Union Community UBIO XSLIM RF User Manual

UBio-X Slim User Guide
Version Eng-0.3
Copyright 2000 By Union Community Co., LTD.
UBio-X Slim User Guide 2
Firmware Version
Initial Release
Modify some words
Modify the Menu titles according to Terminal’s Menu modes.
<Revison History>
Addr : 12F, Munjeong Daemyeong Valeon bldg, 127 Beobwon-ro Songpa-gu,
Seoul, Korea (zip code : 05836) Tel : +82-2-6488-3000 , Fax : +82-2-6488-3099, E-Mail :sales@unioncomm.co.kr; http://www.unioncomm.co.kr
UBio-X Slim User Guide 3
Admin, Administrator
- A user who can enter into the terminal menu mode, he/she can register/modify/delete
terminal users and change the operating environment by changing settings.
- If there is no administrator for a terminal, anyone can change the settings. In this regard, it is recommended to register at least one administrator.
- Caution is required with registration and operation because an administrator has the right to change critical environmental settings of the terminal.
1 to 1 Verification
- Authenticate the user’s fingerprint after inserting his user ID or swiping his registered
- It is called 1 to 1 Verification because only the fingerprint registered in the user’s ID or
card is used for comparison.
1 to N Identification
- The terminal performs matches against multiple fingerprints (templates) based solely
on fingerprint information.
- Without the user’s ID or card, the user’s fingerprint is compared to fingerprints previously registered.
Authentication level
- Depending on the fingerprint match rate, it is displayed from 1 to 9. Authentication is successful only if the match rate is higher than the set level.
- The higher the Authentication level, the higher the security. However, it requires a relatively high match rate, so Authentication is vulnerable to failure.
- 1:1 Level: Authentication level used for 1:1 verification
- 1:N Level: Authentication level used for 1:N identification
LFD (Live Finger Detection)
- This function allows the input of only real fingerprints and blocks the input of imitation
fingerprints produced using rubber, paper, film, and silicone.
Addr : 12F, Munjeong Daemyeong Valeon bldg, 127 Beobwon-ro Songpa-gu,
Seoul, Korea (zip code : 05836) Tel : +82-2-6488-3000 , Fax : +82-2-6488-3099, E-Mail :sales@unioncomm.co.kr; http://www.unioncomm.co.kr
UBio-X Slim User Guide 4
<Revison History> .................................................................................................... 2
<Glossary> ................................................................................................................ 3
1. Before use ............................................................................................................. 6
1.1. Safety Precautions ................................................................................................. 6
1.2. Specific names of the terminal ............................................................................. 7
1.3. LCD Display Composition ..................................................................................... 8
1.3.1 Status Icons.......................................................................................................... 8
1.4. Voice and Beep sounds in operation .................................................................... 9
1.4.1 Beep or Sound effect in operation ...................................................................... 9
1.5. Proper fingerprint registration and input methods .............................................. 9
2. Product introduction .......................................................................................... 11
2.1. Product characteristics ....................................................................................... 11
2.2. Product components ........................................................................................... 12
2.2.1. Standalone use (Access) .............................................................................. 12
2.3. Product specification ........................................................................................... 13
3. Environment setting ........................................................................................... 14
3.1. Checks before setting the environment ............................................................. 14
3.1.1. Entering the menu by Administrator .............................................................. 14
3.2. Menu composition ............................................................................................... 15
3.3. User ....................................................................................................................... 17
3.3.1. Register ........................................................................................................ 18
3.3.2. Modify ........................................................................................................... 18
3.3.3. Delete ........................................................................................................... 19
3.3.4. List ................................................................................................................ 19
3.3.5. Card Only ..................................................................................................... 20
3.4. Auth....................................................................................................................... 20
3.4.1. Normal .......................................................................................................... 21
3.4.2. TnA ............................................................................................................... 22
3.4.3. Timezone ................................................................ ...................................... 23
3.4.4. Log ............................................................................................................... 23
3.5. System .................................................................................................................. 24
3.5.1. Sensor .......................................................................................................... 25
3.5.2. Card ............................................................................................................. 25
3.5.3. Door ............................................................................................................. 26
3.5.4 RS485 ........................................................................................................... 26
3.5.5 Option ............................................................................................................ 27
3.5.6 Information .................................................................................................... 27
3.6. Network................................................................................................................. 28
3.6.1. Normal .......................................................................................................... 28
3.7. UI ........................................................................................................................... 29
3.7.1. Sound ........................................................................................................... 30
3.7.2. Display .......................................................................................................... 30
3.8. USB ....................................................................................................................... 31
3.8.1. F/W Update .................................................................................................. 31
3.9. Connect your BT module with your app ............................................................. 32
3.9.1. BT module activation .................................................................................... 32
3.9.2. BT module connection wait status ................................................................ 32
3.9.3. Search and access your app’s BT module .................................................... 32
3.9.4. Connected app and BT module .................................................................... 33
Addr : 12F, Munjeong Daemyeong Valeon bldg, 127 Beobwon-ro Songpa-gu,
Seoul, Korea (zip code : 05836) Tel : +82-2-6488-3000 , Fax : +82-2-6488-3099, E-Mail :sales@unioncomm.co.kr; http://www.unioncomm.co.kr
UBio-X Slim User Guide 5
3.9.5. Disconnect from app and BT module in recognizer ....................................... 33
3.10. Initialize ............................................................................................................... 34
4. How to use terminal ........................................................................................... 35
4.1. How to open the door .......................................................................................... 35
4.2. How to punch for TnA .......................................................................................... 37
Addr : 12F, Munjeong Daemyeong Valeon bldg, 127 Beobwon-ro Songpa-gu,
Seoul, Korea (zip code : 05836) Tel : +82-2-6488-3000 , Fax : +82-2-6488-3099, E-Mail :sales@unioncomm.co.kr; http://www.unioncomm.co.kr
UBio-X Slim User Guide 6
Handling with wet hands or allowing liquid to flow into it is prohibited.
-> It may cause an
electric shock or damage.
Do not place a fire source
near the terminal.
-> It may cause a fire.
Do not disassemble, repair, or modify the terminal at discretion.
-> It may cause an electric shock, fire or damage.
Keep out of reach of children.
-> It may cause an accident or damage.
Keep away from direct sunlight
-> It may cause deformation or color change.
Avoid high humidity or dust
-> The terminal may be damaged.
Avoid using water,
benzene, thinner, or alcohol for cleaning
-> It may cause an electric shock or fire.
Do not place a magnet close to the terminal.
-> The terminal may break down or malfunction.
Do not contaminate the fingerprint input area.
-> Fingerprints may not be well recognized.
Avoid using insecticide or flammable spray near the terminal.
-> It may result in
deformation or color change.
Avoid impacts or using sharp objects on the terminal.
-> The terminal may be damaged and broken.
Avoid severe temperature changes
-> The terminal may be broken.
1. Before use
1.1. Safety Precautions
- If the above warning is ignored, it may result in death or serious injury.
- If the above cautions are ignored, it may result in property loss or human injury.
Under no circumstances will UNION COMMUNITY be responsible for accidents
or damages caused by inappropriate use of the product without referring to the user manual.
Addr : 12F, Munjeong Daemyeong Valeon bldg, 127 Beobwon-ro Songpa-gu,
Seoul, Korea (zip code : 05836) Tel : +82-2-6488-3000 , Fax : +82-2-6488-3099, E-Mail :sales@unioncomm.co.kr; http://www.unioncomm.co.kr
UBio-X Slim User Guide 7
Daylighting sensor
Card Sensing Area
Fingerprint sensor
Camera Flash
Touch LCD
1.2. Specific names of the terminal
Addr : 12F, Munjeong Daemyeong Valeon bldg, 127 Beobwon-ro Songpa-gu,
Tel : +82-2-6488-3000 , Fax : +82-2-6488-3099, E-Mail :sales@unioncomm.co.kr; http://www.unioncomm.co.kr
Seoul, Korea (zip code : 05836)
UBio-X Slim User Guide 8
: Standalone Mode (Non-networking Mode)
: Connected to the server (On line)
: Disconnected to the server (Off line)
Fire Alarm
: Normal Status
: Fire Alarm is activated (by the Fire switch or by Server program)
: Normal Status
: Abnormal Status (Tamper switch is activated)
Door Status
: Door is closed
: Door is opened
: Door is opened abnormally
Time & Date
Status Icons
Menu Button
ID Input Button
1.3. LCD Display Composition
1.3.1 Status Icons
Addr : 12F, Munjeong Daemyeong Valeon bldg, 127 Beobwon-ro Songpa-gu,
Seoul, Korea (zip code : 05836) Tel : +82-2-6488-3000 , Fax : +82-2-6488-3099, E-Mail :sales@unioncomm.co.kr; http://www.unioncomm.co.kr
UBio-X Slim User Guide 9
Operation type
Voice sound
Success to authorize
You are authorized
Fail to authorize
Please try again
Waiting for input FP
Please place your finger
Waiting for input Card
Please place your card
Touch the ID Input button
Please insert your ID Pi-pick
Notice for fail
When the authorization was failed (at Voice off)
Peek & Ding-dong
Notice for Success
When the authorization was successful (at Voice off)
1.4. Voice and Beep sounds in operation
1.4.1 Beep or Sound effect in operation
1.5. Proper fingerprint registration and input methods
Correct fingerprint registration methods
Place your index finger on the window just as you do with a finger stamp. Do not use the tip of the finger. Make sure the center of your finger touches the window.
Use your index finger if possible, it is the easiest for orientation and
guarantees a stable input method.
Check if your fingerprint is unclear or damaged.
It is tricky to recognize fingerprints on dry, wet, unclear, or injured fingers. Use another finger in this case.
Addr : 12F, Munjeong Daemyeong Valeon bldg, 127 Beobwon-ro Songpa-gu,
Seoul, Korea (zip code : 05836) Tel : +82-2-6488-3000 , Fax : +82-2-6488-3099, E-Mail :sales@unioncomm.co.kr; http://www.unioncomm.co.kr
UBio-X Slim User Guide 10
Be aware of certain fingerprint conditions
Depending on the user’s fingerprint condition, some fingerprints may not be
used or may cause an inconvenience.
If the fingerprint is damaged or very unclear, then it cannot be recognized.
Please use the RF Card instead in this case.
When a finger is dry, breathe on the finger for smooth operation. For kids, it may be tricky or impossible to use the terminal because their
fingerprints are too small or very unclear. It is recommended to register their fingerprints every six months.
For the elderly, it may not be possible to register their fingerprints if there
are too many fine lines on the fingerprints.
It is recommended that you register more than 2 fingerprints.
In order to increase the fingerprint authentication rate, it is recommended
to use six of the ten fingers as illustrated above. (Both thumbs, forefingers, middle fingers).
Addr : 12F, Munjeong Daemyeong Valeon bldg, 127 Beobwon-ro Songpa-gu,
Seoul, Korea (zip code : 05836) Tel : +82-2-6488-3000 , Fax : +82-2-6488-3099, E-Mail :sales@unioncomm.co.kr; http://www.unioncomm.co.kr
UBio-X Slim User Guide 11
Fingerprint registration Fingerprint authorization
Card registration Card authorization
Password registration Password authorization
OR’ Combination Authentication
To be authorized successfully, one method among the registered should be authorized.
AND’ Combination Authentication
To be authorized successfully, all registered Auth methods should be authorized.
2. Product introduction
2.1. Product characteristics
Multi-Modal product with which the user can use fingerprint, Card or Password
authorization functions together.
Built-in Camera Flash can detect the real human face or a picture. Camera Flash can be activated automatically by the Daylighting sensor.
RF Card (125 kHz)
Various registration and authorization methods
Addr : 12F, Munjeong Daemyeong Valeon bldg, 127 Beobwon-ro Songpa-gu,
Seoul, Korea (zip code : 05836) Tel : +82-2-6488-3000 , Fax : +82-2-6488-3099, E-Mail :sales@unioncomm.co.kr; http://www.unioncomm.co.kr
UBio-X Slim User Guide 12
DC12V Adapter
Electric lock (Lock+, Lock-, Monitor)
2.2. Product components
2.2.1. Standalone use (Access)
Addr : 12F, Munjeong Daemyeong Valeon bldg, 127 Beobwon-ro Songpa-gu,
Seoul, Korea (zip code : 05836) Tel : +82-2-6488-3000 , Fax : +82-2-6488-3099, E-Mail :sales@unioncomm.co.kr; http://www.unioncomm.co.kr
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