This technical manual has been prepared to guide you in the maintenance of your new Union Special machine. Carefulattention to the instructions for operation and adjustment of these machines will enable you to maintain the superiorperformance and reliability designed and built into every Union Special machine.
The adjusting portion of this manual explains in detail the proper setting for each of the components related to forming thestitch and completing the functions of the machine. Illustrations are used to show the adjustments and reference numbersare used to point out specific items discussed.
Adjustments are presented in sequence so that a logical progression is accomplished. Some adjustments performed outof sequence may have an adverse effect on the function of other related parts.
NOTE:Instructions stating direction or location, such as right, left, front or rear of the machine are given relative to theoperator’s position at the machine unless otherwise noted. The handwheel rotates counterclockwise in operatingdirection; as viewed from the right end of the machine.
To simplify identification of repair parts, the mechanisms are illustrated by exploded views. A numerical index at the backof the manual will help you locate an item when only the part number is known.
Implementation of preventative maintenance procedures can bring about significant improvements in operatorproductivity by avoiding costly equipment breakdowns. Wherever it becomes necessary to make repairs or replace partson your machine, be sure to insist on genuine UNION SPECIAL Repair Parts. These parts are designed specifically for yourmachine and manufactured with utmost precision to assure long lasting service.
This manual has been comprised on the basis of available information. Future changes and/or improvements mayincorporate a slight modification of configuration in illustrations or part numbers.
1.Before putting the machines described in this manual into service, carefully read the instructions. Thestarting of each machine is only permitted after taking notice of the instructions and by qualifiedoperators.
IMPORTANT!Before putting the machine into service, also read the safety rules and instructions from the
motor supplier.
2.Observe the national safety rules valid for your country.
3.The sewing machines described in this instruction manual are prohibited from being put into service until
it has been ascertained that the sewing units which these sewing machines will be built into, haveconformed with the EC Council Directives (89/392/EEC, Annex II B).
Each machine is only allowed to be used as foreseen. The foreseen use of the particular machine isdescribed in paragraph “STYLES OF MACHINES” of this instruction manual. Another use, going beyondthe description, is not as foreseen.
4.All safety devices must be in position when the machine is ready for work or in operation. Operation
ofthe machine without the appertaining safety devices is prohibited.
5.Wear safety glasses.
6.In case of machine conversions and changes all valid safety rules must be considered. Conversions
and changes are made at your own risk.
7.The warning hints in the instructions are marked with one of these two symbols:
8.When doing the following the machine has to be disconnected from the power supply by turning off
the main switch or by pulling out the main plug:
8.1When threading needle(s), looper, spreader etc.
8.2When replacing any parts such as needle(s), presser foot, throat plate, looper, spreader, feeddog, needle guard, folder, fabric guide etc.
8.3When leaving the workplace and when the workplace is unattended.
8.4When doing maintenance work.
8.5When using clutch motors without actuation lock, wait until the motor is stopped totally.
9.Maintenance, repair and conversion work (see item 8) must be done only by trained technicians orspecial skilled personnel under consideration of the instructions.
10.Any work on the electrical equipment must be done by an electrician or under direction and supervisionof special skilled personnel.
11.Work on parts and equipment under electrical power is not permitted. Permissible exceptions aredescribed in the applicable sections of standard sheet DIN VDE 0105.
12.Before doing maintenance and repair work on the pneumatic equipment, the machine has to bedisconnected from the compressed air supply. In case of existing residual air pressure, after disconnect-ing from compressed air supply (i.e. pneumatic equipment with air tank), the pressure has to beremoved by bleeding.
IDENTIFICATION OF MACHINES..............................................................................................................................6
NEEDLE BAR ALIGNMENT........................................................................................................................................9
SYNCHRONIZING LOOPER AND NEEDLE MOTIONS............................................................................................10
SYNCHRONIZING LOOPER AND NEEDLE MOTIONS (CONT.)............................................................................11
NEEDLE BAR HEIGHT...............................................................................................................................................12
FEED DOG SETTINGS..............................................................................................................................................13
PRESSER BAR HEIGHT AND PRESSER FOOT..........................................................................................................13
PRESSER BAR HEIGHT (CONT.)..............................................................................................................................14
SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS.........................................................................................................................................16
TENSION & LIFTER LEVER PARTS.............................................................................................................................43
PRESSER FOOT, THROAT PLATE & FEED DOG PARTS...........................................................................................47
PRESSER FOOT, THROAT PLATE & FEED DOG PARTS...........................................................................................49
THREAD STAND PARTS & MISC. ACCESSORIES...................................................................................................51
NUMERICAL INDEX OF PARTS...............................................................................................................................52
NUMERICAL INDEX OF PARTS...............................................................................................................................53
Each UNION SPECIAL machine is identified by a Style number, which on these classes of machines, isstamped into the style plate affixed to the right front of the machine.
The serial number is stamped in the casting at the right rear base of machine.
Advanced high speed, high throw, flat bed machines. Two needles, independent row, two loopers,enclosed automatic lubricating system. Maximum recommended speed 6000 R.P.M. Maximum workspace to right of needle bar 8 1/4 inches (209.6mm).
56500RTypical application - For attaching riser to dungarees, piecing sleeves on denim jackets and for
attaching overall bibs made of medium heavy to heavy weight materials.
-Seam specification 401 LSc-2
-Type 147 GKS needle
-16 and 18 gauge
Advanced high speed, high throw, flat bed machines. Three needles, independent row, left needle infront, three loopers, enclosed automatic lubricating system. Maximum recommended speed 6000R.P.M. Maximum work space to right of needle bar 8 1/4 inches (209.6nun).
56900PTypical application - For attaching risers to the back of jeans made with medium heavy to
heavy weight materials.
-Seam specification 401 LSc-3
-Type 147 GKS needle
-8 and 9 gauge
56900RTypical application - For seat seams, outseam or inseam on jeans made from heavy weight
-Seam specification 401 LSc-3
-Type 147 GKS needle
-8 and 9 gauge
The oil has been drained from the machine before shipping and the reservoir must be filled beforestarting to operate. Maintain oil level in “OPERATE” zone; add oil when the needle on the gauge regis-ters on the black line marked “LOW”. The machine is automatically lubricated and no oiling other thankeeping the main reservoir filled is necessary. Refer to instructions under “LUBRICATION” and “CHANG-ING LENGTH” for additional information.
Threading is illustrated above for all Styles.
Use a straight mineral oil with a Saybolt viscosity of 90 to 125 seconds at 100 degrees Fahrenheit. This isequivalent to Union Special Corporation Specification No. 175.
The oil should be between the two red lines in sight gauge (B)when the machine is at rest.
1.If oil is required remove oil cap (A).
2.Fill between lines with Union Special Specification 175 oil(Union Special Part No. 28604R).
Caution:Do not exceed the upper red marker line.
Excessive oil in machine will result in oilleakage and possible overheating.
3.To drain oil reservoir, remove plug screw (C), on lower rightend of machine below the handwheel. Oil must bechanged every 2000 operating hours to minimize wear.
4.On new machines, or a machine out of service for anextended period of time; lubricate machine as follows:
Remove head cover, clean out lint, then directly oil needlebar link and needle bar. Replace head cover and fillmachine with oil to proper level. Run machine at low RPMto ensure proper lubrication of components preventing anydamage which may occur from lack of oil distribution.
Each needle has both a type and size number. The type number denotes the kind of shank, point,length, groove, finish and other details. The size number, stamped on the needle shank, denotes largestdiameter of blade, measured midway between shank and eye. Collectively, type and size numberrepresent the complete symbol, which is given on the label of all needles packed and sold by UNIONSPECIAL.
To have needle orders promptly and accurately filled, an empty package, a sample needle, or the typeand size number should be forwarded. Use description on label. A complete order would read asfollows:“1000 needles, Type 147 GKS, Size 125/049”.
short point, standard eye and grooves, chromium plated - sizes 090/036, 100/040, 110/044,125/049, 140/054.
Selection of proper needle size is determined by size of the thread used. Thread should pass freelythrough needle eye in order to produce a good stitch formation.
Insert a new set of needles (type and size required). Turn handwheel to bring needle bar (A, Fig. 3)down to ensure that needles center in needle holes of throat plate as shown in Fig. 3. Adjustment canbe made by loosening screw (B) slightly, allowing needle bar to be turned as required. Tighten clampscrew.
Insert looper into the looper rocker, pushing it all the way down and tighten screw against f lat on shankof looper. Turn handwheel in operating direction until the point of the looper (A, Fig. 4) moving to theleft, is even with the left side of the right needle (B). Note the height of the eye of the needle withrespect to the looper point (See Fig. 5) . Turn the handwheel in the reverse direction until the point oflooper, again moving to the left, is even with the left side of right needle (See Fig. 5). If the height of theeye of the needle with respect to the looper point are the same, looper and needle motions aresynchronized. A variation of .005 inch (.127 mm) is allowable. If the distance from the eye of the needleto the point of the looper is greater when the handwheel is turned in the operating direction, the looperdrive lever rocker shaft will have to be moved slightly towards the rear. Moving the shaft towards thefront acts the reverse.
NOTE:The 1/64 inch (.4mm) dimension shown in Fig. 5 is for final setting of needle bar height.
Adjust the looper drive rocker lever shaft as-follows:
Loosen screw (C, Fig. 4) in looper drive lever (D). A rod of .146-40 thread or Union Special Screw No.22870A can be threaded into the looper drive lever rocker shaft through the center of thrust adjustingscrew (E). Tap or pull slightly as required to position shaft for proper synchronization. Tighten screw (C)securely and remove rod or screw used to position shaft. Loosen lock nut (F) and torque thrust adjustingscrew (E) to 6 in. lbs. (7cm/kg); retighten lock nut (F) securely.
Turn handwheel in operating direction until looper isat the extreme right end of its travel. Check locationof the center-line of right looper connecting rodbearing using gauge TT35. Place hole in gauge (B,Fig. 6) over threaded stud (A). The left end of gaugeshould locate against the RIGHT side of looperrocker cone (C). If adjustment is necessary, loosenclamp screw (D), reposition looper driver lever (E) asrequired and retighten screw (D). If a gauge is notavailable, the setting can be checked with a scale."X" dimension is from centerline of stud (A) tocenterline of cone (C) which should be 4 1/16 inch(103.2mm).
CAUTION:After adjusting the looper gauge and looper avoid, there should be shake at both endpoints of the looper connecting rod while rotating handwheel a full 360o (H, Fig. 6). If bind occurrsloosen nuts (D and E, Fig. 7) and reposition strap (H). Retighten nuts.
Insert a new needle, type and size as specified. Using the 1/8 inch(3.2mm) looper gauge, set the looper (A, Fig. 7) so the distance fromthe center of the needle (B) to the point of the looper is 1/8 inch(3.2mm), when the looper is at its farthest position to the right.
Looper gauge No. 21225-1/8 (C) can be used advantageously inmaking this adjustment. On two needle machines set the back looperto the right needle and on three needle machines set the middlelooper to the middle needle, when setting the looper gauge. Thechart on the following page indicates needle Type, looper gaugesetting and looper gauge number. if adjustment is required, loosennut (D) (it has a left hand thread) and nut (E) on connecting rod (F),turn the connecting rod forward or backward to obtain the 1/8 inch(3.2mm) dimension. Retighten both nuts, first nut (E), then nut (D).Make sure the left ball joint is in vertical position and does not bindafter adjustment.
The looper is set correctly if, as it moves to the left behind the needle, itspoint (A, Fig. 8) clears the rear of needle (B) by .002 inch (.051mm).
If adjustment is necessary, loosen lock screw (G, Fig. 7) and turn stop screw(H) as required. Turning stop screw clockwise sets the looper to the rearand turning it counterclockwise acts the reverse. Holding looper to thefront while making this adjustment may prove helpful. Tighten lock screwwhen setting is obtained and recheck the adjustment.
Insert the other needles and loopers. Other than applying pressure on thelooper at the front or back Fig. 8 of the blade, so as to get the proper in-line-of-feed setting, the same looper to needle relationship should existwithout any further adjustment while clamping the looper in the looperrocker.
The height of the needle is correct when the top of its eye is 1/64 to 1/32 inch (.4 - .8mm) below theunderside of the looper, when the looper point flush with the left side of the needle as shown in Fig. 5. Ifadjustment is necessary, loosen screw (B, Fig. 3) and move needle bar (A) up or down as required andretighen screw. Care should be taken not to disturb alignment of needle bar when moving the needlebar either up or down. The descending needles must be deflected alike on the back of the loopers.
Rotate handwheel in operating direction to position looper point at theright hand side of needle. At this time the needle guard (C, Fig. 9) shouldbe at its extreme end of forward travel. Set the guard front to back to justtouch the needles, up to .002" (.05mm) deflection is permissible on one ortwo needles. Guard should be set as low as possible, yet have its verticalface approach approximately 3/64 +/- 1/64 inch (1.2mm +/- .4mm) abovethe needle point. To move needle guard forward or backward, loosen thescrew (F), move needle guard as required, and retighten screw. To raiseor lower needle guard, loosen screw (F), and turn screw (G) clockwise tolower needle guard or counterclockwise to raise it. Retighten screw (F)after guard is properly set.
NOTE:Any change in stitch length will require a change in rear needle guard setting.
Feed dog (A, Fig. 10) should be centered in throat plate (B)with equal clearance on all sides and ends with feed travel setto desired stitch length. At highest point of travel, tips of feeddog teeth should extend the depth of one full tooth +1/32 inch,above throat plate and parallel to same. Loosen screw (D),which secures feed dog in position, and adjust screw (C) up ordown to support feed dog. Retighten screw (D).
Parallel adjustment can be made by loosening nut (A, Fig. 9) and turn screw (B) clockwise to lower frontof feed dog, counterclockwise acts the reverse. When properly set, retighten nut (A).
Right to left adjustment can be made by loosening screw (A, Fig. 11) and slightly move feed rocker (B)on feed rocker shaft (C) as required, then retighten screws. Check to ensure that feed rocker arm (D)does not bind after adjustment.
Forward or rearward centering of the feed dogcan be accomplished by loosening nut (E, Fig.
11). Move feed rocker (B) as required and re-tighten nut.
CAUTION:Feed crank link sub-assembly (M, Fig.
MUST have shake with NO binds at a 360°
11) rotation of the handwheel. Nut (F) should betorqued at 55 in. lbs. (63 cm/kg).
Height of presser bar (A, Fig. 13) is correct when presser foot can be removed by depressing foot lifterlever (B, Fig. 12). There should be approximately 1/32 inch (0.8mm) clearance between the lower sur-face of the presser bar connection and guide (B, Fig. 13) and the bottom surface of the casting headopening when foot lifter lever is released and the presser foot is lying flat on throat plate. Make surefeed dog is below throat plate surface.
Adjustment can be made by turninghandwheel to position needle bar at bottomof stroke. Loosen screw (C, Fig. 13) and whileholding presser foot down on throat plate,position presser bar connection and guide asrequired to attain specified clearance andretighten screw.
Regulate presser spring regulating screw (A,Fig. 14) so that it exerts only enough pressureon the presser foot to feed the work uniformlywhen a slight tension is placed on the fabric.Turning it clockwise increases the pressurecounterclockwise acts the reverse.
Set needle thread take-up wire (B, Fig. 14), so that itsupper surf ace is even with the top of the holes inneedle bar thread eyelet (C) when needle bar hascompleted its downward stroke. Lower this settingfor a smaller needle thread loop, or raise it for alarger loop. Set needle thread frame eyelet (D) sothat the eyelet hole is 5/8 inch (15.9mm) above theattaching screw.
Set the stitch to required length. This is accomplished by loosening locknut (F, Fig. 11) on the end of thestitch regulating stud 1/2 turn (it has a left hand thread). Turn stitch adjusting screw (G) located underthe left end of the cloth plate, in the end of main shaft (H), which is marked with “L” and “S”. Turningthe screw clockwise shortens the stitch (moves stitch regulating stud toward the “S”) and turning it in acounterclockwise direction lengthens the stitch (moves stitch regulating stud toward the "L"). Retightenlocknut securely. To prevent destructive damage to the feed drive bearing, key screw (J) must engagethe “U” shaped key slot in ferrule (K).
NOTE:Any change in stitch length will necessitate a corresponding change in the rear needle guard
Needle bearings in the feed rocker at locations (L, Fig. 11) may require repacking after years of service.Bearings should be thoroughly cleaned and repacked with Union Special Corporation grease No.28604P.
The tension on the needle thread should be only sufficient to produce uniform stitches on the undersurface of the fabric.
The looper thread tension is applied at the cast-off support tension disc assembly, and the adjusting nutshould be set so that the tension on the looper thread is just sufficient to steady the thread.
The thread tension release is set correctly when it begins to function as the presser foot is raised to within1/8 inch (3.2mm) of the end of its travel and is entirely released when the presser foot has reached itshighest position.
If adjustment is required, loosen tension release lever screw (A, Fig.12), located at the back of machineand move tension disc separator as required. Retighten screw. After adjustment there should be nobinding at any point.
Torque specifications given in this catalog are measured in inch-pounds or centimeter/kilograms. Allstraps and eccentrics must be tightened to 19-21 in. lbs. (22-24cm/kg) unless otherwise noted. All nuts,bolts, screws, etc., without torque specifications must be secured as tightly as possible, unless noted.Special torque specifications for connecting rods, links, screws, etc., are shown on parts illustrations.
When adjusting needle lever or replacing related parts, follow instructions in sequence as listed:
1.Install “O” rings (A, Fig. 15) onto needle lever stud (B) and thrust collar (C).
2.With needle lever (D) in machine and positioned properly; insert stud (B) through hole in needle leveruntil its shoulder contacts the needle lever and the word “UP” on stud is in the upright position. Whilemaking sure no binding exits in the needle bar link, secure stud (B) with the front set screw in top ofmachine bed.
3.Install temper load ring (E) and compression cups (F) onto stud (B), then push ring and cups throughopening in machine bed.
4.Install thrust collar (C) onto stud (B) being careful not to damage “O” ring. Compress componentstogether by tightening screw (G)until washer (H) bottoms against stud (B). Secure stud (B) in positionusing the rear set screw in top of bed.
5.To check temper load ring for proper compression, remove screw (G) f rom stud (B) and loosen rearset screw in top of bed. Thrust collar (C) should spring out .003 -.007 inch (. 08-.18mm) . Compressload ring in reverse order, then tighten rear set screw.
6.With indented “UP” on stud (B) in upright position, install bearing oiler (J) so it’s hook sets in oil supplyhole (K) of stud. When hook and stud are secured in their proper position, the proper amount of oilwill be channeled to stud for lubricating needle lever (D).
As viewed looking down from rear of machine, spot screw (A, Fig. 16) in the couplings must align withthe spots in the looper drive crank (B) and set screws (C) must align with the flats on crankshaft (D) andmainshaft (E). Mainshaft must be positioned laterally with .045 inch (1.14nun) clearance between theright side of its head and the bed casting as shown (Fig. 17).
NOTE:Recheck to make sure that the take-up cam is centered in the cast-off plate without rubbing
either side.
Looper drive crank (B, Fig. 16) must be positioned laterally so that strap (G, Fig. 16) is vertical and 1/32inch clearance is maintained between end of crank and end of mainshaft (E) as shown. Once thesesettings are made, it is very important that the couplings are tightened in the following sequence forbest performance.
Snug spot screws (A) temporarily, to the looper drive crank. Snug set screws (C) temporarily, to thecrankshaft and mainshaft. Torque screws (F) to 19-21 in. lbs. (22-24cm/kg). Loosen spot screws (A) andset screws (C). Re-torque screws (F) to 19-21 in. lbs. (22-24cm/kg), then, torque screws (A and C) to 19-21 in. lbs. (22-24cm/kg).
The oil drip plate (A, Fig. 18) located in the oilreservoir should be positioned with its tip in therecessed cut out in the bed casting, as far to theleft as possible without touching. It has elongatedmounting holes and can be adjusted by loosen-ing (2) screws (B)in top of the oil reservoir backcover to position as required, retighten screws.
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