Unicare Health Breezy Basics2 Instruction & Safety Manual

Breezy Basics
Instruction & Safety Manual
Please read this manual before operation, for
maintenance instructions and safe usage
The enabling power
of applied knowledge
Breezy Basics2 Instruction & Safety Manual
T 08 9351 7500 E info@unicarehealth.com.au W www.unicarehealth.com.au
We at Unicare Health have been awarded the ISO-9001 certifi cate, which affi rms the quality of our products at every stage, from R & D to production. This products meet the requirements in accordance
with EC guidelines. Options or accessories shown are available at extra cost.
1. Push handles
2. Backrest upholstery
3. Sideguard
4. Seat sling
5. Footrest
6. Castors
7. Footplates
8. Castor Fork
9. Folding Frame
10. Wheel locks
11. Rear Wheel
12. Arm Pad
T 08 9351 7500 E info@unicarehealth.com.au W www.unicarehealth.com.au
Breezy Basics2 Instruction & Safety Manual
T 08 9351 7500 E info@unicarehealth.com.au W www.unicarehealth.com.au
T 08 9351 7500 E info@unicarehealth.com.au W www.unicarehealth.com.au
Dear Customer,
We are very happy that you have decided in favour of a high-quality Unicare Health product.
This user’s manual will provide numerous tips and ideas so that your new wheelchair can become a trustworthy and reliable partner in your life.
We want you to be satisfi ed with our products and service. Unicare Health has been consistently working at continuously developing its products, for this reason, changes can occur in our palette of products with regard to form, technology and equipment. Consequently, no claims can be construed from the data or pictures contained in this user’s manual. The management system of Unicare Health is certifi ed to ISO
9001, ISO 13485 and ISO 14001.
As the manufacturer, Unicare Health, declares that the wheelchairs conform to the 93/42/
EEC, amended by 2007/47/EC guideline.
In addition, they fulfi l the performance requirements for the “Crash Test” to ISO 7176-19.
Please contact your local, authorised Unicare Health dealer if you have any questions regarding the use, maintenance or safety of your wheelchair.
Symbol Legend
Warning messages regarding possible risks of serious accident or death.
Warning messages regarding possible risks of injury.
Warning messages regarding possible technical damage.
Information for operating the product.
Breezy Basics2 Instruction & Safety Manual
T 08 9351 7500 E info@unicarehealth.com.au W www.unicarehealth.com.au
Table of Contents
Wheelchair Components 1-2 Foreword 4
Symbol legend 4
Contents 5 Use 6 Area of application 6
General safety notes and driving restrictions 7-9 Warranty 10 Transportability 11
Handling 15 Options – Step Tubes 16 Options - Brakes 16 Options - Footplates 17 Options - Castors 19 Options - Castor Adapter 20 Options - Backrest 20 Options – sideguard 22 Options – Anti-Tip Tubes 23
Options – Lap belt 25
Options – Seat depth 26 Options – Push handles 27 Options - Crutch holder 27
Options - Therapy Table 27
Options - Stabilising Bar 27 Options – Transit wheels 28
Name Plate 28 Tyres and mounting 30
Maintenance and care 30 Trouble shooting 31
Disposal / recycling of materials 31 Technical Data 35
T 08 9351 7500 E info@unicarehealth.com.au W www.unicarehealth.com.au
Light-weight wheelchairs are exclusively for a user who is unable to walk or has limited mobility, for their own personal use in- and outdoor on dry, fi rm and level surface terrains (self propelling or
attendant push).
The maximum weight limit (includes both the user and any weight of accessories fi tted to the wheelchair) is marked on the serial number label, which is affi xed to the crossbar or stabiliser bar below the seat.
Warranty can only be taken on if the product is used under the specifi ed conditions and for the intended purposes. The intended lifetime of the wheelchair is 5 years. DO NOT use or fi t any 3rd party components to the wheelchair unless they are offi cially approved by Unicare Health. Symbol legend
Area of application
The engineering and construction of this wheelchair has been designed to provide maximum safety. International safety standards currently in force have either been fulfi lled or exceeded in parts. Nevertheless, users may put themselves at risk by improperly using their wheelchairs. For your own safety, the following rules must be strictly observed.
Unprofessional or erroneous changes or adjustments increase the risk of accident. As a wheelchair user,
you are also part of the daily traffi c on streets and pavements, just like anyone else. We would like to remind you that you are therefore also subject to any and all traffi c laws
Be careful during your fi rst ride in this wheelchair. Get to know your wheelchair.
Before each use, the following should be checked:
• Fixed axles or Quick-release axles on the rear wheels.
• Velcro on seats and backrests
• Tyres, tyre pressure and wheel locks.
Before changing any of the adjustments of this wheelchair, it is important to read the corresponding
section of the user’s manual. It is possible that potholes or uneven ground could cause this wheelchair
to tip over, especially when riding uphill or downhill. When riding forwards over a step or up an incline, the body should be leaning forward.
Breezy Basics2 Instruction & Safety Manual
T 08 9351 7500 E info@unicarehealth.com.au W www.unicarehealth.com.au
NEVER exceed the maximum load of 125 kg for user plus any items carried on the wheelchair. If you exceed
the maximum load, this can lead to damage to the
chair, or you may fall or tip over, lose control and may lead to serious injury of the user and other people.
When it is dark, please wear light clothing or clothing with refl ectors, so that you can be seen more easily. Make sure that the refl ectors on the side and back of the wheelchair are clearly visible.
We would also recommend that you fi t an active light.
To avoid falls and dangerous situations, you should fi rst practice using your new wheelchair on level ground with good visibility.
When getting on or off the wheelchair, do not use the
These should be fl ipped up beforehand and swung to the outside as far as possible. Always position yourself as close as possible to the place where you wish to
transfer to.
Only use your wheelchair with care. For example, avoid travelling against an obstacle without braking (step,
kerb edge) or dropping down gaps.
The wheel locks are not intended to stop your wheelchair in motion. They are only there to ensure that your wheelchair does not begin rolling unintentionally. When you stop on uneven ground, you should always use the wheel locks to prevent unintended movement. Always apply both wheel locks; otherwise, your wheelchair could tip over.
Explore the effects of changing the centre of gravity on the behaviour of the wheelchair in use, for example on inclines, slopes, all gradients or when overcoming obstacles. Do this with the secure
aid of a helper.
With extreme settings (e.g. rear wheels in the most forward position) and less than perfect posture, the wheelchair may tip over even on a level surface.
Lean your upper body further forward when going up slopes and steps.
Lean your upper body further back when going down slopes and steps. Never try to climb and descend a slope diagonally.
Avoid using an escalator which may lead to serious injury in the event of a fall.
Do not use the wheelchair on slopes more than 10°. The Dynamic safe slope is dependant on the chair confi guration, the users abilities and the style of riding. As the users abilities and style
of riding cannot be predetermined then the max safe slope cannot be determined. Therefore this
must be determined by the user with the assistance of an attendant to prevent tipping. It is strongly recommended that inexperienced users have Anti-tips fi tted.
It is possible that potholes or uneven ground could cause this wheelchair to tip over, especially
when riding uphill or downhill.
T 08 9351 7500 E info@unicarehealth.com.au W www.unicarehealth.com.au
Do not use your wheelchair on muddy or icy ground.
Do not use your wheelchair where pedestrians are not allowed.
To avoid hand injuries do not grab in between the spokes or between the rear wheel and wheel lock
when driving the wheelchair.
In particular when using lightweight metal handrims, fi ngers will easily become hot when braking
from a high speed or on long inclines.
Only attempt stairs with the help of an attendant. There is equipment available to help you, e.g. climbing ramps or lifts, please use them. If there is no such equipment available, then the wheelchair must be tipped and pushed, never carried, over the steps (2 helpers). We recommend that users over 100 kg in weight are not transferred in this way. In general, any anti-tip tubes fi tted must be set beforehand, so that they cannot touch the steps, as otherwise this could lead to a serious tumble.
Afterwards the anti-tip tubes must be set back to their correct position.
Make sure that the attendant only holds the wheelchair using securely mounted parts. Do not use removable parts (e.g. not on the footrests or the side guards).
When using the lifting ramp make sure that the anti-tip tubes fi tted are positioned outside the
danger area.
Secure your wheelchair on uneven ground or when transferring, e.g. into a car, by using the brakes.
If and whenever possible, during a journey in a specially fi tted vehicle for disabled people, vehicle occupants should use the seats in the vehicle and the appropriate restraint system. This is the only way to ensure that occupants will have the maximum protection if there is an accident.
Depending on the diameter and setting of the castors, as well as the centre of gravity setting of the wheelchair, the castors may begin to wobble at high speeds. This can lead to castor seizure and the wheelchair may tip over. Therefore, please make sure that the castors are adjusted correctly (see the Chapter “Castors”).
In particular, do not travel on an incline without brakes, travel at a reduced speed. We recommend
that novice users use anti-tip tubes.
Anti-tip tubes should prevent the chair tipping over backwards unintentionally. Under no circumstances should they take the place of transit wheels, and be used to transport a person in a
wheelchair with the rear wheels removed.
When reaching for objects (which are in front of, to the side or behind the wheelchair) make sure that you do not lean too far out of the wheelchair, as if you change the centre of gravity there is a risk of tipping or rolling over. The hanging of additional load (back pack or similar items) onto your chair back posts can affect the rearward stability of your chair, especially when used in combination with recliner backrests. This can cause the chair to tip backwards causing injury.
For thigh amputees you must use anti-tip tubes.
Before setting off, check that your tyre pressure is correct. For rear wheels it should be at least 3.5 bar ( 350 kPa). The max. pressure is indicated on the tyre.The knee-lever brakes will only work if there is suffi cient tyre pressure and if the correct setting has been made (see the Chapter on
If the seat and back sling are damaged, you must replace them immediately.
Be careful with fi re, in particular with burning cigarettes. Seat and back slings can be set alight.
If the wheelchair is subject to direct sunlight / cold temperature for a long period of time, then parts of the wheelchair (e.g. frame, legrests, brakes and side guard) may become hot (>41°C) / very cold (<0°).
Breezy Basics2 Instruction & Safety Manual
T 08 9351 7500 E info@unicarehealth.com.au W www.unicarehealth.com.au
Always make sure that, if fi tted, the quick-release axles on the rear wheels are set properly and lock in (locking ball bearings are showing completely through the axle sleeve). If the button on the quick-release axle is not pressed in, the rear wheel cannot be removed.
The effect of the knee-lever brake as well as the general driving characteristics are dependant on tyre pressure. The wheelchair is signifi cantly lighter and easier to manoeuvre when the rear wheels are pumped up correctly and both wheels have the same pressure.
Make sure that your tyres have suffi cient tread!
Please note that you are subject to any and all traffi c laws when driving in public traffi c.
Always be careful when handling or adjusting the wheelchair!
Adjustments which require tools should always be done by authorized dealers.
Clean the wheelchair regularly to avoid rust and salt corrosion.
Check the rivets, nuts and bolts to make sure they are tight and that no wheelchair parts will come
With all moving parts there is a natural risk of fi nger traps. Please handle with care.
The products shown and described in this manual may not be exactly the same in every detail as your own model. However, all instructions are still entirely relevant, irrespective of detai differences.
The manufacturer reserves the right to alter without notice any weights, measurements or other technical data shown in this manual. All fi gures, measurements and capacities shown in this manual are approximate and do not constitute specifi cations.
CHOKING HAZARD – This mobility aid uses small parts which under certain circumstances may present a choking hazard to young children.
The expected lifetime of this product is 5 years provided that: it is used in strict accordance with the intended use all service and maintenance requirements are met.
T 08 9351 7500 E info@unicarehealth.com.au W www.unicarehealth.com.au
Warranty Guarantee
Unicare Health* provides a guarantee, as set out in the warranty conditions, for wheelchairs to its
customers covering the following
Warranty conditions
1. Should a part or parts of the wheelchair require repair or replacement as a result of a manufacturing
and/or material fault within 24 months or for frame and cross-braces within 5 years after delivery to the customer, then the affected part or parts will be repaired or replaced free of charge. (Batteries are guaranteed for a period of 12 months subject to the correct battery care plan being followed)
2. To enforce the warranty, please contact Unicare Health Customer Service with the exact details
of the nature of the diffi culty. Should you be using the wheelchair outside the area covered by the Unicare Health customer service agent, repairs or replacement will be carried out by another agency as designated by the manufacturer The wheelchair must be repaired by a Unicare Health designated Customer Service agent, (dealer).
3. For parts, which have been repaired or exchanged within the scope of this warranty, we provide
a warranty in accordance with these warranty conditions for the remaining warranty period for the
wheelchair in accordance with point 1).
4. For original spare parts which have been fi tted at the customer’s expense, these will have a 12
months guarantee, (following the fi tting), in accordance with these warranty conditions.
5. Consumable parts such as pads, tyres, inner tubes and similar parts are excluded from the warranty,
except in the case that premature wear of the part is the direct result of a manufacturing fault.
6. Claims from this warranty shall not arise, if a repair or replacement of a wheelchair or a part is
required for the following reasons:
a) The product or part has not been maintained or serviced in accordance with the manufacturer’s
recommendations as shown in the User Instructions and/or the Service Instructions.
b) Accessories have been used which are not specifi ed as original accessories.
c) The wheelchair or part having been damaged by neglect, accident or improper use.
d) Changes/modifi cations have been made to the wheelchair or parts, which deviate from the
manufacturer’s specifi cations.
e) Repairs have been carried out, before our Customer Service has been informed of the circumstances.
7. This guarantee is subject to the law of the country in which the product was purchased from Unicare
Health“ * Means the Unicare Health facility from which the product was purchased.
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