For Customer Service or technical questions call toll-free 1-888-466-5356
Owner’s Guide
Congratulations on your purchase of the
MSZ100 Stolen Vehicle Recovery Unit.
This unit, along with the Mobile Secure Zone
Network, are provided to work together to give
you access to your vehicle’s location and assist
law enforcement for a speedy and safe recovery
of your vehicle in the event of theft.

For Customer Service or technical questions call toll-free 1-888-466-5356
The Mobile Secure Zone Network is committed to making your service experience as carefree as possible. We have made every effort to make your Owner’s
Guide clear and user-friendly. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate
to contact us at: support@mobilesecurezone.com or by calling 1-888-466-5356.
Table of Contents:
About Your MSZ 100 3
Stolen Vehicle Call In 4
Enhanced Roadside Assistance 4
Registration for Secure Personal Tracking 5
MSZ100 Warranty Information MSZ100 includes a one year parts and labor warranty. Please
contact MSZ100 Customer Service at 1-888-466-5356 if you are concerned that your MSZ100 is
not working properly. The MSZ100 warranty becomes void if the vehicle is involved in an accident.
Please contact MSZ100 Customer Service at 1-888-466-5356 if you have been involved in an ac
cident. Customer service will need to test your unit via the internet to ensure that the device is still
working properly.
IMPORTANT MESSAGE – PLEASE READ The MSZ100 unit is provided for use in the 50 United
States. It transmits and receives signals by cellular telephone and receives location signals from GPS
satellites. Please be aware that cellular services are not available in all areas. GPS location services
are not available and your location cannot be determined if there is not a clear line of sight between
your vehicle and the satellite or the satellite signals are obstructed.
Personal Vehicle Locating Process 5
Frequently Asked Questions 6, 7
Mounting the Antenna 8
Connecting Power to Unit 9
Mounting the Unit 9
System Wiring Diagram 10
Warranty Information 11
©2004 PROCON, Inc.