Uniform Industrial UIC802 User Manual

UIC802 Portable Reader
URL: www.uicusa.com
Product User Guide
UDN UIC802-PUG Rev. 1.0 July-21-2005
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What is the UIC802?
The UIC802 is a battery operated contactless RFID and magnetic stripe card reader designed for data collection application such as Trade Show Lead Capture, Time & Attendance, Off-line E-Payment, etc. The UIC802 has many advanced features yet it’s very simple to use.
The UIC802 contains two readers modules. One is the contactless RFID reader. The other one is a manual insert magnetic card reader which can decode 3 tracks ISO, AAMVA, and custom data formats. Each read data is stored into the internal 1 Mega byte flash memory. In additional to the card data, the time and date, record number, ID entry, action code entry are also being captured.
UIC802 Components
The UIC802 kit consists of the following components:
- The UIC802 Potable reader.
- The P.C. data upload cable.
- The UIC801 Utility Program diskette.
UIC802 Features
Magnetic Card Reader
- Support 3 tracks data decoding
- Reliable manual insert type
- 1 Mega byte flash memory for data capture
- Stores up to 4,000 card data
Fully programmable, support track prefix, suffix, separator codes programming
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Contactless RFID Card Reader
- Supports a reading distance of 1 inch
- Supports 13.560 MHz Type A / Type B cards
- 1 Mega byte flash memory for data capture
Stores up to 4,000 card data
Portable Terminal for Data Collecting Applications
- Easy to read 2 lines x 16 characters LCD display
- Telephone style keypad f or easy data entry and
reader setup
- Battery operated with low battery warning
Real Time Clock
Data can be imported to any spread sheet program
Advanced Electronics and Software
- 16-bit RISC processor plus RFID and Magnetic Reader ICs
- 2 Serial I/O ports (1-RS232, 1-TTL) for P.C. data upload, Printer, Bar-Code Scanner, etc
Easy to use Window based Utility Program for data upload, reader programming, and configuration
Build-in User and System Configuration Menu
- Reader can be setup easily to fit different data collection applications
- Password protected System Menu entry for added security
Reader functionality can be changed in seconds using the User Command Menu
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UIC802 Card Reading Operation
The UIC802 is designed specifically for data collect ion purpose. The LCD display prom pt and setup screens that make the UIC802 very easy to use. Here are some simple steps to operate the UIC802. They involve the reading of two types of cards:
(I) Magnetic Card Only – when RFID is disabled (II) Magnetic Card and RFID Card – When RFID is enabled
To learn how to turn on the RFID operation, please refer to the section of ‘RFID Enable’ in the System Command Menu section.
(I) Magnetic Card Only Operation:
1. Press the POWER key to wa ke up the U IC802. The UIC802 w ill be ep and di splays the idle prompt:
2. Insert the magnetic card all the way into the UIC802. It is very important not to
remove the card until “Pull Crd to Read”
3. Remove magnetic card swiftly. The UIC802 display the first 32 bytes of the card data and the message “Saving Dat a Now Be Patient ” briefly. At this point, the card data has been stored in the internal Flash memory. The display goes back to the idle prompt.
TRACK111110123 4567890123456789
4. If the UIC802 is unable to read the magnetic card due to bad card or improper swipe speed. Two possible scenarios may occur.
a. The UIC802 is unable to detect any card data (for example, magnetic stripe is
reversed). The reader will beep 3 times to remind the user about this.
Pls Insert Card 08-15 12:36 P 00%
displays on the UIC802 LCD:
Pull Crd to Read 08-15 12:36 P 00%
Saving Data Now Be Patient
Pls Insert Card 08-15 12:37 PM 00%
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b. The UIC802 detect read error. The UIC802 will display the error code and the
message “Pls Reinsert Card” as the idle prompt.
Magnetic Error
Track 1
(II) Magnetic Card and RFID Card Operation
1. Press the POWER key to wake up the UIC802. The UIC802 will beep and displays the idle prompt:
2. Read the RFID card by taping it against the upper left corner of the reader, where the RFID antenna locates. The UIC802 will beep once, display the first 32 bytes of the card data and the message “Saving Data Now Be Patient” briefly. At this point, the card data has been stored in the internal Flash memory. The display will go back to the idle prompt.
WILLIAM SMITH 23 4567890123456789
Pls Reinsert CRD
08-15 12:36 PM
Please Read Card 08-15 12:36 P 00%
Saving Data Now Be Patient
Pls Insert Card
08-15 12:36 PM
Please Read Card 08-15 12:37 PM 00%
3. If the card is brought to a distance too far from the antenna and not detected by it, it will have no response at all. The user has to bring it closer. If it is close enough, the reader will read the card. However, if the card is bad or reading unsuccessful, it will beep twice and show the following messages:
Bad Readin
4. For this mode of dual card types operation, the user can always read the magnetic card by inserting it into the slot. The responses will be the same as in the magnetic card only case, except that the prompts messages are slightly different, to reflect either type of card reading:
The “Pls Insert Card” will become “Please Read Card”. The “Pls ReInsert
Pls ReRead Card
08-15 12:36 PM
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