UniData Communication Systems Starlog Prologger 7001 User Manual

Model 7001
Revision 33 Firmware
User Manual Revision A
6261 May, 1999
Copyright Notice
Copyright ©Unidata Australia 1999. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any language or computer language, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, magnetic, optical, chemical, manual or otherwise, without prior written permission of UNIDATA Australia, 40 Ladner St, O'Connor, Western Australia, 6163, Australia.
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1 INTRODUCTION......................................1
1.1 How to Use this Supplement...........................1
2 PROLOGGER OVERVIEW .............................3
2.1 Programming Overview...............................4
2.2 How the PROLOGGER Operates .......................5
2.3 Input Signals........................................6
2.3.1 Instruments....................................6
2.4 Outputs ............................................6
2.5 Memory Capacity ....................................7
2.5.1 Log Size ......................................7
2.6 Status Indicators ....................................7
2.6.1 Battery Status LEDs.............................8
2.6.2 Scheme Status LEDs............................8
2.7 The Display and Keyboard ............................8
2.7.1 Keys Definition .................................9
2.8 Using the Keyboard and Display .......................9
2.8.1 Selecting a Display List and List Entry...............9
2.8.2 Auto Key Repeat ..............................10
2.8.3 Adjusting a Config Entry.........................10
2.8.4 Commands in the Config List .....................10
2.8.5 Using a PIN# (Password)........................10
2.8.6 Displaying the Scheme List ......................11
2.9 Differences with Model 7000 Macro Data logger..........12
2.9.1 Input Signals..................................12
3 SPECIFICATIONS ...................................14
4 POWER SUPPLY ....................................16
4.1 Internal Battery Pack ................................16
4.1.1 Battery Life ...................................16
4.1.2 Battery Pack Connections .......................17
4.1.3 Replacing a Battery Pack ........................18
4.1.4 Recharging NiCad Battery Pack...................18
4.2 External Power Supply ..............................19
4.2.1 Connecting an External Power Supply..............19
4.2.2 Recharging Batteries ...........................19
4.3 Battery Status Indicators.............................20
4.4 Monitoring Battery Voltage ...........................20
4.5 Flat Battery Shutdown ...............................20
4.5.1 Saving Memory ...............................21
4.5.2 Auxiliary Memory Back-up Battery .................21
4.6 Internal Battery Charger .............................21
4.7 Automatic Battery Type Detection .....................22
4.8 The Input Signals Connector Pin-out...................22
5 INSTALLATION & CONNECTION .......................23
5.1 Locating the logger .................................23
5.2 Instrument Connection ..............................23
5.2.1 Log Start Sense ...............................27
5.2.2 Analog Inputs .................................27
5.2.3 Counters and Digital Inputs ......................28
5.2.4 User Power Sources (UPS) ......................28
5.2.5 High Speed Serial Ports .........................28
5.3 SDI-12 Serial Digital Interface (optional) ................30
5.4 PROLOGGER Initialisation ...........................30
6 INTERNAL CHANNELS ...............................32
6.1 Battery Voltage Monitor (I2, Batt) ....................32
7 COMPUTER COMMUNICATION ........................33
7.1 Computer Connector Pin Designations.................34
7.2 Baud Rates ........................................34
7.3 Communications (STARLOG) Protocol .................35
7.3.1 Scan Synchronised RS-232 Communication.........35
7.3.2 Non-Synchronised RS-232 Communication (default) . . 36
7.3.3 PROLOGGER Requests (Commands) .............36
7.4 Sample Program....................................38
7.4.1 Simple Interrogation Example ....................38
8 PROGRAMMING THE PROLOGGER ....................40
8.1 Memory Layout.....................................40
8.2 Hardware Register Information........................41
8.2.1 PROLOGGER Memory Assignments...............41
8.2.2 Logger Scan Counter ...........................43
8.3 PROLOGGER - Program .............................43
8.3.1 PROLOGGER - Operation Sequence ..............43
8.3.2 PROLOGGER - Program Instructions ..............43
8.4 Typical instructions .................................44
8.5 Buffer Control Table.................................44
8.5.1 Buffer Format Convention .......................45
9.1 Default Configuration Table ..........................47
9.2 Memory Layout and Protected Memory.................48
9.3 Configuration Table Layout...........................48
9.4 PROLOGGER Linear Calibration Correction .............49
9.5 Initialisation via the RS-232...........................50
9.6 Read/Write Protected Memory ........................50
10 TEST DIAGNOSTICS .................................51
10.1 Diagnostic.........................................51
10.1.1 Task Command List ............................52
A - OPERATING ERRORS ................................1
B - PROLOGGER REVISIONS .............................1
D - USING THE SDI-12 INTERFACE.........................1
The PROLOGGER is a battery powered data collection system manufactured by UNIDATA. It is ideal for automatic data collection at remote, unmanned locations. The PROLOGGER incorporates the latest advanced CMOS technology and intelligent auto calibration techniques to provide a very accurate, low cost, programmable data collection system.
Like other STARLOG products the PROLOGGER has a simple robust construction, is battery-powered, is available at a low cost, and can be universally applied.
The main features of the PROLOGGER are:
Large 512k battery protected storage area.
16 bit conversion resolution on all channels - analog and digital.
High impedance input channels with large 26 bit dynamic range down to microvolt resolution.
GSM/Cellular and PSTN telemetry support.
SDI-12 communications bus.
Large four line LCD display.
The PROLOGGER provides an upgrade path for the Model 7000 Macro logger. It supports all existing applications. The signal pin-out is the same and existing field terminations can be used.
The PROLOGGER is designed to be operated with the Version 3 STARLOG Software Support Package (Model 6301).
1.1 How to Use this Supplement
This supplement provides technical details for users of the PROLOGGER. It is divided into several chapters. Each describes a different aspect of the device. The appendices include information for advanced users.
The chapters are:
Introduces the PROLOGGER and gives a brief summary of its features and operation.
Lists physical and performance specifications and explains battery and memory capacity options.
Power Supply
Describes how to change battery packs, use an external power supply and how to test and monitor the power supply.
Installation & Connection
Describes how to connect instruments to the logger and initialising the logger.
Internal Channels
A listing and explanation of two special channels.
Computer Communication
Lists the specifications for communication with a computer and explains in detail the most common method of interface.
PROLOGGER Programming
Describes PROLOGGER programming techniques if you intend to program your own logger.
PROLOGGER Configuration Table
Describes how a PROLOGGER is configured - it identifies and explains that particular part of memory and how it is used.
Test Diagnostics
Explains how to use in-built diagnostic firmware to test and calibrate the PROLOGGER.
This chapter provides an overview of the PROLOGGER’s features, including its programming and operation.
The PROLOGGER is a major design development in the STARLOG product range. It has an expanded signal capacity and range, and is easier to program. It offers 22 input channels, two high speed serial input/output busses and two outputs. It also provides two power sources for external instruments. The range of scan rates extends from 125 milliseconds to 5 minutes. See page 14 for a list of operational specifications.
DB37 connector for input signals
Four line sixteen character display
Battery LEDs
Scheme status LEDs
Model and serial number
DB25 RS232 comms connector
Front Panel Layout
Data and commands are transferred between the PROLOGGER and an IBM or compatible computer using asynchronous RS-232 serial communications. All set-up and adjustments associated with range and calibration are performed in firmware. The PROLOGGER is fully programmable.
The PROLOGGER has a very low power consumption. It is supplied with an internal battery with a typical life of one year. Data is stored in 512k of low power CMOS RAM. An internal crystal-based clock provides accurate time referencing of all recorded data and also controls the adjustable scan rate. The logger’s only external connections are:
A connector (labelled INPUT SIGNALS) for instrument inputs, user power supplies and controls.
A connector (labelled COMPUTER) used for communication with a computer.
The PROLOGGER and its battery are housed in a small, robust, dustproof enclosure. Exact hardware specifications are listed in Chapter 3.
2.1 Programming Overview
The PROLOGGER is a microprocessor based device designed to be programmed using Unidata’s STARLOG Software Package (Version 3). This package, designed to run on IBM PC or compatible computers, creates and implements instructions that control the logger.
Through a series of windows , the STARLOG Software Package allows you to define how and when the PROLOGGER records, what channels to record and what signal types to measure. These definitions are compiled by the package into a list of instructions to be interpreted by the PROLOGGER.
The PROLOGGER must be programmed before it will record/log or display readings.
The STARLOG Software generates a set of instructions to program the PROLOGGER. These instructions are explained in the STARLOG Programmer’s Supplement (6201).
2.2 How the PROLOGGER Operates
The PROLOGGER must be “initialised” before it can be used. This is done automatically when you load a scheme. Alternatively, you can manually initialise the device (see PROLOGGER Initialisation on page 30). Note that when delivered, the PROLOGGER is shutdown to conserve batteries. It must be initialised before use.
The PROLOGGER switches on once per scan. You must specify the scan rate. It performs three operations each time it is switched on: scanning, inter-log analysis, and RS-232 comms check. It then switches off. This sequence occurs every scan interval. It performs a fourth operation, logging, at an interval you specify. These operations are described below.
Scan rates, which can be from 125 milliseconds to 5 minutes, determine how frequently the logger switches on. When it switches on, the logger scans its input signals. These signals, called the hardware values, are recorded in the PROLOGGER memory. The hardware values are updated in the logger memory every scan.
Interlog Analysis
After scanning the input signals the logger program performs an inter-log analysis of the hardware values, storing the analysed values in a different part of the logger’s memory referred to as the Register. The inter-log analysis includes: averaging and storing maximum, minimum and raw values. For example, if a certain channel is programmed to store maximum values of its input, the logger will check to see if the hardware value is higher than the value already stored in the Register. If so, it will update the Register. If not, then it changes nothing and goes to the next instruction. The Register is used to store data between log intervals.
RS232 Comms
When the scan occurs at a log interval, the logger program records data found in the Register into another part of its memory. Here, the data remains until the logger is unloaded (or until the entire memory storage space is filled, then earlier stored data may be overwritten when recent data is logged).
2.3 Input Signals
The PROLOGGER has 22 channels for input signals. These are divided into:
Sixteen analog channels with 16-bit resolution. These can be in any combination of up to 16 single-ended or 8 differential voltage inputs ,
These channels accept signals from ±5 millivolts full-scale to ±5.00 volts
Two high speed serial ports (bi-directional synchronous, eight 16 bit channels on each).
Four counter input channels (16-bit resolution).
Two sense input channels (used for LOG START and SDI-12 signals).
The PROLOGGER has a number of operating modes for its analog inputs. Analog inputs are available as low resolution (8 bit, a0 – a15) or high resolution (16 bit, A0 – A15) all with programmable gain settings. (See PROLOGGER Configuration Table on page 47.)
For more about inputs see Installation and Connection on page 23.
To save power the PROLOGGER only measures signals on channels specified in the scheme. If you load a scheme that only specifies a single channel, the remaining channels are not scanned. If you want to scan signals on all channels, you must load a scheme that specifies all channels.
2.3.1 Instruments
To complement the PROLOGGER, a range of low power instruments and sensors is available. They are designed for direct connection to the PROLOGGER and can use the PROLOGGER’s battery or their own power supply.
The PROLOGGER has a broad input range. This means that instruments such as thermocouples, pyrometers, RTDs (like the PT100), strain gauge pressure transducers, precision thermistors and frequency derived signals can generally be connected without amplification or signal conditioning.
2.4 Outputs
The PROLOGGER has two outputs and two power sources for external instruments. The outputs have a wide range of uses, for example they can be used to set off an alarm or switch on an external device.
The four user power sources described in the PROLOGGER Configuration Table are:
+12 Volts DC unregulated.
-12 Volts DC unregulated.
+10 Volts regulated (reference).
+5 Volts DC regulated, scan synchronised.
2.5 Memory Capacity
The logging duration of the logger depends on the scheme. It is calculated by the software once the scheme is created (see Scheme Information menu).
The calculation includes the following:
Number of Days = (512 - 8) * 1024 * LI/1440 * 1/LS
LI = Logging Interval (in minutes).
LS = Log Size in bytes.
1024 = The number of bytes in a kilobyte.
1440 = The number of minutes in a day.
2.5.1 Log Size
The Log Size is the sum of bytes used per channel. The bytes used per channel varies depending on the Log Action (raw reading, totalise to 1 or 2 bytes, etc.) and the capacity of the channel. A counter channel may use from 1 to 4 bytes, a serial channel is usually 2 bytes, and an analog channel may use 2 bytes (high resolution) or 1 byte (low resolution).
For example: A typical weather station logging raw readings for wind speed (1 byte), temperature (1 byte), solar radiation (1 byte) and relative humidity (1 byte) every five minutes in a 512k PROLOGGER would theoretically record for:
Number of Days = (512 - 8)* 1024 * 5/1440 * 1/4 = 448
2.6 Status Indicators
The PROLOGGER has four LED indicators which flash briefly each scan (5 seconds) to show the status of the battery and logging scheme.
2.6.1 Battery Status LEDs
The top two indicators (labelled BATTERY) show the internal battery status (see Battery Status Indicators on page 20).
2.6.2 Scheme Status LEDs
When the PROLOGGER has been programmed with a Scheme (using Version 2 Software) the lower two indicators show the status of the Scheme operation.
LED On Description State
Waiting to be unloaded. Stopped Waiting for input signals to be connected. Primed
Connected to signals and waiting to begin logging.
Green & Red Actively recording. Logging
Red (No Scheme loaded.) (Invalid)
2.7 The Display and Keyboard
The PROLOGGER has a 64 character Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) and an eight key operator keyboard.
The Display may be activated by pressing the ON key. The Display will turn OFF automatically after a delay of 20 seconds (when no further keys have been pressed).
While the Display is active, the PROLOGGER is in high power mode and uses about 100 times more battery power than in normal scanning mode.
2.7.1 Keys Definition
ON Activate display and display the first entry of the STATUS LIST
SCHEME Displays the first entry of the SCHEME LIST
CONFIG Displays the first entry of the CONFIG LIST.
Used only in the CONFIG LIST to save the current SETUP entry or perform the current SETUP action.
Up/Down Ar-
Scroll UP
or DOWN6the current list entries.
Adjust the current CONFIG entry UP in value
or DOWN in
. Used only in CONFIG LIST
2.8 Using the Keyboard and Display
The display shows three lists of useful information.
STATUS LIST Lists information about the status of battery and channel readings
SCHEME LIST Lists details of the current Scheme composed using the
STARLOG Software V3. This is normally blank unless a Scheme has been loaded.
CONFIG LIST Lets you adjust some logger configuration parameters (change the
scan rate) and execute some useful commands (such as, setting the logger to the sleep mode).
Saving altered Setup Entries using the Enter key will cause data
stored in memory above 64K to be lost.
2.8.1 Selecting a Display List and List Entry
Whenever the ON, SCHEME or CONFIG keys are pressed, the first entry in the Status, Scheme or Config list is displayed. The ON key will also turn the Display ON if not already on.
By pressing the scroll keys, you display the next Entry in the list (
key) or the previous Entry
(5 UP key).
Entries may be one or two lines, therefore the scroll keys will move the display UP or DOWN one or two lines, depending on whether the Entry is two lines or not.
2.8.2 Auto Key Repeat
When a key is held down, it automatically repeats. This is a quick way to scan up or down a list of display entries. Releasing the key stops the repeat mode.
2.8.3 Adjusting a Config Entry
To alter a logger Config Entry, scroll to the desired Entry in the Config List and use the Adjust keys
34 to adjust the Config Entry to the required
settings, then press ENTER to save the new setting permanently. If you do not want to save the Config Entry, press any other key (or no keys at all).
Pressing the Enter key while displaying a Config Entry with the message ...use & ENTER on Line 2 will cause data stored in memory above 64K to be lost.
2.8.4 Commands in the Config List
Some entries in the Config List are simple commands, they do not use the Adjust keys
34 and they do not cause loss of memory when executed
(when ENTER is pressed). A useful command “TURN DISPLAY OFF” is the first entry in the Setup List. Therefore, whenever you have finished viewing the display, press CONFIG, and then ENTER keys.
The display will automaticallyturn OFF anyway after 20 seconds if no keys are pressed.
2.8.5 Using a PIN# (Password)
The PROLOGGER is fitted with a keyboard and display. This enables you to configure various functions of the logger without a computer. To ensure that only authorised users alter the operation of the logger, an optional 4-digit PIN# (personal identification number) may be entered. The factory default for the PIN# is 0.
To change this PIN#, turn the display ON and then press CONFIG. Press the down arrow until CHANGE PIN# appears in the display. Press the left arrow key to select the digit and then the up or down arrow to alter the digit. Once you have selected a suitable 4 digit number, press ENTER. It is now impossible to change important configuration settings until the PIN# is re-entered.
Once a PROLOGGER has been protected by a non-zero PIN#, you must re-enter the correct PIN# before altering a configuration via the keyboard.
Press ON to switch the display on.
Press the down arrow until ENTER PIN# appears.
Select the correct 4-digit code (using the arrow keys) and press ENTER.
You can now alter the logger’s configuration.
To change the PIN#, you must enter the old PIN# first. A PIN# of 0 means that all settings may be changed without PIN# validation (default).
If you forget the PIN#, the PROLOGGER will operate normally but you will not be able to use the keyboard configuration facility until the PROLOGGER is returned to UNIDATA for service.
2.8.6 Displaying the Scheme List
The Model 7001 PROLOGGER has a four line liquid crystal display (LCD) and eight key keyboard.
Using the Version 3 Software you can set-up the PROLOGGER to display the actual values being recorded by connected transducers. This Scheme Display List contains information similar to the Scheme Test Mode screen. A one-line display entry is provided for each Scheme Test Mode entry. Four entries (lines) are shown on the display at one time.
When you press the up/down scroll keys the display moves up/down this list one line at a time.
To view the readings of each transducer:
The display turns OFF after 20 seconds, if no keys are pressed.
If the instrument being displayed uses a non-linear correction formula (such as a thermistor or wind direction) then the uncorrected (raw) mV reading will be displayed without units.
2.9 Differences with Model 7000 Macro Data logger
2.9.1 Input Signals
The following inputs are different from the Portable Data logger:
Press the ON key and this will be displayed
Press the SCHEME key
Press the down key
Press the down key6
Continue pressing the down key until you reach the end of the display list
Press CONFIG and then ENTER to turn the display off
Pin Model 7001 Model 7000
17 Continuous Battery Unused 19 Sense 1/SDI Unused
This chapter lists the physical and performance specifications of the PROLOGGER.
Material: Grey, high impact rigid PVC.
Size: 211 x 108 x 81mm (H x W x D).
Weight: 2 kg including battery.
Operating Temp: -20°C to 60°C, not affected by humidity.
Scan Rate: 0.125 second to 5 minutes - programmable.
Log Interval: 0.125 second to 1 week - programmable.
Memory: Low power CMOS RAM 512k (standard).
Time Clock:
Crystal regulated,±10 seconds per month.
Analog Inputs: 16 channels, 16-bit resolution.
Unipolar or Bi-Polar, differential or single ended.
Counters: 4 channels, 16-bit resolution.
STARBUS: 2 high speed serial lines with eight channels on each,
16 bits, bi-directional, synchronous data & clock.
SDI-12: Optional 1200 Baud instrument channel.
Controls: 2 channels, 1 CMOS output.
1 uncommitted open collector output.
Computer I/O: Full duplex, serial, RS-232C, baud rates:
Processor: 8 bit, 80C31 micro controller, 14.7456 MHz.
Battery Life: Alkaline 1 year (typical), or rechargeable NiCad.
Flat Battery Shutdown: 5.6 Volts.
Instrument Power: +5V DC regulated 100mA.
+6.5V DC unregulated, 1mA continuous. +10V DC regulated, 100mA programmable duty cycle (PDC). +12V DC unregulated, 200mA, PDC.
-12V DC unregulated, 50mA, PDC.
Signal Specifications
Counter Channels: DC to 20 kHz potential free contact or
05 V DC digital input.
Analog Channels: Voltage input in four programmableranges:
-5.00 to +5.00 V, 155mV resolution.
-500 to +500 mV, 15.5mV resolution.
-50 to +50 mV, 1.55mV resolution.
-5 to +5 mV, 155nV resolution.
Input Impedance:
>1 M
Recommended Source
Drive Impedance:
<10 k
This chapter describes the uses of internal and external power supplies for the PROLOGGER. It also describes the low battery shutdown feature. The PROLOGGER is powered by an internal battery. External power sources can be used as an alternative supplies or to recharge batteries (NiCad and Sealed Lead Acid only).
A battery must remain connected at all times to protect data stored in memory. Provision is made for fitting a Lithium back-up battery to protect memory storage if the main battery is removed or fails.
4.1 Internal Battery Pack
The PROLOGGER is powered by its own internal power supply in the form of a battery pack (usually supplied with each logger). Alkaline (Model 6910A) and NiCad (Model 6910B) battery packs are available. The battery pack is located in the base of the logger housing and connected via a three-way socket to the logger.
The PROLOGGER requires a single battery voltage of 6.5 to 10 V DC.
Battery life varies anywhere from a few weeks up to 2 years depending on the logging project (see below).
This section covers:
Battery life.
Battery connections.
Battery replacement.
Recharging a NiCad battery pack.
4.1.1 Battery Life
The PROLOGGER battery life is influenced by five factors:
logger scan rate.
logger program run time.
External instrument power requirements.
Display usage.
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