Uniden America UB360 Users manual

Important information General Precautions Specifications FCC Information Warranty and Support Information User Guide Information
Setting up the hardware
Programming your scanner
Operating your scanner
Important information
For general information about using a scanner, including how to program the various types of radio systems into your scanner, we suggest you start with the
General Users Guide page.
General Precautions
Hardware specifications
Software reference <NOT YET AVAILABLE>
FCC Information
Warranty and Support Information
User Guide Information
Operation overview
Available operation modes
Menu reference
Keys and their functions
Reading the display
Setting up the hardware
Included with the scanner
Installing the batteries
Connecting the antenna
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Connecting a GPS receiver
Programming your scanner
Setting up systems
Programming Number Tags
Programming Quick Keys
Programming Search Keys
Programming locations
Setting alerts
Operating your scanner
Using Number Tags
Using Quick Keys, Startup Keys, and Search Keys
Using Tone Out mode
Using Close Call mode
Using Band Scope mode
Using GPS mode
This page applies to the following scanner(s): BCD996XT Users
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Conventional Systems
Please note that these pages are meant as general instructions. While most of the information here applies to all scanners, some options may not be available on certain scanner models. Model-specific options are indicated in the text.
Since a conventional system is really a collection of frequencies, the first thing you need to know is the frequency for each channel you want to program. Here is an example of a conventional system frequency list from
Conventional System
Here is a conceptual layout diagram of a basic conventional system. (Click here for a legend of the diagram.)
You can download a planning worksheet for conventional systems as a pdf file or an Excel spreadsheet file.
Programming a Conventional System Create a system
System properties
Create at least 1 channel group
Channel group properties
Create at least 1 channel in each group
Channel properties
Programming a Conventional System
To program a conventional system, you'll need to program the required elements in following order (click here for information
on using the menu):
Create a system
1. Go to the Program System menu and choose New System .
2. The scanner will prompt you for the System Type. Select Conventional .
3. When the scanner prompts you confirm, tap YES .
4. The scanner creates the system with a default name. Select Edit Name if you want to change it.
5. If you need to change any of the system properties, you can do that now. Unless a property is Required , you can operate the system without changing the default settings.
System properties
All of these options can be found under your scanner's Program System menu. If necessary, the sub-menu and option name on each scanner are listed beside the property.
Property Option name
5 AMfile:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/POpitz/My%20Documents/temp/UnidenManBeta/ConventionalSystems.html (1 of 4)4/7/2009 10:08:2
Edit Name
Number tag
Set Number Tag
Quick key
Set Quick Key
Automatic Gain Control (AGC)
BCD396XT and BCD996XT: Set Audio AGC BC346XT and
BCT15X: Not available
Delay time
Set Delay Time
Hold time
Set Hold Time
Set Lockout
P25 wait time
BCD396XT and BCD996XT: P25 Waiting Time BC346XT and
BCT15X: Not available
Startup key
Set Startup Key
Available operations
Copy a system
Copy System
Delete a system
Delete System
Create at least 1 channel group
Each conventional system can contain up to 20 channel groups, and all systems must contain at least 1 channel group.
1. On the Program System menu, select the system you just created.
2. Go to the Edit Group menu and select New Group .
3. If you need to change any of the channel group properties, you can do that now. Unless a property is Required , you can operate the system without changing the default settings.
Channel group properties
All of these options can be found by selecting the group name under your scanner's Edit Group menu. If necessary, the sub-menu and option name on each scanner are listed beside the property.
Property Option name
5 AMfile:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/POpitz/My%20Documents/temp/UnidenManBeta/ConventionalSystems.html (2 of 4)4/7/2009 10:08:2
Edit Name
Quick key
Set Quick Key
Location information
Set Location Info
Set Lockout
Available operations
Delete a group
Delete Group
Create at least 1 channel in each group
Each conventional system can contain up to 1000 channels in each group, and all groups must contain at least 1 channel.
1. On the Edit Group menu, select the channel group you just created.
2. Go to the Edit Channel menu and select New Channel .
3. Input the frequency for this channel in MHz.
4. If you need to change any of the channel properties, you can do that now. Unless a property is Required , you can operate the system without changing the default settings.
Channel properties
(All of these options can be found by selecting the channel name your scanner's Edit Channel menu. If necessary, the sub-menu and the exact option name are listed beside each property.)
Property Option name
Edit Frequency
BCD396XT and BCD996XT: Set Audio Type
BC346XT and BCT15X: Not available
Set CTCSS/DCS (BCD396XT: analog channels only)
P25 Network Address (NAC)
BCD396XT and BCD996XT: P25 NAC Option (digital channels only)
BC346XT and BCT15X: Not available
Set Modulation
5 AMfile:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/POpitz/My%20Documents/temp/UnidenManBeta/ConventionalSystems.html (3 of 4)4/7/2009 10:08:2
Edit Name
Number tag
Set Number Tag
Set Alert
Set Attenuator
Set Lockout
Set Priority
Volume Offset
Volume Offset
Available operations
Copy a channel
Copy Channel
Delete a channel
Delete Channel
This page applies to the following scanner(s): BCD996XT BCT15X BCD396XT BC346XT
5 AMfile:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/POpitz/My%20Documents/temp/UnidenManBeta/ConventionalSystems.html (4 of 4)4/7/2009 10:08:2
Please note that these pages are meant as general instructions. While most of the information here applies to all scanners, some options may not be available on certain scanner models. Model-specific options are indicated in the text.
This section deals with EDACS SCAT systems. Click here for information on EDACS Wide and Narrow systems. Below is an example of an EDACS SCAT system from
150 px
And here is a conceptual layout diagram of a basic EDACS SCAT system. (Click here for a legend of the diagram.)
Programming an EDACS SCAT System Create a system
System properties
Create a site
Site properties
Create at least 1 frequency
Frequency properties
Programming an EDACS SCAT System
To program an EDACS SCAT system, you'll need to program the required elements in following order (click here for information on using the menu):
Create a system
1. Go to the Program System menu and choose New System .
2. The scanner will prompt you for the System Type. Select EDCS .
3. The scanner will prompt you for the sub-type. Select SCAT .
4. When the scanner prompts you confirm, tap YES .
5. The scanner creates the system with a default name. Select Edit Name if you want to change it.
6. If you need to change any of the system properties, you can do that now. Unless a property is Required , you can operate the system without changing the default settings.
System properties
All of these options can be found under your scanner's Program System menu. If necessary, the sub-menu and option name on each scanner are listed beside the property.
Property Option name
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Edit Name
Number tag
Set Number Tag
Automatic Gain Control (AGC)
BCD396XT or BCD996XT: Set Audio AGC BC346XT or BCT15: Not available
Delay time
Set Delay Time
Available operations
Copy a system
Copy System
Delete a system
Delete System
Create a site
Each EDACS SCAT system must contain exactly 1 site.
1. On the Program System menu, select the system you just created.
2. Go to the Edit Site menu.
3. If you need to change any of the site properties, you can do that now. Unless a property is Required , you can operate the system without changing the default settings.
Site properties
All of these options can be found under your scanner's Edit Site menu. If necessary, the sub-menu and option name on each scanner are listed beside the property.
Property Option name
Quick key
Set Quick Key
Set Attenuator
Hold time
Set Hold Time
Location information
Set Location Info
Set Lockout
Set Modulation
Startup key
Set Startup Key
Available operations
Create at least 1 frequency
Each EDACS SCAT system must contain at least 1 frequency in its site.
1. Open the Edit Site menu.
2. Go to the Set Frequencies sub-menu and select New Frequency .
3. Enter at least 1 frequency for this site.
4. If you need to change any of the frequency properties, you can do that now. Unless a property is Required , you can operate the system without changing the default settings.
Frequency properties
All of these options can be found by selecting the frequency under the Set Frequencies sub-menu. If necessary, the sub-menu and option name on each scanner are listed beside the property.
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Property Option name
Number tag
Set Number Tag
Set Lockout
Available operations
Delete a frequency
Delete Frequency
This page applies to the following scanner(s): BCD996XT BCT15X BCD396XT BC346XT Users
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EDACS Trunked Systems
Please note that these pages are meant as general instructions. While most of the information here applies to all scanners, some options may not be available on certain scanner models. Model-specific options are indicated in the text.
This section deals with EDACS Wide or standard systems. Click here for information on EDACS
SCAT systems. This includes EDACS systems that use ESK. No special setting is needed to enable
ESK tracking on an EDACS system. Note that the scanner cannot decode EDACS ProVoice. Below is an example of an EDACS trunked system from
EDACS Wide System
Here is a conceptual layout diagram of a basic EDACS Wide system. (Click here for a legend
of the diagram.)
You can download a planning worksheet for EDACS systems as a pdf file or an Excel
spreadsheet file.
Programming an EDACS System Create a system
System properties
Create at least 1 site
Site properties
Create at least 1 frequency in each site
Frequency properties
Programming a system for Scanning Create at least 1 channel group
Channel group properties
Create at least 1 channel in each group
Channel properties
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Programming an EDACS System
To program an EDACS system, you'll need to program the required elements in following order (click
here for information on using the menu):
Create a system
1. Go to the Program System menu and choose New System .
2. The scanner will prompt you for the System Type. Select EDCS .
3. The scanner will prompt you for the sub-type. Select Wide/Narrow .
4. When the scanner prompts you confirm, tap YES .
5. The scanner creates the system with a default name. Select Edit Name if you want to change it.
6. If you need to change any of the system properties, you can do that now. Unless a property is Required , you can operate the system without changing the default settings.
System properties
All of these options can be found under your scanner's Program System menu. If necessary, the sub­menu and option name on each scanner are listed beside the property.
Property Option name
Edit Name
Number tag
Set Number Tag
Automatic Gain Control (AGC)
BCD396XT and BCD996XT: Set Audio AGC BC346XT and
BCT15X: Not available
Delay time
Set Delay Time
Emergency alert
Emergency Alert
ID format
Set ID Format (AFS) or (DEC)
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ID scan/search
ID Scan/Search
Priority ID scan
Priority ID scan
Available operations
Copy a system
Copy System
Delete a system
Delete System
Review locked-out IDs
Rvw ID:Srch L/O
Clear all locked-out IDs
Clr All L/O IDs
Create at least 1 site
Each EDACS system can contain up to 256 sites, and all systems must contain at least 1 site.
1. On the Program System menu, select the system you just created.
2. Go to the Edit Site menu and select New Site .
3. If you need to change any of the site properties, you can do that now. Unless a property is Required , you can operate the system without changing the default settings.
Site properties
All of these options can be found under your scanner's Edit Site menu. If necessary, the sub-menu and option name on each scanner are listed beside the property.
Property Option name
Site type
Set Site Type
Edit Name
Quick key
Set Quick Key
Set Attenuator
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Hold time
Set Hold Time
Location information
Set Location Info
Set Lockout
Set Modulation
Startup key
Set Startup Key
Available operations
Delete a site
Delete Site
Create at least 1 frequency in each site
Each trunked system can contain up to 23 frequencies in each site, and all sites must contain at least 1 frequency.
1. On the Edit Site menu, select the site you just created.
2. Go to the Set Frequencies sub-menu and select New Frequency .
3. Enter at least 1 frequency for this site.
4. When you enter a new frequency, the scanner will prompt you for the logical channel number
or LCN for that frequency. Enter a number from 1 through 30.
5. If you need to change any of the frequency properties, you can do that now. Unless a property is Required , you can operate the system without changing the default settings.
Frequency properties
All of these options can be found by selecting the frequency under the Set Frequencies sub-menu. If necessary, the sub-menu and option name on each scanner are listed beside the property.
Property Option name
Logical channel number
Input LCN
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Set Lockout
Available operations
Delete a frequency
Delete Frequency
Programming a system for Scanning
Once you create the system and at least 1 site, you can Search the system with no problems. However, if you want to
Scan the system, you'll need to program the required elements in following order (click
here for information on using the menu):
Create at least 1 channel group
Each EDACS system can contain up to 20 channel groups, and any system you want to scan must contain at least 1 channel group.
1. On the Program System menu, select the system you just created.
2. Go to the Edit Group menu and select New Group .
3. If you need to change any of the channel group properties, you can do that now. Unless a property is Required , you can operate the system without changing the default settings.
Channel group properties
All of these options can be found by selecting the group name under your scanner's Edit Group menu. If necessary, the sub-menu and option name on each scanner are listed beside the property.
Property Option name
Edit Name
Quick key
Set Quick Key
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Location information
Set Location Info
Set Lockout
Available operations
Delete a group
Delete Group
Create at least 1 channel in each group
Each trunked system can contain up to 500 channels in each group, and all groups must contain at least 1 channel.
1. On the Edit Group menu, select the channel group you just created.
2. Go to the Edit Channel menu and select New Channel .
3. Input the Talk Group ID (TGID) for this channel.
4. If you need to change any of the channel properties, you can do that now. Unless a property is Required , you can operate the system without changing the default settings.
Channel properties
All of these options can be found by selecting the channel name your scanner's Edit Channel menu. If necessary, the sub-menu and option name on each scanner are listed beside the property.
Property Option name
Edit Talk Group ID
Edit Name
Number tag
Set Number Tag
Set Alert
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Set Lockout
Set Priority
Volume Offset
Volume Offset
Available operations
Copy a channel
Copy Channel
Delete a channel
Delete Channel
This page applies to the following scanner(s): BCD996XT BCT15X BCD396XT BC346XT
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LTR Trunked Systems
Please note that these pages are meant as general instructions. While most of the information here applies to all scanners, some options may not be available on certain scanner models. Model-specific options are indicated in the text.
Below is an example of an Logic Trunked Radio or LTR system from RadioReference:
LTR System
Here is a conceptual layout diagram of a basic LTR system. (Click here for a legend of the
You can download a planning worksheet for LTR systems as a pdf file or an Excel spreadsheet
For more information on the different types of LTR systems and how they work, see the Logic
Trunked Radio page at Radio Reference's Wiki.
Programming an LTR System Create a system
System properties
Create at least 1 site
Site properties
Create at least 1 frequency in each site
Frequency properties
Programming a system for Scanning Create at least 1 channel group
Channel group properties
Create at least 1 channel in each group
Channel properties
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Programming an LTR System
To program an LTR system, you'll need to program the required elements in following order (click
here for information on using the menu):
Create a system
1. Go to the Program System menu and choose New System .
2. The scanner will prompt you for the System Type. Select LT .
3. When the scanner prompts you confirm, tap YES .
4. The scanner creates the system with a default name. Select Edit Name if you want to change it.
5. If you need to change any of the system properties, you can do that now. Unless a property is Required , you can operate the system without changing the default settings.
System properties
All of these options can be found under your scanner's Program System menu. If necessary, the sub­menu and option name on each scanner are listed beside the property.
Property Option name
Edit Name
Number tag
Set Number Tag
Automatic Gain Control (AGC)
BCD396XT and BCD996XT: Set Audio
BC346XT and BCT15X: Not available
Delay time
Set Delay Time
ID scan/search
ID Scan/Search
Priority ID scan
Priority ID scan
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Available operations
Copy a system
Copy System
Delete a system
Delete System
Review locked-out IDs
Rvw ID:Srch L/O
Clear all locked-out IDs
Clr All L/O IDs
Create at least 1 site
Each LTR system can contain up to 256 sites, and all systems must contain at least 1 site.
1. On the Program System menu, select the system you just created.
2. Go to the Edit Site menu and select New Site .
3. If you need to change any of the site properties, you can do that now. Unless a property is Required , you can operate the system without changing the default settings.
Site properties
All of these options can be found under your scanner's Edit Site menu. If necessary, the sub-menu and option name on each scanner are listed beside the property.
Property Option name
Edit Name
Quick key
Set Quick Key
Set Attenuator
Hold time
Set Hold Time
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Location information
Set Location Info
Set Lockout
Set Modulation
Startup key
Set Startup Key
Available operations
Delete a site
Delete Site
Create at least 1 frequency in each site
Each LTR system can contain up to 20 frequencies in each site, and all sites must contain at least 1 frequency.
1. On the Edit Site menu, select the site you just created.
2. Go to the Set Frequencies sub-menu and select New Frequency .
3. Enter at least 1 frequency for this site.
4. When you enter a new frequency, the scanner will prompt you for the logical channel number
or LCN for that frequency. Enter a number from 1 through 20.
5. If you need to change any of the frequency properties, you can do that now. Unless a property is Required , you can operate the system without changing the default settings.
Frequency properties
All of these options can be found by selecting the frequency under the Set Frequencies sub-menu. If necessary, the sub-menu and option name on each scanner are listed beside the property.
Property Option name
Logical channel number
Input LCN
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Set Lockout
Available operations
Delete a frequency
Delete Frequency
Programming a system for Scanning
Once you create the system and at least 1 site, you can Search the system with no problems. However, if you want to
Scan the system, you'll need to program the required elements in following order (click
here for information on using the menu):
Create at least 1 channel group
Each LTR system can contain up to 20 channel groups, and any system you want to scan must contain at least 1 channel group.
1. On the Program System menu, select the system you just created.
2. Go to the Edit Group menu and select New Group .
3. If you need to change any of the channel group properties, you can do that now. Unless a property is Required , you can operate the system without changing the default settings.
Channel group properties
All of these options can be found by selecting the group name under your scanner's Edit Group menu. If necessary, the sub-menu and option name on each scanner are listed beside the property.
Property Option name
Edit Name
Quick key
Set Quick Key
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Location information
Set Location Info
Set Lockout
Available operations
Delete a group
Delete Group
Create at least 1 channel in each group
Each trunked system can contain up to 500 channels in each group, and all groups must contain at least 1 channel.
1. On the Edit Group menu, select the channel group you just created.
2. Go to the Edit Channel menu and select New Channel .
3. Input the Talk Group ID (TGID) for this channel.
4. If you need to change any of the channel properties, you can do that now. Unless a property is Required , you can operate the system without changing the default settings.
Channel properties
All of these options can be found by selecting the channel name your scanner's Edit Channel menu. If necessary, the sub-menu and option name on each scanner are listed beside the property.
Property Option name
Edit Talk Group ID
Edit Name
Number tag
Set Number Tag
Set Alert
Set Lockout
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Set Priority
Volume Offset
Volume Offset
Available operations
Copy a channel
Copy Channel
Delete a channel
Delete Channel
This page applies to the following scanner(s): BCD996XT BCT15X BCD396XT BC346XT Users
file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/POpitz/My%20Documents/temp/UnidenManBeta/LTRTrunkedSystems.html (7 of 7)4/7/2009 10:08:27 AM
Motorola Trunked Systems
Please note that these pages are meant as general instructions. While most of the information here applies to all scanners, some options may not be available on certain scanner models. Model-specific options are indicated in the text.
A Motorola system can be an 800 MHz, 400 MHz (UHF), or 100-200 MHz (VHF) system. Below are some examples of these Motorola systems from
Motorola 800 MHz System
Another Motorola 800 MHz System
Even though some (or all) of the System Voice channels are APCO 25, this system, and others
like it, is correctly programmed as a Motorola 800 MHz system, per the information given for
file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/POpitz/My%20Documents/temp/UnidenManBeta/MotorolaTrunkedSystems.html (1 of 7)4/7/2009 10:08:28 AM
the System Type.
Motorola UHF System (400 MHz band)
Motorola VHF System (100-200 MHz band)
file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/POpitz/My%20Documents/temp/UnidenManBeta/MotorolaTrunkedSystems.html (2 of 7)4/7/2009 10:08:28 AM
Here is a conceptual layout diagram of a basic Motorola system. (Click here for a legend of the
You can download a planning worksheet for Motorola systems as a pdf file or an Excel
spreadsheet file.
For more information on the different types of Motorola systems and how they work, see the
Motorola page at Radio Reference's Wiki.
Programming a Motorola System Create a system
System properties
Create at least 1 site
Site properties
Create at least 1 frequency in each site
Frequency properties
Programming a system for Scanning Create at least 1 channel group
Channel group properties
Create at least 1 channel in each group
Channel properties
Programming a Motorola System
To program a Motorola system, you'll need to program the required elements in following order:
Create a system
1. Go to the Program System menu and choose New System .
2. The scanner will prompt you for the System Type. Select MOT .
3. When the scanner prompts you confirm, tap YES .
4. The scanner creates the system with a default name. Select Edit Name if you want to change it.
5. If you need to change any of the system properties, you can do that now. Unless a property is Required , you can operate the system without changing the default settings.
System properties
All of these options can be found under your scanner's Program System menu. If necessary, the sub­menu and option name on each scanner are listed beside the property.
Property Option name
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Fleet map
Edit Fleet Map (Required for Motorola Type I or Type I/II Hybrid
systems only)
Edit Name
Number tag
Set Number Tag
Automatic Gain Control (AGC)
BCD396XT and BCD996XT: Set Audio AGC BC346XT and BCT15X: Not available
Delay time
Set Delay Time
Emergency alert
Emergency Alert
ID format
Set ID Format (DEC/HEX) or (AFS/DEC)
ID scan/search
ID Scan/Search
Priority ID scan
Priority ID scan
Status bit
Set Status bit
Available operations
Copy a system
Copy System
Delete a system
Delete System
Review locked-out IDs
Rvw ID:Srch L/O
Clear all locked-out IDs
Clr All L/O IDs
Create at least 1 site
Each Motorola system can contain up to 256 sites, and all systems must contain at least 1 site.
1. On the Program System menu, select the system you just created.
2. Go to the Edit Site menu and select New Site .
3. If you need to change any of the site properties, you can do that now. Unless a property is Required , you can operate the system without changing the default settings.
Site properties
All of these options can be found under your scanner's Edit Site menu. If necessary, the sub-menu and option name on each scanner are listed beside the property.
Property Option name
Band plan
Edit Band Plan
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Edit Name
Quick key
Set Quick Key
Set Attenuator
Control channel only
Set C-Ch Only
Hold time
Set Hold Time
Location information
Set LocationInfo
Set Lockout
Set Modulation
P25 wait time
BCD396XT and BCD996XT: P25 Waiting Time BC346XT and BCT15X: Not available
Startup key
Set Startup Key
Available operations
Delete a site
Delete Site
Create at least 1 frequency in each site
Each trunked system can contain up to 30 frequencies in each site, and all sites must contain at least 1 frequency.
1. On the Edit Site menu, select the site you just created.
2. Go to the Set Frequencies sub-menu and select New Frequency .
3. Enter at least 1 frequency for this site.
4. If you need to change any of the frequency properties, you can do that now. Unless a property is Required , you can operate the system without changing the default settings.
Frequency properties
All of these options can be found by selecting the frequency under the Set Frequencies sub-menu. If necessary, the sub-menu and option name on each scanner are listed beside the property.
Property Option name
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Set Lockout
Available operations
Delete a frequency
Delete Frequency
Programming a system for Scanning
Once you create the system and at least 1 site, you can Search the system with no problems. However, if you want to
Scan the system, you'll need to program the required elements in following order:
Create at least 1 channel group
Each Motorola system can contain up to 20 channel groups, and any system you want to scan must contain at least 1 channel group.
1. On the Program System menu, select the system you just created.
2. Go to the Edit Group menu and select New Group .
3. If you need to change any of the channel group properties, you can do that now. Unless a property is Required , you can operate the system without changing the default settings.
Channel group properties
(All of these options can be found by selecting the group name under the Edit Group menu. If necessary, the sub-menu and the exact option name are listed beside each property.)
Required None
Name (Edit Name)
Quick key (Set Quick Key)
Location information (Set LocationInfo)
Lockout (Set Lockout)
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Delete Group
Create at least 1 channel in each group
Each trunked system can contain up to 500 channels in each group, and all groups must contain at least 1 channel.
1. On the Edit Group menu, select the channel group you just created.
2. Go to the Edit Channel menu and select New Channel .
3. Input the Talk Group ID (TGID) for this channel.
4. If you need to change any of the channel properties, you can do that now. Unless a property is Required , you can operate the system without changing the default settings.
Channel properties
(All of these options can be found by selecting the channel name under the Edit Channel menu. If necessary, the sub-menu and the exact option name are listed beside each property.)
TGID (Edit Talk Group ID)
Audio type (Analog or digital) (BCD396XT and BCD996XT only) (Set
Audio Type)
Name (Edit Name)
Number tag (Set Number Tag)
Alert (Set Alert)
Lockout (Set Lockout)
Priority (Set Priority)
Volume Offset
Available operations
Copy Channel
Delete Channel
This page applies to the following scanner(s): BCD996XT BCT15X BCD396XT BC346XT Users
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