V1007WBPLUIa, Rev.0.1
Be sure to read this manual carefully prior to use.
Thank you very much for purchasing Respirator.
After reading this manual, store it in a safe location for future reference.
If it is lost, contact us immediately for a replacement.
N95 Respirator AG-W01/AG-B01
NIOSH N95 (U.S. standard 42 CFR Part84) APPROVED
This respirator, when worn to cover the mouth and nose, prevents inhalation of harmful particulates in the atmosphere.
This respirator is intended for medical use; it is not intended for welding or other industrial use in dusty areas.
This respirator conforms to the Guidelines for Preventing the Transmission of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in Health-Care
Facilities of the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, United States Department of Health and Human Services) and
therefore can be used as a protective respirator to prevent tubercle bacillus infection in hospitals.
Before occupational use of this respirator, a written respiratory protection program must be implemented meeting all the
requirements of OSHA 29 CFR 1910.134 such as training, fit testing, medical evaluation, and applicable OSHA substance specific
The product can be used to protect users from fine particulate substances (0.1 mm or greater) generated from operations involving
electric and laser scalpels and from other medical equipment.
This respirator uses a filter proven to have a BFE (bacteria filtration efficiency) value of 99.9% or higher in a BFE test conducted in
accordance with the MIL-M-36954C protocol (JIS L 1912).
This respirator cannot be used in areas where harmful gas, vapor, or oil mist is present, or used in environments in which oxygen
levels are unknown or 19.5% or less. Do not use the respirator if the type or concentration of the harmful substances as well as the
oxygen levels is unknown.
S - Special or Critical User's Instructions: The model, AG-W01/AG-B01 filtering facepiece respirators has been manufactured by
Approval Holder, Japan Vilene Company, Ltd. for Unicharm Corporation under TC-84A-5039.
1. Before putting on this respirator, check for any irregularities (warping or damage to facepiece, improperly-attached nosepiece,
problems with fitting sponge, soiling inside the respirator, insufficient elasticity of straps, broken straps, improperly-attached
and damage with strap attachment tools, etc.). If you find a defect, exchange the respirator for one without defects.
2. Enlarged holes resulting from ripped or torn filter material around the weld strap attachment tools are considered damage.
3. Do not use if you have a beard. A beard can create gaps between the respirator and your face, affecting the ability of the
respirator to provide protection.
4. Follow the Fitting instructions. If the respirator is worn incorrectly, harmful dust may enter and endanger your health.
5. Do not place any barriers between the respirator and the face as doing so may allow particulates to enter the breathing zone.
6. Avoid putting the respirator on and removing it in areas where harmful dust is present.
7. If the respirator is determined to be faulty during use, if blood, bodily fluids, or the like passes through the respirator, or if the
wearer encounters difficulty breathing to a degree that impedes his/her work, replace with a new respirator.
8. Do not wash the respirator. Doing so will impair protective performance; the respirator body will deform, eventually resulting
in leakage.
9. If the respirator is used as part of hospital-infection personal protective equipment (PPE), use gloves, goggles, and other
protective wear as well, and take the appropriate special measures for facilities, such as maintaining sickrooms at negative
10. Do not modify respirators in any way. Modifications may affect the fit of the respirator, resulting in leakage.
11. After removing a respirator, never put it back on. Use a new respirator.
12. If you have respiratory problems or feel unwell, immediately see the doctor.
Although this Respirator is useful from a particulate substance with
detrimental nature to protection, the risk concerning illness or
infection is not completely avoidable. If the usage is mistaken, it
may get sick, or die and result. Please read a handling description
and be sure to follow directions of a superintendent before use.
Strap Attachment
Fitting Sponge

V1007WBPLUIa, Rev.0.1
(2) (1) (3) (5)
Place the respirator against your face with the white nosepiece on top.
(2) While holding the respirator with one hand, place the upper straps over the back of your head, then the lower straps
around your neck.
(3) At first, adjust the length of lower side straps by pulling the end of the straps.
Next, adjust the length of upper side straps in the same way.
(4) Use both hands to bend the nosepiece snugly to fit the shape of your face.
(5) Use both hands, over the whole of the respirator to check out the fit - breathing to make sure that no breath leaks
from around the nose or edges of the respirator. If you cannot fit the respirator properly, do not use it.
Store unused respirators in a clean, cool, dark, dry place.
When disposing of the respirators, place them in a bag or similar container designed to prevent dispersion of harmful substances on the
respirator. Improper disposal may cause harmful substances trapped in the respirator to escape into the air, with subsequent risk of inhalation.
If a respirator is considered to be laden with an infectious pathogen, treat it with the care appropriate for biohazard.
Examination Item Performance value
Penetration Max 3.00%
Inhalation resistance Max 50Pa(Test flow 40L/min.),Max 105Pa(Test flow 85L/min.)
Exhalation resistance Max 50Pa(Test flow 40L/min.),Max 105Pa(Test flow 85L/min.)
Unicharm Corporation
Sumitomo Fudosan Mita Twin Bldg. West Wing,
TC- Protection1 AG-W01 AG-B01 Cautions and Limitations2
84A-5039 N95 X X ABCJMNOPS
N95- Particulate Filter (95% filter efficiency level) effective against
particulate aerosols free of oil; time use restriction may apply.
-27, Mita, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 108-8575 Japan
TEL : +81-3-6722-1083
A - Not for use in atmospheres containing less than 19.5 percent oxygen.
B - Not for use in atmospheres immediately dangerous to life or health.
C - Do not exceed maximum use concentrations established by regulatory standards.
J - Failure to properly use and maintain this product could result in injury or death.
M - All approved respirators shall be selected, fitted, used, and maintained in accordance with MSHA,
OSHA, and other applicable regulations.
N - Never substitute, modify, add, or omit parts. Use only exact replacement parts in the
configuration as specified by the manufacturer.
O - Refer to User's Instructions, and/or maintenance manuals for information on use and maintenance
of these respirators.
P - NIOSH does not evaluate respirators for use as surgical masks
S - Special or critical User’s Instructions and/or specific use limitations apply.
Refer to User’s Instructions before donning.