Uninterruptible Power Supplies PowerWave 3000T, PowerWave 3000 User Manual

Pioneering solutions for total power protection
PowerWave PW 3000/T
User Manual
Document Control
Draft A 14-10-2011 Initial Draft Copy Draft A.1 14-02-2012 General Update Issue 1.1 03-03-2012 First general issue using Kohler style Issue 1.2 05-04-13 Updated contact details
Issue 1.2.1 28-05-13 Updated 24Hr contact details
UPS469-01-00 PowerWAVE 3000T User Manual Dated 05-04-13
Uninterruptible Power Supplies Ltd has taken every precaution to produce an accurate, complete and easy to understand manual and
will therefore assume no responsibility nor liability for direct,
indirect or accidental personal or material damage due to any
misinterpretation of or accidental mistakes in this manual.
© 2005 Uninterruptible Power Supplies Ltd
This manual may not be copied nor reproduced without written
permission of Uninterruptible Power Supplies Ltd.
UPS469-01-00 PowerWAVE 3000T User Manual Dated 05-04-13 I
Table of Contents
1 Safety
1.1 Description of symbols used in this manual 1-1
1.2 User precautions 1-1
2 General Description
2.1 Reliability and Quality Standards 2-1
2.2 PowerWave 3000T Model Range 2-1
2.3 Advanced Design Features 2-2
2.3.1 Input booster technology 2-2
2.3.2 Flexible battery management 2-2
2.4 Warranty 2-2
2.5 Extended Warranty 2-3
2.6 Additional Service/Maintenance Support 2-3
3 Installation
3.1 Introduction 3-1
3.1.1 Receipt of the UPS 3-1
3.1.2 Site transportation 3-1
3.1.3 Unpacking the UPS 3-2
3.1.4 Batteries 3-2
3.1.5 Storage 3-2
3.2 Planning the installation 3-3
3.3 UPS Power Cabling (preparation and planning) 3-4
3.3.1 External supply fuse and cable rating 3-5
3.3.2 Connecting an external battery cabinet 3-12
3.3.3 Input neutral grounding 3-12
3.4 Connecting the UPS power cables 3-13
3.4.1 Safety notes 3-13
3.4.2 Preliminary checks 3-13
3.4.3 Connecting the input supply 3-13
3.4.4 Connecting the UPS output cables 3-14
3.4.5 Final checks 3-14
3.5 Battery connections 3-15
3.5.1 External battery cabinets 3-15
3.6 Module interface facilities 3-15
3.6.1 JD1 Smart Port – serial RS 232 port 3-16
3.6.2 X1-21 Dry Port (volt-free contacts) 3-17
4 Operation
4.1 Commissioning 4-1
4.2 Control Panel 4-1
4.2.1 Power Management Display (PMD) 4-1
4.2.2 Mimic LED indicators 4-2
4.2.3 Operator keys 4-2
II UPS469-01-00 PowerWAVE 3000T User Manual Dated 05-04-13
4.3 Description of the LCD display 4-3
4.3.1 Status screens 4-3
4.3.2 Main menu screen 4-3
4.3.3 Event log menu screen 4-4
4.3.4 Measurements menu screen 4-4
4.3.5 Commands menu screen 4-5
4.3.6 UPS Data menu screen 4-5
4.3.7 Set-up User menu screen 4-5
4.3.8 Set-Up Service menu screen 4-6
4.4 Operating Modes 4-6
4.4.1 On-Line (Inverter) mode 4-6
4.4.2 Bypass (Off-line or ECO) mode 4-7
4.4.3 Maintenance Bypass Mode 4-7
4.5 Operating Instructions 4-9
4.5.1 Transfer to Maintenance Bypass Mode 4-9
4.5.2 Starting the UPS system from the Maintenance Bypass mode 4-11
4.5.3 Complete system shutdown 4-13
5 Maintenance
5.1 Introduction 5-1
5.2 System calibration 5-1
5.3 User responsibilities 5-1
5.4 Routine maintenance 5-1
5.5 Battery Testing 5-2
5.6 Battery Maintenance 5-2
5.7 Battery Disposal and Recycling 5-2
6 Troubleshooting
6.1 Alarms 6-1
6.2 Menu, Commands, Event Log, Measurements, 6-1
6.2.1 Event log screen 6-1
6.2.2 Fault identification and rectification messages and alarms 6-2
6.3 Contacting Service 6-2
7 Options
7.1 Introduction 7-1
7.2 Remote Emergency Stop facilities 7-1
7.3 Generator ON facilities 7-2
7.4 Remote Signalling Panel 7-3
7.4.1 Remote Singalling Panel connections 7-4
7.5 WAVEMON Shutdown and Management Software 7-5
7.5.1 Why is UPS Management important? 7-5
7.5.2 WAVEMON Shutdown and Monitoring Software 7-5
7.6 SNMP CARD/ADAPTOR For Network Management/Remote Monitoring 7-6
8 Specifications
8.1 General Data 8-1
8.2 Rectifier Data 8-2
8.3 Battery Data 8-2
8.4 Inverter Data 8-2
8.5 Communication Options 8-3
8.6 Mechanical 8-3
8.7 Fuses & Cables Quick Reference 8-4
UPS469-01-00 PowerWAVE 3000T User Manual Dated 05-04-13 1-1
1.1 Description of symbols used in this manual
1.2 User precautions
WARNING: The warning symbol is used where there is danger of an electrical shock,
equipment damage or personal-injury.
CAUTION: The caution symbol is used to highlight important information to avoid possible equipment malfunction or damage.
WARNING: Keep this manual with the UPS for future reference.
WARNING: The UPS and peripheral equipment must be installed and commissioned by
suitably qualified and trained personnel who are aware of the potential shock hazards.
WARNING: Do not attempt to install this UPS system until you are satisfied that ALL the safety instructions and hazard warnings contained in this manual are read and fully understood.
WARNING: High leakage current! Ensure that the UPS has been correctly earthed before you connect the mains power supply!
WARNING: This UPS must not be started-up or put into use without having first been commissioned by a fully trained engineer authorised by the manufacturer.
WARNING: All servicing must be performed by an authorised electrician or other suitably qualified personnel. Do not attempt to service the UPS yourself. You run risk of exposure to dangerous voltages by opening or removing the UPS-covers! Uninterruptible Power Supplies Ltd will assume no responsibility nor liability due to incorrect operation or manipulation of the UPS.
WARNING: The PowerWave 3000T is a Class A UPS product (according to EN 62040­2:2006). In a domestic environment the UPS may cause radio interference. In such an environment the user may be required to undertake additional measures.
1: Safety
1-2 UPS469-01-00 PowerWAVE 3000T User Manual Dated 05-04-13
UPS469-01-00 PowerWAVE 3000T User Manual Dated 05-04-13 2-1
General Description
2.1 Reliability and Quality Standards
Congratulations on your purchase of the PowerWave 3000T UPS. The PowerWave 3000T UPS represents a new generation of mid-range, single and three phase input / single
phase output UPS-Systems, incorporating the latest technological develop ments in power eng ineering . High reliability, low operating costs and excellent electrical performance are only some of the highlights of this innovative UPS solution.
Uninterruptible Power Supplies Ltd. specialises in the design, building, installation and maintenance of Uninterruptible Power Systems. This compact and powerful UPS is just one example of our wide range of state-of-the-art power protection devices and will provide your critical equipment with a steady and reliable power supply for many years.
The criteria and methods which are used in the design, manufacture, and maintenance of Uninterruptible Power Supply systems are certified to International Standard ISO 9001/EN 29001 and ISO 14001. A full UPS Specification is given in Chapter 8 of this manual.
2.2 PowerWave 3000T Model Range
The PowerWave 3000T UPS model range provides a stand-alone UPS system offering a 7.5kVA, 10kVA, 12kVA, 15kVA and 20kVA single-phase output supply rating. The 7.5kVA and 10kVA models are available with either a single-phase or three-phase input; the 12kVA is available with single-phase input only and the 15kVA and 20kVA models are available with three-phase inputs only.
Figure 2.1 PowerWave 3000T Cabinet details
Cabinet A
7.5kVA, 10kVA, 12kVA
(WxDxH = 340 x 800 x 820)
Cabinet B
10kVA, 15kVA, 20kVA
(WxDxH = 450 x 860 x 1250)
Cabinet C
10kVA, 15kVA, 20kVA
(WxDxH = 550 x 890 x 1650)
2: General Description
2-2 UPS469-01-00 PowerWAVE 3000T User Manual Dated 05-04-13
2.3 Advanced Design Features
2.3.1 Input booster technology
The UPS module’s inbuilt advanced booster technology results in a perfect sinusoidal in put power quality at
0.99 input power factor with a harmonic content of typically less than 7-9% THD(i) for the single-phase input machines and <25% for the 3-phase input models. This leads to a more reliable overall system operation and provides savings in generator and transformer sizing by minimi sing winding losses. It also means that traditional harmonic filters are no longer required.
The high power factor presented by the UPS on the incoming mains supply also minimises cabling and fusing costs due to the resulting lack of reactive power consumption. This, together with the accompanying low harmonic currents, provide the following benefits:
• No additional losses in wires and cables.
• No extra heating of transformers and generators.
• No over sizing of generators.
• No false circuit breaker tripping and malfunction.
• No erratic operation of computers, telecommunication, monitors, electronic test equipment etc.
• No resonance with power factor correction capacitors.
2.3.2 Flexible battery management
This equipment employs a flexible battery management which avoids premature deterioration of battery life by advanced management of battery charging and preventive failure diagnostics.
The major benefits are:
• AC-ripple free battery charging due to a dc-dc charger separated from the rectifier and inverter.
• Wide range of number of battery blocks (30-50 blocks of 12V; depending on autonomy times).
• UPS's wide input voltage operating window extends the battery life due to fewer discharge cycles.
• Battery discharge protection caused by load jumps.
• Proactive battery protection from false manipulations and inadequate charging voltages.
• Proactive battery failure detection thanks to Advanced Battery Diagnosis (ABD) - Algorithm.
• User selectable battery tests.
2.4 Warranty
The PowerWave 3000T UPS is supplied with a limite d warranty that the UPS and i ts component parts are free from defects in materials and workmanship for a period of one year from the date of original commissioning or fifteen months from the date of original delivery, whichever is the sooner. Th is warranty is the only warranty given and no other warranty, express or implied, is provided.
This warranty is invalidated if the UPS is put into use without having been commissioned by a fully trained and authorised person. This warranty does not apply to any losses or damages caused b y misuse, abuse, negligence, neglect, unauthorised repair or modification, incorrect installation, inappropriate environment, accident, act of God or inappropriate application.
If the UPS fails to conform to the above within the warranty perio d then Uninterruptible Power Sup plies Ltd.. will, at its sole option, repair or replace the UPS. All repaired or replaced parts will remain the property of Uninterruptible Power Supplies Ltd.
As a general policy, Uninterruptible Power Supplies Ltd. d oes not recommend the use of any of its produ cts in life support applications where failure or malfunction of the product can be reasonably expected to cause failure of the life support device or to significantly affect it’s safety or effectiveness. Uninterruptible Power Supplies Ltd. does not recommend the use of any of its products in direct patient care. Uninterruptible Power Supplies Ltd. will not knowingly sell its products for use in such applications unless it receives in writing assurances satisfactory to Uninterruptible Power Supplies Ltd. that the risks of injury or damage have been minimized, the customer assumes all such risks and the liability of Uninterruptible Power Supplies Ltd. is adequately protected under the circumstances.
UPS469-01-00 PowerWAVE 3000T User Manual Dated 05-04-13 2-3
2: General Description
2.5 Extended Warranty
The Standard Warranty may be enhanced by protecting the UPS with an Extended Warranty Agreement (maintenance contract).
An Extended Warranty Agreement enhances the standard warranty by providing the following:
• Regular preventative maintenance inspections.
• Guaranteed speed of response to operational problems.
• 24 hour telephone support.
• Fully comprehensive (excluding batteries and capacitors) cover.
Contact the Service Support Hotline on 0800 731 3269 for further details.
2.6 Additional Service/Maintenance Support
In addition to providing support for the PowerWave 3000T UPS, Uninterruptible Power Supplies Ltd. are able to provide maintenance and support on a wide range of different UPS products.
If you are interested in an extended warranty for your PowerWave 3000T UPS, or any other UPS you may have, please complete the enquiry form shown opposite and return or FAX to:
CAUTION: The UPS may contain batteries which must be re-charged for a minimum of 24 hours every six months to prevent deep-discharging (at 20º). Batteries that have been, for whatever reason, deep-discharged are not covered by the warranty.
Uninterruptible Power Supplies Ltd. Woodgate Bartley Wood Business Park Hook Hampshire RG27 9XA
Tel: 01256 386700
0800 731 3269 (24 Hr.) Fax: 01256 386701 Email: service@upspower.co.uk
2: General Description
2-4 UPS469-01-00 PowerWAVE 3000T User Manual Dated 05-04-13
Thank you for your enquiry, which will receive our prompt attention.
If you need to contact us immediately call free on,
Freefone 0800 731 3269
or E-mail us on service@upspower.co.uk
Uninterruptible Power Supplies Ltd. Woodgate Bartley Wood Business Park Hook Hampshire RG27 9XA
Tel: 01256 386700
Name: ............................................................................................
Job Title: ................................. ... .................................... ... .................
Company: ............................................................................................
Address: ............................................................................................
Post Code ............................................................................................
Tel. ............................................................................................
Fax. ............................................................................................
E-mail ............................................................................................
Please contact me to discuss:
Extended Warranty options for my PowerWave 3000T UPS
Extended warranty options for my UPS System as below:
Model Nº:..........................................................................
Rating kVA:.......................................................................
Replacement Batteries......................................................................
Other .................................... ..............................(please specify)
Fax to: 01256 386701
UPS469-01-00 PowerWAVE 3000T User Manual Dated 05-04-13 3-1
3.1 Introduction
This chapter contains all the information necessary to enable you to correctly install the PowerWave 3000T UPS, including unpacking, storage, positioning and cabling instructions.
3.1.1 Receipt of the UPS
The UPS equipment, which includes the UPS cabinet, batteries and accessories, are delivered on pallets that can easily be moved with the aid of a forklift or a pallet jack. Before you accept receipt of the equipment, ensure that it is complete and matches the description indicated in the delivery note.
The UPS cabinet is packed in a container that is intended to protect it from mechanical and environmental damage in transit. This protection is increased further by wrapping and sealing the container in a polythene sheet.
Upon receiving the UPS equipment carefully examine the packing container(s) for signs of physical damage. The 'Tip&Tel' (
) indicators attached to the exterior of the packaging should be intact if the equipment has been correctly transported in an upright position. If a 'Tip&Tel' indicator is ruptured or its integrity is suspect, you must inform both the carrier and Uninterruptible Power Supplies Ltd. immediately.
3.1.2 Site transportation
When locally transporting the UPS equipment after it has been off-loaded please observe the following precautions.
WARNING: All the operations described in this chapter must be performed by an authorised electrician or other suitably qualified personnel. Uninterruptible Power Supplies Ltd. will take no responsibility for any personal or material damage caused by incorrect cabling or operations, or activities that are not carried out in strict accordance with the instructions contained in this manual.
CAUTION: When off loading the UPS equipment always keep it in an upright position. Do not drop the equipment or stack the pallets.
CAUTION: Any visible transportation dama ges must be notified to the carrier immediately on receipt and claims for other shipping damage that is discovered when later unpacking the equipment must be filed immediately when found. All damage claims must be reporte d to the carrier within 7 days of receipt of the equipment. If any shipping damage i s found you should store all affected packing materials for further investigation.
WARNING: Do not attempt to install or power-up damaged equipment.
CAUTION: Potential dangers: – Do not tilt the UPS or Battery Cabinet by more than 10° as it might damage the equipment. – If the equipment is accidentally tilted do not connect it to the mains electricity supply. – If dropped, the weight of the UPS and/or battery could cause serious injury to personnel or damage equipment in the surrounding area. Always handle with care.
3: Installation
3-2 UPS469-01-00 PowerWAVE 3000T User Manual Dated 05-04-13
3.1.3 Unpacking the UPS
Note: Do not unpack the equipment if you intend to put it into storage prior to use (see paragraph 3.1.5).
The UPS cabinet is fitted with castors to enable it to be wheeled into position once unpacked. Before you remove the cabinet from its shipping packaging you should ensu re that the floor surfa ce is level an d sui table for wheeling the cabinet into its final position and that it is able to safely support the weight of the UPS equipment – UPS cabinet plus batteries.
1. Remove cardboard packing container by carefully cutting through the securing bands the n pulling the
container upwards.
2. Remove the protective polythene cover and any other packing from around the UPS.
3. Remove the fixings screws that are used to secure the UPS feet to the pallet base, then carefully remove
the UPS from the pallet.
4. Retain the packaging materials for future shipment of the UPS.
5. Examine the UPS for signs of damage and notify your carrier or supplier immediately if any damage is
Checking the nameplate
Before proceeding further with the installation process, check that the te chnical specifications on the nameplate located on the rear of the UPS or behind the front internal door, corresponds to the purchased material detailed in the goods delivery note.
3.1.4 Batteries
The UPS normally uses sealed, maintenance-free batteries mounted on shelves within the UPS cabinet or, alternatively housed in an external battery cabinet.
The batteries are usually shipped separately and fitted by a manufactur er-approved engi neer when the UPS is commissioned. Unless the batteries are to be stored (see paragraph 3.1.5) , leave them in their packaging until the UPS is commissioned
3.1.5 Storage
UPS Cabinet storage
If you plan to store the UPS cabinet prior to installation, it should be kept in a clean, dry environment with an ambient temperature between +5°C to +40°C and relative humidity <90%.
The UPS cabinet should preferably be stored in its original shipping packaging. If it is removed from its packing container you must take measures to ensure it is protected from dust.
Battery storage
Batteries should be stored in a dry, clean, cool enviro nment and preferably in th eir original packagi ng. If the packaging is removed the batteries must be protected from dust and humidity.
When stored, all batteries will self-discharge at a rate that is greatly determined by the ambient temperature. Batteries should be fully charged before being put into stora ge and if stored for a lo ng period they sho uld be recharged periodically to prevent them from losing their original capacity. As a guide, the batteries should not be stored in a particular ambient temperature for longer than the pe riods shown below without being recharged:
• 6 months at 20°C
• 3 months at 30°C
• 2 months at 35°C
WARNING: If the UPS is purchased and supplied without batteries, Uninterruptible Power Supplies Ltd. will not accept responsibility for any damage or malfun ctioning caused to the UPS by the incorrect supply, storage, installation or connection of batteries by third parties.
UPS469-01-00 PowerWAVE 3000T User Manual Dated 05-04-13 3-3
3: Installation
3.2 Planning the installation
A certain amount of pre-planning will help ensure smooth, trouble-free installation. The following guidelines should be considered when planning a suitable UPS location and environment.
Moving the UPS to is final location
1. The floor material where the UPS is to be located should be non-flammable and capable of safely
supporting the weight of the UPS module and battery equipment.
2. The floor on the route between the off-loading point and the proposed installation location must be able
to safely take the weight of the UPS and battery equipment plus any transit handling equipment.
3. The route between the off-loading point and the installation location must be suitable to allow the
equipment to be transported in an upright position.
Environmental considerations
1. The UPS location should be subject to a humidity of less than 90% (non-co ndensing) and temperature
between +15°C to +25°C. An ambient temperature of 20°C is recommended for optimum battery life.
2. The location should be free from dust or corrosive/explosive gases.
3. The location should not be subject to vibration.
4. The UPS cabinet requires space to the bottom, front and back to permit unrestricted cooling air flow. The
air conditioning system must be able to provide a sufficient amount of cooling air to keep the room at, or below, the maximum permissible operating temperature.
Equipment accessibility
1. The available cable routing must be planned to enable the cables to be easily accessed when connecting
the UPS (and optional battery cabinet where used) – also see cable preparation and planning in the paragraphs below.
2. A space of 200mm is required at the rear of the UPS for ventilation, however cabinets ‘A’ and ‘B’ should
be cabled such the cabinet can be pulled forward to give service access.
3. A space of 600mm is required at both sides of the UPS cabinet to facilitate service and maintenance. A
space of 900mm should be provided at the front of the cabinet to allow easy passage w ith the cabinet door open (See Figure 3.1).
Cabinet Dimensions
Heat Dissipation
CAUTION: Sealed batteries must never be stored in a discharged or partially discharged state.
Extreme temperature, under-charge, overcharge or over-discharge will destroy the batteries!
Cabinet A Cabinet B Cabinet C
Dimensions (WxDxH) mm 340x800x820 450x860x1250 550x890x1650 Accessibility for service and maintenance. Front + left and right sides Input and Output Power Cabling From the bottom rear From the bottom front
7.5kVA 10kVA 12kVA 15kVA 20kVA
Heat Dissipation with 100% Non-linear Load (EN 62040-3) W 460 600 650 800 1120
BTU/h 1638 2048 2218 2730 3822 Heat Dissipation with 100% Load (pf=0.8) W 380 500 550 700 800 Heat Dissipation with 100% Load (pf = 1.0) W 400 550 600 750 960 Airflow (25°C - 30°C) with 100% Non-linear Load per range
(EN 62040-3)
m³/h 110 110 110 150 200
3: Installation
3-4 UPS469-01-00 PowerWAVE 3000T User Manual Dated 05-04-13
Figure 3.1 UPS Space Recommendations
1. The minimum 200mm space shown at the rear of the UPS [Y] is required to allow adequate cooling air flow; however, the type ‘A’ UPS cabinet is cabled from the rear and the UPS power switches and fuses are located on the back panel. When installing a type ‘A’ UPS cabinet you should allow sufficient slack in the cabling to pull the UPS cabinet forward, or otherwise install the UPS with sufficient rear clearance to allow cable and switch access.
2. The above diagram shows 600mm clearance [V] between the UPS and optional Battery Cabinet. This is necessary to gain side access to the UPS for service repair. In the case of a type ‘A’ UPS cabinet, if the cabling is sufficient to allow the cabinet to be pulled forward clear of the Battery Cabinet (see note 1 above) then it is not necessary to observe clearance [V], and the UPS and Battery Cabinets can be located immediately adjacent to each other.
3.3 UPS Power Cabling (preparation and planning)
It is the customer’s responsibility to provide all external fuses, isolators and cables used to connect the UPS to its input and output power supplies. The following informa tion should help in the planning and preparation of the UPS power cabling.
The UPS input supply and bypass supply should be connected to the utility mains through a LV-Distribution board and protected by a circuit breaker or fuse. This provides overload protection and also a means of isolating the UPS from the mains supply when required. Similarly, the UPS output supply should be connected to the load equipment via a suitably fused output distribution panel.
The UPS can be wired with a ‘single input feed’ (standard) whereby the UPS input supply te rminals are internally linked to the UPS bypass supply terminals, or it can be wired with a ‘dual input feed’ where the UPS bypass circuit is connected to a dedicated ‘bypass’ mains supply (See Figure 3.2).
VX600 mm
600 mm
Access Space
Y*Z200 mm
900 mm
*Although the diagram shows 200mm is required at the rear of the cabinet, ‘A’ and ‘B’ cabinets should be cabled such that the cabinet can be pulled forward to give service access.
UPS469-01-00 PowerWAVE 3000T User Manual Dated 05-04-13 3-5
3: Installation
Figure 3.2 summarises the UPS input/output cabling requirements and provides information regarding the external fuse rating and cable sizing.
Figure 3.3 and Figure 3.4 show the connection details for singl e and three phase input supply models respectively, configured for both ‘single input feed’ and ‘dual input feed’. As mentioned above, the UPS is configured for ‘single input feed’ as standard and if a ‘dual input feed’ configuration is required the commissioning engineer will remove the links between the input supply an d bypass supply terminals and carry out other configuration changes before turning on the equipment.
3.3.1 External supply fuse and cable rating
Figure 3.2 PowerWave 3000T External supply cable & fuse rating
Key Point: This information is given for guidance only. All fuses, isolators and power cables must
be rated and installed in accordance with the prescribed IEC standards or local regulation – e.g. BS7671:2008.
Static Switch
Fuse B
Cable D
Cable B
Fuse C
Cable C
Static Switch
Fuse A
Mains (3x380/220V,
3x400/230V, 3x415/240V)
Cable D
Cable A
F1 F1
Int. Batts. Int. Batts.
Output Switch
Output Switch
1. Fuse and Cable recommendations to IEC 60950-1:2001
2. The fuse and cable rating details in the above tables are a recommendation only.
3. The UPS must be installed to prescribed IEC or local regulations (e.g. BS7671:2008).
4. External DC Cables and Battery fuses are bespoke to the installation.
Power (kVA)
Fuse A Cable A Cable D Fuse B Cable B Fuse C Cable C Cable D
Single phase input
7.5 1 x 40 3 x 6.0 3 x 6.0 1 x 40 3 x 6.0 1 x 40 3 x 6.0 3 x 6.0 10 1 x 63 3 x 10 3 x 10 1 x 63 3 x 10 1 x 63 3 x 10 3 x 10 12 1 x 63 3 x 10 3 x 10 1 x 63 3 x 10 1 x 80 3 x 16 3 x 16
3 Phase input
7.5 3 x 40 5 x 6.0 3 x 6.0 3 x 25 5 x 2.5 1 x 40 3 x 6.0 3 x 6.0 10 3 x 63 5 x 10 3 x 10 3 x 25 5 x 2.5 1 x 63 3 x 10 3 x 10 15 3 x 80 5 x 16 3 x 16 3 x 40 5 x 6.0 1 x 80 3 x 16 3 x 16 20 3 x 100 5 x 25 3 x 25 3 x 40 5 x 6.0 1 x 100 3 x 25 3 x 25
3: Installation
3-6 UPS469-01-00 PowerWAVE 3000T User Manual Dated 05-04-13
Figure 3.3 Single phase input wiring details
Fuse A
Output Switch
2L1IL1 1N PE 2N PE
Input and bypass
terminals internally linked
for single input supply
Battery Fuse
Input Fuse
3L1 3N PE
Fuse B
Output Switch
Battery Fuse
Input Fuse
3L1 3N PE
Fuse C
2L1 2N PE
1. Fuse and Cable recommendations to IEC 60950-1:2001
2. The fuse and cable rating details in the above tables are a recommendation only.
3. The UPS must be installed to prescribed IEC or local regulations (e.g. BS7671:2008).
4. External DC Cables and Battery fuses are bespoke to the installation.
Power (kVA)
Fuse A Cable A Cable D Fuse B Cable B Fuse C Cable C Cable D
7.5 1 x 40 3 x 6.0 3 x 6.0 1 x 40 3 x 6.0 1 x 40 3 x 6.0 3 x 6.0 10 1 x 63 3 x 10 3 x 10 1 x 63 3 x 10 1 x 63 3 x 10 3 x 10 12 1 x 63 3 x 10 3 x 10 1 x 63 3 x 10 1 x 80 3 x 16 3 x 16
+ 42 hidden pages