Uniden TRAX430 User Manual

User’s Guide
TRAX430 GPS Navigation Device
Page 2
What Do I Do First? .......................4
TRAX430 GPS navigation device ........ 4
Windshield mount .............................. 5
Included accessories .......................... 5
The payoff: ........................................ 12
Get acquainted with the Map screen 13
What do those icons mean? ............. 14
Battery status icon ........................... 14
Zooming in and out ........................... 14
Changing the map view .................... 15
Changing the volume ........................ 17
Re-centering the map ....................... 17
How Do I Put It in My Car? .........19
Adjusting the windshield mount ....... 21
Removing the windshield mount ....... 23
How Do I Use It? .........................25
Entering a new destination ............... 25
Entering an address or intersection: . 26
Selecting a Point of Interest (POI) ..... 30
Choosing a destination you’ve used
before ............................................ 33
Going Home ...................................... 33
Choosing a recent destination .......... 34
Choosing a favorite location.............. 34
Conrming your destination .............. 35
Choosing a destination from the map
(the mark button) ......................... 36
View Map ......................................... 37
Save as Favorite and Save as Home . 38
Reading the Route screen ................. 40
Changing the route view ................... 41
Testing the route ............................... 42
Reading the Maneuver List screen .. 44
Reading the Route Info screen ......... 45
What Else Can I Do with Routes? 46
What Options Do I Have? ............54
Map .................................................. 54
Guidance........................................... 55
System ............................................. 55
User Data .......................................... 56
Changing the default map view (Map
Orientation) .................................. 57
Changing the Map Display Color .....58
Showing the Breadcrumb Trail ........58
Changing the POI icon Display .........59
Turning off the Voice Prompts & alert
tones .............................................. 61
Activating Auto-Zoom ......................61
Activating Speed Alert ....................61
Changing the screen’s Brightness ....63
Changing how distance is displayed
(Unit Setup) ................................... 63
Changing the Volume .......................63
Changing the Language ...................64
Turning off the Sounds .....................64
I have a question: ........................70
What if I need to update the
software? ....................................... 70
How do I nd the software version? . 71
Reading the GPS Status screen ....... 73
Tightening the bracket joint .............. 75
The screen is blurry and hard to read 76
I can’t nd a location on the map ...... 76
Some buttons are grayed out ........... 76
What Else Do I Need to Know? ..77
Copyright and trademark information 79
US regulatory compliance ................. 80
Canadian regulatory compliance ....... 81
Important vehicle and product safety
information .................................... 81
Drive safely! ..................................... 81
Electrical safety warnings ................. 81
Lithium-Ion battery cautions ............. 82
Recycling and disposal information .. 82
Page 3

What Do I Do First?

GPS antenna (extended)
USB port for software and map updates
Power connection
Power button
GPS antenna (extended)
USB port for software and map updates
Power connection
Power button

Make sure everything is OK

If anything listed here is missing or damaged, call Customer Service (see back cover for contact information).

TRAX430 GPS nAviGATion device

Press the power button
to turn off the screen; the device stays on and can still give directions.
Press the power button
in and hold it for three seconds to turn the device completely off.
Page 4
Suction latch
Suction cup pull tab
Suction latch
Suction cup pull tab
DC (car) adapter
USB cable
Adhesive anchor disk
DC (car) adapter
USB cable
Adhesive anchor disk

WindShield mounT

Some states have laws
against putting things on your car’s windshield. If you don’t know the laws for your state, contact the
ofce that controls drivers’
If you do put the device
on your windshield, don’t forget to lock it up or take it with you when you leave your car.

included AcceSSoRieS

What Do I Do First?
Page 5
What Do I Do First?
Plug the other end into your car’s cigarette lighter (or any standard 12 V DC outlet).
Plug the adapter into the power connector on the lower right side of the device.
Plug the other end into your car’s cigarette lighter (or any standard 12 V DC outlet).
Plug the adapter into the power connector on the lower right side of the device.

Plug it in

Only use the power
adapter that came with your device. Any other adapter might damage the device.
Whenever it
senses power coming in, the device turns itself on and charges the battery.
As soon as the power
stops (for example, when you unplug the adapter or turn off your car), the device automatically shuts down. If you want it to stay on, tap anywhere on the screen during the Shutting down message.
Caution: Be sure to use a 12 Volt DC
(standard cigarette lighter) outlet.
Non-standard power outlets can
damage electronic devices.
You can turn the device on or off anytime you want: just push
the power button on top of the device (hold the button for three seconds to turn the device off).
Page 6
What Do I Do First?

Choose your default language

The rst time you turn on the device, it asks you which language you want to use for menus and voice prompts. (You can always change the
Select the language you want to use
most of the time, then tap OK.
language later from the Settings menu. See page 64).

Set your time zone

From the main menu screen, select .
Select . This opens the System Settings screen.
Page 7
What Do I Do First?
In the time zone eld, use the + and – buttons to select your
3) local time zone. The available times zones are
Atlantic Atlantic Standard Time (AST, HNA) Eastern Eastern Standard Time (EST, HNE) Central (default) Central Standard Time (CST, HNC) Mountain Mountain Standard Time (MST, HNR)
Pacic Pacic Standard Time (PST, HNP)
Alaska Alaska Standard Time (AKST, HNY) Hawaii Hawaii-Aleutian Standard Time (HAST)
In the daylight saving eld, select auto if your area uses
4) daylight savings time. Select no if your area never uses daylight savings time.
Tap the button to go to the next page.
In the time format eld, choose 12 hr to use twelve-hour
6) (am/pm) time or 24 hr to use twenty-four-hour (military) time.
Tap the button to go back to the Menu screen.
Tap the button to go back to the Map screen.
Page 8
What Do I Do First?

Enter your home location

Next, enter the address you want to use as your “home” location, that is, the place you travel to and from the most. (This step isn’t actually required, so you can skip it if you want. But the home feature is so useful that you’ll be glad you entered it!)
From the main menu, choose .
From the Destination screen, you can choose how you want to
2) enter your home location.
To enter a complete address, choose .
To enter an intersection of two streets, choose .
The device shows you the
3) default (or the last-used) map region. Tap the button with the name of the region.
To pick a different region,
choose change region.
On the Select Region
screen, scroll down until you nd the region you want to use.
For the US, there are 53 available regions: all 50 states, Puerto Rico, the US Virgin Islands, and the District of Columbia.
Page 9
What Do I Do First?
Go to the
Map screen
Tap OK when
youre done
The number of cities
in the database that
match your entry.
Go to
the Menu
Go to the
Switch to the SYMbol or number keypad (only available if a name in the database has a symbol or numeral)
Go back to
the previous
Letters that dont
match a name in the database are
grayed out
Go to the
Map screen
Tap OK when
you’re done
The number of cities
in the database that
match your entry.
Go to
the Menu
Go to the
Switch to the SYMbol or number keypad (only available if a name in the database has a symbol or numeral)
Go back to
the previous
Letters that don’t
match a name in the database are
grayed out
Use the aphabet keypad to enter the name of the city (or
4) unincorporated area) where your home location is.
Don’t worry about typos or misspellings! As you type, the device
grays out any letters that don’t match a record in the map database. For example, if you type D, you only see letters that come after D on the list of city names.
Page 10
What Do I Do First?
If any city names on the list include a symbol (punctuation,
letter with accents, etc.), the sym button will be active. Tap the
sym button to switch the keypad from letters to symbols.
If any city names include a number, the 123 button will be
active. Tap the 123 button to switch from letters to numbers.
To switch back to letters, tap the abc button.
Tap the ok button when you are nished.
When you tap ok (or if there are 5 or fewer city names that start
5) with the letters you typed), the device goes to the Select City Name screen. Just tap the name of the city you want.
Enter the street name using the same process you used to
6) enter the city name. When the device shows the Select Street Name screen, tap the name of the street you want.
Enter numbered streets as numerals plus abbreviation (1ST, 2ND, 3RD, etc.) instead of spelling out the word (First, Second, Third, etc.).
Enter the address number (if you are entering an address) or
7) the second street name (if you are entering an intersection). Use the same process you used to enter the city and the street name.
Page 11
What Do I Do First?
Take me
After you enter the address or
8) cross street, the device shows the Conrm Destination screen.
Tap the button if you need to
go back to the entry screens and make changes.
If the information is correct, tap
the options button.
On the Options screen, choose .
Enter any name you want for your home location (the default
10) name is HOME).
Tap the ok button when you nish. The device conrms that it
11) saved your new home location, and you’re done.

The PAyoff:

That probably seemed like a lot of work, but here’s why you did it: In the top left corner of the menu screen, there’s a home icon. Tap that icon, and the device plots a route from wherever you are right now to your home location.
Page 12

Get acquainted with the Map screen

Go to the
Car icon (you are
(elapsed time)
Name of the
road you’re on
(miles travelled) (current speed)
Volume icon
Trip Computer Icons
Lightly tap
anywhere inside the
map area to
recenter the
map and
see more
Battery status icon
Go to the
Car icon (you are
(elapsed time)
Name of the
road you’re on
(miles travelled) (current speed)
Volume icon
Trip Computer Icons
Lightly tap
anywhere inside the
map area to
recenter the
map and
see more
Battery status icon
As soon as the device gets a lock on your location, it switches to the Map screen (you’ll probably use this screen the most, so you might want to take a few minutes to get familiar with it):
What Do I Do First?
If the device doesn’t have a lock on your location, the car icon will be gray.
Tap the menu button to open the main Menu screen.
Page 13
What Do I Do First?

WhAT do ThoSe iconS meAn?

Icon Name What it shows Tap it to...
The current map view, which way is north
The current zoom level and scale
The location and type of various POI
Whether the audio is muted
Miles driven, current speed, elapsed time
Change the map view
Bring up the zoom bar and change the zoom level
Get more information (name, address, phone
number) on a specic POI
Change the volume or mute the audio
Open the Trip Computer screen to see more details
, , etc.
POI (Point of Interest)


The battery status icon shows how much charge is left in the battery. Anytime there is a power input, the icon shows “charging”.
Battery Status:
Low Medium High Full Charging
Low Medium High Full Charging

ZoominG in And ouT

There are 12 different zoom levels, ranging from 1 centimeter = 125 feet to 1 centimeter = 100 miles.
Page 14
What Do I Do First?
100 mi
50 mi 25 mi 10 mi
5 mi 2 mi 1 mi
½ mi
1000 ft
500 ft 250 ft 125 ft
Map scale
1 centimeter)
100 mi
50 mi 25 mi 10 mi
5 mi 2 mi 1 mi
½ mi
1000 ft
500 ft 250 ft 125 ft
Map scale
1 centimeter)
Tap the zoom icon to
bring up the zoom bar. Tap the + or –
icons to change the zoom level one step at a time.
Tap anywhere on
the bar to skip directly to that zoom level.

chAnGinG The mAP vieW

Tap the compass icon to cycle through the 3 different map views:
North up view (2D):
North is always at the top of the screen, and the car icon rotates to point in the direction you’re going. The compass icon’s needle (the red half) always points straight up.
Page 15
What Do I Do First?
Heading up view (2D): (default) The direction you are currently going is always at the top of the screen. The car icon points up, and the map rotates as you change direction. The compass icon’s red needle rotates to point north.
Three-dimensional (3D) view:
The map and all icons are shown in three dimensions, so your current heading is “forward” or “away from you.” The map and the
compass icon rotate the
same way they do in the 2D heading up view.
If you prefer a particular map view, you can set that view as the default. (See page 57 for Map screen options.)
Page 16

chAnGinG The volume

Go to the
Plot a route to
this location
Go to
the Map
Mark this location (as home
favorite, destination, etc.)
The map centers on the location you tapped and marks it with crosshairs.
Name of the
spot marked by
the crosshairs
Go to the
Plot a route to
this location
Go to
the Map
Mark this location (as home
favorite, destination, etc.)
The map centers on the location you tapped and marks it with crosshairs.
Name of the
spot marked by
the crosshairs
Tap the volume icon to go to the volume setting and choose one of the 15 volume levels.
Tap the + button to
increase the volume or the – button to decrease the volume.
Tap on to mute the audio completely.
Tap ok when you’re done.

Re-cenTeRinG The mAP

Tap anywhere inside the map area to center the map on that location. This also gives you some additional options:
What Do I Do First?
Page 17
What Do I Do First?
Tap the mark button to open the Mark menu and set the
current location as a destination, an origin, a favorite, etc.
Tap the go button to plot a route to the current location.
Tap to return to the map screen.
Tap to go back to the previous screen.

Getting more information

This was enough information to get you started. If you want to know more about the device and how to use it, see these sections:
To nd out more about: See the section called:
Entering destinations Entering a new destination (p 25) Re-using a previous destination Choosing a recent destination (p 34) What the MARK button is for Choosing a destination from the map (p 36) Saving places to the favorites list Save as favorite (p 38) Editing the favorites list Editing favorite locations (p 65) Creating a route Plotting a route to the destination (p 39) Seeing a list of directions Reading the Maneuver List screen (p 44) Adding waypoints to a route Adding waypoints (P 48) Fixing a problem I have a question... (P 70)
Page 18

How Do I Put It in My Car?

Safety considerations

Don’t install any device where it will block your view (including
your mirrors!) while you’re driving.
Keep your attention on the road! Don’t try to operate or focus
on any device while you’re driving. If you have to concentrate on a device, pull off the road for a few minutes.
Some states have rules about what kind of devices you can
afx to your car’s windshield and where exactly you can put
them. If you’re not sure if there are any applicable laws in your state, contact the state agency that issues drivers’ licences.
It’s a good idea to take valuable items with you when you
leave you car—that includes GPS devices. If you can’t take the device with you, lock it in the glove compartment or hide it somewhere. And don’t forget to take down the windshield mount: you don’t want to remind any potential thieves that you might have some valuable mobile electronics in the car.
Don’t leave the device in direct sunlight for a long period of time or where the temperature could go above 140º F (60º C).
Page 19
Page 20
How Do I Put It in My Car?
Insert the bracket hook into the notch at the bottom of the device.
Rotate the bracket up so the head ts into the gap.
Insert the bracket hook into the notch at the bottom of the device.
Rotate the bracket up so the head ts into the gap.

Attaching the windshield mount

Flip the GPS antenna up.
Press in on the bracket lock.
Insert the hook at the
3) base of the bracket into the notch on the bottom of the device.
Rotate the
4) bracket up and
t it into the
gap under the GPS antenna.
Let go of the bracket lock, and gently tug on the windshield
5) mount to make sure the device is locked into place.

AdjuSTinG The WindShield mounT

The bracket
pivots in all
Lift the adjustment lock
to move the suction cup
and bracket
The bracket
pivots in all
Lift the adjustment lock
to move the suction cup
and bracket
How Do I Put It in My Car?
The adjustment lock keeps both the bracket and the suction cup locked into place. Lift the adjustment lock to change the position of the device.
The suction cup joint pivots front to back, and the bracket joint pivots up, down, right and left, any just about angle in between.
Angle the suction cup and the bracket where you want them, then push the adjustment lock back down to lock the windshield mount into position.
If the bracket still moves too easily after you push the
adjustment lock down, tighten the bracket joint (see page 76).
Page 21
Page 22
How Do I Put It in My Car?
Flip the suction latch up to lock
the windshield
mount into place.
Flip the suction latch up to lock
the windshield
mount into place.

Mounting on the windshield

Make sure the device does not block your view of the road or your mirrors.
Once you decide where you want the device, hold the suction cup in that position, then adjust the mount so you have the best view of the device.
Press the suction cup at
1) against the windshield.
Push the suction lock up
2) (towards the suction cup) until it snaps into place.
Gently pull on the mount to make
3) sure it is secure.
If you have trouble getting the suction cup to stick:
Clean the spot with an ammonia-
free cleanser.
Dry the spot completely (use a lint-free cloth, if possible).
Make sure the spot is smooth and at (suction cups won’t stick
well on a curved or textured surface).
How Do I Put It in My Car?

RemovinG The WindShield mounT

When you release the suction latch, make sure you’re holding or somehow supporting the device.
Lift the suction latch and use the plastic pull tab to pull the suction cup off of the glass.
Mounting on a at surface
If you want to put the device somewhere other than your windshield (or anywhere the suction cup won’t stick), you can use the anchor disk. Once you glue the anchor disk down, the windshield mount installs inside the disk just like it does on glass.
When you’re deciding where to put the anchor disk, here are some things to keep in mind:
The surface should be as at as possible. If the disk is upside
down or at a sharp angle, it might not hold the device’s weight.
The surface should be as smooth as possible. If the surface
texture is too rough, the glue may not stick as well.
The anchor disk will stick permanently on most surfaces. If
you try to remove the disk, you might damage the surface.
Don’t peel off the protective sheet until you’re ready to install
the disk. Once you expose the glue, you can’t stop easily.
Page 23
How Do I Put It in My Car?
Flip the latch
down towards
the suction cup
Flip the latch
down towards
the suction cup
When you decide where you want to mount the disk, hold the
1) suction cup in that spot and set the angle and position of the bracket (just like you would for mounting on your windshield).
Clean the spot to remove any wax, grease, protecterants, etc.
Carefully peel the protective sheet
3) from the bottom of the anchor disk to expose the glue.
Hold the disk exactly above the spot where
4) you want to glue it down. (Remember, the glue is designed to be permanent!)
Press the disk rmly against the surface. Push down along the
5) edges, too, so that every part of the disk makes good contact with the surface.
Before you install the windshield
6) mount, gently tug on the disk to make sure it’s secure.
Press the suction cup at into the
7) anchor disk, then push the suction latch down (towards the suction cup) to lock it into place.
Page 24

How Do I Use It?

Enter a complete address as your destination
Enter the intersection of two streets as your destination
Select your destination from the pre-programmed POI list
Enter a complete address as your destination
Enter the intersection of two streets as your destination
Select your destination from the pre-programmed POI list
Most of the functions of the GPS navigation device can be summarized in two steps:
Enter a destination.
Decide what you want to do with it (see the map, plot a route to
2) it, save it as a favorite, save it as your home location, etc.).
Everything starts with your destination. Once you know where you want to go, you have a whole range of options on how to get there.

Entering a new destination

From the main Menu screen, tap the destination button.
There are three basic ways to enter a new destination:
Page 25
Page 26
How Do I Use It?

enTeRinG An AddReSS oR inTeRSecTion:

If you followed the instructions for Entering Your Home Location starting on page 9, the process is the same.
The device shows you the last-used region of the map. If this is
not the region you want, choose change region; The device opens the Select Region screen. Use the up and down buttons to nd the region you want to use, and tap the region name.
The US maps contain 53 regions: all 50 states, Puerto Rico, the US Virgin Islands, and the District of Columbia.
As soon as you select a region, the device goes to the Input
City Name screen.
Use the letter
keypad to enter the name of the city or unincorporated area where your destination is.
If you need to
delete a letter, tap the backspace button ( ).
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