Unibrain FIRE-NET 2.2 User Manual

Unibrain FireNet™ 2.2 Installation Guide
e-mail: ubinfo@unibrain.com web-site: http://www.unibrain.com
The FireWire Innovators
Unibrain FireNet™ 2.2 Installation Guide
Dear Firenet™ Customer,
Thank you for purchasing Unibrain’s FireNet™ software, THE FIRST AND ONLY FireWire™ Networking Solution for Windows and Macintosh. Firenet is a system-independent software product that gives you full Ethernet compatibility at speeds of up to 400Mbps.
There are two different versions of FireNet; which one you choose depends upon your oper­ating system.
FireNet™ 2.2 Station for Windows 98, Windows 98SE, Windows Millennium, Win-
dows 2000 Professional & Windows XP using any OHCI 1394 Link Controller (i.e., Uni-
brain's Fireboard 400-OHCI, PCI to 1394 controller).
FireNet™ 2.2 Server for Windows 2000 Server using any OHCI 1394 Link Controller
(i.e., Unibrain's Fireboard 400-OHCI, PCI to 1394 controller).
Complete Ethernet emulation.
Supports various network protocols: TCP/IP, NetBEUI, IPX/SPX, etc.
1394 Bus can be used simultaneously for other purposes (e.g. DV, 1394 Hard Disk).
High speed – more than 2.5 faster than 100Mbps fast Ethernet.
No hubs, no routers, complicated cabling, or complex installations.
Works with any host 1394 interface on PC or Mac.
Fast and Easy installation.
Unibrain FireNet™ 2.2 Installation Guide

Table of Contents

TABLE OF CONTENTS ..................................................................................3
ECHNICAL SUPPORT INFORMATION.............................................................4
Free Evaluation of Firenet ............................................................................ 5
PRODUCT KEYS ......................................................................................... 5
IRENET INSTALLATION ...........................................................................6
FIRENET INSTALLATION FOR WINDOWS 98/98SE/ME................................ 7
FIRENET INSTALLATION FOR WINDOWS 2000 ......................................... 11
FIRENET INSTALLATION FOR WINDOWS XP............................................. 14
USING FIRENET WITH PROTOCOLS OTHER THAN TCP/IP ............................. 24
UTHORIZATION PROCEDURE.....................................................................26
N-INSTALLING FIRENET™ .......................................................................27
PPENDIX B: BENCHMARKS FOR FIRENET™ ..............................................30
NETWORK PERFORMANCE SOME CONSIDERATIONS ................................ 36
PPENDIX C: CONNECTING FIRENET WITH ETHERNET..................................38
PPENDIX D: FIRENET AND VAIO NOTEBOOKS ...........................................40
PPENDIX E: FIRENET AND MAC OS ..........................................................41
FIRENET FOR MAC OS X 10.1 (OR LATER).................................................. 43
PPENDIX F: FIRENET FAQ.......................................................................45
PPENDIX G: FIRENET REVISION HISTORY..................................................49
PPENDIX H: HARDWARE COMPATIBILITY LIST ...........................................50
Unibrain FireNet™ 2.2 Installation Guide

Technical Support Information

Technical Support is available by phone or email. Our standard office hours are Monday through Friday from 8:00AM to 4:00PM (Pacific Standard & Central European Time zones).
Email: Direct all technical support questions to support@unibrain.com
North & South America
(USA) +1-925-866-3000
Europe & Asia
(GREECE) +30-1-6640580
Unibrain FireNet™ 2.2 Installation Guide


This document explains in detail the required setup and operation procedures for FireNet™
2.2 product on Windows 98/SE, Windows Millennium, Windows 2000 and Windows XP using any 1394 OHCI controller.
Free Evaluation of Firenet
The FireNet software you are about to install is the complete and fully functioning ver­sion of Unibrain’s high-speed networking solution for Windows and Macintosh. Upon initial installation, usage is restricted to an evaluation period of 30 minutes, at the end of which the application will automatically turn off (without affecting the rest of your computer operations in any way). You can repeat the demo as many times as you wish by simply rebooting your PC.
To enable unrestricted use or “authorized” use of FireNet software, a Product Key is required for each and every computer on your FireNet network. Product keys may be purchased online at the 1394store.com or from any distributor.

FireNet™ Installation

Before installing FireNet™, please verify that:
Your PC operating system is Windows 98SE / Windows Me / Win-
dows 2000 Professional/Server or Windows XP.
Unibrain FireNet™ 2.2 Installation Guide
Your PC has a Firewire (i-Link) IEEE-1394 interface based on any
OHCI controller or built-in 1394 support (i.e. Sony’s Vaio, Mac G4 etc.)
If you are going to upgrade from FireNet 1.x to Version 2, please
uninstall the previous version before you proceed. (Upgrade from Version 2.0 to 2.2 or later needs no special action)
IMPORTANT! Always UNPLUG the connecting IEEE-1394 cables between all network
computers before you begin installing or uninstalling FireNet software.
Unibrain FireNet™ 2.2 Installation Guide

FireNet™ Installation for Windows 98/98SE/Me

Installing FireNet in Windows 98, Windows 98SE or Windows ME is simple and straightfor­ward. Note that steps 1 through 6 apply whether you are installing FireNet for evaluation or entering product key numbers to enable continuous use of the software.
Step 1: Make sure that your 1394 OHCI controller is correctly installed and properly recog­nized by your operating system by going to the System Properties window and clicking on Device Manager. The following example shows the host PC has a Texas Instruments OHCI Compliant IEEE-1394 Host Controller (Figure 1).
Figure 1
Step 2: Important! Always UNPLUG the connecting IEEE-1394 cables between all network
computers before you begin installing or uninstalling FireNet software.
Step 3: Run the installation executable and follow the instructions on the dialog boxes.
Unibrain FireNet™ 2.2 Installation Guide
Step 4: Immediately after software installation, go to the TCP/IP Properties window (Figure
2) to configure this network protocol (TCP/IP) over the FireNet application. Specify the cor-
rect IP address for the current host PC and fill in the Subnet Mask field.
Note: You can skip Step 4 if you do not wish to install the TCP/IP protocol over FireNet. However, you must install the network protocol provided, such as NetBEUI.
Figure 2
Step 5: When prompted, restart your PC.
Step 6: Connect the 1394 cables.
You now have installed on your PC a complete and fully functioning version of FireNet soft­ware. Upon initial installation, its usage is restricted to an evaluation period of 30 minutes, at the end of which the application will automatically turn off (without affecting the rest of your computer operations in any way). You can repeat the demo as many times as you wish by simply rebooting your PC.
Unibrain FireNet™ 2.2 Installation Guide
Note: You may receive, during the installation process, a message requiring the “FireNet In-
stall Disk” (indicating that the “ubfwdev.sys” file cannot be found). In this case press OK. The Copying Files Window will prompt you to enter the Windows sys­tem folder in the Copying files from dialog box (i.e. C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\) as the Figure 3 below shows:
Figure 3
Unibrain FireNet™ 2.2 Installation Guide
Important Note for Windows Millennium users
For the Windows ME operating system ONLY, Microsoft has included FireWire networking support through its “NDIS 1394 Net Adapter”, which is based on the IP over 1394 specifica­tion. This is a feature which is similar to FireNet but with less performance. Because both FireNet and NDIS 1394 Net Adapter are based on the IP/1394 specification, when FireNet is installed in Windows ME, it will disable NDIS 1394 Net Adapter and enable the Unibrain 1394 FireNet Adapter. You can verify this configuration by going to the System Properties window and clicking on Device Manager, as Figure 4 below shows:
Figure 4
IMPORTANT: If you wish to enable the Microsoft "NDIS 1394 Net Adapter", you must first
uninstall the FireNet software and then reboot your machine.
Unibrain FireNet™ 2.2 Installation Guide

FireNet™ Installation for Windows 2000

Before you begin, it’s helpful to note that installation instructions are common for both Win­dows 2000 Professional and Windows 2000 Server/Advanced Server. You need though a different Product Key for each version. (See Authorization Procedure for product key requirements.)
FireNet 2.0 SERVER (and later) offers two new important features:
Mac OS compatibility, through the File Services for Macintosh, which are included in the
server versions of Windows 2000. Firenet 2 (or later) for Mac clients is also required.
Multiple 1394 adapter support. This gives the ability to extend the 400 Mbps bandwidth by
adding up to four OHCI adapters.
Installing FireNet on Windows 2000 is simple and straightforward. Note that steps 1 through 6 apply whether you are installing FireNet for evaluation or entering product key numbers to enable continuous use of the software.
Step1: Check that your 1394 OHCI controller is correctly installed and properly recognized by your operating system by going to the System Properties window and clicking on Device Manager.
Step 2: IMPORTANT! Always UNPLUG the connecting IEEE-1394 cables between all net- work computers before you begin installing or uninstalling FireNet software.
Step 3: Locate and run the "firenet.exe” executable file, and follow the instructions on the dialog boxes. The installation procedure will install all the required FireNet software into your system along with the Authorization application and the driver’s version checking utility. When the “Digital Signature Not Found” dialog box will appears, press “Yes” to continue (Figure 5).
Figure 5
Unibrain FireNet™ 2.2 Installation Guide
Note: Since installing drivers in Windows 2000 requires Administrator privileges, if a user
with non-administrative rights attempts to install FireNet, the following error message will ap­pear:
Figure 6
If this is the case, abort the installation, log off and logon as an Administrator.
Step 4: Immediately after FireNet™ installation for Windows 2000, you have to complete the TCP/IP properties in order to configure this network protocol over the FireNet™ application. Click on "Start
Settings Æ Control Panel Æ Network and Dial-up Connections Æ Local
Area Connection" to see the Local Area Connection status. Click on Properties and you will
get the next dialog box:
Figure 7
Unibrain FireNet™ 2.2 Installation Guide
Highlight the "Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)" component and press the Properties button to con­figure the TCP/IP properties. Please specify the correct IP address for the current host PC and fill in the Subnet Mask field, as Figure 8 shows:
Figure 8
IMPORTANT: You can skip this step if you do not want to install the TCP/IP protocol
over FireNet™. However you must install another networking protocol, such as NetBEUI (check the section “Using Firenet with protocols other than TCP/IP”, on page
Step 5: Reboot is NOT required after FireNet installation for Windows 2000!
Step 6: Connect the 1394 cables.
You now have installed on your PC a complete and fully functioning version of FireNet soft­ware. Upon initial installation, its usage is restricted to an evaluation period of 30 minutes, at the end of which the application will automatically turn off (without affecting the rest of your computer operations in any way). You can repeat the demo as many times as you wish by simply rebooting your PC.
Unibrain FireNet™ 2.2 Installation Guide

FireNet™ Installation for Windows XP

Installing FireNet for Windows XP is similar to installing it for Windows 2000. Although, there are some important differences due to XP’s built-in 1394 networking (which is based on IP over 1394). In order for FireNet to operate properly, it must disable this inherent XP network­ing. Thus, please follow these steps when installing FireNet for Windows XP (Home and Pro Editions):
Step1: Check that your 1394 OHCI controller is correctly installed and properly recognized by your operating system by going to the System Properties window and clicking on Device Manager.
Step 2: IMPORTANT! Always remember to UNPLUG the connecting IEEE-1394 cables be- tween all network computers before you begin installing or uninstalling FireNet software.
Step 3: Execute the FireNet installation file and follow the instructions on the dialog boxes. The installation procedure will install all the required FireNet software into your system along with the Authorization application and the driver’s version checking utility.
When the following dialog box appears, press “Continue Anyway” in order to continue the in­stallation:
Figure 9
Note: This dialog appears because the current version of FireNet is not WHQL certified. Fu-
ture versions (2.3 and later) will get the Windows XP Logo and, and this dialog box will not appear.
Step 4: When the installation procedures is complete, select Finish and reboot your system. You can safely now plug-in the 1394 cable.
Unibrain FireNet™ 2.2 Installation Guide
Step 5: When the system restarts (and after you have connected your FireWire cables), the Found New Hardware Wizard dialog box should appear (Figure 10). If it does not appear,
jump straight to Step 6.
Figure 10
In the Found New Hardware Wizard dialog box, choose “Install from a list or specific location” as Figure 10 depicts and press “Next”. From the dialog box that appears, choose “Don’t Search. I will choose the driver to install”, as Figure 11 shows:
Figure 11
The Hardware Update Wizard dialog box will appear. Choose “FireNet PC” and press Next. You are now ready to continue to Step 6 of the installation.
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