MC 610

The UNIDEN MCÓIO VHF marine radio
transceiver has been designed to give you a
rugged reliable instrument that will pro
vide you with years of trouble-free service.
You are encouraged to thoroughly read
this manual to acquaint yourself with the
characteristics and operation of your tran
sceiver so that you can contribute to the
longevity of your investment.
With proper care and maintenance, your
UNIDEN MC610 wilt outlast your present
vessel and serve you well on board several
more. The full features and flexibility de
signed into thisquality transceiver will pre
vent it from becoming obsolete regardless
of changes in craftorgeographic locations.
The unit may be mounted in any number of
convenient locations by utilizing the uni
versal mounting bracket.
The UNIDEN MC610 is of all solid state de
sign with conservatively rated rugged com
ponents and materials compatible with the
marine environment. The transceiver uti
lizes a number of gaskets, sealing rings,
waterproof membranes, and other sea
lants to effect a spiash proof housing for
protection of the electronics.
CAUTION: The MC610 will operate only with nominal 12 volt negative ground
battery systems.
It is important to carefully determine the
most suitable location for your MC610 on
yourvessel. Electrical, mechanical, and en
vironmental considerations must all be tak
en into account. You must select the opti
mum relationship among these consider
Keep in mind the flexibility designed into
the MCÓ10 so that you can most conveni
ently use your radio. Features which should
be considered are;
I. Universal mounting bracket may be in
stalled on either top or bottom of shelf,
bulkhead, or overhead mounting.
2, The microphone connector faces for
ward allowing convenient in-dash or
"built-in" installations,
3, The front panel can be fully reversed to
provide for optimum viewing and op
erating for any mounting position.
4, The REMOTE speaker jack may be used
with an auxiliary speaker.
All connections are "plug-in" type for
easy removal of the radio.

A variety of antennas is available from a
number of quality suppliers. It is recom
mended you draw upon the advice of your
Marine Dealer in determining a suitable
antenna for your vessel and range require
Some of the more important external fac
tors to consider in selecting the location of
your MC610 are:
1. Select a location Is free from spray and
2. Keep the battery leads as short as possi
ble. Connection directly to the battery is
most desirable, If direct connection can
not be made with the supplied power
lead, any extension should be made
with #J0 AWG wire. Long extensions
should use larger wire,
3. Keep the antenna lead as short as possi
ble. Long antenna leads can cause sub
stantial loss of performance for both re
ceiving and transmitting,
4. Locate your antenna as high as possible
and clear from metal objects. The reli
able range of coverage is a direct func
tion of antenna height.
5. Select a location that does not allow the
radio to be subjected to direct sunlight
(including that coming through win
The general rules for antennas are; The
more gain the greater the range and, the
higherabove the water line the greater the
range. Antennas should be located so as
not to be in proximity to metal objects. An
tennas should not have excessively long
coaxial feed cables.
7. Select a location well away from the
ship"s compass. Auxiliary speakers also
should be located away from the com
Afteryou have carefully considered the var
ious factors affecting your choice of loca
tion, position the radio [with the bracket,
microphone, power plug, antenna plug
and any auxiliary plugs installed) into the
selected location to assure, there is no in
terference with surrounding items, Mark
the location of the mounting bracket.
Remove the bracket from the radio and use
it as a template to mark the holes to be
drilled for the mounting hardware. Drill the
holes and mount the bracket with hard
ware compatible with the material of the
mounting surface. Install the power cable
(red is -k, black is—), antenna and all other
auxiliary cables and accessories.
Install the radio into the mounting bracket
and connect all cables and accessories to
the appropriate jacks and connectors.
6. Select a location that allows free air flow
around the heat sink on the rear of the