Uniform Industrial MSR110 Programmer's Manual

Magnetic Stripe Card Reader
RS232 Interface
Programmer’s Manual
UIC EC/DC Document PM008
Revision D
Originator: Tammy Wang
Document Owner: EC/DC
Taiwan, Factory USA, Office
1st F., No. 1, Lane 15, 3811 Spinnaker Court
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Tel: 886-2-2268-7075 Tel: (510) 438-6799
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Email: uniform@ms1.hinet.net Email: uicu@aol.com
URL: www.uniform.com.tw
Fremont, CA 94538-6573
Fax: (510) 438-6790
URL: www.uicusa.com
Copyright 2002 Uniform Industrial Corporation
All rights reserved.
MSR110 Programmer’s Manual UDN PM008 Rev. D Notice, Agency Approved, Warning, Warranty, and Preface 2002/3/19
The issuer of this manual has made every effort to provide accurate information contained in this manual. The issuer
shall not be held liable for any technical and editorial omissions or errors made herein; nor for incidental consequential
damages resulting from the furnishing, performance or use of this material.
This document contains proprietary information protected by copyright. All rights are reserved. No part of this
document may be photocopied, reproduced, or translated without the prior written permission of the issuer. The
information provided in this manual is subject to change without notice.
This Equipment, MSR110, had been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to
part 15 of the FCC rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when
the equipment is operated in a commercial environment.
This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with
the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that
interference will not occur in a particular installation. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is also likely to
cause harmful interference in which case the user will be required to correct the interference at his own expense.
This MSR110 also had been tested and found to comply with the agency requirements of specification for CE mark
Class A and UL, cUL.
You are cautioned that changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could
void your authority to operate the equipment.
This product is served under one-year warranty of defects in material and functionality to the original purchasers.
Within the warranty period, if the product found to be defective will be repaired or replaced. This warranty applies to
the products only under the normal use of the original purchasers, and in no circumstances covers incidental or
consequential damages through consumers’ misuse or modification of the product.
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MSR110 Programmer’s Manual UDN PM008 Rev. D Notice, Agency Approved, Warning, Warranty, and Preface 2002/3/19
This manual provides detailed information relating to the overall operational, electrical, mechanical, environmental and
functional aspects of the MSR110. This document should be read and understood prior to initial operation of the
For ease of installation and programming use, we have addressed everything from its attractive features to its various
When designing the MSR110, we selected what we feel are the most useful features and functions. If in some cases you
find that your specific needs differ from our existing products, we welcome your comments and suggestions.
Custom-designed models are also available.
If further questions do arise, please call for technical support, our FAE will assist you in any way we can.
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MSR110D Programmer’s Manual UDN PM008 Rev. D Table of Contents 20-Dec-2001
Table of Contents
Section 1 General Description ___________________________________________1
Features ________________________________________________________________ 1
Application ______________________________________________________________ 1
Function ________________________________________________________________ 1
Self Test_________________________________________________________________________ 1
Transmission Reset by Hardware____________________________________________________ 1
Reading _________________________________________________________________________ 2
Reading Customized Data __________________________________________________________ 2
Self –Arm Mode __________________________________________________________________ 2
Reader Copy _____________________________________________________________________ 2
Transmitting Data Block of Tracks ___________________________________________________ 3
Part Number Description __________________________________________________ 4
Section 2 Configurations________________________________________________5
Dimensions of MSR110____________________________________________________ 5
Accessories of MSR110 ___________________________________________________ 5
Installation ______________________________________________________________ 5
Section 3 Technical Specifications________________________________________7
Card Specifications _______________________________________________________ 7
Card Type _______________________________________________________________________ 7
Thickness _______________________________________________________________________ 7
Card Format _____________________________________________________________________ 7
Card Operation Speed _____________________________________________________________ 7
Mechanical Specifications _________________________________________________ 7
Body Material ____________________________________________________________________ 7
Dimension _______________________________________________________________________ 8
Weight __________________________________________________________________________ 8
Magnetic Head Life________________________________________________________________ 8
Electrical Specifications ___________________________________________________ 8
Power Required __________________________________________________________________ 8
Power Consumption_______________________________________________________________ 8
Communication __________________________________________________________________ 8
Ripple___________________________________________________________________________ 8
Dielectric Strength ________________________________________________________________ 8
Insulation Resistance _____________________________________________________________ 8
Environmental Specifications ______________________________________________ 8
Temperature _____________________________________________________________________ 8
Humidity ________________________________________________________________________ 9
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MSR110D Programmer’s Manual UDN PM008 Rev. D Table of Contents 20-Dec-2001
Pin Assignment __________________________________________________________ 9
Communication __________________________________________________________ 9
Synchronization __________________________________________________________________ 9
Signal___________________________________________________________________________ 9
Baud Rate _______________________________________________________________________ 9
Transmission Protocol ____________________________________________________________ 9
Transmission Format _____________________________________________________________ 11
Section 4 COMMANDS and RESPONSES _________________________________12
Command -- Host to Reader _____________________________________________ 12
P (50h) ――― Ready to Read _________________________________________________________ 12
p (70h) ――― Ready to Read _________________________________________________________ 12
Q (51h) ――― Transmit Standard Data, Track 1 _________________________________________ 12
R (52h) ――― Transmit Standard Data, Track 2__________________________________________ 12
S (53h) ――― Transmit Standard Data, Track 3 __________________________________________ 12
U (55h) ――― Transmit Customized Data, Track 1 _______________________________________ 13
V (56h) ――― Transmit Customized Data, Track 2 _______________________________________ 13
W (57h) ――― Transmit Customized Data, Track 3 _______________________________________ 13
u (75h) ――― Transmit Reverse Customized Data, Track 1 ________________________________ 13
v (76h) ――― Transmit Reverse Customized Data, Track 2 ________________________________ 13
w (77h) ――― Transmit Reverse Customized Data, Track 3 _______________________________ 13
% (25h) ――― Retransmit____________________________________________________________ 13
# (23h) ――― Configuration Request __________________________________________________ 13
L (4Ch) ――― Green LED On _________________________________________________________ 14
l (6Ch) ――― Green LED Off _________________________________________________________ 14
M (4Dh) ――― Red LED On __________________________________________________________ 14
m (6Dh) ――― Red LED Off __________________________________________________________ 14
( (28h) ――― Green LED Flash _______________________________________________________ 14
) (29h) ――― Red LED Flash _________________________________________________________ 14
Z (5Ah) ――― One Long Beep ________________________________________________________ 14
z (7Ah) ――― One Short Beep ________________________________________________________ 14
DC3 (13h) ――― Pause Transmit______________________________________________________ 14
DC1 (11h) ――― Resume Transmit ____________________________________________________ 14
T (54h) ――― Card Type Report ______________________________________________________ 14
ESC (1Bh) ――― Abort ______________________________________________________________ 15
9 (39h) ――― Version Report _________________________________________________________ 15
DEL (7Fh) ――― Warm Reset ________________________________________________________ 15
$ (24h) ――― Reader Status Request __________________________________________________ 15
Response-- Reader to Host_______________________________________________ 15
^ (5Eh) ――― ACK _________________________________________________________________ 16
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MSR110D Programmer’s Manual UDN PM008 Rev. D Table of Contents 20-Dec-2001
+ (2Bh) ――― No Data ______________________________________________________________ 16
* (2Ah) ――― Error _________________________________________________________________ 16
? (3Fh) ――― Communication Error ___________________________________________________ 16
! (21h) ――― Invalid Command _______________________________________________________ 16
: (3Ah) ――― Power On Report _______________________________________________________ 16
~ (7Eh) ――― Cannot Execute ________________________________________________________ 16
Section 5 CONFIGURATION COMMANDS _________________________________17
Command Form _________________________________________________________ 17
BRx (42h 52h x) --- Set Baud Rate__________________________________________________ 17
PTx (50h 54h x) --- Set Bit & Parity _________________________________________________ 17
ESx (45h 53h x) --- ES & SS Send Enable/Disable _____________________________________ 17
LCx (4Ch 43h x) --- LRC Send Enable/Disable ________________________________________ 18
PCx (50h 43h x) --- Set Protocol of Power On Report __________________________________ 18
RTx (52h 54h x) --- RTS Enable/Disable _____________________________________________ 18
CTx (43h 54h x) --- CTS Enable/Disable _____________________________________________ 18
BZx (42h 5Ah x) --- Buzzer Enable/Disable __________________________________________ 18
TKx (54h 4Bh x) --- Set Transmitting Data Tracks _____________________________________ 19
AAx (41h 41h x) --- Set Address ___________________________________________________ 19
SAx (53h 41h x) --- Self -Arm Mode Enable/Disable ___________________________________ 19
SPx (53h 50h x) --- Set Track Separator _____________________________________________ 19
JHx (4Ah 48h x) --- Set JIS Read Head ______________________________________________ 19
p1 data (70h 31h data) --- Set Track 1 Prefix Code ____________________________________ 20
p2 data (70h 32h data) --- Set Track 2 Prefix Code ____________________________________ 20
p3 data (70h 33h data) --- Set Track 3 Prefix Code ____________________________________ 20
s1 (46h 61h x) --- Set Track 1 Suffix Code ___________________________________________ 20
s2 data (73h 32h data) --- Set Track 2 Suffix Code ____________________________________ 21
s3 data (73h 33h data) --- Set Track 3 Suffix Code ____________________________________ 21
K1A type start end (4Bh 31h 41h type start end) ______________________________________ 21
---- Set Transmitting Data Block, Channel A of Track 1 _________________________________ 21
K1B type start end (4Bh 31h 42h type start end) ______________________________________ 22
---- Set Transmitting Data Block, Channel B of Track 1 _________________________________ 22
K1C type start end (4Bh 31h 43h type start end) ______________________________________ 22
---- Set Transmitting Data Block, Channel C of Track 1 _________________________________ 22
K2A type start end (4Bh 32h 41h type start end) ______________________________________ 22
---- Set Transmitting Data Block, Channel A of Track 2 _________________________________ 22
K2B type start end (4Bh 32h 42h type start end) ______________________________________ 22
---- Set Transmitting Data Block, Channel B of Track 2 _________________________________ 22
Table 5-23. Data Block Channel B, Tk2 ______________________________________________ 22
K2C type start end (4Bh 32h 43h type start end) ______________________________________ 22
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MSR110D Programmer’s Manual UDN PM008 Rev. D Table of Contents 20-Dec-2001
---- Set Transmitting Data Block, Channel C of Track 2 _________________________________ 22
K3A type start end (4Bh 33h 41h type start end) ______________________________________ 23
---- Set Transmitting Data Block, Channel A of Track 3 _________________________________ 23
K3B type start end (4Bh 33h 42h type start end) ______________________________________ 23
---- Set Transmitting Data Block, Channel B of Track 3 _________________________________ 23
K3C type start end (4Bh 33h 43h type start end) ______________________________________ 23
---- Set Transmitting Data Block, Channel C of Track 3 _________________________________ 23
DF0 (44h 46h 00h) --- Default Setting _______________________________________________ 23
RE0 (52h 45h 00h) --- Read EEPROM Data___________________________________________ 24
RE1 (52h 45h 31h) --- Read Configuration Status _____________________________________ 25
RE2 (52h 45h 32h) --- Read Prefix & Suffix Setting Status of Tracks _____________________ 25
RE3 (52h 45h 33h) --- Read Channel Setting Status of Tracks___________________________ 25
RE4 (52h 45h 34h) --- Read Serial Number___________________________________________ 26
Sdx (53h 64h x) --- MSR100 Output Format Enable/Disable _____________________________ 26
SN data (53h 4Eh data) --- Write serial number _______________________________________ 27
Section 6 Download Specification _______________________________________28
Introduction ____________________________________________________________ 28
Enter Boot Mode ________________________________________________________ 28
Procedure ______________________________________________________________________ 28
Command Sets__________________________________________________________ 29
Download Commands ____________________________________________________________ 29
Appendix A Download Application______________________________________ A-1
System Requirements____________________________________________________A-1
Application Installation and Firmware Download______________________________A-1
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MSR110D Programmer’s Manual UDN PM008 Rev. D Section 1 -- General Description 20-Dec-2001
Section 1 General Description
This section presents general information about the basic characters of the MSR110.
The MSR110 provides the following features:
1 Light weight: 210g (without adapter)
2 Compact size: 100L*34W*28H (mm)
3 LED and Buzzer indicators indicate card status
4 Low power consumption
Single, dual, or triple track versions allow for reading all types of magnetic cards, including credit cards and
drivers licenses.
6 Firmware download (refer to section 6)
This Magnetic Stripe Reader is design to read high or low coercive magnetic cards. It can decode/verify up to 3
tracks of data simultaneously. This product communicates with a host computer or other terminal using a standard
RS-232 interface. Because of the transmitting protocol of MSR110 is more precise, it is suitable for using in
financial industry.
Self Test
Whenever the reader experiences a reset cycle, a self-test is performed. The reader will respond with “:” and the
LED will turn green if the entire test is successful. Otherwise, the LED will turn orange and no response will be
Table 1-1. Self Test
LED Buzzer
Green 1 Beep Test Success Responds with “:”
Cause Post Condition
Orange EEPROM Failed Hang
Orange Internal ROM Failed Hang
Transmission Reset by Hardware
When the reader cannot communicate with the host, user can set the switch S1-1 on and power on the reader. The
reader will beep twice and response the baud rate, parity, CTS and RTS default setting, but the data inside
EEPROM will not be changed.
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MSR110D Programmer’s Manual UDN PM008 Rev. D Section 1 -- General Description 20-Dec-2001
The reader can read magnetic data form any available track encoded per ISO 7810, 7811, AAMVA, CA old DMV,
JIS. The host can request the read data from the reader with commands. For details and examples of commands
and responses, refer to section 4.
Reading Customized Data
The interface can read customized encoded magnetic data. Data integrity is not verified when reading customized
data. Customized data is not formatted into ASCII characters prior to transmission to the host.
Self –Arm Mode
The default reader configuration is the “Self-Arm Mode”, which allows the magstripe functions to run
automatically, reporting magstripe activity to the host without instruction from the host. In the Self-Arm Mode, the
reader also can accept commands from host. However, the reader can be configured to only “Host Polled Mode”
by disabling Self-Arm Mode. The “Host Polled Mode” allows the magstripe functions to run by commands. The
conditions of indicators when the reader is in Self-Arm Mode are shown below.
Table 1-2. Self-Arm Mode
LED Buzzer
Off Card Swipe
Orange 2 Beeps 1 or 2 Tracks Read Miss
Red 3 Beeps Read Error
Green 1 Beep Read Success
When the reader is in the Self-Arm Mode, the green LED indicates the reader is waiting for accepting card. While
card is moving, the LED will turn off. When one or two tracks read miss, the LED shows orange for 1 second and
the buzzer beeps twice. If tracks read error, the LED turns red and beeps thrice. When the reader is in the Host
Polled Mode, the green LED keeps flashing.
Reader Copy
This function can copy all setting data down from one reader to another reader with a DB9-M to DB9-M
connector. The connector pin and operating step are shown below.
Table 1-3. Copy Function PIN Assignment
Transmitting PIN Receiving PIN
2 3
3 2
5 5
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MSR110D Programmer’s Manual UDN PM008 Rev. D Section 1 -- General Description 20-Dec-2001
Step 1. Switch S1-1 on and power on the source reader.
Step 2. Connect the source and target reader.
Step 3. Switch S1-1 on and power on the target reader.
Step 4. The target reader orange LED goes flashing and source reader LED goes red as soon as start copy.
Step 5. When copy finished, the target reader LED remains orange still, and the source reader LED goes green and
beeps three times. If user wants to copy another reader, repeat Step 2.
Step 6. Switch all readers’ S1-1 off.
Transmitting Data Block of Tracks
Each track could divide into 1-3 channels (blocks) for transmission. For example, user could set “Channel A” of
track1 format as: ISO standard card track1 15
swiping, the reader will transmit completed data without limitation. The commands of setting channels are shown
in section 5.
characters. If the set data is different from the data after
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MSR110D Programmer’s Manual UDN PM008 Rev. D Section 1 -- General Description 20-Dec-2001
Part Number Description
The brief configuration of MSR110 part number are shown as below:
MSR110-12 Dual track 1&2
MSR110-23 Dual track 2&3
MSR110-33 Triple track 1&2&3
Note: Optional configuration is available.
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MSR110D Programmer’s Manual UDN PM008 Rev. D Section 2 -- Configurations 20-Dec-2001
Section 2 Configurations
This section shows the dimensions, accessories and setup for the MSR110.
Dimensions of MSR110
Figure 2-1 Dimensions of MSR110
Accessories of MSR110
The following accessories should be supplied along with MSR110. Make sure all the following accessories are
contained in your package.
1. Signal cable (DB9, 1.5M)
2. Adapter, AC 110V in / DC 5V, 300mA out
3. Programmer’s manual or Simple manual
4. Download application
1. Power off your PC system.
2. Connect PC and MSR110 as below.
3. Connect DB9 of signal cable to a free serial port and power-in barrel plug into DB9 connector of signal cable.
Connect the connector to MSR110.
4. Plug in the power adapter to proper AC outlet, see instruction on adapter of the proper voltage, 110V power in.
5. Power on your PC system.
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MSR110D Programmer’s Manual UDN PM008 Rev. D Section 2 -- Configurations 20-Dec-2001
Figure 2-2 Installing MSR110
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MSR110D Programmer’s Manual UDN PM008 Rev. D Section 3 -- Technical Specification 2002/3/19
Section 3 Technical Specifications
Card Specifications
Card Type
ISO standard card
CA old DMV
Read high or low coercive magnetic stripes (300-4000oe)
Read triple track 7 BPC & 210 BPI cards
0.76 mm ±0.08 mm
Card Format
Track 1 & 3: 210 bpi
Track 2: 75/210 bpi
JIS II 210 bpi
Note: The card data output sequence for Model J2 is ISO track 2 prior to JIS II.
The card data output sequence for Model J3 is ISO track 1 & 2 prior to JIS II.
Card Operation Speed
Table 3-1. Card Operation Speed
Test Card Speed (IPS)
ISO standard card 5-55
* Jitter 5-50
** Low Amplitude 5-50
Note: *Jitter card: Reliable reading of magnetic stripes encoded with bit cell length variations within +/-12% of
normal as defined by ISO 7811.
**Low amplitude: Reliable reading of magnetic stripes encoded at 60% or more of the encoding amplitude as
defined by ISO 7811.
Mechanical Specifications
Body Material
ABS 94V-0
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