Live Ant Habitat
A A / L R 6
Batteries not included
Requires 3 x 1.5V AA/LR6 batteries
Enjoy the View!
Ant Farm Revolution is a habitat that provides an ultra-cool 3-D
view of the ants’ world. The translucent gel provides an excellent
living environment for ants. Watch them build tunnels and
passageways right before your eyes.
It's All in the Gel
The unique gel was originally developed by NASA for a space
shuttle experiment to see how ants live and work in zero-gravity. It
is specially formulated to provide all the necessary nutrients and
moisture for your ants. There is no need to add water or food to
the habitat.
Please note: The gel is non-toxic, but is NOT for human
CAUTION: Do not look directly down into the light source.
Doing so can cause serious and irreparable eye damage.
CAUTION: Do not look directly at the sun with the magnier cap.
Doing so can cause serious and irreparable eye damage.
Battery Installation
Tool required - Small Phillips
head screwdriver
1. Using a Phillips head
screwdriver, remove the
battery cover as shown.
2. Insert 3 "AA" batteries as indicated in the battery compartment
and replace cover.
IMPORTANT: For best experience, use in a completely
darkened room.
Magnier Cap
Preparing the Habitat
1. Remove and discard
protective packaging from
the habitat.
2. Remove the habitat
magnier cap.
3. With the tunnel starter
tool, make four holes in
the gel, each about two
inches deep and spaced
equally apart. Swirl the
tool a bit to enlarge the
Order Online To
Your Live Ant Habitat
Follow the instructions on
the enclosed order form to
order online.
We will mail you an ample
supply of Western Harvester
ants (scientic name is Pogonomyrmex, meaning “bearded ants”
because they appear to have little beards).
Normally, we mail the ants to you within 4 to 6 weeks after we
receive your order. But sometimes we delay them because it is
too hot or too cold for them. It’s best for you to send for ants
when the temperature is less than 85° F and above 32° F. If you
have an outdoor mailbox, don’t let the ants stay in there for too
long. It may be too hot or cold for them!
“ON” button
1. Lock the notches underneath
the habitat onto the four ribs
on the base or else the light
may not work.
2. To turn on the light for shadow
projection, press the button on
the side of the base.
Adding Ants To Your
Ant Farm Revolution Habitat
1. If the ants seem lazy the rst few hours, don’t worry. Put the
habitat in a dark place overnight. They’ll soon become accustomed to their new home. If a few ants are dead, don’t worry;
there are more than enough ants. (It is better not to have an
over-crowded habitat.)
2. Remove the habitat Cap, carefully open the plastic tube of ants
and gently shake or tap it to allow the live ants to fall in. Try not
to let any dead ants fall in. BE VERY CAREFUL NOT TO TOUCH
THE ANTS! Replace the Cap tightly.
3. The ants may seem inactive for the rst few hours. That is
because they are not yet used to their new home. In a few days
you should begin see some tunnels. On average, your ants will
live one to three months.
Restocking Your Ant Farm Revolution Habitat
If you want to put new ants in your habitat, remove as many of the
original occupants as possible. Also remove as much litter as you
can. There is no need to add new gel. The new ants will explore
existing tunnels and build new ones. Please visit
www.unclemilton.com for information on ordering ants.
Don’t Start a War!
Don’t ever mix your ants or you will start a war. While ants in a
colony are very cooperative with each other, they will ght with
ants from another colony. The ants we send you will all be from the
same colony, so they will all get along.
If you gather your own ants, be sure they all come from the same
place or they will ght. When you nd a big group of ants all living
and working together, they are most likely from the same colony.
Don’t Bake Your Ants!
When the sun shines directly on your ant habitat it becomes like an
oven, and your ants could perish from the heat. Keep the habitat
away from any window where the sun shines directly on it.
Don’t freeze your ants either, by leaving the habitat outside in cold
weather. Ants don’t like extremes in temperature. A room
temperature between 68˚ to 72˚F (20˚ to 22˚C) is ideal.
Ants Are Neat
Ants are very clean creatures. You will see them grooming themselves
and each other. They use sti hairs on their forelegs like brushes to
clean their antennae, heads and other parts of their bodies. While
cleaning themselves and each other, they leave a scent that identies
members of the same colony. Ants can tell the dierence between a
nest mate and an unwelcome visitor by their scent.
Ants Are Industrious
Each ant in a colony has its own special job, and every job is
important. Deep below the surface of a natural nest, nurse ants
take care of the queen, eggs and larvae, nest-builders dig tunnels
and chambers, and nest-keepers keep the nest clean. On the
surface, guard ants patrol for predators and foragers gather food.
In some species, the younger ants work underground and the
older ones work on the surface. In other species, dierent sized
ants do dierent jobs: smaller ants work inside the nest, caring for
the queen, eggs and larvae, middle-sized ants do nest-building
and most of the foraging for food, and the largest ants are guards
protecting the colony from predators and invading ants.
If extra workers are needed for a really big job, ants might switch
from one task to another. For instance, if foragers nd a good food
source, some of the builders underground will stop digging and
come up to help. If there is a particularly dicult underground
tunneling project to complete, some of the outside foragers will
come down to assist.
Ants Are Strong
Ants are incredibly strong for their size. An ant is able to pick up
objects up to fty times its own weight and carry it in its mandibles
for long distances. That would be like an average-sized human
carrying a ve-ton boulder across the neighborhood by his teeth!
For extra-heavy loads, ants work in teams. Ants are also very speedy
creatures. If you could run as fast as an ant can for its size, you
would be able to sprint twice as fast as the world’s fastest human!
Ants Are Good for the Environment
Ants perform many important functions in the world’s ecosystems.
They are exceptional earth movers. Ants enrich, irrigate and aerate
more soil than any other animal in the world, including
earthworms. Ants are major recyclers of organic waste. Also, ants
are a major food source for many animals like birds, reptiles and
Ants do not allow litter to pile up inside their nest. All the waste
from the colony is gathered up regularly and hauled away by
nest-keeping ants to a dump site.
• Non-rechargeable batteries are not to be recharged
• Rechargeable batteries are only to be charged under adult supervision
• Rechargeable batteries are to be removed from the toy before being charged
• Different types of batteries or new and used batteries are not to be mixed
• Batteries are to be inserted with the correct polarity
• Exhausted batteries are to be removed from the toy
• The supply terminals are not to be short-circuited
Questions? Visit unclemilton.com
P.O. Box 6281
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