PS Series Amplifier
PS-5000 PS-4000 PS-3000
Professional Amplifiers
for Live Sound
w w w . u n i k a . c o m . t w
Congratulations on purchasing a UNiKA PS Power Amplifier. This state of the art power amplifier includes the latest features and is backed by a three year limited warranty.
Prior to use, we suggest that you carefully read all the instructions.
◆ State of the art technology provides exceptional reliability when working with
difficult speakers with up to 2 ohm impedance.
◆ Excellent handling of low frequencies as well as clear mid and flawless highs.
◆ High output power to drive professional loudspeakers without clipping.
◆ Oversized toroidal transformer, filter and heat sinks for better low end,
transparency and stability.
◆ Comprehensive protection circuitry (short, overheat, DC, subsonic and, RF filters,
turn-on delay) with high current speaker protection relays.
◆ Three modes of operation STEREO. PARALLEL MONO. and MONO BRIDGE,
with mode status indication LEDs on front panel.
◆ Flexible input configuration with active balanced inputs, additional input connec tors to chain amps.
◆ True clip LEDs for better control.
◆ Front-to-Rear airflow with 2 speed fan control.
◆ Efficient aluminum extrusion heat sink design for thermal stability and reliability.
◆ Turn-on in-rush current limiting circuitry.
◆ Compact 3U well balanced enclosure.
◆ Steel reinforced chassis construction for durability and longevity.