Uniflex EM 1, EM 2, EM 3.2 Ecoline, EM 3.3, EM 3.4 DC Operating Manual

- EM 1
- EM 2
- EM 3.2 Ecoline / EM 3.3 / EM 3.4 DC
Technical Details subject to change EN
Copyi ng and dist ributing this document a nd the use or communicat ion of t he conte nts ther eof are forbidden without e xpressed auth ori ty. Offenders are li able to the paym ent of dama ges. All rights are rese rved in the even t of the gr ant of a pate nt or the registrat ion of a utility model o r design.
UNIFLEX-Hydraulik - 2 – www.uniflex.de
CE Declaration of Conformity
within the meaning of Directive Machines 2006/42/EEC.
The following machine
EM 1
EM 2
EM 3.2 Ecoline / EM 3.3 / EM 3.4 DC
was developed, designed and manufactured in accordance with Directive 2006/42/EC under the sole responsibility of
Company UNIFLEX - Hydraulik GmbH
Robert-Bosch-Straße 50 - 52 D - 61184 Karben
Documentation officer Carsten Baumgartner
The following standards, directives and specifications were applied:
EG-Richtlinie 2006/42/EG - Directive 2006/42/EEC
EG-Richtlinie 2006/95/EG - Directive 2006/95/EEC
EMV Richtlinie 2004/108/EG - EMC Directive 2004/108/EEC
EN ISO 12100: 2010
EN 60204: 2006 If the machine is changed in any way without consulting us beforehand or if any non-tested and non-accepted outside parts are used, this declaration shall lose its validity.
Complete technical documentation is available.
The operating instructions supplied with the machine is the original version.
---------------------------------- -------------------------------------- --------------------------------------
Place, Date Signature Function of the signee
Geschäftsführer /
Karben, 25. März 2013
UNIFLEX-Hydraulik – 3 – www.uniflex.de
CE Declaration of Conformity .................................................................................................................... 2
Contents ................................................................................................................................................... 3
Chapter 1 Introduction ................................................................................................................. 5
Copyright .................................................................................................................................................................. 5
General information regarding the operating instructions ..................................................................................... 5
Safety and accident prevention ............................................................................................................................. 5
Pictograms ............................................................................................................................................................. 5
Chapter 2 Security and accident prevention ...................................................................................... 6
General Security notes .............................................................................................................................................. 6
The owner undertakes to: ...................................................................................................................................... 6
Obligations of the personnel .................................................................................................................................. 6
Hazards when operating the machine ................................................................................................................... 6
Usage to the intended purpose ............................................................................................................................. 6
Warranty and liability ............................................................................................................................................. 6
Informal safety measures ...................................................................................................................................... 7
Training of the personnel ....................................................................................................................................... 7
Control of the hose cutting and skiving machine ................................................................................................... 7
Safety measures for normal operation .................................................................................................................. 7
Hazards caused by electrical energy .................................................................................................................... 7
Maintenance and servicing, trouble-shooting ........................................................................................................ 7
Constructional modifications of the machine ......................................................................................................... 7
Cleaning the machine and waste disposal ............................................................................................................ 7
Security installations .............................................................................................................................................. 8
Emergency switch ................................................................................................................................................. 8
Security devices .................................................................................................................................................... 8
Test the correct functioning of the knife protection ............................................................................................... 8
Personal safety.......................................................................................................................................................... 8
Chapter 3 System Description ....................................................................................................... 9
Technical Data .......................................................................................................................................................... 9
Design ..................................................................................................................................................................... 10
Chapter 4 Commissioning .......................................................................................................... 11
Unpacking / Set up .............................................................................................................................................. 11
How to prevent damage when unpacking: .......................................................................................................... 11
Connecting the electric supply (Alternating Current) .............................................................................................. 12
Checking the rotating direction of the electric motor (only with 3-Phases) ......................................................... 12
Connecting the electric supply EM 3.4 DC (Continuous Current) ....................................................................... 12
Exhaust ................................................................................................................................................................ 13
Overload protection ............................................................................................................................................. 13
Commissioning the EM 1 ...................................................................................................................................... 13
Commissioning the EM 3.2 Ecoline ..................................................................................................................... 13
Chapter 5 Operating the machine ................................................................................................ 14
Work preparations ................................................................................................................................................... 14
Cutting of Hoses .................................................................................................................................................... 16
Cutting without pneumatic feeder ( EM 1 / EM 2 / EM 3.3 / EM 3.2 Ecoline ) ..................................................... 16
Cutting with EM 3.4 DC ....................................................................................................................................... 16
Brushing ................................................................................................................................................................. 17
Chapter 6 Maintenance .............................................................................................................. 18
Maintenance, Service, Repair .............................................................................................................................. 18
Daily Maintenance: .............................................................................................................................................. 19
Weekly Maintenance: .......................................................................................................................................... 19
Annually Maintenance: ........................................................................................................................................ 19
Disassembling the cutting blade ............................................................................................................................. 20
Assembling the cutting blade .................................................................................................................................. 20
Take off the round brush ......................................................................................................................................... 21
Mounting the round brush ....................................................................................................................................... 21
Change of the driving disk EM 3.4 DC .................................................................................................................... 22
Anhang / Appendix / Apèndice / Appendice ............................................................................................. 23
Ersatzteilliste / Spare Parts List / Pièces détachées / Lista de piezas de recambio ............................................... 23
UNIFLEX-Hydraulik – 4 – www.uniflex.de
EM 1 ........................................................................................................................................................................ 23
EM 2 ........................................................................................................................................................................ 24
EM 3.4 DC ............................................................................................................................................................... 25
EM 3.3 ..................................................................................................................................................................... 26
EM 3.2 Ecoline ........................................................................................................................................................ 27
Wo Sie Ersatzteile bestellen können / Where to obtain spare parts / ..................................................................... 30
Adresse pour nous contacter / La dirección para encargar piezas de recambio: ............................................... 30
Elektroplan / Electric Circuit Diagram / Schéma électrique / Esquema de circuitos eléctricos ........................... 31
EM 2 (220 / 230 V, 50 / 60 Hz, 3~) ...................................................................................................................... 31
EM 2 (400 V, 50 / 60 Hz, 3~) ............................................................................................................................... 32
EM 3.4 DC (24V) ................................................................................................................................................. 33
EM 3.4 DC (12VDC / 24VDC) ............................................................................................................................. 34
EM 3.2 Ecoline .................................................................................................................................................... 35
EM 3.3 (220-230 V, 60 Hz, 3~) ............................................................................................................................ 36
EM 3.3 (440-460 V, 60 Hz, 3~ / 380-415 V, 50 Hz, 3~) ...................................................................................... 37
Wartungsbuch / Maintenance book / Carnet d’entretien / Libro de mantenimiento / Libretto die manutenzione /
Onderhoud boek .................................................................................................................................................. 38
Erklärung des geschulten Personals / Declaration of Trained Personnel ........................................................... 39
Gültig seit: 16.07.14 Änderungszustand: y Erstellt : Jarrasch Genehmigt:
UNIFLEX-Hydraulik – 5 – www.uniflex.de
Chapter 1 Introduction
The copyright for this operating manual rests with the company UNIFLEX-Hydraulic GmbH. This operating manual is meant for the owner / operator of the machine. It contains regulations and notes that may not be copied in part or as a whole or distributed in any way. Noncompliance may have legal consequences.
General information regarding the operating instructions
This operating manual forms part of the scope of delivery of your UNIFLEX cutting and skiving machine and it is intended for the user and maintenance / service staff.
The manual describes how the funciton of the machine, provides information on hazards that may arise during its operation, contains detailed information on how to operate the machine, and describes the steps necessary for servicing and checking the accuracy of the cutting and skiving machine. Even if you have attended a training course for operating this machine, please read these operating instructions completely before starting up the machine.
By signing your name on the last page >Appendix<, you confirm that you have read completely and understood this Operating Manual. The owner of the machine shall be obliged to only let such persons operate and carry out maintenance work on the cutting and skiving machine, who satisfy the above-mentioned prerequisite.
Safety and accident prevention
This cutting and skiving machine is a state-of-the-art machine and it is safe to use. Nonetheless, certain rules have to be observed to minimize the risk of injuries and protect the machine. Please pay particular attention to Chapter 2 >Safety< in these operating instructions.
This pictogram indicates texts providing useful information on the application of the machine and how it can be handled and used optimally.
This symbol points out critical points, which can lead to damage of the machine, incorrect functioning, or faulty production.
This symbol points out hazards to life and health as well as risks of injuries.
This symbol refers to hazards arising during the work process.
UNIFLEX-Hydraulik – 6 – www.uniflex.de
Chapter 2 Security and accident prevention
Warning: Serious accidents may occur, if the machine is handled incorrect.
The cutting and brushing machine is built with up-to-date technology and is functioning safely when operated correctly. However, there are some regulations which limit the risk of damages for the operator, third persons or the machine.
General Security notes
These operating instructions contain the most important information needed to operate the cutting and brushing machine safely. These instructions, particularly the safety information, have to be observed by all persons operating the machine. Furthermore, all rules and regulations regarding the prevention of accidents, which are applicable at the place of use, have to be observed.
The owner undertakes to:
only let such persons work at the machine who are familiar with the basic regulations on work safety and accident prevention,
have been instructed in the operation of the UNIFLEX machine, and
have read and understood the operating instructions and have confirmed this with their signature on the last
The owner shall check at regular intervals whether the personnel is operating the machine according to the safety regulations.
Obligations of the personnel
All persons authorized to work at this Uniflex cutting and brushing machine are obliged to observe the basic regulations on work safety and accident prevention, to read the operating instructions and to confirm with their signature on the last page that they have understood the instructions.
Hazards when operating the machine
This machine has been constructed according to state-of-the-art engineering and acknowledged safety regulations. Nonetheless, dangers can arise for the operator or third persons, or the machine and/or other property can be damaged during operation of the machine. The machine may only be used:
for its proper purpose and intended use,
when it is in perfect and safe working order.
Any faults have to be remedied immediately.
Usage to the intended purpose
This UNIFLEX machine is designed only for cutting and brushing hydraulic hoses. Any other usage or any usage exceeding the tasks described above shall not be considered usage to the intended purpose. Operating the machine in a potentially explosive atmosphere is prohibited. Usage to the intended purpose also includes the following:
observance of all information and instructions provided in the operating instructions and
observance of the inspection and maintenance work.
Other types of application shall only be permissible following prior consultation with the manufacturer!
Warranty and liability
As a rule our "General Terms and Conditions of Sale and Delivery" shall apply. These will have been made available to the buyer at the latest when the purchase agreement was concluded. Warranty and liability claims for injuries to persons and/or damage to property shall be excluded if such claims can be attributed to one or several of the causes listed below:
Improper use of the machine, i.e. not to the intended purpose.
Improper assembly, start up, operation and/or maintenance/repair of the machine.
Operation of the machine without the protective coverings being mounted correctly.
Non-observance of the information concerning the transport, storage, assembly, start up, operation and
maintenance of the machine provided in the operating manual.
Unauthorized constructional changes on the machine.
Unauthorized modification of programs that affect the control of the machine.
Inadequate inspection of wearing parts.
Incorrectly performed repair work.
Emergencies due to external causes and/or force majeure.
UNIFLEX-Hydraulik – 7 – www.uniflex.de
We grant a warranty of 12 months on our machines, valid from the passing of liability. A condition for this is that enclosed UNIFLEX-accessories or by UNIFLEX tested and approved material is being used and the operation is done in accordance to this manual.
Informal safety measures
The instruction manual is to be kept together with the machine at all times. General as well as local regulations for accident prevention and environmental protection are to be displayed and adhered to in addition to the instruction manual. All security and danger notes on the machine are to be kept in a readable condition.
Training of the personnel
Only adequately trained and instructed personnel should be authorized to work at the machine. The responsibilities of the personnel as to the assembly, start up, operation, maintenance and repair of the machine should be clearly defined. Personnel undergoing training should only work at the machine under the supervision of an experienced person.
Control of the hose cutting and skiving machine
Under no circumstances may the control system be modified in any way!
Safety measures for normal operation
The machine must only be operated when all protective coverings have been mounted correctly. Prior to switching on the machine it must be certain that no-one can be injured or endangered by the starting machine. Inspect the outside of the machine at least once during every shift to check for any damages. After finishing working with the machine switch it off on the main switch.
Hazards caused by electrical energy
Only qualified electricians should carry out work on the electric power supply. The electrical components of the machine need to be checked at regular intervals. Any loose connections and damaged cables should be repaired immediately. The housing must always be kept closed. Access should only be permitted to authorized personnel.
Warning: If work on live parts of the machine is required, a second individual shall be present to operate the machine Power switch in case of emergency.
Maintenance and servicing, trouble-shooting
Carry out prescribed maintenance work on time. Inform operating personnel before you begin with the maintenance and servicing work. Always make sure that the machine is off circuit when any maintenance, inspection or repair work is to be carried out and that the main switch cannot be switched on unintendedly (i.e. by securing it accordingly). Put up a warning sign prohibiting any third persons from starting up the machine. Make sure that all connections are firmly tightened. Mount all protective and safety guards again as soon as the maintenance work has been completed.
Constructional modifications of the machine
The hose skiving machine may not be modified and no parts may be built on or modified without the manufacturer’s approval. Any modifications need to be confirmed in writing by UNIFLEX-Hydraulik GmbH. Any parts that are not in perfect working order should be replaced immediately. Only original spare parts and wearing parts should be used. It cannot be guaranteed that other parts are designed and manufactured in such a way that they will meet the safety requirements.
Cleaning the machine and waste disposal
All substances and materials used have to be handled and disposed of properly, in particular when work with lubricants was carried out. The national regulations on waste disposal have to be observed.
UNIFLEX-Hydraulik – 8 – www.uniflex.de
Security installations The main switch is located at the front of the machine on the operating board.
Emergency switch
Note: The emergency switch must be activated in all situations where injuries of people or damage on the machine can arise:
When operating this switch, the cutting and brushing devices of the machine stop within 10 seconds.
Security devices
The cutting and brushing machine has a security device, which protects the operator from contact with the cutting knife:
Test the correct functioning of the knife protection
Once a week test the functioning of the knife protection. See chapter >maintenance< in this operating manual.
Prior to every switching on of the machine all safety devices have to be assembled correctly, they have to function correctly and they must be closed. They may only be removed by authorized personnel after a complete standstill and after protecting against a startup of the machine. When additional parts are supplied at a later date, the owner shall be responsible for mounting any warning labels and safety devices delivered with such parts on the machine according to regulations.
Personal safety
Irrespective of the local accident prevention regulations, the following instructions should be observed as a means of protecting the health and safety of the maintenance and operating personnel:
Never reach into the skiving machine during operation.
Always keep a copy of the operating instructions at the place of use of the machine.
Make sure that all safety and danger notices on the machine are always legible.
Only operate the machine when all safety devices are in perfect working order.
Before starting up the hydraulic unit, make sure that no-one can be endangered by the running machine.
Do not place any objects on the floor near the workplace.
Do not wear loose clothing.
Remove any jewelry, watches and rings.
Wear working gloves.
Wear safety glasses.
Wear ear protection when cutting with EM 3.4 DC / EM 3.2 Ecoline.
A danger for the health and safety of the operator does not arise during correct use of the machine. However, we point to the following dangerous areas
Warning: Never reach into the skiving area when the machine is working!
Warning: Always wear protecting glasses when brushing a hose!
Warning: During all maintenance and repair works switch off the machine on the main switch and disconnect it from the circuit!
UNIFLEX-Hydraulik – 9 – www.uniflex.de
Chapter 3 System Description
Technical Data
Technical Data
EM 1
EM 2
EM 3.4 DC
EM 3
.3 EM 3.
Workshop SAE R13 & SAE R15
- 1 ¼“ 1 ¼“ 1 ¼“ 1 ¼“
Production SAE R13 & SAE R15
- ¾“ ¾“ ¾“ -
5/8“ 1 ¼“ 1 ¼“ 1 ¼“ 1 ¼“
1 ¼“ 2“ 2“ 2“ 1 ¼“
Maxi outside
Ø 45 mm Ø 80 mm Ø 80 mm Ø 80 mm Ø 52 mm Hosefeed Manual Manual Manual Manual Manual Noise Level
80 dBA 80 dBA 93 dBA 80 dBA 90 dBA
Brake Motor
- YES - YES -
Suction connection
Ø 30 mm Ø 80 mm Ø 40 mm Ø 80 mm Ø 40 mm
Drive 1,2kW 1Ph 3 kW
12 VDC = 2,0 kW 24 VDC = 3,2 kW
3 kW 2,8 kW
Cutting blade (mm)
160x2,5x20 275x3x30 250x2,5x40 275x3x30 200x1,6x25,4
Brushing DN 5-6-8-10-12­16-19-25-31-38-51
- YES - - -
L-W-H (mm)
360x340x310 630x440x330 470x567x365 540x440x300 400x510x540
Weight ca.
8 kg 65 kg 25 kg 50 kg 20 kg Options Bench
UNIFLEX-Hydraulik – 10 – www.uniflex.de
EM 1
EM 2 EM 3.3
EM 3.2 Ecoline
EM 3.4 DC
1 Cover 6 Cutting Support 11 Upper Hexagon Head Bolt 2 Blade Protection 7 Bending Bolt 12 Lower Hexagon Head Bolt
3 Brake Motor 8 Main Switch 13 Electric Motor 4 Pedal Switch 9 Handle 5 Hand Lever 10 Holding Disk
UNIFLEX-Hydraulik – 11 – www.uniflex.de
Chapter 4 Commissioning
Note: The machine may only be commissioned and operated by trained and authorized personnel!
Unpacking / Set up
The cutting and skiving machine was tested prior to delivery and is ready for operation.
How to prevent damage when unpacking:
Carefully remove all packaging.
Check the delivery for completeness using the delivery note.
Remove all screws that fasten the machine to the packaging.
Use suitable lifting gear to lift the machine off the palette.
Note: Pay attention to the correct balance!
Note: Set the machine in such a way that it is accessible from all sides for maintenance works.
Note: Only set up and operate the machine in weather proof rooms.
Lift the machine on the included workbench (optional).
Fasten the machine to the workbench. (Rubber-metal buffer reduce vibrations).
Note: The work bench must be level.
The cutting support should go further than the desk so the hose can be guided towards the cutting knife or the round brush freely (EM 3.4 DC; EM 3.2 Ecoline).
UNIFLEX-Hydraulik – 12 – www.uniflex.de
Connecting the electric supply (Alternating Current)
Caution: This work should only be performed by a qualified electrician! Note the marked voltage on the type plate and select the appropriate electric circuit diagram! Works on live wires are hazardous!
Switch the main connection of the machine off-circuit and make sure that it cannot be switched on again.
Connect the electric connecting cable to the connection of the power supply. For the correct voltage refer to the
type plate.
Note: The rotating direction of the electric motor is indicated by an arrow on the motor / chassis!
Note: The connecting plug must comply with current local electrical regulations!
Checking the rotating direction of the electric motor (only with 3-Phases)
If the motor does not rotate in the direction indicated by the arrow, two phases must be switched as shown:
Attention: The motor will be damaged if it rotates in the wrong direction for some time.
Connecting the electric supply EM 3.4 DC (Continuous Current)
+ Pol
- Pol
12 VDC / 24 VDC Continuous Current, To screw tightly.
No Gelbattery.
Look for an adequacy engine power of the
current generator.
Suitable fuse: 250 A: 12 VDC inactive
: 150 A: 24 VDC inactive
+ 28 hidden pages