Unika DSP-1000, DSP-1001, Unika DSP-428 Operation Manual

DSP Audio Processor
Operation Manual
Control Software and Device Front Panel Operation
Unika DSP-1000 Unika DSP-1001 Unika DSP- 428
DSP Audio Processor
Tools .................................................................................................................... 3
Unit Window:Main Panel ................................................................................
Main Setup Screen Functions ..........................................................................
Input Channel Settings Screen
Crossover Settings Window
Output Channel Settings Window
Access Control and Locking ..........................................................................
Firmware Update Process ...............................................................................
Front Panel Control Features .........................................................................
Specication ....................................................................................................
DSPControl Download
WINDOWS 32bit : https://goo.gl/mhQ0hH
WINDOWS 64bit : https://goo.gl/OaahBS
MAC OS X : https://goo.gl/PamXJ8
DSP Audio Processor
Getting Started
Installation and Setup
The UNIKA DSP speaker management processors can be operated from their respective front panels or control panels to a varying degree, depending on model. However, for maximum exibility, remote operation from a Windows PC as well as from an Apple computer running OSX is also possible; for this remote functionality, the device must be connected via a wired Ethernet or a USB connection to the same network as the control computer. The control computer can be connected to the network wired or through Wi-Fi.
● It is recommended that a router with DHCP server is connected to the network so that it assigns the unit an IP address.
● When the controller is connected to the network, you can check or set its IP address via the unit window under Hardware - > Congure - > Network Settings → IP address. The default setting is DHCP (Auto IP).
● If Fixed IP address has been set, and this is no longer known or been forgotten, it can be requested via the display on the device. Press the menu button four times and turn the encoder wheel to the right three times to display the IP address.
● Note: you cannot connect the unit to the network through the USB or Ethernet at the same time. You can only control the unit from one platform at the same time – if you switch from one platform to another, you MUST shut down the control software at the previous platform rst.
● Local connectivity of the device to the control computer from a front-panel USB connector is also possible to download initial settings or as a fallback in case of network failure.
● This Software Manual explains the remote setup and operation of the system through a network. The operation is basically same for all platforms; where differences exist they will be noted.
● Download and install the latest software from the UNIKA website. Note that for a Windows computer, there are separate applications for Windows 32 bit and 64 bit. http://www.unika.com.tw
● The software consists of a network window that list all known UNIKA DSP devices on the local network, and one or more unit windows for settings of a device. In the following sections we will discuss the Unika DSPControl program for Windows.
● The mac version works very similar to the Windows version. The mac menu bar is different from Windows for most program, the same differences are present with DSPControl.
DSP Audio Processor
Unika DSPControl
Figure 1: DSPControl network panel
Figure 2: Tools menu items
● The Windows Unika DSPControl Network window is shown in Figure 1: DSPControl network panel. During installation your rewall setting are congured to allow communication over the network.
● Switch on the DSP and launch the DSPControl software. It will show the devices found on the network together with their mac address and IP address, similar to Figure 1.
Note: you can control the unit from only one PC at the same time. If you want to switch control from one to the other, shut down the Unika DSPControl software on the previous control platform rst.
● The ‘>’ icon at the right side may be either > or >. When >, the unit is on line and can be activated by clicking the >.
The main purpose of the control app is to select a particular unit for manipulation and/or to group several units in a Group.
The available Tools commands are shown in Figure 2: Tools menu items.
DSP Audio Processor
1. Tools
1.1 Tools | Set Software Password
Allows you to set up a password to access the graphical DSP software unit window. The DSPControl software has a separate, extensive system of operation modes.
Note: you can modify the Unit Name in the Unika- DSPControl program slot for the connected unit by just typing a new Name.
● 1.2 Tools / New Group
This command allows you to combine several on- line units into a named group. The group will be shown in the Control screen, see Figure 3.
Clicking the cross icon on the right deletes the Group; clicking the blue tool icon opens a screen where you can select the members of the Group; you will be able to select any unit which is on-line to become a member of the group. A further selection from this screen opens a dialog where you can specify which parameter, for which setting and for which channel you wish to link within the Group. For instance, you can link only gain, or gain and PEQ settings for Input & Output channels. An example Group setting screen is shown in Figure 4.
Figure 3: network window showing a named Group (Cluster 01) consisting
of two units
Figure 4: Sample selecting dialog box showing some linked items for a Group
DSP Audio Processor
● 1.3 Tools / Enter Demo Mode
Allows you to exercise the functionality of an Unika DSP unit without hardware present for training and familiarization purposes.
● 1.4 Tools / Disable / Enable Updates
When set to Enable Updates, there will be an indication when rmware updates for the unit will be available. This is shown on the right edge of the unit identication in the control program with a ‘rotary’ icon, see Figure 5. The icon turns yellow color when updates are available. Clicking the icon will initiate the update.
This is a ‘brute force’ update which will also restore the unit after a crash or other unrecoverable situation. All presets and other settings will be lost however.
Clicking the green > symbol at the right of the connected unit info line in the Unika DSPControl window will load the software for the unit. At this point, the software will go through a synchronization cycle and, if a Personal Identication Number (PIN) was dened before, will ask for the PIN.
The Main graphical interface screen will come up similar to Figure 6; this is the opening screen of the actual application controlling the settings of the unit.
● 1.5 Other Settings
● 1.5.1 Power-On Preset
In the menu item Hardware - > Congure - > Power On Preset, a preset can be selected, which is automatically loaded when the device starts.
● 1.5.2 Read Only Preset Range
When you are logged on as Developer or higher, you can block a certain preset range from being altered. In Hardware - > Congure - > Read-Only Preset. If the value is, for example, set to 10, the rst 10 memory locations in the preset list for User and Admin mode are read only and the user cannot save presets to those locations.
Figure 5: rotary’ icon yellow color at right indicates rmware update for this
unit is available
DSP Audio Processor
2. Unit Window: Main Panel
Figure 6: unit window
● 2.1 Unit Window Menu
Figure 6: unit window shows the unit window from which all setup screens and options can be reached. Clicking the exit cross will close the software but leave the network Control program running.
● 2.2 File Commands
● 2.2.1 File / Open and File / Save
Presets are the snapshot of all settings for a particular conguration. With these commands you can save a preset, and reload it at a later time. In addition it offers the choice to use the .preset le format or the .txt format. Text les are a way to archive settings for documentation purpose.
● 2.2.2 File / Backup presets and File / Restore presets
These commands operate similarly to Save and Open, but will save all presets in the unit in one directory, or load all presets from a directory.
● 2.2.3 File Quit –
DSP Audio Processor
● 2.3.1 Hardware / Enter Password
The unit has three access levels plus locked. Entering the right access level password unlocks that access level. Please see password protection, access control & locking.
● 2.3.2 Hardware / Congure
The Congure menu item opens an additional screen where several options are presented. However, the options shown will depend on the access level currently in force – to be discussed.
● 2.3.3 Hardware / Congure / Power On Preset
Allows you to select a preset that will be automatically loaded at power-on;however any changes to this preset will not be carried over to the next power-on cycle unless you have saved the new setting, i.e. it will revert to the saved preset.
● 2.3 Hardware Commands
The Hardware menu offers several functions as shown in Figure 7: unit panel Hardware menu items.
Figure 7: unit panel Hardware menu items
DSP Audio Processor
● 2.3.4 Hardware / Lock Unit
Clicking this menu item will lock the unit. When locked, the unit window shows input levels but
no controls or other settings, and nothing can be changed, as shown in Figure 8: detail of unit panel in locked state.
An attempt to lock the unit will generate a warning that unlocking will only be possible with a valid
password. The actual operation of this function depends on the access level as described later.
● 2.3.5 Hardware / Go to Standby
Will place the unit in Standby. In this state, outputs are disabled but all settings can still be manipulated.
● 2.3.6 Hardware / Set PIN
Clicking this option allows you to enter a 4-digit PIN number. When this is set, you will need to enter the PIN number at any time you connect to the unit. Note: the PIN control can be switched off by setting the PIN to 0000.
Figure 8: detail of unit panel in locked state.
DSP Audio Processor
● 3.1 Unit Window Functionality
On the left side, the Unit window (Figure 6) gives access to the cross-over settings screen as well as all settings screens for each individual Input- and Output channels. These will be discussed later. The following commands are found in the center of the Unit window:
● 3.1.1 Presets - Local
These commands allow you to save and re-load congurations as .preset les on the connected PC.
● 3.1.2 Presets - Unit
These commands are similar as the other Save and Load commands but with the distinction that presets can be saved to and reloaded from the unit internal memory. The drop-down menu under Default Preset shows a list of memory slots where named presets can be stored and recalled. Since this is internal in the unit they will be available independent of the stored presets in a computer.
● 3.1.3 Link
Under Link there are several status related indications. The indicator at the right will be green for an active link with the unit or red when the unit is off-line. The name and MAC address of the connected unit is also shown.
● 3.1.4 Unit Name
Shows the unit name of the connected unit, which can be edited by typing in a new name. The new name will be reected in the Link slot as well as in the name eld in the Unika DSPControl window.
3. Main Setup Screen Functions
Figure 9
DSP Audio Processor
● 3.2 Unit Window Channel Settings
On the right side are the Channel settings.This area is divided into several subsections:
● 3.2.1 Level Faders for Input Channels
These faders control the level from each of the physical input connectors as sent to the Input processing channels. Channel names are shown at the bottom line. Level settings are also shown numerically below the faders, and can also be set by entering a specic value in the corresponding text eld.
● 3.2.2 Input Selection for Input Faders
When your unit is equipped with AES3 (AES/EBU) or Dante inputs, you can select the source for inputs 3 and 4 from this pull down menu.
● 3.2.3 Level Faders for Output Channels
These faders control the levels for the physical Output channels at the rear-panel output connectors. Level settings are also shown numerically below the faders, and can also be set by entering a specic value in the corresponding text eld.
Faders auto-zero:
Whenever you double-click on a fader, that fader moves to the default
position. This is usually 0dB (unity gain) for gain faders. This operates on all views and screens. When two channels are linked, the odd-numbered channel can be used to manipulate both linked channels.
● 3.2.4 Link Buttons
When activated, all settings for the related pair of channels pairs are linked together and can only be changed with the left (odd numbered) fader of the pair the right fader will follow. Similarly, entering numeric values in the level elds will only be accepted for the left channel of a pair, with the right-channel numeric value following, the even- numbered channel of a linked pair will be unresponsive but follow the odd-numbered channel settings. To reset a paired level to 0dB you must therefore double-click the odd-numbered fader.
● 3.2.5 Mute Buttons
Mute buttons allow muting of an Input- or Output channel on a per-channel basis, independent of any linking in effect.
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