UniGuard UM02 User Manual

UniGuard Technology Limited
- - www.uniguardgps.com
GPS Mini Vehicle Tracker
User Manual
UniGuard Technology Limited
- - www.uniguardgps.com
1 Product Instructions
It is a mini GPS Tracker, built-in GPS Antenna and GSM Antenna, Size: 48*60*22mm, Weight: 120g, it can send vehicle location and status to mobile and Internet. It can track the vehicles remotely. Tracker the vehicle on the Internet and Mobile. (Usage on big truck or
vehicle will cause burnt of device. Please take proper caution. Connection of PoFF line to 12V power will burn device.)
UniGuard Technology Limited
- - www.uniguardgps.com
1.1 Interface
1SIM: Port for SIM card 2LED: Status light 3DC+ connect to + of battery ACC connect to Ignition Line pOff connect to Relay to control Engine of auto GND connect to – of battery
UniGuard Technology Limited
- - www.uniguardgps.com
1.2 Installation Figure
Please test after installation. If you don’t need some functions. Please make sure ACC, DC+, GND installed correctly. Otherwise, the device cannot work. Please check the device status through signal light after power on: LED flashes for one second which indicates GSM registers
successfully. LED flashes three seconds once which indicates GPS is
obtaining orientation LED is on which indicates work successfully that GSM has
registered and GPS has obtained the orientation. If LED is on 0.1 second then off 0.1 second for more than 3
minutes, please make sure SIM card inserts well. Without SIM
card, the device cannot work.
2 SMS Operation Instruction
SMS Format: A******,cmd,param1,param2…
1. ******is the password, Initial Password is 000000
2. cmd is the command ID.
3. Param is the command parameter. Different cmd use different parameters. All the parameters must use half-angle symbol. Wrong SMS format or wrong password, it will not respond.
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