unicraft WPP 15 E Operating Instructions Manual

Operating instructions
Hydraulic workshop press
WPP 15 E
WPP 15 E
WPP 15 E
Publication details
Product identification
WPP 15 E 630 0016
Stürmer Maschinen GmbH Dr.-Robert-Pfleger-Str. 26 D-96103 Hallstadt Germany
Hotline: 0049 (0) 900 19 68 220
(0.49 Euro from German landlines)
Fax: 0049 (0) 951 - 96555-55
email: info@unicraft.de URL: www.unicraft.de
Publication details..................................................... 2
1 Introduction .............................................................3
1.1 Copyright............................................................ 3
1.2 Customer service................................................ 3
1.3 Disclaimer........................................................... 3
2 Safety....................................................................... 3
2.1 Legend of symbols............................................. 3
2.2 Operator responsibility ....................................... 4
2.3 Operating staff qualification ............................... 4
2.4 Personal protective equipment........................... 5
2.5 Safety identifications on the workshop press ..... 5
3 Intended use ............................................................6
3.1 Foreseeable misuse ........................................... 6
3.2 Remaining risks .................................................. 6
4 Technical data .........................................................6
4.1 Table................................................................... 6
4.2 Environmental conditions ................................... 6
4.3 Type plate........................................................... 7
4.4 Pressure gauge .................................................. 7
5 Transport, packaging, storage...............................7
6 Machine description................................................8
7 Setup ........................................................................8
8 Installation ...............................................................8
8.1 Installing the crossbeam feet and press table ... 9
8.2 Installing the pump unit ...................................... 9
8.3 Installing the pressure gauge............................. 9
Information about the operating instructions
Genuine operating instructions
Edition: 24 March 2016 Version: 1.02 Language: English Author: DM
Copyright information
Copyright © 2016 Stürmer Maschinen GmbH, Hallstadt, Germany.
Stürmer is the sole owner of the content of these operat­ing instructions. Forwarding and reproduction of this document as well as use and notification of its content is not permitted without explicit consent. Infringements shall oblige to payment of compensation.
9 Before commissioning..........................................10
10 Operation .............................................................10
10.1 Adjusting the table height............................... 10
10.2 Setting up the work area................................. 11
10.3 Adjusting the horizontal working position....... 11
10.4 Aligning hydraulic cylinders ........................... 11
10.5 Building up pump pressure............................ 11
10.6 Marking the cylinder limit position.................. 11
10.7 Retracting hydraulic cylinders........................ 12
10.8 Processing the workpiece .............................. 12
Maintenance and repairs
11.1 Cleaning maintenance.................................... 13
11.2 Maintenance and repairs................................ 13
Disposal, reusing used machines
12.1 Decommissioning........................................... 15
12.2 Lubricant disposal.......................................... 15
13 Liability for defects (warranty)...........................16
14 Spare parts...........................................................17
14.1 Spare parts orders.......................................... 17
14.2 Spare parts drawings ..................................... 18
14.3 Hydraulics circuit diagram ............................. 20
15 EU Declaration of Conformity ............................21
Subject to technical modifications and changes.
2 WPP 15 E | Version 1.02


You have made an excellent choice in purchasing a Uni­craft hydraulic workshop press.
Carefully read the operating instructions prior to commission­ing.
They describe correct commissioning, intended use and safe as well as efficient operation and maintenance of your hydraulic workshop press.
The operating instructions form part of the hydraulic workshop press. Keep these operating instructions at the installation location of your hydraulic workshop press. Please also note the locally applicable accident prevention regulations and general safety regulations for the use of hydraulic workshop presses.

1.1 Copyright

The contents of these operating instructions are pro­tected by copyright. Their application is permitted within the context of the use of the hydraulic workshop press. Any further use shall not be permitted without written consent by the manufacturer.

1.2 Customer service

1.3 Disclaimer

All data in these operating instructions has been com­piled on the basis of the state-of-the-art, valid standards and guidelines as well as our many years of expertise and experience.
The manufacturer shall not be liable for damage in the following cases:
- Non-observance of these operating instructions
- Unintended use
- Deployment of untrained staff
- Conversions at one's own responsibility
- Technical modifications
- Use of unauthorised spare parts
The actual scope of delivery may deviate from the de­scriptions and illustrations in this document as a result of special variants, optional extras or recent, technical modifications.
The obligations defined in the supply contract shall ap­ply in addition to the general terms and conditions and the manufacturer's general terms and conditions as well as the statutory regulations valid at the time of the con­clusion of the contract.
Please contact your specialist retailer if you have any questions regarding your workshop press or require any technical information. Your specialist retailer will be happy to support you with specialist advice and infor­mation.
Stürmer Maschinen GmbH Dr.-Robert-Pfleger-Str. 26 D-96103 Hallstadt Germany
Repair service:
Hotline: 0049 (0) 900 19 68 220
(?0.49 from German landlines) Fax: 0049 (0) 951 96555-111 Email: service@stuermer-maschinen.de
Spare parts orders:
Fax: 0049 (0) 951 96555-119 Email: ersatzteile@stuermer-maschinen.de
Please submit any information and experiences you make during application of the machine as these may be valuable for product improvements.

2 Safety

This section provides an overview of all important safety packages for personal protection as well as safe and re­liable operation. The sections on individual service life phases contain additional, specifically applicable safety information.

2.1 Legend of symbols

Safety instructions
Safety instructions in these operating instructions have been highlighted with symbols. Safety instructions are indicated by signal terms that express the degree of risk involved.


This combination of symbol and signal term indi­cates a directly dangerous situation which may cause death or serious injury if not averted.
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This combination of symbol and signal term indi­cates potentially hazardous situations which may cause death or serious injury if not averted.


This combination of symbol and signal term indi­cates a potentially hazardous situation which may cause minor or light injuries if it is not averted.


This combination of symbol and signal term indi­cates a potentially dangerous situation which may cause material damage or harm the environment if it is not averted.


This combination of symbol and signal term indicates a potentially dangerous situation which may cause material damage or harm the environment if it is not averted.
Tips and recommendations
Obligations of the operator:
If the machine is used for commercial purposes, opera­tors are subject to the legal stipulations in terms of occu­pational safety. For this reason, the safety instructions in these operating instructions as well as the safety, acci­dent prevention and environmental protection regula­tions valid at the installation location must be complied with. In this process, the following shall apply in particu­lar:
- Operators shall obtain information about valid oc­cupational safety regulations and determine addi­tional hazards as part of a risk assessment which result from the specific operating conditions at the machine's installation location. Said risk assess­ment shall be reflected in operating instructions for machine operation.
- During the entire machine operating time opera­tors must check whether the operating instructions they created meet current standards and adapt the operating instructions where necessary.
- Operators shall clearly manage and specify the re­sponsibilities for installation, operation, trouble­shooting, maintenance and cleaning.
- Operators must make sure that all persons han­dling the machine have read and understood these operating instructions. Operators must also regularly train staff and notify of the hazards.
- Operators shall provide staff with the required pro­tective equipment and wearing the required pro­tective equipment shall be mandatory.
Tips and recommendations
This symbol highlights useful tips and recommenda­tions as well as information for efficient and reliable operation.
Observe the safety information in these operating in­structions to minimise the risk of personal injury as well as material damage and prevent hazardous situations.

2.2 Operator responsibility

Operators are defined as the persons who operate the machine for commercial or profit-based purposes or provide the machine to third parties for use or applica­tion and bear the legal product responsibility in terms of the protection of users, staff or third parties during oper­ation.
Operators shall also be responsible for maintaining the machine in a technically perfect condition. For this rea­son, the following shall apply:
- Operators shall make sure that the maintenance intervals described in these operating instructions are complied with.
- Operators shall regularly check that the safety equipment is fully functional and complete.
4 WPP 15 E | Version 1.02

2.3 Operating staff qualification

The different tasks described in these operating instruc­tions require different levels of skills in terms of the qual­ifications of operating staff working with the machine.


Risk from inadequately qualified persons!
Inadequately qualified persons are unable to assess the risks when handling the workshop press, thus putting themselves and others at risk of severe or fatal injuries.
- All work must be carried out by qualified persons only.
- Keep inadequately qualified persons away from the work area.
Exclusively persons of whom it can be expected that they reliably complete assigned tasks shall be author­ised to carry out any tasks. Persons whose reactions have been impaired shall not be authorized, e.g. drug users, users under the influence of alcohol or medica­tion.
These operating instructions specify the following per­sonal qualifications for the different tasks:
Operating staff:
The personal protective equipment is described in the following section:
Protective goggles
Protective goggles are intended to protect the eyes from flying parts.
Protective gloves
Protective gloves are intended to protect the hands from components with sharp objects as well as fric­tion, abrasion, and deep-cut injuries.
Safety shoes
Safety shoes protect feet from pinching, falling parts and slipping on slippery surfaces.
Protective clothing
Protective clothing is tight-fitting work clothing with­out protruding parts, usually with a low tear resist­ance.
Operating staff has undergone an induction by the oper­ator about the entrusted tasks and potential hazards re­sulting from improper behaviour. Operating staff shall exclusively be permitted to carry out any tasks beyond operation in normal mode if this has been specified in the operating instructions and operators have explicitly entrusted operating staff with the task.
Specialist staff:
As a result of specialist training, expertise, experience and skills in terms of the relevant standards and regula­tions, specialist staff is able to complete the tasks they are entrusted with and independently identify hazards and avert risks.
Certain work must be carried out by manufacturer spe­cialist staff only. Other staff is not permitted to carry out this work. Contact our customer service to have the work carried out.

2.4 Personal protective equipment

Personal protective equipment is intended to protect the health and safety of persons at work. Staff must wear the personal protective equipment indicated in individual sections of these operating instructions when carrying out the different tasks on the machine.

2.5 Safety identifications on the workshop press

The following safety identifications have been attached to the workshop press (Fig. 1) which must be observed.
Fig. 1: Safety identifications 1 Pinching hazard for the upper limbs | 2 Safety information: read operating instructions, wear eye pro­tection, wear protective clothing and safety shoes
Safety identifications attached to the machine must not be removed. Damaged or missing safety identifications may cause errors, personal injury and material damage. They must be replaced immediately.
If the safety identifications are not visible and compre­hensible at first glance, the machine must be stopped until new safety identifications have been attached.
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Intended use

3 Intended use

The hydraulic workshop press is intended for use in the automotive and mechanical engineering industry only. It is suitable for pressing in/out bearings, bushes, em­bossing, deformation and stamping. The capacity stated in the technical data must not be exceeded. Do not apply excessive force to workpieces. Check pres­sure loads on the pressure gauge.
The hydraulic workshop press must be operated by per­sons who have been instructed on the use of the ma­chine only.
The intended use shall also include adherence to all in­formation in these operating instructions. Any other use or use beyond the intended use shall be deemed mis­use.


Risk of misuse!
Misuse of the machine may cause hazardous situa­tions.
- Operate the machine within the performance range stated in the technical data only.
- Do not bypass or disarm safety equipment.
- The workshop press must be operated in techni­cally perfect condition only.
All persons working with the workshop press must be aware of the remaining risks and observe the instruc­tions to prevent these remaining risks from causing ac­cidents or damage:
- Risk of pinching upper limbs during operation
- It may be necessary to remove installed protective equipment to configure and equip the machine. This causes various remaining risks and potential hazards each user must be aware of.

4 Technical data

4.1 Table

Model WPP 15 E
Compression force 15 t
Foot width x depth 700 x 540 mm
Total height 1616 mm
Inside width 500 mm
Work area 173 - 985 mm
Piston stroke 160 mm
Piston travel 169 mm
Conversions at one's own responsibility or modifications to the workshop press may invalidate the CE conformity of the workshop press and this shall not be permitted. Stürmer Maschinen GmbH shall not assume any liability for design-based or technical modifications to the work­shop press.
Unintended use of the workshop press as well as non­observance of the safety instructions or operating in­structions shall exclude the manufacturer's liability for any resulting damage or injury and this shall void any warranty claims!
Any claims resulting from damage due to unintended use shall be excluded.

3.1 Foreseeable misuse

If the intended purpose of the workshop press is ob­served, there is no actually foreseeable misuse that may cause hazardous situations involving personal injury.

3.2 Remaining risks

Weight 91.5 kg

4.2 Environmental conditions

Model WPP 15 E
Operating temperature -5°C to 40°C
Storage temperature -25°C to 55°C
Transport temperatures -25°C to 70°C (< 24 h)
Altitude range max. 1,000 m
Humidity max. 85% relative hu-
Working environment Non-flammable, dry and
free from dust
Even when observing all safety instructions, operation of the workshop press involves the remaining risks de­scribed in the following.
6 WPP 15 E | Version 1.02
+ 14 hidden pages