TX01 Transmitter RF specifications
Power Output VHF/UHF: 10 to 100 watts in steps of 1 watt increments, selectable under CR01
software control.
WLB: 10 to 75 watts in steps of 1 watt increments, selectable under CR01 software
Power Output accuracy 1. VHF/UHF: 10 to 100 watts: +/- 0.6 dB over temperature, AC & DC input voltage, after
PA calibration.
2. WLB: 10 to 75 watts: +/- 0.6 dB over temperature, AC & DC input voltage, after PA
Power Supply Input 1. Standard: +40 to +60VDC, + 48VDC nominal (no 120/240 VAC)
2. Option 1: AC Main input option: 85 to 264 VAC, 47 to 63 Hz (no DC input)
Option 2: +/- 40 to +/- 60VDC, -48VDC nominal (no 120/240 VAC)
Option 3: 120VAC with +/-48 VDC automatic switchover backup
Frequency bands
(electronic bandwidth)
30 to 88 MHz 450 to 520 MHz300 to 400 MHz400 to 470 MHz136 to 174 MHz
Transmitter noise at
1 MHz from carrier
<-148 dB/Hz <-148 dB/Hz <-142 dB/Hz <-142 dB/Hz <-142 dB/Hz
50 Ohms
Channel Switch time
Output Impedance
Uses external reference oscillator input from CR01 reference module, 50 ohms, 13MHzReference Oscillator
VHF/UHF: > 55 dBc (includes integrated isolator)
WLB: > 40 dBc
TX Intermodulation
Attenuation at antenna
8.75 ms
TX01 Current Drain 1. Transmit: 10 amp at 48 VDC battery voltage input, at 100 watt TX power, 12VDC
regulated 3 amp current limited auxiliary out, Fan running at maximum speed.
2. PA Standby (Idle): 1 amp at 48 VDC battery voltage input, fan is running at low speed.
CR01 Current Drain 1. 2 amp at 48VDC.
1. Ambient Operating: -30 to +60° C.
2. Storage Temperature: -45 to +85°C.
1. Analog: FM TIA603C
2. Digital: CFSK (DMR, P25 Phase I, etc.).
Modulation limiting 1. +/- 2.5 kHz for 12.5 kHz channel bandwidth
2. +/- 5.0 kHz for 25 kHz channel bandwidth
FM Hum and Noise 1. Better than -40 dB for 12.5kHz channel bandwidth
2. Better than -45 dB for 25kHz channel bandwidth
Isolation requirement VHF/UHF: 20 dB typical, 18 dB minimum
WLB: no isolator
Single Channel
Repeater Output
TX01 includes a TX/RX switch to switch the TX output to go to the CR01 receiver in order
to provide the Unication proprietary single channel repeater function(”R&R”.
The TX/RX switch must be very fast switching and must not degrade the IMD, spurious
and antenna matching. The RX output is provided on the “RX OUT” port on the rear face
of the TX01. This port is connected to the CR01 RX Input.
12.5 kHz and 25 kHz. Selected dynamically via software control from the CR01.Channel Bandwidths
RF Specifications