Why do I get intermittent sound?
If the network traffic is not heavily congested, the problem is most likely caused by IP conflict. For
example, if there is DHCP server or router in your network and if there are also one or more fixed-IP
devices in your network, the NBB-1616 may be occasionally assigned with an IP which is permanently
occupied by one of the fixed-IP devices in the network if the DHCP server or router does not recognize
the existence of these fixed-IP devices. In the case, the audio streaming activities of the NBB-1616 can
be frequently interrupted by the fixed-IP device. Please contact your MIS or IT people to deal with the IP
conflict issue.
Why does the DAW or audio player in my computer sometimes can't play or record anything after I
enable the Dante Virtual Soundcard (DVS)?
DVS is a virtual soundcard which does not own necessary hardware to generate the master clock and
therefore can't be a clock master in the Dante network. For the DAW or audio player to work in a
computer with DVS launched, there must be at least one Dante-enabled device, e.g. NBB-1616, in the
network to distribute the master clock. Also sometimes the DVS can't successfully startup if there is no
master clock in the network. In the circumstance, you just have to restart the DVS after you are sure of
the existence of master clock in the network.
Why does the Dante Virtual Soundcard (DVS) cease working after I re-power the NBB-1616?
Same reason as the answer above. The DVS won't work if it loses the master clock from the network.
Sometimes the DVS can't recognize the resuming of master clock promptly so that the DVS may seem to
cease working for quite a long period of time. If this is the case, restart the DVS can make it to work
How does NBB-1616 achieve the HA Remote capability?
When the NBB-1616 works as a stagebox and is connected to an audio console, it does not support the
HA Remote protocol proprietarily developed by the console's manufacturer. Although the NBB-1616
does not support HA Remote from console, however, the font panel of NBB-1616 includes all the audio
control functionalities such +48V phantom power engagement, 60dB sensitivity control, -18dB pad
control, and phase inverting control. Moreover, the PPM meters on the font panel of NBB-1616 direct
show you the input level of every channel individually, which allows the audio technicians on the stage
to locally control and monitor the audio level to console. This can be better than to control and monitor
the inputs on the stage remotely from console.
How I can turn off the HA Remote functionality from console?
From Dante Controller software, double click the item to console Dante interface, you should be able to
find a HA Remote tab from where you can turn off the HA Remote functionality.
Why can't I change Sample Rate, Switch/Redundant Mode, or complete a P2P pairing when the NBB1616 is in managed domain?
When a Dante device, including NBB-1616, is enrolled in a managed domain, the DDM has very tight
control over the Dante device. All the settings can only be changed via Dante Controller with DDM
password. If you need to control the settings with the three buttons on the rear of NBB-1616, you need to
specially allow the local and remote access right to the NBB-1616 device by configuring it via the DDM
control interface. For details, see the user guide below on the section of rear panel.
I forgot to unenroll the NBB-1616 from a Domain before it disconnected from the managed
environment, so the device does not work in my current unmanaged environment.
To clear the Domain credentials in the NBB-1616, solely (i.e., no other dante device involved) connect it
to your computer with Dante Controller running, and click the "clear Domain credentials" under the
device drop down menu on device view window to the NBB-1616.