Uniden DCX220 User Manual

x If any items are mis sing or damaged, contact our C ustomer Care
Line immed iately. Never use damaged products!
x Need Help? Get answers 2 4/7 at our website: www.uniden .com.
If You... Contact Uniden’s... Phone Number
have a question or problem Customer Care Line*
817-858-2929 or
800-297-1023 need a part or accessory Parts Department* 800-554-3988 need special assistance due
to a disability
Accessibility Help Line
(voice or TTY)
* During reg ular busine ss hours, Centr al Standard Ti me. Visit our website for d etailed
business hou rs.
Important Safety Instructions!
When using y our telephone equipment, ba sic safety precauti ons should always be followed to reduce t he risk of re, elec tric shock and injur y to persons, includ ing the following :
x is unit is NOT w aterproof. DO NOT expos e this unit to ra in or moisture. x Do not use th is product near water, for exa mple, near a bath tub, wa sh bowl, kitchen
sink or laund ry tub, in a wet base ment or near a swimm ing pool.
x Avoid using a telephone (other t han a cordless t ype) during an elec trical storm. e re
may be a remote risk o f electric shock fr om lightning.
x Do not use the te lephone to report a gas lea k in the vicinit y of the leak. x Use only the power c ord and batteries ind icated in this ma nual. Do not dispo se of bat-
teries in a  re. ey may explode. Chec k with local cod es for possible specia l disposal instru ctions.
x Do not place the h andset in any cha rging cradle w ithout the battery i nstalled and t he
battery c over securely in place .
Rechargeable battery pack (BT-1022)
AC adapter (PS-0035)
Not pictured:
x Battery cover x Belt clip
DCX220 accessory handset and charger
DCX220 Accessory Handset User's Guide
What's in the box?
Charge the Battery
1. Unpack the ha ndset, battery pac k, and battery cover. If you need to remove the cover, press i n on the notch and slide t he cover down and off.
2. Line up t he battery connector w ith the jack inside the handse t; the connector only fit s one way.
3. Push t he connector in until it c licks into place; tug gently on t he wires to make sure t he battery is securely c onnected.
4. Replac e the battery cover and slide it i nto place.
5. Use the AC adapte r to connect the power jack on the cha rger to a regula r indoor (120V AC) power outlet.
6. Place t he handset in the char ger with the display faci ng forward. If the display doesn’t lig ht up, reseat the ha ndset or connect the char ger to a different out let.
#Charge the hands et completely (about 15 hours) before us ing it.
#The accessory ha ndset won't work until you regis ter it to a base!
Compatible Bases
This hand set is designed for use wit h Uniden's D2280 base. For t he most up-to-date li st of which bases this ha ndset is compatible with, se e our website.
Registration Methods
Does the handset fit in the base cradle?
Place the hand set in the base. The di splay should say Registering.
No Does the base have an LCD display?
1. On the b ase, open the menu and select Reg ister Accy.
2. On the h andset, press and hold
Pound (#)
until t he handset
display says Reg istering (about 2 seconds).
1. On the b ase, press and hold
when the phone is in
standby (about 5 seconds).
2. On the h andset, press and hold
Pound (#)
until t he handset
display says Reg istering (about 2 seconds).
#After about 30 se conds, the handset displ ay should say Registration
Test the connection
Pick up the hand set and press
. Make sure you get a d ial tone.
to hang up.)
If... Try...
x you don't hear a dial tone x the display says Registration Failed
Making sure the handset is fully charged, then trying again.
x All featu res and operation for the hands et are described in t he user's
guide for one of the ba ses listed under the Com patible Bases section .
x User guides for a ll Uniden phones are available on our we bsite for free
downloadi ng.
AC Adapter and Battery Information
AC adapter
Part number Input voltage Output volta ge
PS-0035 120V AC, 60 Hz 8V AC @ 300mA
x Use only t he supplied AC adapters . x Use the prop er adapter for the ba se & any chargers. x Do not plac e the unit in di rect sunlig ht or subject it to high te mperatures.
Battery p ack (with normal us e)
Part number Capacity Talk time Standby time Battery li fe
BT-1022 300mAh, 2.4V D C about 7 hour s about 7 days ab out 1 year
x Replac e the battery wh en the talk or st andby time becom es noticeably reduc ed. For replace-
ments, ca ll the Parts De partment (see t he front cover).
x When t he battery gets l ow, the handset beep s and shows a low batter y alert; put the h andset in
the crad le for rechargin g.
Rechargeable Nickel- Metal-Hydride Battery Warning
CAUTION! R isk of explo sion if batte ry is replace d by an incorrec t type!
Dispose o f used batteri es accordin g to the instruc tions. Do not o pen or
mutilate t he battery. Di sconnect th e battery be fore shippi ng this produc t.
x is equ ipment contains a re chargeable Nickel -Metal-Hydride (Ni- MH) battery. x Nickel i s a chemical know n to the state of Ca lifornia to cau se cancer. x Do not shor t-circuit the bat tery. x e batte ries in this eq uipment may explode i f disposed of in a  re. x Do not cha rge the batterie s in any charger ot her than the one sp ecied in the ow ner's manual.
Using anot her charger may dam age the batter y or cause it to explode .
x As par t of our commitme nt to protecting our e nvironment and con serving nat ural resourc es,
Uniden volunta rily part icipates in an R BRC® industry pr ogram to colle ct and recycle u sed Ni-MH batter ies within t he United States. Plea se call 1-800-8 -BATTERY for informat ion on Ni-MH battery re cycling in you r area. (R BRC® is a registere d trademark of t he Rechargeable Ba ttery Recycli ng Corporation .)
Rechargea ble batteries must be r ecycled or dispo sed of properly. Uniden works to re duce lead content in PVC coate d cords in our
products and a ccessories. Warning! The c ords on this product a nd/or accessori es contain lead, a c hemical
known to the s tate of Californ ia to cause birt h defects or other repro ductive harm. Wash hands af ter handling.
Compliance Information
Any change s or modication s to this product not e xpressly approved by t he manufactu rer or other par ty responsible for c ompliance could vo id your authority to op erate this produc t.
FCC Part 15 Information
is devi ce complies with p art 15 of the FCC ru les. Operation i s subject to the foll owing two condit ions: (1) is device may not cau se harmful i nterference, an d (2) is device must accept a ny interference rec eived, includi ng interference t hat may cause undesi red operation. P rivacy of commu nications may not be en sured when using t his phone.
FCC PART 15.105(b): Note: is e quipment has been te sted and found to comply w ith the lim its for a Class B dig ital device, pu rsuant to par t 15 of the FCC Rules. e se limits are design ed to provide reasona ble protection aga inst harmf ul interferenc e in a residential instal lation. is equ ipment generates, us es and can rad iate radio freque ncy energy and , if not insta lled and used i n accordance wit h the instru ctions, may caus e harmful i nterference to radio com munications. Howe ver, there is no guara ntee that inter ference will not oc cur in a partic ular insta llation. If t his equipment does c ause harmf ul interference to r adio or tele­vision rece ption, which ca n be determined by t urning the e quipment o and on, the u ser is encourage d to try to correc t the interference by o ne or more of the followi ng measures:
x Reorie nt or relocate the rece iving antenna . x Increa se the separat ion between the e quipment and receive r. x Conne ct the equipment into a n outlet on a circu it dierent from t hat to which the rec eiver is
connecte d.
x Consu lt the dealer or a n experienced ra dio/TV techn ician for help.
RF Exposure Information
is product c omplies with FCC r adiation expo sure limits un der the followin g conditions:
x e base mu st be placed to al low a minimum of 20 c m (8 inches) between the a ntenna and all
persons dur ing normal oper ation.
x e base mu st not be collocate d or operated in conjun ction with any ot her antenna or tr ans-
x e hand set is designed for b ody-worn operation a nd meets FCC RF ex posure guidel ines when
used wit h any belt clip, car rying cas e, or other acces sory supplied wit h this product . (All nec­essar y accessories a re included in the p ackage; any add itional or optiona l accessorie s are not required for c ompliance wit h the guideli nes.) ird part y accessories (un less approved by the manufac turer) should be avoide d as these might not c omply with FCC RF e xposure guid elines.
Industry Canada (I.C.) Notice
Terminal equipment
NOTICE: is e quipment meets the a pplicable Indust ry Canada Termi nal Equipment Technical Sp ecications.  is is conrme d by the registr ation number. e abbrev iation IC before the reg istration num ber signies t hat registrat ion was performe d based on a Decla­ration of Con formity indic ating that Indu stry Canad a technical s pecications we re met. It does not imply t hat Industry C anada approved t he equipment.
NOTICE: e Ri nger Equival ence Number (REN) fo r this termin al equipment is mar ked on the equipme nt itself. e REN a ssigned to each ter minal equip ment provides an ind ica­tion of the ma ximum number of t erminals a llowed to be connec ted to a telephone inter face. e termin ation on an interfa ce may consist of any com bination of devic es subject only to the requi rement that the sum of t he Ringer Equ ivalence Number s of all the dev ices does not exceed 5.
Radio equipment
e term IC before t he radio certi cation number on ly signies t hat Industry C anada technic al specicat ions were met. Opera tion is subject to th e following two co nditions: (1) this dev ice may not cause inte rference, and (2) thi s device must acce pt any interferenc e, includin g interference th at may cause undesi red operation of the d evice. "Priv acy of com­municati ons may not be ensured whe n using this tel ephone".
One-year Limited Warranty
Evidence of or iginal purcha se is required for wa rranty ser vice.
WARRANT OR: UNIDEN AM ERICA CORPOR ATION ("Uniden") ELEMEN TS OF WARRANT Y: Uniden warrants, fo r one year, to the origi nal retail ow ner,
this Uniden P roduct to be free f rom defects in mate rials and cra smanship w ith only the limitat ions or exclusions se t out below.
WARRANT Y DURATION: is wa rranty to the or iginal use r shall termi nate and be of no furt her eect 12 months a er the date of orig inal retai l sale. e war ranty is inva lid if the Produc t is (A) damaged or not mai ntained as rea sonable or necessa ry, (B) modied, altered, or u sed as part of a ny conversion kits, su bassemblies , or any congura tions not sold by Uniden, (C) improperl y installed , (D) serviced or rep aired by someone ot her than an authoriz ed Uniden servic e center for a defect or ma lfunction c overed by this war ranty, (E) used in any c onjunction wit h equipment or part s or as part of any sy stem not manufact ured by Uniden, or (F) ins talled or progr ammed by anyone ot her than as det ailed by the owner 's manual for t his product.
STATEMENT OF R EMEDY: In the event tha t the product does not con form to this wa rran­ty at any ti me while this w arranty is i n eect, warr antor will eit her, at its option, repai r or replace the d efective unit a nd return it to you w ithout charge for pa rts, serv ice, or any other cost (except sh ipping and handl ing) incurr ed by warrantor or it s representatives i n connec­tion with t he performanc e of this warra nty. Warrantor, at its optio n, may replace the un it with a new or re furbished un it. THE LIMIT ED WARRANTY S ET FORTH ABOVE IS THE SOLE AND EN TIRE WARRA NTY PERTAINI NG TO THE PRODUCT AND IS IN L IEU OF AND EXCLUDE S ALL OTHER WARR ANTIES OF A NY NATURE WHATS OEVER, WHETH ER EXPRESS , IMPLIED OR AR ISING BY OPERATION OF LAW, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMI TED TO ANY IM PLIED WARRAN TIES OF MERCHA NTABILITY OR FITNE SS FOR A PARTICULAR PUR POSE. THIS WARR ANTY DOES NOT C OVER OR PROVIDE FOR THE R EIMBURSEM ENT OR PAYMENT OF INCIDEN TAL OR CONSE­QUENTI AL DAMAGES. Some stat es do not allow th is exclusion or lim itation of incidenta l or consequent ial damages s o the above limit ation or exclusion may not a pply to you.
LEGAL R EMEDIES: is w arranty g ives you specic leg al rights, an d you may also have other rig hts which vary f rom state to state.  is warrant y is void outside the Unite d States of America a nd Canada.
PROCEDURE F OR OBTAINING PERFOR MANCE OF WARRA NTY: If, aer foll owing the inst ructions in t he owner's manual you a re certain t hat the Product is d efective, pack the Produc t carefull y (preferably in its ori ginal packa ging). Discon nect the batter y from the Product and s eparately sec ure the batter y in its own separ ate packagin g within the sh ipping carton.  e Product should inc lude all par ts and accessor ies origina lly packaged w ith the Product. I nclude evidence of or iginal purch ase and a note descr ibing the defec t that has caused you to re turn it. e Produc t should be shippe d freight prepaid , by traceable mea ns, to warra ntor at:
Uniden Americ a Service 4700 Amon Ca rter Blvd. Fort Worth, TX 76155
x Uniden® is a reg istered trade -
mark of Uniden A merica Corporat ion.
x Cal l waiting, CI D, CIDCW,
and Voice Mail a re telephone line ser vices. Your phone suppor ts these servic es, but you have to arra nge for them throu gh your telephone pro­vider. Contac t your provider for det ails.
x e pictu res in this ma nual are for exa mple only. Your phone may not look exact ly like the
pictures .
As an Energy Star ® Partner, Uniden has determine d that this product meets the Ener gy Star® guidelines f or energy ecie ncy. Energy Star® is a U.S. registered ma rk.
© 2011 Uniden America Corp. Printed in Vietn am
Fort Worth, Texas U01UU246BZZ(0)