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September 2015
Manual No. aspiro1u_ms22-1
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Chapter 1 About This Manual ......................................................................................................6
Table 5-2 Commissioning Record .............................................................................................34
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Chapter 1 About This Manual
1. About This Manual
This chapter contains an overview of the information that is presented in this Power System
Manual. This includes information on objectives, the intended audience, and the organization
of this manual. In addition, this chapter also denes the conventions used to indicate warnings,
cautions and noteworthy information.
1.1 Objectives
This manual describes the Power System, explains how to unpack and install the system,
how to perform the initial power-up and operational system check.
The information presented in this document is current as of the publication date.
1.2 Audience
This manual is to be used by installers and technicians who are preparing the site for a new
installation and installing the power system. This manual assumes that the technician has an
understanding of power systems in general and understands safety procedures for working
around AC and DC voltage.
The user of this document should be familiar with electronic circuitry and wiring practices
and have some expertise as an electronic, power, or electromechanical technician.
1.3 Document Key
This manual uses the following conventions:
WARNING This symbol indicates a situation that could cause bodily injury .
Always be aware of hazardous conditions when working in or around the
power system.
CAUTION This symbol indicates a situation that might result in equipment
damage. The reader should be aware that their actions could result in
equipment or data loss.
NEED MORE INFORMATION? This symbol is used to reference
information either in this manual or in another document.
NOTE This symbol means the reader should take note. Notes are helpful
suggestions or reminders.
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T able 1-1 Abbreviations
PPSP1 Power Supply System
PMPP1 Modular Power
CMPConvection-cooled Modular Power
FMPFan-cooled Modular Power
PCSP1 Control and Supervision
PCUP1 Control Unit
GMCGalero Modular Controller
PPRP1 Power Rack
PBDUP1 Battery Distribution Unit
PBCP1 Battery Cabinet
PDUP1 Distribution Unit
PPRDP1 Power Rack with DC Distribution
PPCP1 Power Supply Cabinet
PBFP1 Battery Fuse Unit
PCBPrinted Circuit Board
LVDLow voltage disconnection
PLDPartial load disconnection
MCBMiniature circuit breaker
MCCBMoulded case circuit breaker
1.4 Feedback & Support
For technical support or feedback, please visit and
select Customer “Support/Repairs” and then “Customer Service”.
Alternatively, email:
RegionEmail Address
Europe, Middle East and
The Americas and
1.5 Disclaimer
UNIPOWER is not responsible for system problems that are the result of installation or
modication of the instructions provided in this manual.
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Chapter 2 Aspiro System Description
2.1 Overview
Aspiro DC power systems oer a range of solutions for diverse applications such as broadband
access, cable head ends, micro/pico BTS Cells, Enterprise, E911, and GSM-R.
The Aspiro shelf system utilizes ecient, dense, and reliable plug-in rectier modules
XR04.48, XR08.48 or XPGe12.48, with output power available at either 400W, 800W or
1200W per rectier, based upon a soft-switching approach. Features include wide input
operating range, wide operating temperature, full self-protection and three LEDs for
immediate rectier status indication.
The power system can be managed locally through messages and alarm displayed on the
LCD screen of the system controller or remotely, using the PC-based PowCom™ software,
or through a web browser with Ethernet connection.
2.2 System Congurations
Aspiro 1U system consists of:
1. System Controller ACC Extended or PCC
2. 4 x Load and 1 x Battery breakers including LVD
ControllerPCC or ACC Extended
Local Interface4 x 20’ LCD, 4-key menu, USB (ACC only) and RS232
Remote InterfaceEthernet / Modem using PowCom™ software
Visual IndicationGreen LED - System On
Analog Inputs12 x voltage inputs (range 0-100VDC)- used for symmetry inputs
Analog Outputs4 x potential free relays (C, NC, NO)
Digital Inputs2 x, Logic 0: U<10VDC, Logic 1: U>12VDC
Digital Outputs2 x, open collector type
Temperature measurement2 x Temperature probe (Battery, Ambient)
4 or 5 (depending on option selected)
4A, 5A, 7½A, 10A or 15A
Yellow LED - Message(s)
Red LED - Alarm(s)
Battery connectionsStripped cable, max.16mm
AC connectionsStripped cable with ferule, max. 2.5mm
Load breaker connections Stripped cable with ferule, max. 4mm
Alarm connectionsStripped cable with ferule, max. 1.5mm
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, spring type connector
, screw type connector
, screw type connector
, screw type connector
Dimensions (WxHxD)482.6mm x 44.45mm x 280mm
Weight of the system
Telecordia GR-1089-cove, level 2 (L/L,L/E) 6/6kV - Performance criterion D
Voltage dips and
IEC/EN 61000-4-11
Dip 30%, 100ms - Performance criterion A
Dip 30%, 200ms - Performance criterion B
Dip 60%, 20ms - Performance criterion A
Dip 60%, 100ms - Performance criterion B
Dip >95%, 20ms - Performance criterion A
Dip >95%,100ms - Performance criterion B
Conducted RF
IEC/EN 61000-4-6 10VAC, AM 80%, 1kHz - Performance criterion A
SafetyEN 60950-1
EnvironmentStorage - ETS 300 019-2-1
Transport - ETS 300 019-2-2
Operation - ETS 300 019-2-3
Operating Temperature-40°C to +75°C
Storage Temperature-40°C to +85°C
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Eciency95% typical @ I
nom90% typical @ I
nom88% typical @ I
Input Current (max)<7.3A<10.5A<5.3A
Output Current (max)
53.5V oat
Output Power1200W @ >180VAC
750W @ 90-180VAC
Operating Temperature
(without derating)
Input Voltage
(Nominal 100-240VAC)
Output Voltage46-57VDC
Load sharing< 5% of nominal current
Dimensions (WxHxD)40.6 (1.6”) x 101.62(4”) x 228.5(9”) mm
Weight1.1 kg
CoolingFan-cooled, speed and alarm controlled, air ow direction rear to front
ProtectionShort circuit proof, automatic current limiting, selective shutdown of modules
at excessive output voltage.
AlarmsHigh output voltage/ shutdown, Low voltage/ module failure
LED Indication
Green: Power ON
Yellow: Current limit/ thermal protectionFan failure / Over temperaturePre-warning / thermal protectionCommunication Failure (ashing)
Red: Module failure / high output voltage shutdown
Audible noise<55dBA according to ISO7779
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2.4 System Components
The Aspiro system is delivered with all components mounted according to the ordered
conguration. The main components are described below and in later chapters of the manual.
2.4.1 System Controller
The Aspiro 1U power system can be controlled by the ACC Extended or PCC controller.
The description and operation of these controllers is covered in separate manuals which
are available at: