Union Community Smart-i User Manual

Copyright 2000 By Union Community Co., LTD.
Smart-i. User Guide
Version eng-1.01
Smart-i 사용자 가이드 2
㈜유니온커뮤니티 / 서울시 송파구 방이동 44-3 현대토픽스 빌딩 3 (138-050)
Tel : 02-6488-3000 , Fax : 02-6488-3099, E-Mail :sales@unioncomm.co.kr http://www.unioncomm.co.kr
<Revison History>
Version Date Description Firmware Version
1.01 2012-08-30 Initial Release 10.51.00-000.13
< Glossary >
Admin, Administrator
- As a user who can enter into the terminal menu mode, he can register/modify/delete
terminal users and change the operating environment by changing settings.
- If there is no administrator for a terminal, anyone can change the settings, so it is
recommended to register at least one administrator.
- Caution is required with registration and operation because an administrator has the
right to change critical environmental settings of the fingerprint recognition unit.
Authentication Method
- Various Kinds of authentication including FP(fingerprint) authentication, RF(Card)
authentication, or a combination of these methods. Ex) Card or FP: Card or fingerprint is used for authentication.
Function Keys
- [F1], [F2], [F3], [F4] are used to get in the menu and each key represents each authentication mode.
Smart-i 사용자 가이드 3
㈜유니온커뮤니티 / 서울시 송파구 방이동 44-3 현대토픽스 빌딩 3 (138-050)
Tel : 02-6488-3000 , Fax : 02-6488-3099, E-Mail :sales@unioncomm.co.kr http://www.unioncomm.co.kr
Table of Contents
<Revison History>.................................................................................................... 2
< Glossary >.............................................................................................................. 2
Table of Contents ..................................................................................................... 3
1. Before use............................................................................................................. 4
1.1. Safety precautions ...................................................................................... 4
1.2. Terminal description.................................................................................... 5
1.3. LED signal during operation....................................................................... 5
1.4. Function key information during operation .............................................. 5
1.5. Voice information during operation ........................................................... 6
1.6. Buzzer sound during operation.................................................................. 6
1.7. Correct fingerprint registration and input methods ................................. 6
2. Introduction .......................................................................................................... 8
2.1. Features .......................................................................................................8
2.2. Configuration ............................................................................................... 9
2.2.1. Standalone Configuration (AP Mode) ................................................... 9
2.2.2. Network Configuration .......................................................................... 9
2.3. Specifications ............................................................................................ 10
3. Environment Settings ........................................................................................ 11
3.1. Check items before setting the environment .......................................... 11
3.1.1. Entering menu .................................................................................... 11
3.1.2. How to enter menu without admin authentication ............................... 11
3.2. Menu Configuration...................................................................................12
4. How to use the terminal ..................................................................................... 12
4.1. Changing authentication mode ................................................................ 12
4.2. Authentication............................................................................................12
4.2.1. Fingerprint authentication ................................................................... 12
4.2.2. Card authentication ............................................................................ 12
Smart-i 사용자 가이드 4
㈜유니온커뮤니티 / 서울시 송파구 방이동 44-3 현대토픽스 빌딩 3 (138-050)
Tel : 02-6488-3000 , Fax : 02-6488-3099, E-Mail :sales@unioncomm.co.kr http://www.unioncomm.co.kr
1. Before use
1.1. Safety precautions
Handling with wet hands or
allowing liquid to flow into it is not advised.
-> it may cause an electric shock or damage.
Do not place a fire source near the unit. It may cause a fire.
Do not disassemble, repair, or modify the unit.
-> It may cause an electric shock, fire or damage.
Keep out of reach of
-> It may cause an accident or damage.
- If the above warnings are ignored, it may result in death or serious injury.
Keep away from direct sunlight
-> It may cause deformation or color change.
Avoid high humidity or dust
-> The unit may be damaged.
Avoid using water, benzene, thinner, or alcohol for cleaning
-> It may cause an electric shock or fire.
Do not place a magnet close to the unit.
-> The unit may break down or malfunction.
Do not contaminate the fingerprint input area.
-> Fingerprints may not be well recognized.
Avoid using insecticides or flammable sprays near the unit.
-> It may result in deformation or color change.
Avoid impacts or using sharp objects on the unit.
-> The unit may be damaged and broken.
Avoid severe temperature changes.
-> The unit may be broken.
- If the above cautions are ignored, it may result in property loss or human injury.
Under no circumstances will Union Community be responsible for accidents or damages
caused by inappropriate use of the product caused by not referring to the user manual.
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