Unigreen Campo 16, Campo 22, Campo 32, CALIPSO 11, CALIPSO 16 Use And Maintenance Manual

CAMPO 11 - 16 - 22 - 32
CALIPSO 11 - 16 - 22 - 32
DSP 11 - 16 - 22 - 32
Color code
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1 USING AND KEEPING THE USE AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL ....................................... 4
1.1 COMPOSITION OF THE MANUAL .............................................................................................................4
1.2 GUARANTEE ............................................................................................................................................. 4
1.3 PRODUCT RESPONSIBILITY ....................................................................................................................4
1.4 WARNING SIGNS IN THE MANUAL AND ON THE MACHINE ................................................................... 4
2 SAFETY REGULATIONS AND RESIDUAL RISKS ................................................................. 5
2.1 INTENDED USE ......................................................................................................................................... 6
2.2 PROHIBITED USE ..................................................................................................................................... 6
2.3 USING CHEMICAL PRODUCTS ................................................................................................................ 6
2.3.1 REGULATIONS FOR THE USE OF CHEMICAL PRODUCTS ..................................................................... 6
2.4 RECOMMENDATIONS ............................................................................................................................... 6
2.4.1 TAKING PRECAUTIONS AGAINST FIRE HAZARDS ................................................................................. 7
2.5 WEATHER CONDITIONS ...........................................................................................................................7
2.6 MACHINES DESIGNED TO BE USED ONLY WITH CLEAN WATER .......................................................... 7
2.7 DRIVING ON THE ROAD ........................................................................................................................... 7
3 CHARACTERISTICS AND SPECIFICATIONS ........................................................................ 7
3.1 TABLES OF FITTINGS ALLOWED.............................................................................................................7
3.2 NOISE LEVEL OF THE MACHINE .............................................................................................................8
3.3 STANDARDS OF REFERENCE: ................................................................................................................. 8
4 USER’S INSTRUCTIONS .......................................................................................................... 8
4.1 DESCRIPTION OF THE MACHINE ........................................................................................................... 8
4.1.1 WORK STATIONS ......................................................................................................................................9
4.1.2 HAND WASHING TANKS ............................................................................................................................ 9
4.2 PRELIMINARY CHECKS............................................................................................................................ 9
4.3 TRANSPORTING AND MOVING THE MACHINE ....................................................................................... 9
4.3.1 TOWED SPRAYERS ................................................................................................................................10
4.4 TRACTOR COUPLING ............................................................................................................................. 10
4.4.1 STANDARD VERSION (ELEVATOR COUPLING) ...................................................................................... 10
4.4.2 HOOK VERSION (HOMOLOGATED) ........................................................................................................ 11
4.4.3 PARKING FOOT ...................................................................................................................................... 11
4.4.4 WHEEL SPACING ADJUSTMENT ........................................................................................................... 11
4.4.5 HYDRAULIC CONNECTION TO THE DISTRIBUTORS ............................................................................. 12
4.5 CARDAN SHAFT ...................................................................................................................................... 12
4.6 PUMP ....................................................................................................................................................... 13
4.7 SUCTION FILTER .................................................................................................................................... 13
4.8 PRESSURE REGULATOR ........................................................................................................................ 14
4.8.1 COMPONENTS OF THE PRESSURE REGULATOR ................................................................................ 14
4.8.2 GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS ..................................................................................................................... 14
4.9 DELIVERY FILTERS (ONLY EQUIPPED MODELS) ................................................................................. 15
4.10 SPRAYING COMPUTER (OPTIONAL) ..................................................................................................... 15
4.11 FILLING THE TANK .................................................................................................................................. 16
4.12 MIXING .................................................................................................................................................... 16
4.12.1 MANUAL PREMIXING.............................................................................................................................. 16
4.12.2 PREMIXER ON COVER (OPTIONAL): ..................................................................................................... 16
4.12.3 PREMIXER ON HOPPER WITH TIN WASHER (OPTIONAL)................................................ 17
4.12.4 TOP-MIX PREMIXER FOR CAMPO 11-16-22E (OPTIONAL) ...................................................................18
4.12.5 TOP-MIX CALIBRATED NOZZLE FOR CAMPO 11-16-22E ...................................................................... 18
4.12.6 HOW TO USE THE LP83 INCORPORATOR.............................................................................................. 18
4.13 WASHING THE SPRAYER ....................................................................................................................... 19
4.13.1 CIRCUIT WASHER AND TANK WASHER ................................................................................................. 19
4.13.2 WASHING WITH FULL TANK (OPTIONAL) ............................................................................................... 19
5 HORIZONTAL BOOMS FOR HERBACIOUS CULTIVATIONS ............................................. 20
5.1 HYDRAULIC HERBICIDE BOOMS ........................................................................................................... 20
5.1.1 INDIPENDENT HYDRAULIC PLANT ........................................................................................................ 20
5.1.2 OIL FEED FROM TRACTOR .................................................................................................................... 20
5.2 AIR-ASSISTED BOOMS .......................................................................................................................... 21
5.3 SELF-LEVELING DEVICES ..................................................................................................................... 21
5.3.1 VARIABLE GEOMETRY ........................................................................................................................... 21
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5.4 LIFTING ................................................................................................................................................... 22
5.5 DISTRUBUTION WITH HERBICIDE BOOM .............................................................................................. 22
5.5.1 DESCRIPTION OF TYPE OF JETS ......................................................................................................... 22
5.5.2 DESCRIPTION OF TYPE OF NOZZLES ..................................................................................................22
5.5.3 DISTRUBUTION ....................................................................................................................................... 22
5.6 MARKER .................................................................................................................................................. 24
6 HAND LANCES ....................................................................................................................... 24
7 HOSE REEL ............................................................................................................................. 24
8 MAINTENANCE ....................................................................................................................... 25
8.1 PROGRAMMED MAINTENANCE .............................................................................................................25
8.2 ROUTINE MAINTENANCE ....................................................................................................................... 25
8.3 EXTRAORDINARY MAINTENANCE ........................................................................................................ 25
8.5 REPAIRS .................................................................................................................................................. 25
8.6 STORAGE IN A WAREHOUSE AND TRANSPORTATION ........................................................................ 25
8.7 PUTTING BACK INTO SERVICE AFTER WINTER LAYUP ...................................................................... 26
8.8 DEMOLITION AND DISPOSAL ................................................................................................................ 26
8.8.1 MATERIALS FOR DEMOLITION .............................................................................................................. 26
8.8.2 INDICATIONS FOR A SUITABLE TREATMENT OF WASTE ..................................................................... 26
8.8.3 ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC APPARATUS WASTE (EEAW) ............................................................ 26
TAB.1 CHARACTERISTICS NOZZLES ISO ...................................................................................... 28
TAB.2 CHARACTERISTICS NOZZLES CONICAL ISO ................................................................... 29
TAB.3-4 CAPACITY HAND LANCES ..................................................................................................... 30
TAB.5-6 SPRAYING TABLES ................................................................................................................ 31
TABLE 8 PROBLEMS, CAUSES AND SOLUTIONS ............................................................................. 32
TABLE 7 TABLE OF PROGRAMMED MAINTENANCE ....................................................................... 32
TAB.12A ALLOWED FITTINGS .............................................................................................................. 33
TAB.12B ALLOWED FITTINGS .............................................................................................................. 34
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Thank you for having chosen UNIGREEN. The product you purchased has been designed and built with the greatest attention to the safety of the operator and the environment, nevertheless there are still some residual risks due to the nature of the product used. For this reason we recommend reading all of this manual to avoid making mistakes in the first period of use and to get the most out of the working life of the sprayer in time, doing the programmed maintenance at regular intervals.
The manual is an integral part of the machine and should be kept in a safe place where it can be reached easily for consultation.
This manual consists of various parts to make it easier to consult by subject and to avoid repetitions; the following are part of the manual:
a) pump handbook b) pressure regulator handbook (manual or electric) c) spraying computer handbook (if fitted) d) optional accessories handbooks (marker, premix, cardan shaft, etc.)
UNIGREEN reserves the right to make changes to the manual without prior warning and the normal printing cycles may vary slightly.
The enclosed card indicates the conditions of the UNIGREEN guarantee. The UNIGREEN guarantee covers the repair or replacement of parts considered manufacturing flaws, according to the unquestionable judgement of UNIGREEN, only after the authorised agent for that zone has verified the fault. Ambit of the guarantee The guarantee doesn’t cover cases of normal wear, negligent use, poor maintenance and/or improper use.
The following materials subject to normal wear are not covered by the guarantee: gaskets and seals, diaphragms, seal rings, tubes and pipes,
nozzles, pressure gauges, oil, tyres, friction material of the clutches. Evident cases of negligence include: work speed over that indicated in the spraying tables in the handbook (or too high for the conditions of the terrain), use of herbicide booms without an auto-levelling system or with the auto­levelling system blocked, power-takeoff speed over 540 rpm. Mounted sprayers: activation of the three-point elevator with cardan shaft engaged and power-takeoff operational. And anything else indicated in the present Use and Maintenance Manual. Maintenance: The guarantee is void if the maintenance indicated in the tables in this manual isn’t respected, regarding the period and deadline of the interventions, washing the machine and the circuit at the end of the treatment. Improper use: The use the UNIGREEN machines are designed for is indicated in this manual, any other use is forbidden and makes the guarantee void.
UNIGREEN spa is not responsible if: a) During the working life of the machine the normal maintenance operations aren’t performed and documented as indicated in this handbook, in the enclosed handbooks of the pumps-motors-regulators-etc. and in any case as is customary for the normal maintenance of mechanical machinery. b) The machine is equipped with non original accessories or components or parts that aren’t acknowledged by UNIGREEN as their own. c) The machine is equipped with original accessories or components that are unsuitable in the measurements, weight or version for the same. Please consult the page of available and recommended fittings.
d) Not following the instructions in the manual whether totally or partially. e) Modifications made to the machine that haven’t been authorised by
Below you will find all of the pictograms on the machine, in order to illustrate the warnings, the prohibitions and the correct method of use. The operations that require particular attention are shown in the images beside the text.
Composite handbook, consult the specific files on the various components
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In relation to safety, the following terms will be used: Dangerous zones: any zone inside and/or near the machine where the presence of a person exposed constitutes a risk for the safety and health of the same person. Person exposed: any person who has their body or any part of their body in a dangerous zone.
Before starting the machine, the operator must check for any visible faults in the safety devices and the machine itself. Never start the machine until you have told anyone in the range of action of the machine to move away and they have done so. The protective devices must not be removed or disabled when the machine is running. It is obligatory to keep all the plates with danger and safety signs in perfect conditions. If they get damaged or deteriorate, replace them in good time. Replace parts believed to be faulty with others indicated by UNIGREEN. NEVER try makeshift or hazardous solutions. Don’t wear clothes, jewellery, accessories, or anything else that can get caught in the moving machine members. Pay the greatest attention to all the warning and danger signs on the machine. Don’t use the machine for any other purpose other than that indicated in the manual. The machine has been designed and built with the appropriate devices to guarantee the safety of the user. In any case there are some residual risks associated with the improper use of the machine by the operator; for this purpose danger signs and symbols and prohibitions are applied near some parts of the machine (see previous pictograms).
Key to the symbols
1- Read the Use and Maintenance manual 2- Stop the machine and read the manual before every intervention 3- Don’t lubricate while running 4- Don’t drink 5- Don’t dispose of residue liquids in the environment 6- No smoking 7- Danger, risk or injury, don’t get near the machine until the moving machine members have stopped 8- Danger of crushing, don’t get your hands near the moving mechanical machine members 9- Danger, risk or injury caused by fluids under pressure 10- Don’t climb on the machine during work or transfers 11- Don’t climb on the tank 12- Don’t enter in the tank 13- Wearing earmuffs is obligatory 14- Wearing a face mask is obligatory 15- Wearing safety footwear is obligatory 16- Wearing protective gloves is obligatory 17- Wearing protective overalls is obligatory 18- Use a working pressure under that indicated in red on the manometer. 19- Don’t get your hands near the moving cardan shaft 20- Make sure power-takeoff of the tractor turns in the right direction and runs at the right speed. 21- Beware of the possibility of the raised boom falling 22- Danger of contact with the electric power lines 23- Don’t stand between the machine and the tractor 24- Danger of lateral skidding
4 5
10 11
16 17
INDICATIVE POSITION OF THE WARNING SIGNS ON THE SPRAYER NB: the position may vary on the basis of the characteristics of the model.
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The sprayer in this series is built for agricultural use. The materials used are resistant to normal chemical products used in agricultural spraying (or herbicides) at the time of construction. Any other use is not allowed and the manufacturer is not responsible for any damage caused by aggressive, dense or sticky chemicals. THE USE OF THE MACHINE BY PERSONS UNDER 18 YEARS OF AGE IS STRICTLY FORBIDDEN The use of liquid fertilizers in suspension is not allowed, while the use of the same in a solution is possible if requested when the machine is ordered from Unigreen and in any case changing some of the parts described in the handbooks of the regulator, such as the manometer (stainless steel), the nozzles (large diameter ceramic) and eliminating the fine mesh filters to prevent blockages.
Using the machine with the following products is strictly forbidden: = Paints of any kind and type = Solvents or thinners for paints of any kind and type = Combustibles or lubricants of any kind and type = LPG or gas of any kind and type = Flammable liquids of any kind and type = Liquid foodstuffs, whether for animals or humans = Liquids containing granules or consistent solids = Mixtures of various incompatible chemical products = Liquid fertilizer or manure in suspension with lumps and/or that is particularly dense = Liquids with a temperature of over 40°C = Any products that aren’t suitable for the specific use of the machine.
All pesticides or herbicides can be dangerous to humans and the environment if used erroneously or inadvertently. Therefore we recommend that only suitably trained persons should use these products (license) and in any case only after having carefully read the instructions on the container.
Some recommendations for avoiding damage and accidents: = Keep the machine in a suitable, protected place with no access for children or strangers = Handle the products with care, wearing rubber acid-proof gloves, goggles- face masks or filtering helmets, overalls made of water-repellent fabrics or TIVEK and boots made of rubber or similar materials. = If chemical products or mixtures of product come into contact with the eyes or are swallowed consult a doctor immediately, taking the label of the product with you. = Wash all clothes that come into contact with the chemical, whether diluted or undiluted, thoroughly before using them again. = Don’t smoke, drink or eat when preparing or spraying the mix or near or in the fields treated. = DON’T ENTER THE TANK: the residues of a chemical product can cause poisoning and suffocation. = When spraying, respect safe distances from residential areas, water courses, roads, sports centres and public parks or paths. = Thoroughly wash the containers of plant protection products using the relevant accessories, rinsing several times with clean water. The liquids used for washing can be used for treatment. = Collect the washed containers and send them to the relevant collection centres. Never dispose of them in the environment and don’t use them again for any other purpose. It is good practice to knock a hole in the bottom of the tins so they can’t be used again. = When you have finished spraying, wash the sprayer thoroughly, diluting the residues with a quantity of water at least 10 times that of the residues, spraying the resulting mix over the treated field.
2.4 RECOMMENDATIONS a) Refer to the present handbook for the use and maintenance of the frame, tank,
auto-levelling systems, elevators, mechanical and hydraulic herbicide booms, spray booms and hose reels.
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Refer to the enclosed handbooks for the use and maintenance of the pump and pressure regulator and any accessories or motors. b) Please contact the agent in your zone, the nearest authorised workshop or UNIGREEN S.p.A. directly for any repairs the user feels they aren’t capable of performing alone. (see point 8.5) c) Due to the complexity of the equipment and the variety of technologies used (mechanical, hydraulic, oil-pressure and electrotechnical) operators must not dismantle or modify the equipment. All of the relevant operations must be performed by specialised personnel, authorised by UNIGREEN S.p.A.
Don’t use naked flames or heat sources near the machines. The sprayers are made with many materials that derive from petroleum: tanks, tubes, pipes and hoses, wheels and plastic parts; furthermore the presence of oils of various nature and residues of chemical products make them potentially flammable.
We recommend spraying in the early hours of the morning or late in the afternoon, avoiding the hottest time of day. Never do any spraying if it’s raining or rain is forecast. Don’t spray in strong wind or in any case, in winds above 3/5 m/second. If you have to spray in windy conditions, use relatively low pressures to obtain quite large drops that are less sensitive to drifting (being heavier the wind has less effect). There are also special anti-drift nozzles available from UNIGREEN S.p.A.; for information, please contact our offices.
There are versions of the machines designed only to be used with a hose reel for washing with cold clean water. These machines cannot be used with chemical products as they don’t have some of the devices or accessories that are needed to use these products safely. These machines are identified by the word “washing” on the CE plate.
The CAMPO series atomisers are not specifically designed for road use. Nevertheless, many models are also available in the version homologated for road traffic with the tank empty. You should check with your local reseller on the correct couplings to use and use tractors that meet the regulations in force.
This handbook is valid for tractor-mounted sprayers to be used with: a) horizontal booms per herbaceous cultivations (herbicides, insecticides, fungicides, foliage nutrient, etc.)
d) treatments with hand lances with or without a hose reel e) hand lances for washing with or without a hose reel
The UNIGREEN S.p.A. sprayers are identified by the CE plate (FIG. 2) bearing one of the marks indicated in the tables of the allowed fittings (TABLE N° 12 pag. 33-34). The tables above contain a summary of the indications envisaged for the markings.
Table N° 12 let you identify the version of your machine indicating the basic equipment and all the possible fittings available (optional). You can also find the other fittings allowed or other versions to meet your require­ments in the future.
THE FITTING DEFINED IN TABLES N° 12 (pages 33-34) SHOULD BE CONSID­ERED BINDING FOR THE VALIDITY OF THE DECLARATION OF CONFORM­ITY. Other fittings or setups of basic components and optionals should be considered unsafe and therefore are not covered by the guarantee and aren’t UNIGREEN’s responsibility. The same goes for fittings realised with components or accessories that aren’t original UNIGREEN parts. UNIGREEN accessories can easily be identified by the label with the yellow background “ORIGINAL UNIGREEN ACCESSORY”
TYPE : .......................................................................
code: ........................................ N˚ ...........................
massa a vuoto: ..........................Kg. max press. : ........... bar
net mass
massa totale ammessa: .............................. Kg.
total mass
via Rinaldi, 105 - Reggio Emilia ITALIA
20 .......
made in
FIG. 2
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Use earmuffs to protect your ears when using the machine,
Sprayers that are equipped with just a pump and hydraulic plant
the machine: 91,4 dBA
Sprayers that are equipped of air sleeve (VENTO)
ACOUSTIC POWER LEVEL emitted by the machine with impeller Vento: 114,8 dBA ACOUSTIC PRESSURE LEVEL AT THE OPERATOR’S POSITION emitted by
the machine with impeller Vento: 97,6 dBA
Readings taken in accordance with the following standards: Machines Directive 2006/42/CE Legislative Decree D.Lgs. n°292 of the 4th of September 2002 concerning the environmental acoustic emission of machines and equipment for use outdoors. UNI EN ISO 4254-1:2006.
- D.Lgs. 81/08 Unique text for safety and hygiene in working places.
-UNI EN ISO 12100-1/Apr.2005 : Machinery safety - Fundamental concepts, general design principles - Part 1: basic terminology, methodology
-UNI EN ISO 12100-2/Apr.2005 : Machinery safety - Fundamental concepts, general design principles - Part 2: Technical principles
-UNI EN ISO 13857: May 2008 Machinery safety, safe distances to avoid reaching hazardous areas with upper limbs.
-UNI EN 349/November 2008: Machinery safety, minimum spaces to prevent crushing of body parts
-UNI EN 907/Nov.1998: Agricultural and forestry machinery - Sprayers and spreaders of liquid fertilizers - Safety.
-UNI EN ISO 13849-1: February 2007: Machinery safety - Fundamental concepts, general design principles
-UNI EN 982/January 2009: Machinery safety. Safety requisites relevant to systems and their components for hydraulic and pneumatic transmissions. Hydraulics.
-UNI EN ISO 4254-1/June 2006: Agricultural machines - Safety - Part 1: General requisites
-ISO 11684/1995: Pictograms - general principles.
The sprayers are made of a structural steel frame and a polyester tank reinforced with fibreglass or high-density polyethylene. The frame is painted with special fired epoxy paints or, depending on the versions, hot galvanised. The tank is easy to empty and this makes it possible to use the machine even on hillsides. The pumps are generally diaphragm pumps but in some cases fitted with pistons. The accessories that can be used to complete the sprayer include: lifting devices, self-levelling devices, mechanical or hydraulic herbicide booms, jets and nozzles and this makes the UNIGREEN sprayer a highly qualified and efficient piece of equipment.
The use of this machine does not envisage an operator standing constantly near
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the same, the operator normally sits in the cab of the tractor. During calibration and maintenance operations the operator will be working near the machine at ground level (for all the calibration and maintenance operations refer to the relevant chapters). In case of operations that request the entry to parts of the machines located at 1,5 mt. height ,it is advised to use a ladder at rule; the ladder shall be positioned steady on a flat ground not yielding and with the machine at a standstill and braked. In some special models with controls above 1.5 metres there is a platform to make these operations easier. This platform must only be used with the machine stopped. NOTE: Put the ladder back into the correct operating position after use, securing it with the hook; make sure not to pinch or crush your hands during these operations.
The sprayers are supplied with an auxiliary hand-washing tank with clean water and a hand tap. This tank must always be supplied with water and the inside must be clean so you can wash any parts of the body that come into contact with the chemical product used. Never drink the liquid inside.
When you receive the machine, check that it is complete and no parts are missing. If there are any damaged parts, inform your local reseller or UNIGREEN directly in good time. When the machine is delivered, make sure you ask:
a) that the machine is delivered with all of its parts fitted and that the fitting meets the requisites in table N° 12 pag. 33-34. (This procedure is necessary because for reasons of space during transportation the machine is often delivered partially dismantled).
b) that it is tested in your presence in particular checking: = that the suction filter and the inside of the tank are clean and free of work
residues. = that the connections are made correctly following the basic layout (FIG. N°
11). = that the hose clips and all the unions and connections are tightened properly.
= that any herbicide boom is mounted in the centre. = that all of the protective covers are fitted solidly to the machine, in particular
the protective cover of the power-takeoff of the pump. = Check the proper tyres inflation (pressure are indicated on tyres)
Every time you have to lift the machine, before starting the operation, always make sure the lifting gear and the relevant tools and equipment (cables, hooks, etc..) are suitable for lifting the load and check the stability of the same.
It is forbidden to unhook and move the machine with the tank full.
The dry weight of the machine at the maximum level of fitting and with all the accessories allowed is stamped on the nameplate (Fig. 2); use slings and lifting gear with a adequate load-bearing capacity. Don’t stand the sprayer on soft ground or steep slopes. Never lift or move the sprayers by hand if there is liquid in the tank. The machine will weigh more and the movement of the liquid can change the centre of gravity causing uncontrolled movements. We recommend using slings as shown in the figure, the lifting points to use on the machine are indicated with the relevant symbol. Don’t lift the machine with the forks of a forklift truck because the machine can tip over due to the overhanging weight of the booms. Don’t pass or stand under the machine when it is being lifted.
This symbol identifies the clean water tank on the machine used to wash your hands
This symbol identifies the coupling points of the machine
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PARKING Don’t stand the sprayers on unstable ground or steep slopes, the machine is designed to be parked safely on compact ground with a slope of up to 8.5° using the relevant chocks (FIG. 3) in the following way:
- Machine parked with drawbar uphill (max 8.5°), place the chocks behind the wheels.
- Machine parked with drawbar downhill (max 8.5°), place the chocks in front of the wheels.
- Machine parked across the slope (max 8.5°), place one chock in front of the drawbar wheel (in the direction of the slope) and the other in front of the wheel uphill.
MOVING THE MACHINE For lifting, please refer to the general notes above. CAMPO sprayer models 11 and 16 are fitted with a tilting parking wheel which allows the machine to be pushed over firm, flat ground when the tank is empty. CAMPO sprayer models 22 and 32 are fitted with a tilting parking foot. To make it easier to move the sprayer when it is not attached to the tractor, the machine and the drawbar are specially equipped for stowing:
- The cardan shaft: swivelling cradle on drawbar.
- The electrical pressure regulator: hosereel support (the pushbutton panel is normally attached to the tractor or stored in the product basket).
4.4 TRACTOR COUPLING = The tractor must be equipped with a 1”3/8 ASAE DIN 9611/A at 550 rpm
power-takeoff capable of supplying the power necessary for operating the machine. = It must have a towing hitch (towed mistblowers with a towing eye or fork drawbar) and a three-point elevator (for mounted machines and a steering drawbar for towed machines) suitable for safely bearing the weight of the mistblower. = It must be able to tow the maximum overall mass of the machine. All of the characteristics required are indicated in the fittings tables N° 12 pages 33-34 (the total mass is also indicated on the CE plate on the machine).
WARNING: make sure there are no persons or things near the mistblower before starting the machine and while you are using it.
= Check the diameter of the elevator coupling pins. If necessary position the double diameter pins correctly; there are also appropriate adapter bushes available. = Check that the weight on the hook can be supported by the tractor (the maximum weights on the drawbar are indicated in the fittings tables N° 12 pages 33-34). = Check that the steering joint is lubricated with grease. = Keep the towed machine level with the control of the elevator. = Retract the parking drawbar wheel (or foot) so it doesn’t get damaged during work. B: to perform these operations, check the stability of the machine and observe all the indications relevant to safety in the paragraphs 4.3 TRANSPORTATION AND MAINTENANCE, 8 MAINTENANCE, and 8.5 REPAIRS. = Position the pressure regulator in a place where it is easy to reach from the driver’s seat. Don’t carry liquids under pressure inside the cabin; use the relevant electrical or cable controls for these tractors. = Check that the pipes of the pressure regulator (or the electrical cables on a pushbutton control panel) don’t get in the way and are positioned at a safe distance from the cardan shaft and the wheels of the tractor.
Hinged parking wheel
Hinged parking stand
Tractor coupling for Towed machines: standard version, with elevator coupling.
Tractor coupling for homologated Towed machines in work position (not suitable for road use).
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4.4.2 HOOK VERSION (HOMOLOGATED) = Check that the weight on the hook can be supported by the tractor (the
maximum weights on the drawbar are indicated in the fittings tables N° 12 pages 33-34). = If the machine is coupled to the tractor by a tow hook, adjust the height of the hook to keep the tank of the sprayer horizontal. = When you have connected the drawbar proceed as for the towing steering drawbar.
After attaching the drawbar to the tractor, you must retract the parking foot (or wheel) to prevent damage during operation. Retract the foot as follows: = lift the machine up about 20 cm using the tractor’s elevator (if the machine is instead attached to the trailer hook, retract the parking foot by turning the knob) = Take out the blocking pin and push the foot up towards the back of the machine. = Hold the foot horizontal and put the blocking pin back in, inserting the handle in the slot to keep it from accidentally slipping out.
NOTE: to put the foot back into parking position when you unhook the machine from the tractor after operation, make sure that you follow these instructions: = hold up the foot with one hand, while pulling out the blocking pin with the other (guide the foot all the way down with your hand). = put the blocking pin back in, adjust the height to keep the tank of the sprayer horizontal.
To adjust the wheel spacing, you must lift up the machine as described in 4.3, or use a jack underneath the machine chassis; if you use a jack, the machine must be hooked up to the tractor so it is properly braked. The correct position for the jack is shown on the machine in the illustration to the side. Check that the jack is resting steadily on a firm, solid surface. To adjust the spacing, just loosen the screws holding the axle and pull the hub out to the desired position, then secure it again with the screws.
WARNING: axle track should be adjusted by authorized Unigreen personnel. The length (L) of the axle section inserted in the chassis must never be less than the one indicated in the chart, and the overhang (S) must not be greater; incorrect positioning of the hubs could weaken the axle and cause breakage.
Estrarre la spina di blocco e ribaltare il piede verso il retro della macchina.
Sostenere il piede orizzontalmente e riposizionare la spina di blocco facendo alloggiare la maniglia nell'apposito incavo per evitare sfilamenti accidentali.
Tractor coupling for Towed machines: homologated version, coupled to tow hook
Hub chart (measurements in mm)
series S (max) L (min) T hub
Campo 11 200 350 550 60x60x550 6c Campo 16 175 375 550 60x60x550 6c Campo 16 Riso 200 500 700 70x70x700 8c Campo 22 C/E 250 450 700 70x70x700 8c Campo 22 Riso 250 450 700 80x80x700 8c Campo 22 P 250 450 700 80x80x700 8c Campo 32 C/P 250 450 700 80x80x700 8c Campo 22/32 S 300 400 700 100x100x700 8c
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