Uniden DCX170 User Manual

DCX170 Accessory Handset User's Guide
What's in the box?
DCX170 accessory handset and charger
Rechargeable battery pack (BT-1021)
x If any items are missing or damaged, contact our Customer Care
Line immediately. Never use damaged products!
x Need Help? Get answers 24/7 at our website: www.uniden.com.
If You... Contact Uniden’s... Phone Number
have a question or problem Customer Care Line*
need a part or accessory Parts Department* 800-554-3988 need special assistance due
to a disability
* During regu lar business hours, Central Sta ndard Time. Visit our website for deta iled
business hours .
Accessibility Help Line
Important Safety Instructions!
When using your telephone equipment, basic safety precautions shou ld always be followed to reduce the risk of re, electric shock and injury to persons, including the following:
x is unit is NOT waterproof. DO NOT expose this unit to rain or moisture. x Do not use this product near water, for example, near a bath tub, wash bowl, kitchen
sink or laundry tub, in a wet basement or near a swimming pool.
x Avoid using a telephone (other tha n a cordless type) during an electrical storm. ere
may be a remote risk of electric shock from lightning.
x Do not use the telephone to report a gas leak in the v icinity of the leak. x Use only the power cord and batteries indicated in this manual. Do not dispose of bat-
teries in a re. ey may explode. Check with local codes for possible special disposal instructions.
x Do not place the handset in any charging cradle without the battery installed and the
battery cover securely in place.
AC adapter (PS-0035)
Battery cover
817-858-2929 or
800-874-9314 (voice or TTY)
Charge the Battery
1. Unpack the handset, battery pack, and battery cover. If you need to remove the cover, press in on the notch and slide the cover down and off.
2. Line up the battery connector with the jack inside the handset; the connector only fits one way.
3. Push the connector in until it clicks into place; tug gently on the wires to make sure the battery is securely connected.
4. Replace the battery cover and slide it into place.
5. Use the AC adapter to connect the power jack on the charger to a regular indoor (120V AC) power outlet.
6. Place the handset in the charger with the display facing forward. If the display doesn’t light up, reseat the handset or connect the charger to a different outlet.
#Charge the handset completely (about 15 hours) before using it.
#The accessory handset won't work until you register it to a base!
Compatible Bases
This handset is designed for use with Uniden's D1760, D1780, D1785, and D1788 bases. For the most up-to-date list of which bases this handset is compatible with, see our website.
Registration Methods
Does the handset fit in the base cradle?
Place the handset in the base. The display should say Registering.
No Does the base have an LCD display?
1. On the base, press then scroll to Register Accy. Press
2. On the handset, press and hold display says Registering (about 2 seconds).
1. On the base, press and hold standby (about 5 seconds).
2. On the handset, press and hold display says Registering (about 2 seconds).
#After about 30 seconds, the handset display should say Registration
Test the connection
Pick up the handset and press
If... Try...
to hang up.)
x you don't hear a dial tone x the display says Registration Failed
to open the menus and
Pound (#)
when the phone is in
Pound (#)
. Make sure you get a dial tone.
Making sure the handset is fully charged, then trying again.
until the handset
until the handset
x All features and operation for the handset are described in the user's
guide for the base.
x User guides for all Uniden phones are available on our website for free
AC Adapter and Battery Information
AC adapter
Part numb er Input voltage Output voltage
PS-0 035 120V AC, 60 Hz 8V AC @ 300mA
x Use only the supplied AC adapters. x Use the proper adapter for the base & any chargers. x Do not place the un it in direct sunlight or subject it to high temperatures.
Battery pack (w ith normal use)
Part numb er Capacit y Talk time Standby time Bat tery life
BT-1021 300mAh, 2.4V DC about 7 hours about 7 days about 1 year
x Replace the bat tery when the t alk or standby time becomes noticeably reduced. For replace-
ments, call t he Parts Department (see the f ront cover).
x When the battery get s low, the handset beeps and shows a low bat tery alert ; put the handset in
the cradle for recharg ing.
Rechargeable Nickel-Metal-Hydride Battery Warning
CAUTIO N! Risk of exp losion if bat tery is repl aced by an incor rect type!
Dispo se of used batt eries accord ing to the instr uctions. D o not open or
mutila te the batter y. Disconnec t the batter y before ship ping this pro duct.
x is equipment contains a rechargeable Nickel-Metal-Hydride (Ni-MH) battery. x Nickel is a chemical known to the state of C alifornia to cause cancer. x Do not short-circuit the batter y. x e batteries in this equipment may explode if disposed of in a re. x Do not charge the batteries in any charger other than the one specied in the owner's manual.
Using another charger may damage the battery or cause it to explode.
x As part of our commitment to protecting our environment and conserv ing natural resources,
Uniden voluntarily participates in an RBRC® industr y program to collect and recycle used Ni-MH bat teries within the United States. Please call 1-800-8-BATTERY for infor mation on Ni-MH battery recycling in your area. (RBRC® is a registered t rademark of the Recha rgeable Battery Recycl ing Corporation.)
Rechargeable batteries must be rec ycled or disposed of properly. Uniden works to reduce lead content in PVC coated cords in our products a nd accessories.
Warning! The cords on this product and/or accessories contain lead, a chemical known to t he state of California to c ause birth defects or other reproduc tive harm. Wash hands after ha ndling.
Compliance Information
Any changes or mod ications to t his product not expressly approved by t he manu fact urer or other pa rty responsible for compliance could void your authority to operate t his product.
FCC Part 15 Information
is device complies with part 15 of the FCC ru les. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) is device may not cause harmful interference, a nd (2) is dev ice must accept any interference received, includi ng inter ference that may cause undesired operation. Privacy of communications may not be ensured when using this phone.
FCC PART 15.105(b): Note: is equipment has been tested and fou nd to comply w ith the limits for a Class B d igital device, pursua nt to part 15 of the FCC Rules. ese li mits are designed to provide reasonable protection aga inst harmful interference in a residential installation. is equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energ y and, if not installed and used in accordance wit h the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference wil l not occur in a part icular instal lation. If th is equipment does c ause ha rmful interference to radio or tele­vision reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment o and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct t he inter ference by one or more of the fol lowing measures:
x Reorient or relocate the receivi ng antenna. x Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. x Connect the equipment into an out let on a circuit dierent from that to which the receiver is
x Consult the dealer or a n experienced radio/TV technician for help.
RF Exposure Information
is product complies wit h FCC radiation exposure limits under the following conditions:
x e base must be placed to al low a minimum of 20 cm (8 inches) between t he antenna and all
persons during norma l operat ion.
x e base must not be collocated or operated in conjunct ion with any other antenna or trans-
x e handset is designed for body-worn operation and meets FCC R F exposure guidelines when
used with any belt clip, carryi ng case, or other accessory supplied w ith this produc t. (All nec­essary accessor ies are included in the package; any additional or opt ional accessories are not required for compliance w ith the guidelines.) ird part y accessories (unless approved by the manufactu rer) should be avoided as these might not comply with FCC R F exposure guidel ines.
Industry Canada (I.C.) Notice
Terminal equipment
NOTICE:  is equipment meets the applicable Indust ry Canada Terminal Equipment Technical Speci cations. is is con rmed by t he registrat ion number. e abbrev iation IC before the registrat ion number signies t hat registration was performed based on a Decla­ration of Conform ity indicating t hat Industry C anad a technica l specicat ions were met. It does not imply that I ndustry Canada approved the equipment.
NOTICE: e R inger Equiva lence Number (REN) for th is termina l equipment is marked on the equipment itself. e R EN assigned to each termina l equipment provides an ind ica­tion of the maximum nu mber of terminals a llowed to be connected to a telephone i nterface. e termination on an interface may consist of any combination of devices subject only to the requ irement that the sum of the Ringer Equivalence Numbers of all the devices does not exceed 5.
Radio equipment
e term IC before the radio cer tication number only signies t hat Industry Canada technical specications were met. Operation is subject to t he following two condit ions: (1) this device may not cause inter ference, and (2) this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause u ndesired operation of the device. "Privac y of com­munications may not be ensured when using this telephone".
One-year Limited Warranty
Evidence of original purchase is required for warrant y service.
WARRANTOR: U NIDEN AMERICA COR PORATION ("Uniden") ELEMENTS OF WARRANTY: Uniden warrants, for one year, to the original retail owner,
this Uniden Product to be free from defect s in materials and crasmanship wit h only the limitations or exclusions set out below.
WARRANTY DURATION: is war rant y to the original user shal l terminate and be of no fur ther eect 12 months aer the date of origina l retail sale. e warranty is invalid if the Product is (A) damaged or not maint ained as reasonable or necessary, (B) modied, altered, or used as part of any conversion k its, subassemblies, or any congurations not sold by Uniden, (C) improperly installed, (D) serviced or repaired by someone other than an authori zed Uniden serv ice center for a defect or malfunction covered by th is warrant y, (E) used in any conjunction w ith equipment or parts or as part of any system not ma nufactured by Uniden, or (F) i nsta lled or programmed by anyone other than as detailed by the owner's manua l for this product.
STATEMEN T OF REMEDY: In the event that t he product does not conform to t his warra n­ty at any t ime while this war rant y is in eect, warra ntor will either, at its option, repair or replace t he defective unit and return it to you wit hout charge for par ts, service, or any other cost (except shipping and handling) incurred by war rantor or its representatives in connec­tion wit h the performa nce of this war rant y. Warrantor, at its option, may replace t he unit with a new or refu rbished unit. THE LIMITED WARRANT Y SET FORTH ABOVE IS THE SOLE AND ENTIRE WARRAN TY PERTAINING TO THE PRODUCT AND IS IN LIEU OF AND EXCLUDES ALL OTHER WARRANTIES OF ANY NATURE WH ATSOEVER, WHETHER EXPRESS, I MPLIED OR AR ISING BY OPERATION OF LAW, INCLUDI NG, BUT NOT LIMITED TO AN Y IMPLIED WARR ANTIES OF MERCHA NTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULA R PURPOSE. THIS WARR ANTY DOES NOT COVER OR PROVIDE FOR THE REIMBUR SEMENT OR PAYMENT OF I NCIDENTAL OR CONSE ­QUENTIAL DAM AGES. Some states do not allow this exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequentia l damages so t he above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you.
LEGAL REMEDIES: is wa rranty gives you specic legal rights, a nd you may also have other rights which vary from state to state. is warranty is void outside the United States of America and Canada.
PROCEDUR E FOR OBTAINING PER FORM ANCE OF WARRANTY: If, aer following the instructions in the owner's manual you a re certain t hat the Product is defect ive, pack the Product carefu lly (preferably in its original packaging). Disconnect the bat tery from the Product and separately secu re the batter y in its ow n separate packagi ng within the shipping carton. e Product shou ld include all parts and accessories origina lly packaged with the Product. Include evidence of origina l purchase and a note describing t he defect that ha s caused you to retu rn it. e Product should be shipped freight prepaid, by traceable means, to warrantor at:
Uniden America Service 4700 Amon C arter Blvd. Fort Worth, TX 76155
x Uniden® is a registered trade-
mark of Uniden America Corporation.
x Call wait ing, CID, CIDCW,
and Voice Mail are telephone line services. Your phone suppor ts these serv ices, but you have to arrange for them t hroug h your telephone pro­vider. Contact your provider for deta ils.
x e pictures in t his manual a re for example only. Your phone may not look exac tly like the
As an Energy Star® Par tner, Uniden has determined that this produc t meets the Energy Star® guidelines for energy e ciency. Energy Star® is a U.S. registered mark.
© 2012 Uniden America Corp. Printed in Vietnam
Fort Worth, Texas UU01235BZ(1)