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we reserve th e right to modif y designs an d specificat ions whenev er necessary. All
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Every care is taken to ensure that, as far as reasonably practical, it will perform
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Health and safety
Dorman ref. No B16.15376 ISS 5
PADS NUMBER 094/008050
To be read before commencing

Only qualified railway personnel should use this device within the relevant railway
Technical features.
The lamp is a 4 - aspect device which complies fully with Network Approval
All external and internal mouldings are manufactured from a high impact
polycarbonate. It incorporates a single high output LED, with colour corrected
filters to give colour as required in GK/RT0031 lineside signals and indicators.
battery is a module unit specifically designed for this device.
There are no serviceable parts inside.
Operating Instructions.
The Railway LED Handlamp is a 4
aspect device comprising of Red,
Yellow, Green and White colour
output. Rotate the switch as shown
to select the desired colour aspect
indicated on the switch knob. The
colour can be viewed from the top
of the lamp (see Fig.1) through the
colour indicator lens. The switch
has eight positions - four 'ON' and
four 'OFF'.
To change the battery, fully
depress the black release
button (See Fig.2)
The battery will automatically
eject. Dispose of battery within
local regulations.
To insert new battery, simply
push in until the release button
engages, locking the battery in
position. (See Fig.3)
Note:- The battery can only be
Inserted one way.
Make sure
the keyway on the battery is
uppermost prior to assembly
Fig 1
indicator lens
The lamp has a built in low battery
warning feature, which indicates?
when the battery is ready for
changing. This is shown as a blue
indicator when the lamp is
switched ON, indicating battery is
OK. If the blue indicator is off when
the lamp is switched ON, it is time
to change the battery. The lamp
Battery type
Replacement battery part number B91.90018 – PADS No. 094/008051
Lamp Specifications
Voltage ~ 4.5 v DC
Currrent ~ 250 mA
~ Alkaline (2400 mAh) module type. 4.5 vDC
will continue to operate after the
blue LED has extinguished, but at
a reduced light output.