unication Uni Voice Installation Manual

Part 1. Preface
Preface ............................................................................................7
Part 2. System Introduction
System Introduction .......................................................................10
Part 3. Installation........................................................ 11
Hardware Specication..................................................................12
Buttons ..........................................................................................12
LED Indicators ...............................................................................13
I / O ................................................................................................14
Installation .....................................................................................15
Part 4. Features............................................................ 19
Sending a Text Message ...............................................................20
Voice Paging .................................................................................31
Responder Status ..........................................................................39
Edit Personal Information ..............................................................43
Change Password .........................................................................45
Dispatcher Login Record ...............................................................47
Dispatcher Login / Logout..............................................................50
History Voice Message ..................................................................53
Event Category ..............................................................................56
Specialty Category ........................................................................59
Equipment Category ......................................................................63
Pager Data ....................................................................................67
Responder Data ............................................................................70
Group Data ....................................................................................74
Create / Edit System User .............................................................80
Change Password .........................................................................83
Edit Personal Information ..............................................................85
OTAP Management .......................................................................87
Send OTAP ...................................................................................90
OTAP History ...............................................................................100
OTA Password Setting ................................................................104
Sim Card Setting .........................................................................106
Login Log .....................................................................................108
Encryption Key ............................................................................110
Canned ACK Message ................................................................113
Establish Canned Message .........................................................116
System Time Setting ...................................................................120
WAN Setting ................................................................................123
LAN Setting
(Local Area Network Setting)
DDNS Setting ..............................................................................129
Transmitter Setting ......................................................................132
Time Sync....................................................................................135
Pager Programming Software .....................................................138
G1 Receiver Setting ....................................................................142
WAN Log .....................................................................................146
LAN Log.......................................................................................149
GSM Log .....................................................................................152
GPRS ACK Service Log ..............................................................156
DDNS Log ...................................................................................159
Web Server Log...........................................................................162
Transmitter Log ...........................................................................166
Authority Log ...............................................................................169
Power On / Off Log ......................................................................172
G1 Receiver Log..........................................................................176
System Service Log.....................................................................180
Emergency Call Record...............................................................183
Dispatching Attendance...............................................................186
Responder Attendance ................................................................190
Incident Rate ...............................................................................193
Part 5. Others ............................................................. 197
Basic Troubleshooting .................................................................198
Uni Voice
Pager Console
1. Voice / Message Pager Console is an epochal dispatch system, which innovated the limitations of paging system that has been existed for 40 years. The products like pager do have the irreplaceable importance in the technology developed age. The variable message broadcasting func­tions such as personal calls, group calls and all calls make the message sending rapidly in a short time. Easy to install, wide commu nication coverag e, and stron g signal pen­etrability, stable system, no environmental constraints on message sending, not easy to be damaged while there’s a natural disaster, small size, low power consumption, easy to carry. All these features make the pager the best system when you need to gather mass human resource rapidly in the eld of social security and homeland security.
2.The pager we were using is an o ne way paging system which means the sender usually do not know if the message has been received or not, nor do we know the reaction of receiver. Now, the Unication introduces a dual communica­tion system (GSM/GPRS) without alter the feature of pager broadcasting. The dual communication system uses system message to auto reply, makes the sender to know if mes­sages has been received or read, and to reply message. This feature makes up the defect of paging system since it was established.
3. To realize this epochal idea, there must be an integrated idea between sender and receiver, therefore, besides E5 / G1, Unication also offer a pager console for system integra­tion.
4.The current console systems on the market, either private­purchased for on-site using for alpha or voice pager, or the consoles offered by paging carrier for the user to connect region or wild area, basically are only a tool or a platform
Part 1. Preface
Uni Voice
Pager Console
for messages transmission but not able to support the nec­essary dispatching and managing requirement to a console.
Unication has made a great innovation to a console. We implement the Internet technology and cellular phone 3G transmission technology to Unication Pager Console and bring “Motion Dispatching” into the traditional paging mar­ket.
This concept provides the users including the “System Ad­ministrator” and ” Dispatcher” to send messages, or dis­patch through the Internet/Intranet by PC, NB or Unication 3G cellular phone MT3.
Note:The “System Administrator” and ” Dispatcher” can be one
person or even a group of people.
Note:Unication Pager Console can be used on the GSM/GPRS sys-
tem and 2-way radio system, but only Unication MT2 / U3 can support this application.
5.Traditional consoles usually only support one protocol trans­mission (For example, POCSAG or Flex), but Unication Pag­er Console allows the users to send messages though two protocol system (POCSAG and Flex) at the same time.
6. Also Unication Pager Console can connect with multi-pag­ing carrier system to support the message transmission be­tween the different paging carriers. This capability lessens the limitation on recruiting the volunteer rescuers. For some volunteers, who are already attending one rescue organiza­tion may be willing to join other organizations regardless of the protocol of communication device. (For example, people who may already wear Flex pagers for a rescue or­ganization, the willing of them to join another organization which may provide POCSAG pager will be less, since they need to wear two different pagers.)
Part 2. System Introduction
8 9
System Introduction
Uni Voice
Pager Console
System Introduction
Part 3. Installation
10 11
Hardware Specification
Uni Voice
Pager Console
2 3 4
Front View
Item Button Function
1 Power Powers on/off the Uni Voice Pager Console.
2 Menu
Depress to display the WAN and LAN addresses.
Up-WAN Reset or LAN Reset Down- WAN Reset or LAN Reset OK- Conrm the function
4 Cancel Cancels the current operating function.
Hardware Specification
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8 9
LED Indicators
Item LED&LCD Function
1 Power LED
The Power LED ashes green under normal operation. It will ash when the system detects an abnormal condition.
The WAN LED ashes green when WAN status is normal or red if an abnormal condition is detected.
The LAN LED ashes green when the status is normal or red if anabnormal condition is detected.
The Database LED ashes green when the status is normal or red when an abnormal condition is detected.
Server LED
The WEB Server LED will ash green when the status is normal or red if an abnormal condition is detected.
The GSM1 Status LED will ash green when GSM status is normal or red if an abnormal condition is detected.
The GSM2 Status LED will ash green when GSM2 status is normal or red if an abnormal condition is detected.
8 TX 1 LED
The Queue Server 1 Status LED will ash green when the server is operating normally or if an abnormal condition is detected.
9 TX 2 LED
The Queue Server 2 Status LED will ash green when the server is operating normally or red when an abnormal condition is detected.
G1 Receiver
The G1 Receiver LED will ash green when the status is normal or red if an abnormal situation is detected.
Front Panel
The front panel indicator displays the information of the Uni Voice Pager Console.
Strength LED
The GSM Strength LED has 5 bars, each bar indicates different signal strength, the LED lights green when signal strength is normal and the lights will turn off when no GSM signal has been detected.
HD 1 &
The LED on Hard Disk ashes green when the hard disk is operating normally or red if an abnormal condition is detected.
12 13
Hardware Specification
Uni Voice
Pager Console
234 5 6
Item I/O Function
1 DC-In Power Input.
2-4 COM 1-3 Future.
5 LAN Local Area Network connection.
6 WAN Wide Area Network connection.
7 USB Port 1-4 Data I/O.
8 LIN Voice Input.
9 SPK Voice Output.
10 MIC Microphone Input.
GSM Slot &
GSM SIM Card and Antenna.
12 Reserved No Use.
13 VGA Future.
Rear View
I / O
There are 6 steps to complete the hardware installation.
1. GSM SIM Card Installation
2. LAN Installation
3. WAN Installation
4. Power Installation
5. G1 Receiver Installation-Connect G1 Receiver with RS-232 cable.
6. Audio Cable Installation-Connect G1 Receiver and Voice Pager Console with Audio Cable for voice data transmission.
7. GSM Antenna Installation
8. Power on Messaging console
1.GSM SIM Card Installation
Step1. Insert SIM card.
14 15
Uni Voice
Pager Console
2.LAN installation
Step1.Connect the RJ45 cable to the LAN port curd
the hub switch
3.WAN installation
Step1.Connect the RJ45 cable to the WAN port curd
the hub switch
4.Power Adaptor Installation
Step1.Determine your power cord type. Put the pow-
er connector to the DC-IN port, and the other to the power socket.
Step2.Plug in the power cord to your Messaging Con-
sole and the power source.
16 17
5.GSM Antenna Installation
Step1.Plug the GSM antenna to the antenna port(port
No.11 and 12), If you have select the Antenna Extension, please assemble one side of anten­na extension connector to Console, then con­nect the other connector to your GSM antenna.
6.Power on Messaging Console
Step1. Press the Power key to turn on.
Part 4. Features
Sending a Text Message
Uni Voice
Pager Console
This is the most important function a dispatch center will use; however, with the operational database established during system setups, sending a message is a relatively easy and quick to accomplish. Here below are the step­by-step explanations.
After you successfully log in to the system, you will be directed to a function page. The system is defaulted to stay in the “Dispatch Function”. There are 7 blocks un­der this function.
Sending a Text Message
Step1.Login as Dispatcher
Step2.Select “Page to Responder”
A.Paging Index- There are 4 columns under this
section: Message ID signifies the message serial number for each message that is about to send. Title indicates the message subject. Event Cat­egory indicates the message classication. Paging Time will record the message sending time.
B.Message- The users are allowed to select canned
message in Canned Message column, or input message content in the eld.
C.Create Responder List- The dispatcher can cre-
ate or select the responder under this section. 4 options are provided in this function, Responder List will list all responders that are created in database, Group List will list all the established groups, and the dispatcher can also use search to find responder who meets searching criteria, fi­nally, Recommended List will automatically match and lter the qualied responder according to dif­ferent search condition.
20 21
Sending a Text Message
Uni Voice
Pager Console
D.Selected Responder List- Indicates the respond-
er or the group which has been chosen.
E.Available Transmitter List- Indicates the transmit-
ter which is free to use for sending messages.
F.ACK Requirement- The dispatcher can select the
acknowledgement (ACK) requirement for the message about to send.
G.Page Requirement- 5 information needs to be
confirmed under this section. Paging Time indi­cates the number of times for paging, Paging Interval indicates time spacing for paging, Paging Effective Time indicates the time limitation after paging; if there is no respond over time limitation, this message will be dened as invalid message, which will not be recorded into page history. En­crypt Type signies the message encryption type, includes No-Encryption and AES encryption.
Step3.Entering “Paging Index”
Step4.Message Content
3- 1 . Message Titl e - In order
to simplify the message searc h, you may want to input a message title that will help you to recognize it from other messages sent.
3-2.Event Category- The event category is created by
the Administrator, and the Dispatcher can only se­lect one from the drop-down menu list.
4-1.Using a Canned Message-
Select one from the canned messages that were created by the System Administra­tors. The chosen one will be shown in the text box below the selection and you are allowed to edit or key in more information if needed.
In this part, you will enter the desired message. There are 2 ways to input the message.
22 23
Sending a Text Message
Uni Voice
Pager Console
Step5.Selecting Message Recipients
4- 2 . Manual-Inp u t Mes s a ge-
You can type freely in the message input box. Every row contains 22 characters, which simulates the mes­sage as simulated on the Unication E5 GSM Pagers.
The Uni Message Pager Console provides 4 ways to select the message recipients.
5-1.Selecting by Responder List- The user can select
the responder from current database. Click “Re­sponder List”, and select the required responders from Responder List. The dispatcher can also lter the responder by clicking “ALL”, “In Range”, “Out Of Range”
5-2.Click to proceed to sending process, the
dispatcher will see the designated responder list in Selected Responder List column.
5-3.Selecting by Group List- The user is allowed to
page by group which is established by administra­tor in database. The dispatcher will see the des­ignated responder list in Selected Responder List column.
5-4.Selecting by temporary Capcode- If there is any
need to input capcode for special circumstance; the dispatcher can input the temporary capcode in this column.
24 25
Sending a Text Message
Uni Voice
Pager Console
5-5.After successfully selected the Responder Group,
the dispatcher will see the designated responder list in Selected Responder List column.
5-6.Selecting by Recommended List- The dispatcher
can also page to the responders which is recom­mended by system while there’s requirement for special event. Choose a event from Event Cat­egory
After selecting an event, the dispatcher can click “Recommended List”, the Uni Message Dispatch­er will automatically sort out the responder from database
5-7.Delete a Responder / Group from Selected Re-
sponder List
5-8.Selecting by Key Word Search Result
After responder or group(s) is imported, the sys­tem will return to dispatch page and display the responder or group(s) that you selected and their group members. Please note that you cannot delete any member from the group, but you can click
to delete the entire group.
When a certain person, expertise, or equipment is required for a special situation, key word search will sort out through the data stored in the data­base and provide them right away to dispatcher.
The dispatcher just have to input the key word in the column and click
or press “Enter” to begin
The search result will be listed in the below col­umn
26 27
Sending a Text Message
Uni Voice
Pager Console
There are 2 types of acknowl­edgement requests can be sent to the responder’s de­vice.
Received Ack (abbreviation of acknowledgement)
When the Received ACK is selected, the devices will automatically transmit back confirmation the received message was received.
Manual Ack
When the Manual Ack is selected, you can choose this type of acknowledgement. To simplify choos­ing a specific response the Uni Message Pager Console provides 3 options
A.E5 Build In- This column contains all the default
ACK options in E5 GSM pager
B.Universal- This column contains the default ACK
options which is built in Uni Message Pager Con­sole
C.Manual- The dispatcher can input the temporary
or improvised ACK options in this column
6-1.The dispatcher can simply clic k
to transmit the message to the selected recipients under function area in message sending page.
Step6.Sending a Message
28 29
Sending a Text Message
Uni Voice
Pager Console
6-2.The dispatcher can double check the recipient
before sending, if there is any need for remove the member from selected responder list, click
to remove it.
Note: After a message is sent successfully, the system will automatically direct you to “Page History” in order to keep you informed with the acknowledgement status.
Voice Paging
This is the most important function a dispatcher will use; however, with the operational database established dur­ing system setups, sending a message is a relatively easy and quick to accomplish. Here below are the step-by­step explanations.
After you successfully log in to the system, you will be directed to a function page. There are 5 blocks under this function.
Step1.Login as Dispatcher
Step2.Select “Voice Paging”
30 31
Voice Paging
Uni Voice
Pager Console
A.Paging Index- There are 4 columns under this
section: Message ID signifies the message serial number for each message that is about to send. Title indicates the message subject. Event Cat­egory indicates the message classication. Paging Time will record the message sending time.
B.Message- The users are allowed to select canned
message in Canned Message column, or input message content in the eld.
C.Create Responder List- The dispatcher can cre-
ate or select the responder under this section. 4 options are provided in this function, Responder List will list all responders that are created in database, Group List will list all the established groups, and the dispatcher can also use search to find responder who meets searching criteria, fi­nally, Recommended List will automatically match and lter the qualied responder according to dif­ferent search condition.
D.Selected Responder List- Indicates the respond-
er or the group which has been chosen.
Step3.Entering “Paging Index”
Step4.Selecting Message Recipients
3- 1.Messa g e Title- In order
to simplify the message search, y ou ma y wan t to input a message title that will help you to recognize it from other messages sent.
3-2.Event Category- The event category is created
by the Administrator, and the Dispatcher can only select one from the drop-down menu list.
The Uni Message Pager Console provides 4 ways to select the message recipients.
32 33
Voice Paging
Uni Voice
Pager Console
4-1.Selecting by Responder List- The user can select
the responder from current database. Click “Re­sponder List”, and select the required responders from Responder List. The dispatcher can also lter the responder by clicking “ALL”, “In Range”, “Out Of Range”
to proceed to sending process, the dispatcher will see the designated responder list in Selected Responder List column.
4-3.Selecting by Group List- The user is allowed to
page by group which is established by administra­tor in database. The dispatcher will see the des­ignated responder list in Selected Responder List column.
4-4.Selecting by temporary Capcode- If there is any
need to input capcode for special circumstance; the dispatcher can input the temporary capcode in this column.
4-5.After successfully selected the Responder Group,
the dispatcher will see the designated responder list in Selected Responder List column.
34 35
Voice Paging
Uni Voice
Pager Console
4-6.Selecting by Recommended List- The dispatcher
can also page to the responders which is recom­mended by system while there’s requirement for special event. Choose a event from Event Cat­egory
After selecting an event, the dispatcher can click “Recommended List”, the Uni Message Dispatch­er will automatically sort out the responder from database
4-7.Delete a Responder / Group from Selected Re-
sponder List
4-8.Selecting by Key Word Search Result
After responder or group(s) is imported, the sys­tem will return to dispatch page and display the responder or group(s) that you selected and their group members. Please note that you cannot delete any member from the group, but you can click
to delete the entire group.
When a certain person, expertise, or equipment is required for a special situation, key word search will sort out through the data stored in the data­base and provide them right away to dispatcher.
The dispatcher just have to input the key word in the column and click
or press “Enter” to begin
The search result will be listed in the below col­umn
36 37
Voice Paging
Uni Voice
Pager Console
Step5.Sending a Voice Message
5-1.The dispatcher can simply click
to trans­mit the message to the selected recipients under function area in message sending page.
5-2.The dispatcher can double check the recipient
before sending, if there is any need for remove the member from selected responder list, click
to remove it
Note: After a message is sent successfully, the system will automatically direct you to “Page History” in order to keep you informed with the acknowledgement status.
Responder Status
The Uni Voice Pager Console’s operator are allowed to search responder’s in range and out of range status.
Step1.Login as Dispatcher.
Step2.The user chooses “ Responder Status” in the
function list.
38 39
Responder Status
Uni Voice
Pager Console
Step3.In the field of Responder Status, the user se-
lects the current status of pager in range or out of range.
Step4.The administrator could see the detail informa-
tion of pager below:
A.Name-The responder’s name
B.OOR Status-The in range or out of range status
of the selected responder.
C.Duty Status-The on duty or off duty status of the
selected responder.
D.GSM pager ID-The ID number of the responder’s
GSM device
E.Specialty-The skill or profession of the responder.
F.Decryption-The decryption method of the re-
sponder’s GSM device.
G.Equipment-The self-prepared equipment that
hold by the responder.
Step4.Click “In Range” to sort out the in-range re-
Step5.Click ”Out Of Range” to sort out the out of
range responder, the out of range responder will be displayed in red.
Step6.Uni Voice Pager Console also supports sending
messages to the responder that is in range or out of range, the purpose of this function is to notice current status of the responder.
40 41
Responder Status
Uni Voice
Pager Console
Step7.Click “Send Text Message”, a screen will pop
out to ask you if you want to send a page.
Step8.Click “Yes”, the operator will be direct to the
message sending page. Follow the function ”Sending Text/Voice Message ” for paging text or voice message.
Step9.Click “No” to go back to the responder status
Edit Personal Information
The users are allowed to edit the personal information of the authority in the
Step1.Click the “Edit Personal Information”
under “Authority Setting”.
Step2.The user can input manually the personal infor-
mation in the Uni Voice Pager Console, for ex­ample the user name, user IP, Birthday, profes­sion, phone number, cell phone number, in the right column.
42 43
Edit Personal Informations
Uni Voice
Pager Console
Step3.Press the
button to save the personal information of authority in the system of Uni Voice Pager Console.
Change Password
The administrators are allowed to change their password under the administrator’s au­thority.
Step1.Login as Administrator
Step2.Click “ Change Password” in the function list.
44 45
Change Password
Uni Voice
Pager Console
Step 3.Input the original password. The length of the
password should between 5-20 numbers, al­phabets, or symbols.
Step4.Input the original password in the column.
Step5.Input the new password in the second column.
Step6.Input again the new password to confirm the
Step7. Press the
button to save the setting.
Dispatcher Login Record
This function is to allow dispatchers to check their login time, logout time, and login IP in case of any misuse or account hacking being found.
Step1.Login as Dispatcher
Step2.Choose “Login Log” under the Dispatcher’s au-
46 47
Dispatcher Login Record
Uni Voice
Pager Console
Step3.The user will see 4 columns in function area,
which are:
A.Index- The number for login record
B.Login IP- Indicates the IP address of specic login
C.Login Time- The sign in time for specic login his-
D.Logout Time- The sign out time for specic login
Step4.Time Period Setting for a Data Search
The time limitation for any selected date searching is 1 year)
4-1.Manually select a desired time period.
4-2.Click to assign a starting date and an ending
4-3.Click to start search for the web server status
recorded within the assigned time period.
4-4.If you are looking for the login record in certain
period or IP, you can use Advanced Search to set­up start date and End date or input IP address.
4-5.Input a certain IP address that you would like to
search. And Click “OK” to start the search. Or you may click “Cancel” to go back to login re­cord.
48 49
Dispatcher Login / Logout
Uni Voice
Pager Console
Dispatcher Login / Logout
The Uni Voice Pager Console provides 3 authorities for the users in different operation requirement, these au­thorities are: Dispatcher, Administrator, and Both. In message dispatcher, only the dispatcher and administra­tor will be allowed to log in for using the system, the re­sponder will not be authorized for using this system.
Step1.Enter Message Dispatcher’s default web name,
a pop-up window will be displayed asking if the user wants to install the embedded program for quick-link to Message Dispatcher.
Step2.Enter your default account and password to
login as dispatcher, a box will pop out if the user set the same data in password and ac­count column.
Step3.Click “OK” to log in as dispatcher,
the function will stay in “Change Password”
Step4.In the function area, there are 4 col-
umns, which are:
Step5.Administrators are given Voice Pager Console’s
permission so you will be directed to Dis­patcher’s page rst. On the Dispatcher’s page, please click “Administrator Login” and you will be requested to login again.
A.User Account- Indicates the user’s ac-
count name
B.Original Password- Input the current-
using password
C.New Password- Input the new pass-
D.Conrm New Password- Conrm the
new password
50 51
Dispatcher Login / Logout
Uni Voice
Pager Console
Step6.To accessing Administrator’s Page, please click
”Switch to Administrator”, another log in page will ask the user to input their account name and password.
Step7.After successful login as administrator, the us-
ers are allowed to operate the administrator’s functions.
Step8.To logout from administrator to dispatcher, or
logout from the Uni Voice Pager Console.
8-1.Select “Logout to Dispatcher ” to move to dis-
patcher’s authority.
8-2.Select “Logout” to exit from Uni Voice Pager
History Voice Message
In this function, the operator can check ev­ery message recorded in Uni Voice Pager Console. The Administrator can use this function to confirm voice message record and the responder’s acknowledgement situ­ation. This will help the administrator to clarify each event’s responsibility.
Step1.Select “Voice Page History”
Step2.The operator will see 4 columns:
52 53
History Voice Message
Uni Voice
Pager Console
Step3.Click the responders in the responder list to
query a specic voice message
A.Page Time- Time of each voice message
B.Paging Index- Include message ID, title, event
category, sender name, paging time
C.ACK Summary- The data of each ACK message.
D.Responder List-2 categories are in this column:
Temporary and Current responder. Temporary list signifies the uses ID that is created occasionally. Current responder signies the Call IDs already in the database.
Select the responder the user would like to query
Step4.Click “Play” to play the voice message
54 55
Event Category
Uni Voice
Pager Console
Event Category
In the Uni Voice Pager Console, the administ rator can have the classification of different disaster in the system.
Step1.Login as Administrator
Step2.The administrator selects the “Event Category”
under the “Operation Database”.
Step3.Click “Edit” button to input manually the Event
index, Event title, remark of the event in the category.
Step4.Click “Add” button to input the title of the inci-
56 57
Event Category
Uni Voice
Pager Console
Step5. If the user wants’ to move the event out of the
database, click “Delete” button to delete the setting.
Step6.A functional button will be displayed in lower-
right of the functional area. Click “OK” to con­rm the operation
button to leave the operation
Specialty Category
Specialty Category is a database that lists the personnel and their specic skills.
Depending on the incident, the Uni Voice Pager Console providse a re commendation of the most appropriate personnel for an inci­dent.
Step1.Login as Administrator
Step2.Select the “Specialty Category” under the “Op-
eration Database”.
58 59
+ 75 hidden pages