Unigreen Master UMP 20, Master UMP 50, Master UMP 55, Master UMP 40 Use And Maintenance Manual

serie MASTER 20/40/50/55
Read this manual carefully before use
1.1 COMPOSITION OF THE MANUAL ....................................................................................... 4
1.2 GUARANTEE ....................................................................................................................... 4
1.3 PRODUCT RESPONSIBILITY .............................................................................................. 4
1.4 WARNING SIGNS IN THE MANUAL AND ON THE MACHINE ............................................. 4
2 SAFETY REGULATIONS AND RESIDUAL RISKS .............................................. 5
2.1 INTENDED USE ................................................................................................................... 5
2.2 PROHIBITED USE ...............................................................................................................6
2.3 USING CHEMICAL PRODUCTS .......................................................................................... 6
2.3.1 REGULATIONS FOR THE USE OF CHEMICAL PRODUCTS............................................... 6
2.4 RECOMMENDATIONS ......................................................................................................... 6
2.4.1 TAKING PRECAUTIONS AGAINST FIRE HAZARDS........................................................... 7
2.5 MACHINES DESIGNED TO BE USED ONLY WITH CLEAN WATER .................................... 7
2.7 WEATHER CONDITIONS ..................................................................................................... 7
2.8 ROAD CIRCULATION ........................................................................................................... 7
3 CHARACTERISTICS AND SPECIFICATIONS ..................................................... 7
3.1 MACHINE IDENTIFICATION ................................................................................................ 7
3.2 TABLES OF FITTINGS ALLOWED....................................................................................... 7
3.3 NOISE LEVEL OF THE MACHINE ....................................................................................... 7
3.3 STANDARDS OF REFERENCE: ........................................................................................... 8
4 USER’S INSTRUCTIONS ....................................................................................... 8
4.1 TRANSPORTING AND MOVING THE MACHINE ................................................................. 8
4.2 DESCRIPTION OF THE MACHINE ..................................................................................... 8
4.2.1 HAND WASHING TANKS ...................................................................................................... 8
4.3 PRELIMINARY CHECKS...................................................................................................... 9
4.4 APPLICATIONS .................................................................................................................... 9
4.5 MOTORS .............................................................................................................................. 9
4.5.1 ELECTRIC MOTORS ............................................................................................................ 9
4.6 PUMP ..................................................................................................................................10
4.7 SUCTION FILTER ...............................................................................................................10
4.8 PRESSURE REGULATOR ...................................................................................................10
4.8.1 COMPONENTS OF THE PRESSURE REGULATOR ...........................................................10
4.8.2 GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS ................................................................................................ 11
4.9 DELIVERY FILTERS (ONLY EQUIPPED MODELS) ............................................................ 11
4.10 FILLING THE TANK ............................................................................................................. 12
4.10.1 FILLING WITH THE ANTIPOLLUTION EJECTOR (FIG. 6) ................................................ 12
4.11 TEST TREATMENT WITH CLEAN WATER .......................................................................... 12
4.12 MIXING ............................................................................................................................... 12
4.12.1 MANUAL PREMIXING......................................................................................................... 12
4.12.2 PREMIXER ON COVER (OPTIONAL): ................................................................................12
4.13 WASHING THE SPRAYER ..................................................................................................13
5 HAND LANCES .................................................................................................... 13
6 HOSE REEL .......................................................................................................... 13
8 MAINTENANCE .................................................................................................... 14
8.1 PROGRAMMED MAINTENANCE ........................................................................................14
8.2 EMPTYING TANK ................................................................................................................14
8.3 ROUTINE MAINTENANCE ..................................................................................................14
8.4 EXTRAORDINARY MAINTENANCE ................................................................................... 14
8.5 REPAIRS .............................................................................................................................14
8.6 STORAGE IN A WAREHOUSE AND TRANSPORTATION ...................................................15
8.7 PUTTING BACK INTO SERVICE AFTER WINTER LAYUP ................................................. 15
8.7.1 MATERIALS FOR DEMOLITION .........................................................................................15
8.7.2 INDICATIONS FOR A SUITABLE TREATMENT OF WASTE ................................................ 15
8.7.3 ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC APPARATUS WASTE (EEAW) ....................................... 15
FIG. 9 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM .............................................................................................. 16
TABLE 8 PROBLEMS, CAUSES AND SOLUTIONS .......................................................... 18
TABLE 7 TABLE OF PROGRAMMED MAINTENANCE .................................................... 18
TAB.10 ALLOWED FITTINGS ........................................................................................... 19
Thank you for having chosen UNIGREEN. The product you purchased has been designed and built with the greatest attention to the safety of the operator and the environment, nevertheless there are still some residual risks due to the nature of the product used. For this reason we recommend reading all of this manual to avoid making mistakes in the first period of use and to get the most out of the working life of the sprayer in time, doing the programmed maintenance at regular intervals.
The manual is an integral part of the machine and should be kept in a safe place where it can be reached easily for consultation.
This manual consists of various parts to make it easier to consult by subject and to avoid repetitions; the following are part of the manual:
a) pump handbook b) pressure regulator handbook (manual or electric) c) spraying computer handbook (if fitted) d) optional accessories handbooks (marker, premix, cardan shaft, etc.)
UNIGREEN reserves the right to make changes to the manual without prior warning and the normal printing cycles may vary slightly.
The enclosed card indicates the conditions of the UNIGREEN guarantee. The UNIGREEN guarantee covers the repair or replacement of parts considered manufacturing flaws, according to the unquestionable judgement of UNIGREEN, only after the authorised agent for that zone has verified the fault. Ambit of the guarantee The guarantee doesn’t cover cases of normal wear, negligent use, poor maintenance and/or improper use.
The following materials subject to normal wear are not covered by the guarantee: gaskets and seals, diaphragms, seal rings, tubes and pipes,
nozzles, pressure gauges, oil, tyres, friction material of the clutches. Evident cases of negligence include: work speed over that indicated in the spraying tables in the handbook (or too high for the conditions of the terrain), use of herbicide booms without an auto-levelling system or with the auto­levelling system blocked, power-takeoff speed over 540 rpm. Mounted sprayers: activation of the three-point elevator with cardan shaft engaged and power-takeoff operational. And anything else indicated in the present Use and Maintenance Manual. Maintenance: The guarantee is void if the maintenance indicated in the tables in this manual isn’t respected, regarding the period and deadline of the interventions, washing the machine and the circuit at the end of the treatment. Improper use: The use the UNIGREEN machines are designed for is indicated in this manual, any other use is forbidden and makes the guarantee void.
UNIGREEN spa is not responsible if: a) During the working life of the machine the normal maintenance operations aren’t performed and documented as indicated in this handbook, in the enclosed handbooks of the pumps-motors-regulators-etc. and in any case as is customary for the normal maintenance of mechanical machinery. b) The machine is equipped with non original accessories or components or parts that aren’t acknowledged by UNIGREEN as their own. c) The machine is equipped with original accessories or components that are unsuitable in the measurements, weight or version for the same. Please consult the page of available and recommended fittings.
d) Not following the instructions in the manual whether totally or partially. e) Modifications made to the machine that haven’t been authorised by
Below you will find all of the pictograms on the machine, in order to illustrate the warnings, the prohibitions and the correct method of use. The operations that require particular attention are shown in the images beside the text.
Composite handbook, consult the specific files on the various components
21 63 4 5
87 129 10 11
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In relation to safety, the following terms will be used: Dangerous zones: any zone inside and/or near the machine where the presence of a person exposed constitutes a risk for the safety and health of the same person. Person exposed: any person who has their body or any part of their body in a dangerous zone. Before starting the machine, the operator must check for any visible faults in the safety devices and the machine itself. Never start the machine until you have told anyone in the range of action of the machine to move away and they have done so. The protective devices must not be removed or disabled when the machine is running. It is obligatory to keep all the plates with danger and safety signs in perfect conditions. If they get damaged or deteriorate, replace them in good time. Replace parts believed to be faulty with others indicated by UNIGREEN. NEVER try makeshift or hazardous solutions. Don’t wear clothes, jewellery, accessories, or anything else that can get caught in the moving machine members. Pay the greatest attention to all the warning and danger signs on the machine. Don’t use the machine for any other purpose other than that indicated in the manual. The machine has been designed and built with the appropriate devices to guarantee the safety of the user. In any case there are some residual risks associated with the improper use of the machine by the operator; for this purpose danger signs and symbols and prohibitions are applied near some parts of the machine (see previous pictograms).
The sprayer in this series is built for agricultural use. The materials used are resistant to normal chemical products used in agricultural spraying (or herbicides) at the time of construction. Any other use is not allowed and the manufacturer is not responsible for any damage caused by aggressive, dense or sticky chemicals. THE USE OF THE MACHINE BY PERSONS UNDER 18 YEARS OF AGE IS STRICTLY FORBIDDEN The use of liquid fertilizers in suspension is not allowed, while the use of the same in a solution is possible if requested when the machine is ordered from
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9 11+12
Key to the symbols
1- Read the Use and Maintenance manual 2- Stop the machine and read the manual before every intervention 3- Don’t lubricate while running 4- Don’t drink 5- Don’t dispose of residue liquids in the environment 6- No smoking 7- Danger, risk or injury, don’t get near the machine until the moving machine members have stopped 8- Danger of crushing, don’t get your hands near the moving mechanical machine members 9- Danger, risk or injury caused by fluids under pressure 10- Don’t climb on the machine during work or transfers 11- Don’t climb on the tank 12- Don’t enter in the tank 13- Wearing earmuffs is obligatory 14- Wearing a face mask is obligatory 15- Wearing safety footwear is obligatory 16- Wearing protective gloves is obligatory 17- Wearing protective overalls is obligatory 18- Use a working pressure under that indicated in red on the manometer.
19- Don’t get your hands near the moving cardan shaft 20- Make sure power-takeoff of the tractor turns in the right direction and runs at the right speed.
21- Danger of surfaces at high temperatures (internal combustion engine)
INDICATIVE POSITION OF THE WARNING SIGNS ON THE SPRAYERS NB: the position may vary on the basis of the characteristics of the model.
Unigreen and in any case changing some of the parts described in the handbooks of the regulator, such as the manometer (stainless steel), the nozzles (large diameter ceramic) and eliminating the fine mesh filters to prevent blockages.
Using the machine with the following products is strictly forbidden: = Paints of any kind and type = Solvents or thinners for paints of any kind and type = Combustibles or lubricants of any kind and type = LPG or gas of any kind and type = Flammable liquids of any kind and type = Liquid foodstuffs, whether for animals or humans = Liquids containing granules or consistent solids = Mixtures of various incompatible chemical products = Liquid fertilizer or manure in suspension with lumps and/or that is particularly dense = Liquids with a temperature of over 40°C = Any products that aren’t suitable for the specific use of the machine.
All pesticides or herbicides can be dangerous to humans and the environment if used erroneously or inadvertently. Therefore we recommend that only suitably trained persons should use these products (license) and in any case only after having carefully read the instructions on the container.
Some recommendations for avoiding damage and accidents: = Keep the machine in a suitable, protected place with no access for children or strangers = Handle the products with care, wearing rubber acid-proof gloves, goggles­face masks or filtering helmets, overalls made of water-repellent fabrics or TIVEK and boots made of rubber or similar materials. = If chemical products or mixtures of product come into contact with the eyes or are swallowed consult a doctor immediately, taking the label of the product with you. = Wash all clothes that come into contact with the chemical, whether diluted or undiluted, thoroughly before using them again. = Don’t smoke, drink or eat when preparing or spraying the mix or near or in the fields treated. = DON’T ENTER THE TANK: the residues of a chemical product can cause poisoning and suffocation. = When spraying, respect safe distances from residential areas, water courses, roads, sports centres and public parks or paths. = Thoroughly wash the containers of plant protection products using the relevant accessories, rinsing several times with clean water. The liquids used for washing can be used for treatment. = Collect the washed containers and send them to the relevant collection centres. Never dispose of them in the environment and don’t use them again for any other purpose. It is good practice to knock a hole in the bottom of the tins so they can’t be used again. = When you have finished spraying, wash the sprayer thoroughly, diluting the residues with a quantity of water at least 10 times that of the residues, spraying the resulting mix over the treated field.
2.4 RECOMMENDATIONS a) Refer to the present handbook for the use and maintenance of the frame,
tank, auto-levelling systems, elevators, mechanical and hydraulic herbicide booms, spray booms and hose reels. Refer to the enclosed handbooks for the use and maintenance of the pump and pressure regulator and any accessories or motors. b) Please contact the agent in your zone, the nearest authorised workshop or UNIGREEN S.p.A. directly for any repairs the user feels they aren’t capable of performing alone. (see point 10.4) c) Due to the complexity of the equipment and the variety of technologies used (mechanical, hydraulic, oil-pressure and electrotechnical) operators must not dismantle or modify the equipment. All of the relevant operations must be performed by specialised personnel, authorised by UNIGREEN S.p.A.
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