPTER FOUR: SAGEON PSMC I TEST & VERIFICATION ......................................... 1
4.1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................. 1
4.2 TEST ANALOG CHANNELS ......................................................................................................... 1
4.3 TEST BINARY CHANNELS ........................................................................................................... 1
4.4 TEST OUTPUT RELAYS ................................................................................................................ 2
4.5 LED TEST MODE ............................................................................................................................ 2
4.6 LCD TEST MODE ............................................................................................................................ 3
4.7 ALERT TEST MODE ....................................................................................................................... 3
CHAPTER FIVE: MAINTENANCE ......................................................................................... 1
CHAPTER SIX: SPARING / ACCESSORIES, OPTIONAL PARTS ................................... 1
CHAPTER SEVEN: APPENDIX LISTINGS............................................................................ 1
7.1 FLOW CHARTS FOR SAGEON PSMC I MENU STRUCTURES .................................................. 1
Appendix A: Main Menus .................................................................................................................... 3
Appendix B: Configuration Menu ......................................................................................................... 4
Appendix C: Enable Channels Menu ..................................................................................................... 5
Appendix D: Enable Thresholds Menu .................................................................................................. 6
Appendix E: Set Thresholds Menu ........................................................................................................
ppendix F: Calibrate Zero Menu ......................................................................................................... 8
Appendix G: Calibrate Gain Menu ........................................................................................................ 9
Appendix H: Set Shunt Scales Menu ................................................................................................... 10
Appendix I: System Options Menu...................................................................................................... 10
Appendix J: Auxiliary Relay Menu ..................................................................................................... 11
Appendix K: Test Menu ...................................................................................................................... 12
7.2 PROGRAMMING DATA WORK SHEET ...................................................................................... 14
7.3 REFERENCE DRAWINGS .............................................................................................................. 14
PM990-2999-00, Rev 5 v
American National Standards Institute
American wire gauge
controlled environment vault
circular mils
Counter Electro-motive Force
dual in-line package
electromagnetic interference
electrostatic discharge
+48-volt fuse and breaker alarm
high voltage alarm
high voltage shutdown
International Electrical Commission
Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers
light emitting diode
least significant digit
low voltage alarm
low voltage disconnect
printed circuit board
power distribution rack Power Systems Monitor & Controller
Regional Bell Operating Company
rectifier failure alarm
very low voltage alarm
volts direct current
Uniform Building Code


National Electrical Manufacturers Association National Electric Code Underwriters Laboratory
PM990-2999-00, Rev 5 vi
ANSI C 39.1
Requirements for Electrical Analog Indicating Instruments
ANSI T1.311-1991
DC Power Systems – Telecommunications Environment Protection
Measurement and Control Equipment. October 1987
NEC 1993
NEC Handbook 1993, National Fire Protection Association
No Number
OI-28 Standards
Central Office Telecommunications Equipment Engineering Standards. December 1984
Telecommunications Equipment Installation & Removal
Guidelines. June 1990
Communications Type Battery Chargers, NEMA/ANSI
Line Communications
Facilities Serving Electrical Power Stations
Bellcore Generic Requirements for 24-, 48-, 130-, & 140-Volt Central Office Power Plant Rectifiers. May 1985
Central Office Power Plant Control and Distribution. May 1985
Building System Generic Equipment
Requirements. Issue 4, July 1991
Bellcore Generic Physical Design Requirements for Telecommunication Products and Equipment


ANSI/IEEE C 62.41-
IEC 801-2
No Number
PUB 77350
STD 487-1980
IEEE Guide for Surge Voltages in Low-Voltage AC Power Circuits,
IEC Electromagnetic Compatibility for Industrial-Process
U S West
IEEE Guide For The Protection of Wire-
Bellcore Generic Requirements for 24-, 48-, 130-, & 140-Volt
Bellcore Network Equipment-
PM990-2999-00, Rev 5 vii



The SAGEON PSMC I is a microprocessor based, single rack space, power plant monitor and controller for telecommunications applications. The SAGEON PSMC I was designed to be a compact and easy to use replacement for conventional meter and alarm panels (and direct replacement of the PSMC 1525). The SAGEON PSMC I has all of the standard metering and alarm functions, as well as a number of added features, which are outlined below:
The SAGEON PSMC I can be used to monitor:
Plant voltage
Plant current
Load voltage
Up to 9 shunt (50mV) currents (up to 24 additional shunts when used in conjunction with the
Sageon PSMC I Analog Monitoring Expansion, PN 103-3000-23 – sold separately)
Two CEMF cells
Five separate fuse alarms (battery potential true) inputs
Up to 16 Rectifier Fail Alarms (RFA) inputs
Temperature: Ambient and two battery strings
Low voltage disconnect status
Controller inhibit input making the SAGEON PSMC I a secondary controller
The SAGEON PSMC I has the following alarm and control output relays (all relay contacts rated 60W / 62.5VA):
Dual Form C contacts for Major and Minor alarms
Single Form C contacts for the following alarms:
- High volt a ge (HVA) - Temperature alarm (TEMP)
- Very Low Voltage (VLVA) - Control Inhibit (CTRL INH)
- Low Voltage (LVA) - Auxiliary relay (AUX) (user defined)
- Rectifier Fail Alarm (RFA) - Fuse alarm (FA)
- Low Voltage Disconnect (LVD) - Watchdog alarm (WD)
- Counter Electromotive Force (CEMF)
Single Form A contacts for the following control functions:
- High volt a ge (HV)
- Rectifier Restart (RS)
- Equalize (EQ)
Front panel LED’s that visually indicate alarm & control status
Built-in audible alarm


Compact single rack space design
Simple four key access to status, system configuration, calibration, and control functions
Alphanumeric display: shows measurement data and programming information
Front panel LED alarm indicators: (Red) MAJOR, FA, VLVA, LVD, HVSD, WD, RFA, & TA;
(Yellow) MINOR, LVA, CEMF, HVA, ACO, EQ, CTRL-INH, and (Green) Power
Manual Equalize Mode with programmable duration from 1 to 255 hours
PM990-2999-00, Rev 5 1-1
Shipping and handling
Shipped in a padded box when ordered as a
0 to 95 %, non-condensing
Auto Equalize Mode with programmable on, off and duration thresholds
Audible alarm with a user selectable trigger point and cut-out durations
One “Auxiliary” output relay (user definable) (over-current)
User access may be password protected
Built-in test & calibration modes
Front panel test points for manual verification of test & calibration data
Screw terminals for easy connection of users inputs & outputs


1.3.1 Physical Specifications Width: 19” or 23” (103-2999-19A or 103-2999-23A, respectively)

Height: 1.75” (1RU) Depth: 11.0” Weight: 10.0 lbs.

1.3.2 Environmental Specifications

Operating temperature
Storage temperature
Altitude Heat dissipation Cooling Seismic

1.3.3 Electrical Specifications Power/Supply

0°C to +50°C (+32°F to +122°F)
-40°C to +85°C (-40°F to +185°F)
separate item, or installed in rack and pre­wired to the plant when ordered as part of a custom power plant
10,000 feet (3,048 meters) ~150 BTU/hour maximum Natural convection UBC seismic zone 4 (Calculated response)
Input: +24 Vdc @ 400 mA (worst case)
Maximum Supply Voltage: 60 Vdc Minimum Supply Voltage: 20 Vdc
PM990-2999-00, Rev 5 1-2
-48 Vdc @ 200 mA (worst case)
54.20 (27.10)
CURRENT (shunt)
0.000 (0.0°F)
.750 (75.0°F)
2.300 (230.0°F)
Analog Inputs

1.3.4 General Plant Performance Specifications

The SAGEON PSMC I was designed to operate in accordance with the monitor and control specifications portion of TR-EOP-000154, for +24 and -48 Vdc Power Plants.

1.3.5 Safety Specifications

Underwriters Laboratory Standards of Safety for Information Technology Equipment (UL
1950) and the Bellcore Network Equipment-Building System Generic Equipment Requirements (TR-EOP-000063) were adhered to in all component and wire selection. Particular attention was paid to safety ratings and OI-28 flammability requirements.

1.3.6 Monitoring Specifications

* See PN Drawings and Menu Flow Charts, located in the back of this manual, for electro­mechanical details and user menu information.
The front panel meter of the SAGEON PSMC I is an alphanumeric LCD display. It
displays voltage with 0.05 % accuracy (10mV; within one least significant digit of display), current readings with +/-0.2% accuracy and temperature readings within 1/2
The information displayed (in the default mode) on the front panel of the SAGEON
PSMC I is plant voltage, plant current, and the number of active alarms. When the Load Voltage channel has been enabled, the front panel will change to show the plant voltage, load voltage, current, and the number of active alarms. If an ambient temperature sensor is attached, it can be set up to toggle display with the plant current on the default screen (CONFIGURE MENU). Optionally, the sum of the feeder currents can be shown in place of the plant current if the “SUM” feature is selected from the idle display configuration menu.
Four front panel push buttons provide access to all menus for general channel
polling, alarm status determination, system configuration, calibration, and testing.
15 analog channels predefined for plant voltage, plant current, load voltage, 9 feeder
and/or rectifier shunts, and three temperature sens ors (ambient & 2 battery string).
5 binary fuse alarm (FA) inputs for Charge, Discharge, Sense/Control, Battery, and
Spare used for monitoring fuse and breaker status (battery level active/blown).
16 binary rectifier fail (RFA) inputs for monitoring individual rectifier status (active
low/GND closure).
2 binary counter-emf cell inputs for CEMF cell status (active low/GND closure).
2 binary inputs: one for LVD alarming and one Controller-Inhibit (active low/GND
Test jacks for manual confirmation of voltage, current, and temperature readings.
Test jacks are for reference only; proper calibration of the Sageon PSMC I should use measurements at the screw terminals. E.g. Due to internal inline-protection of the
PM990-2999-00, Rev 5 1-3
The front panel alarm indicators are listed below with their LED indication
Rectifier Fail (RFA)
Triggered by any one of sixteen individual
test terminals, a small voltage drop will be read.
Built in audible alarm to enunciate a Major or Minor alarm with ACO (Audible Cut-
Off), all user defined.

1.3.7 Control Specifications

Equalize (EQ) output, which is user selectable for manual or automatic operation.
Manual is initiated from front keyboard for 1 – 255 hours. Auto is triggered by user adjustable on and off voltage thresholds and adjustable duration from 0 to 10 hours. See section 3.8.8
EQUALIZE SUB-MENU for setting up equalize.
High Voltage Shutdown (HVSD) output with user adjustable trigger voltage.
Restart (RS) output triggered by the Low Voltage alarm threshold to try and
automatically restart any rectifiers that are in “high voltage shutdown.”

1.3.8 Alarm Specifications

color, trigger source, and where applicable, the alarm input requirement:
Major Alarm (MAJ)
Fuse Alarm (FA)
Very Low Voltage (VLVA)
Low Voltage Disconnect (LVD)
High Voltage Shutdown (HVSD)
Watchdog/Aux (WD)
Red LED Major alarm indicator Triggered by FA, VLVA, LVD, HVSD, OC (over-current) or any two or more minor alarms; RFA’s, TA’s, CEMF, LVA, HVA, CTRL INH alarms
Red LED FA alarm indicator Triggered from charge, discharge, sense, battery, and spare fuse alarm s (BAT input active/true)
Red LED VLVA alarm indicator Triggered by user defined voltage threshold (see Set Thresholds Section 3.4)
Red LED LVD alarm indicator Triggered by open low voltage disconnect contactor (GRD input active/true)
Red LED HVSD alarm indicator Triggered by user defined voltage threshold (see Set Thresholds Section 3.4)
Red LED WD alarm indicator Triggered by SAGEON PSMC I internal default/detect circuitry (front panel reset or microprocessor failure). The WD will flash if the Aux alarm (user configured) is triggered.
Red LED RFA alarm indicator
PM990-2999-00, Rev 5 1-4
The front panel alarm indicators are listed below with their LED indication
rectifier fail (RFA) inputs (GRD input
(GRD true input)
timer expires or another audible alarm occurs.
timer expires), or
ary control inhibit input
(GRD true input)
color, trigger source, and where applicable, the alarm input requirement:
Temperature alarm (TA)
Minor Alarm (MIN)
Counter-EMF Cell Alarm (CEMF)
Low voltage Alarm (LVA)
High voltage alarm (HVA)
Audible Cut-off Status (ACO)
Red LED TA alarm indicator Triggered by any Hi or Lo temperature alarm thresholds for Ambient, Battery String 1, Battery String 2, also triggered by any temperature differential between strings and ambient temp.
Yellow LED Minor alarm indicator Triggered by any single RFA, CEMF, LV, HV, or TA alarm
Yellow LED CEMF indicator Triggered when CEMF Cell 1 or 2 are active
Yellow LED LVA alarm indicator Triggered by user defined voltage threshold (see Set Thresholds Section 3.4)
Yellow LED HVA alarm indicator Triggered by user defined voltage threshold (see Set Thresholds Section 3.4)
Yellow LED ACO status indicator Triggered by manually turning audible alarm off from Alarm menu. Stays on until ACO
Equalize (EQ) Status
Control Inhibit Status (INH)
Yellow LED EQ status indicator Triggered by manually initiating the Equalize mode (stays on until equalize is manually turned off or manual­automatically when plant voltage falls below threshold (stays on until plant voltage rises above off threshold or auto-timer expires).
Yellow LED CTRL INH status indicator Triggered by bin from master controller when SAGEON PSMC I is used as a secondary controller
PM990-2999-00, Rev 5 1-5
The SAGEON PSMC I provides both Form-C alarm output relays and Form-A
be either ground closures or battery outputs.

1.3.9 Output Relay Specifications

control relays for remote monitoring, audible and visual alarm panels, and rectifier control requirem ents.
Form-C contacts Alarms


Form-A contacts
The SAGEON PSMC I provides screw terminals for 13 form-C alarm relay outputs; all relays except MAJOR and the WATCHDOG are normally de-energized
Plant alarm outputs are MAJ, MIN, HVA,
and RFA. Two sets of contacts (2 form C) are provided for Major and Minor alarms
An auxiliary relay (AUX) is provided that the user can define as a major, minor, equalize, audible alarm, or any specific analog or binary input channel alarm. If triggered the WD LED will flash.
A WATCHDOG (WD) relay is provided to enunciate a SAGEON PSMC I processor failure or a front-panel reset.
A control inhibit relay (CTRL INH) is provided to indicate that the SAGEON PSMC I is off line due to and active control inhibit input
A normally open set of contacts is provided for the Equalize mode output. (See Equalize mode section for operation details)
A normally open set of contacts is provided for the rectifier Restart output.
A normally open set of contacts is provided for the HVSD output.
Note: common control return (CTRL RET) pins are provided to allow control outputs to
PM990-2999-00, Rev 5 1-6



2.1.1 These instructions provide general information for installing the SAGEON PSMC I in custom
applications as a stand alone unit. Units ordered as part of custom power plants will be installed, wired, and tested at the factory. These instructions are meant to be used with the SAGEON PSMC I product drawings PN 103-2999-XX and a datashe et for detai lin g the application specific wiring and programming. If the appropriate drawings are not included in this manual, contact Customer Support at 954-346-2442.
2.1.2 If questions or problems arise during installation, please call one of our Field Service
technicians at 954-346-2442 for assistance. A name plate on the bottom of the cabinet gives the part number for the SAGEON PSMC I. Reference this number when requesting service.
2.1.3 To install the SAGEON PSMC I you will need:
o Standard installation tools o Standard small screwdriv er for screw term inals (i.e. Xcelite® USA R3322) o PN drawing set o Inline fuses and/or resistors o Datasheet (for detailing wiring and setup)


Note: This procedure assumes a custom SAGEON PSMC I installation in an existing power plant.
2.2.1 The SAGEON PSMC I should be mounted at eye level for easy access and display viewing.
The unit requires only one rack space for mounting. No precautions are necessary for internal cooling. If the unit is to be mounted over high heat producing equipment, such as a ferro-resonant rectifier, a heat shield should be installed between the units.


2.3.1 All connections to the SAGEON PSMC I utilize screw terminal connections. Care should be
exercised to tighten the screws without breaking the wires. Make sure there is no bare wire showing that could possibly short to other wires. Good electrical contact should be checked for each connection.
2.3.2 Solid 20 - 24 AWG wire is recom mended for screw terminal connections. This typ e of wire is
readily available in single twisted pairs, or multiple-condu ctor jack et ed cabl ing to facil itate the typical wiring associated with this monitor & controller product. If solid conductors are NOT used, then “tinning” the end of the conductor is suggested.
2.3.3 Overall system performance and safety depends on the proper wiring and the installation of
inline protection devices where needed. Cable runs that will utilize overhead cable racks should be jacketed and carefully routed to protect the wiring to the SAGEON PSMC I.
PM990-2999-00, Rev 5 2-1


WARNING: The SAGEON PSMC I utilizes connections to battery for power and sensing


2.4.1 Verify the part number on the SAGEON PSMC I conforms to the voltage of the power plant before installation. The SAGEON PSMC I functions with +/-24 Vdc or +/-48 Vdc input power without adjustment. Maximum voltage input is 60 Vdc; minimum is 20 Vdc.
2.4.2 Locate the unit as directed in the “Selecting a Location” section and mount with four standard rack-mount screws; two of the screws must have “Paint-Cutting” washers installed to assure proper grounding for ESD protection.
2.4.3 Locate power source and sense points for battery power, plant voltage and load voltage connections. These connections must be fused at the source with inline protection or utilize a sense and control panel connection. Ideally, both the battery and ground leads should be protected. The minimum requirement is a fuse in the battery leg. A separate ground lead should be run to one of the common Plant Ground (PLANT GND, TB2 pins 2-12 and 21-
24) screw terminals. This connection references the SAGEON PSMC I internal ground to the power plant ground reducing noise levels and providing a convenient plant ground connection point for ground closures on output relays.
connections that must include inline protection (fuses or current-limiting resistors) to eliminate potential hazards to personnel and equipment due to accidentally shorted battery connections.
2.4.4 A list of connections should be created for all the SAGEON PSMC I wiring before actual wiring begins using the Datasheet in the back of this manual. The Datasheet will greatly simplify the wiring process and provide a permanent record of the SAGEON PSMC I wiring.
2.4.5 Locate each sense point for plant voltage and shunts to determine what type of inline protection and cable routing is required. Note connection and protection requirements on Datasheet.
2.4.6 Locate rectifier connections for Equalize, Restart, HVSD inputs, and RFA outputs to determine connection requirements. The connections for Equalize, Restart, and HVSD MUST all be battery OR ground closures simultaneously e.g. Equalize CANNOT be a battery closure while HVSD and Restart are ground closures. This information determines the connection to the common “control return” (CTRL RTN) on the SAGEON PSMC I. The
RFA inputs are ground closures.
Note: Add this information and any lug requirements on the Datasheet. Determine best cable routing to
the rectifier connections. The Equalize, Restart, and HVSD connections can be “daisy chained” as necessary. The SAGEON PSMC I accepts up to 16 individual RFA inputs.
2.4.7 Locate fuse alarm (FA IN) connection points. Five individual inputs are provided for Charge, Discharge, Battery, Sense/Control, and one Spare. Multiple discharge fuse alarms can be “daisy chained” if desired.
PM990-2999-00, Rev 5 2-2
Fuse alarms are battery voltage inputs. Inline fuse protection is recommended if these
connections must utilize overhead cable runs. Determine best cable routing, connection requirements and add this information to the Datasheet.
Note: Do not use inline resistors for protection on fuse alarms as SAGEON PSMC I
internal sensing circuits will be adversely affected and may fail to register fuse alarms; fuses must be used instead.
2.4.8 Two ground closure true inputs are provided for CEMF Cell alarm inputs (CEMF1 & CEMF2). If a CEMF Cell is included verify it provides the proper input. No inline protection is required for ground closure type inputs. Determine the best cable routing, connection requirements and add this information to the Datasheet.
2.4.9 A ground closure true input is provided for a Low Voltage Disconnect (LVD) alarm. If a Low Voltage Disconnect is included, verify it provides the proper input. No inline protection is required for ground closure type inputs. Determine the best cable routing, connection requirements, and add this information to the Datasheet.
2.4.10 If Ambient (AMB) and battery temperature (TS1 & TS2) sensors are included, determine the mounting locations. The ambient sensor should be bolted to a large thermal mass, such as the rack itself, to limit response to short term changes.
Two battery temperature sensor inputs are provided for up to two battery strings. Sensors are
designed with lead plated ring lugs to be connected with battery strap hardware. Sensor detection circuits are isolated from battery potential. Sensors come with 30 ft. leads, which can be extended with butt splices if necessary.
Cable runs in excess of 100 ft. may degrade temperature readings due to voltage drops. No inline protection is required for temperature sensors. Determine best cable routing, connection requirements and add this information to the Datasheet.
2.4.11 The alarm output relays are the last consideration. The user must determine the local requirements such as the presence of a central alarm monitor or separate audible or visual alarm panels. All the output relays are normally de-energized except the Major alarm, which is energized for fail safe operation. All relays are rated at 60W, 62.5VA.
All alarm output relays are Form C, and can provide either normally open or normally closed connections. Ground closure alarms can utilize the Plant Ground screw terminals for jumpers to the common connection on the output relays. Determine best cable routing, connection requirements, and add this information to the Datasheet.


The following topics provide guidelines and suggestions to facilitate wiring the SAGEON PSMC I in a fast and efficient manner, producing a quality installation that looks professional and limits potential problems.
2.5.1 Sketch out the wire routing from the SAGEON PSMC I on paper to determine the best routing that allows the maximum number of wires to be bundled together from the SAGEON PSMC I to the furthermost possible connection point. Creating wiring bundles facilitates routing and provides protection to individual wires.
PM990-2999-00, Rev 5 2-3
2.5.2 Always use multi-conductor twisted pair or jacketed cables whenever possible. Start cabling from the SAGEON PSMC I, filling in the wire color codes on the Datasheet as connections to the SAGEON PSMC I are made. If same color coded wires must be used repeatedly, use sticky wire labels to uniquely label each wire. This will greatly speed up the wiring process at the destination end and make troubleshooting easier.
2.5.3 Familiarize yourself with the screw terminal board layout before starting the wiring process. Refer to Signal Identifier Label for screw terminal labeling locat ed on the top panel of the SAGEON PSMC I. Develop a wiring progression such as power, analog, fuse alarms, etc. This will help eliminate wiring errors or missed connections.
2.5.4 The SAGEON PSMC I power inputs are protected against reverse polarity. The analog inputs are polarity sensitive. Reversed connections will not cause any damage but the SAGEON PSMC I will be unable to read the input. This requirement can be confusing, especially on shunt inputs. Using the power plant SD drawing to determine shunt polarities will save time later when troubleshooting analog channels.
2.5.5 Before starting the general plant wiring, lay any ground jumpers between output relay commons, CTRL RET, and Plant Grounds that are required. These connections can limit wiring access when added over the other plant wiring. The SAGEON PSMC I provides pluggable screw terminal blocks for ease of wiring. Take care to properly insert and seat the terminal blocks after wiring. If front access is required be sure to leave enough cable length (~3-4 ft) to remove the PSMC from the rack without disconnecting the terminal blocks.


Note: Refer to Datasheet for specific wiring information. Be sure to add wire color references as
connections are completed. Should actual wiring require any changes update the Datasheet immediately. The PN 103-2999-XX drawing provides general wiring diagrams for the typical SAGEON PSMC I connections, mechanical views, and fusing information.
At this point, the installer should have a Datasheet detailing the required connections and a wiring plan that provides the most efficient cable routing. The installer should be familiar with the wiring connections to the SAGEON PSMC I. The PN 103-2999-XX drawings should be availab le for reference to the actual SAGEON PSMC I connections and typical wiring diagrams.

2.6.1 Plant Ground

Determine plant ground jumper requirements for output relays from the data information sheet. “Daisy chain” jumpers with black wire, if possible, from the Plant GRD screw terminals to the common (C) connection on each relay requiring a ground closure.

2.6.2 Battery

Begin with the power connections to the SAGEON PSMC I running a fused Battery connection to the BAT pin on the SAGEON PSMC I. Several Ground leads should be run for power and plant ground connections. The power GRD return and the PLANT GROUND should be jumped together, but use separate wiring to a central ground point on the power plant to minimize noise pick-up. (See Fig.1 of PN drawing)

Note: See the PN 103-2999-XX drawing Table E for SAGEON PSMC I power fusing requirements.

PM990-2999-00, Rev 5 2-4

2.6.3 Analog Inputs

Note: Analog inputs for Plant voltage, Load voltage and temperature sensors should be left
open at the measurement (sense) point on the power plant at installation to facilitate calibration zeroing, which requires shorting the leads. Connect the fused Plan t Voltag e sense le ads to the VB+ and VB- terminals on the
SAGEON PSMC I, verifying the proper polarity. (See Fig. 2 of PN drawing) Connect the fused Plant Shunt sense leads to the PSH+ and PSH- terminals on the
SAGEON PSMC I, verifying the proper polarity. (See Fig. 3 of PN drawing) Connect any required Feeder Shunt sense leads starting at SH1+ & SH1- up to SH9+
& SH9-, as per the Datasheet. These inputs must also be protected and connected with the proper polarity. (See Fig. 4 & 5 of PN drawing) Connect the ambient and battery temperature sensors to their respective inputs: AMB
(ambient) and TS1 & TS2 for battery temperature sensors. Each sensor requires a connection to power (P), temperature return (R), and temperature signal input (S). These connections correspond to the red, black, and blue leads (respectively) of the temperature sensors. If the temperature sensor wires have been extended refer to the Datasheet for proper connections. (See Fig. 8 of PN drawing)
WARNING: Improper temperature sensor connection may damage the sensors. Always
verify proper connections, and avoid shorting leads, especially when connecting to a powered SAGEON PSMC I. The temperature sensor return
lead (RTN) is isolated, and MUST NOT be connected to PLANT GROUND. Connect the fused load voltage sense leads to the VL+ & VL- terminals on the
SAGEON PSMC I, verifying the proper polarity. (See Fig. 2 of PN drawing)
This completes the analog input connections. Stop and verify these connections and update the
Datasheet if necessary. Go to the Analog Channel Calibration section next.

2.6.4 Binary Inputs

Binary inputs consist of 2 CEMF Cell alarm inputs, 5 Fuse Alarm (FA) inputs, 1 Low Voltage Disconnect (LVD) Alarm, and 16 Rectifier Fail (RFA) alarms. The Binary inputs require pre­defined inputs for proper operation. Refer to the Datasheet for required connections and the PN 103­2999 drawings for typical wiring diagrams. (See Fig. 9 of PN drawing) CEMF Cell alarm inputs require a ground closure input. Verify the CEMF Cell to be
monitored can provide this type of alarm output before proceeding. Alarm leads are connected to the +CEMF1 or +CEMF2 input terminals. The -CEMF1 and -CEMF2 connections are not required, but can be jumpered to PLANT GROUND and used with twisted pair cable runs for noise suppression if desired.
PM990-2999-00, Rev 5 2-5
Note: UNIPOWER, LLC CEMF Cells do not typically provide an alarm output. They do
provide a fuse alarm that can be connected to the spare fuse (SP) alarm input to provide some measure of direct monitoring if desired. Fuse Alarm inputs require a battery input. Five Fuse alarm inputs are provided to
divide these alarms into charge (CH), discharge (DIS), battery (BAT), sense/control (S/C), and a spare input (SP) that can be used as desired (see Refer to the Datasheet for the required connections. Route and terminate these connections carefully due to their battery potential when alarmed.
Note: Plant Ground (PGND) and (GRD) must be connected to the grounded terminal of the
batteries for the fuse alarms to function properly. See PN drawing for typical connections. The Low Voltage Disconnect alarm input requires a ground closure input. Verify the
LVD to be monitored can provide this type of output before proceeding. The alarm lead is connected to the (LVD) input terminal. Refer to the Datasheet for the required connections. The Rectifier Fail alarm inputs require a ground closure input. Verify the Rectifiers
to be monitored can provide this type of output before proceeding. The SAGEON PSMC I can monitor up to 16 individual Rectifier fail alarm leads that are connected in sequence to the (RFA) input terminals. Refer to the Datasheet for the required connections. Make sure the Datasheet c le ar ly shows which rec ti fier is connec ted to each input. The Control Inhibit (INH) input requires a ground closure input. The Control Inhibit
(INH) input relinquishes control functions from the SAGEON PSMC I. When triggered the Control Inhibit will disable the Rectifier ReStart (RS), Equalize (EQ), and High Voltage Shut Down (HVSD) control output relays. The SAGEON PSMC I will continue to monitor all input channels and provide alarm condition relay outputs when Control Inhibit is active. See section 2.6.5 for information about the control relays.
This completes the Binary input connections. Stop and verify these connections and update the Datasheet if necessary. See Enabling Channels section after the installation wiring is complete.

2.6.5 Control Relays

The SAGEON PSMC I provides three rectifier control outputs: Equalize (EQ), High Voltage Shutdown (HVSD), and Restart (RS). These Form A, normally open, relay outputs share a common control connection to CTRL RET. This connection must be tied to the appropriate potential, either plant ground or battery. Most applications will require a ground closure. In either case, all three outputs MUST utilize the same common output potential or the user must decide which outputs he can use appropriately. The Equalize (EQ) output provides an operator initiated manual tim er or a voltag e
initiated automatic timer. If this control feature is desired, determine if the rectifiers support this function and what type of input is required. The CTRL RET terminals are common to one another and must be jumpered to the proper potential. Multiple rectifiers can be daisy chained with a lead from the EQ output. See Fig. 6 of PN drawing and Setting Up Equalize section in this manual.
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