Never handle or touch ants directly.
They can bite or sting to defend
Uncle Milton Industries, Inc.
P.O. Box 6281 Thousand Oaks, CA 91359 USA
© 1956, 2012 UMI. All rights reserved. Ant Farm®, Uncle Milton®
and all related names, logos and designs are trademarks of UMI.
See inside for order form to receive your ants by mail!
Table of Contents
Ants are fun! ....................................................................3
To start your Ant Farm ................................................ 4
To stock your Ant Farm ............................................... 6
Don’t start a war! ........................................................... 7
Ants love to eat ..............................................................8
They like to drink, too ................................................... 9
Don’t bake your ants! .................................................... 9
Ants don’t like earthquakes! ......................................10
Ants are farmers ........................................................... 10
Ants are sanitary ........................................................... 11
Long live the queen! ..................................................... 11
Ants are loyal ................................................................. 12
Ants are hard-working ................................................. 13
Ants are athletes ........................................................... 13
Ants are sociable ........................................................... 13
Why watch ants? ........................................................... 14
Ant questions and answers ........................................ 15
For further reading ....................................................... 17
To re-stock your Ant Farm ......................................... 18
Ants are fun!
From the minute you stock your
Ant Farm® brand live ant habitat,
a new world opens up in front
of your eyes... a busy, bustling
world that shows you that ants
are a lot like the nicest people
you know!
Many of the most famous people in the world have
been ant watchers. Lord Avebury, a world-famous scientist, once wrote: “When we consider the habits of ants,
their social organization, their large communities, elaborate
habitations, and their roadways... they have a fair claim to
rank next to man in the scale of intelligence.”
And that’s true! As you study your ants, you’ll find that
they plan their world very much as we plan ours. They
engineer their homes and highways carefully. They
seem to consider artistic form as well as function in
their building. The highways and tunnels in the ants’
world are always arranged in smooth curves and their
hills are well balanced.
This little book tells you all about your Ant Farm brand
habitat... how to stock it, how to feed the ants and how
to take care of them. Read every word carefully, for if
you treat your ants properly, they’ll let you in on their
secret world and keep you fascinated.
To start your Ant Farm
1 Turn Ant Farm upside-
down and remove base and
top frame. Attach base to
the other end to help keep
the habitat upright.
2 Cut a small corner off
of bag of sand with scissors.
Carefully pour sand into
habitat until lower half
is filled. (Make sure area
is ventilated. Sand can be
Top Frame
3 Replace the base. Make
sure it snaps down on viewing screen securely.