The Pyrologic Programmable Controller is designed to give the user the ultimate in control exibility. It is capable of selecting multiple module outputs and re them simultaneously. You can build a
chase sequence from any module output and vary the speed of the chase. The Pyrologic has 8 Memory Locations, 4 manual shows and 4 time code shows. The programming of this controller is user
friendly. Within minutes you will be programming complex cues and chases.
Warranty: All warranty is one year parts and labour unless specied and is on manu-
facturer defect only. Abuse, normal wear and tear or poor maintenance is
not accepted. Proof of purchase or proof of sale must always accompany
any warranty returns. A RA (return authorization) number must be noted
on the outside of any box returned to our facilities. Any packages without
a clearly marked RA number will not be accepted by our receiving department. Freight on warranty items are freight prepaid to our facility and we
will prepay freight back to your facility after repair, by the most economical means available. Should you require the item express-returned, then
you are responsible for any dierence in freight cost.
Return Policy: Return of any product must be done within 30 days of purchase. The
package must be returned freight prepaid and the RA number clearly
marked on the outside of the box. A restocking charge of up to 25% may
be levied. Only credits are issued to the dealers account. Any product not
returned within 30 days is considered purchased.
Warning: Ultratec Special Eects Inc. considers all its product to be safe for use in
the application it was intended. Ultratec Special Eects takes no responsibility for misuse or incorrect use. Always refer to equipment owners
manual for proper use.
**Important Note**: All defective Pyro Controllers/ Receivers must be returned with an R.M.A.
to Ultratec Special Eects Inc. for corrective actions. Any evidence of
equipment tampering could cause a serious accident and will void the
company warranty.
Pyro Safety
Safety must be given priority over every other consideration. We recommend that a strict ‘Code of
Practice’ be followed when using pyrotechnics for any purpose. An example ‘Code’ is shown below this is intended as a guide only.
Pyrotechnic special eects can be extremely dangerous and should only be used by competent
adults. Following the manufacturers instructions fully and with extreme care.
1. Eye protection should be used at all times.
2. Always remove the ‘arming’ key and keep it in your pocket at all times. Only put it in the controller
when you are ready to re the devices.
3. Ensure that suitable re ghting equipment is at hand and that personnel are trained in its correct
4. Ensure that a suitable rst aid kit is available and that personnel are trained in its use.
5. There must be no smoking, exposed ames or any other sources of ignition in the vicinity of pyrotechnic material at any time.
6. All pyrotechnic devices must be located so there is no possibility of injury to people.
7. All pyrotechnic devices must be located so that they cannot set re to adjacent materials, fabrics,
costumes and scenery etc.
8. The pyrotechnic operator must locate the controller unit, so that he has a direct view of all devices
at all times.
9. Only take sucient pyrotechnic devices for each performance from the main storage. Do not store
excess material on the stage.
10. One person should be responsible for the setting up of, and the ring of pyrotechnics.
11. Only use the smallest device available to achieve the desired eect. If there are any doubts about
the eect produced, contact the manufacturer for advice before use.
12. Always consider powering up equipment and continuity testing as actual ring and employ identical safety zones.
13. The use of any pyrotechnics, indoors or outdoors is solely at the discretion of the operator who
will have taken full note of the prevailing situation. Operators are warned that pyrotechnic devices
can sometimes vary in their performance and no guarantee is given by Ultratec that every device will
perform identically - this must be considered when locating devices.
14. Ultratec Pyrotechnics must only be used in conjunction with Ultratec Firing Systems, or Ultratec
approved devices.
No liability of any sort will be entertained by Ultratec where Pyrotechnics are used with unapproved
Firing systems.
Do not attempt to operate this unit until the operations manual has been read and fully
If you have any questions please call Ultratec at 1-800-388-0617
Do not remove the outer case until power has been
disconnected from the machine
Technical Specications:
Model: SureFire Pyrologic Programmable Controller
Type: Micro-Processor Controlled Low Voltage Firing System
Weight: 17 Lbs.
Power Rating: 110 Volt A.C. 50/60 Hz 0.75 Amps
240 Volt A.C. 50/60 Hz 0.35 Amps
SureFire Pyrologic Controller
SureFire Pyrologic Controller Front Panel
Channel Select Buttons
The controller has 16 channel select buttons, these match the 16 channel outputs of each slave address.
The buttons are select/de-select (toggle On/O ).
Channels can be selected individually or in groups. (Selected Channels light the red LED).
The controller has a display indicating which slave is currently under control.
The channel select buttons also have a Green LED. This LED indicates the presence of continuity on
the corresponding channel of the slave as indicated by the Remote Slave Display.
Remote Slave Selector
The Remote Slave Selector, scrolls through slave addresses by rotating the control knob. The current
selected slave is indicated in the Remote Slave Display
Remote Slave Display
The Remote Slave Display, displays the number address of the slave being controlled on the seven
segment display on the controller faceplate.
Slaves are numbered 1 through 9.
Power Switch
Turns On/O main power.
Safe/Test (Update) /Arm Key Switch
This switch locks out the ability of the controller to re any slave channels.
The SAFE feature has the dual function of physically disconnecting the FIRE button and disabling the
software command that instructs the slaves to Fire.
When the controller is in the SAFE position. It updates all slave and match continuity in real time.
The ARMED position is indicated by the Red LED ‘On’ in the
Indicator section. This position allows the FIRE button to communicate and disables the status update feature.
Slave Power Key Switch
This switch controls the Firing voltage in all slave modules.
When Slave Power is OFF, the ring voltage is disconnected from the slave modules via an internal
relay. All power available to re matches is removed.
Since power must be present to test for continuity updates the continuity update feature is disabled
when the Slave Power is OFF.
Slave Power On is indicated by the Green LED ‘On’ in the Status Indicator section.
When Slave Power is ON, the ring current is available to the slave channel outputs.
Fault Indicator Led
The yellow fault LED noties of a failed output channel on a slave module or a communications error.
Fault status is also indications of the channel ring voltage has been turned OFF. If this is done by
the slave power key switch, the Green LED on the Pyro Logic controller will be OFF.
When the slave power is turned o at the controller, ALL Red LEDs on ALL slave modules will be ON.
If any of the Red LEDs fail to light with the group, the module should be removed from service.
NOTE:Each slave module is equipped with 16 Red fault indicator LEDs. Three sets of 16
in the case of the 48 channel slave.
With the slave power on, a Red LED on the remote slave module will indicate that a channel has
failed and should not be connected to any device. The device may ignite immediately on power up.
The slave module has a yellow LED indicating ACTIVE FAULT monitoring. This yellow LED is OFF
when a fault is detected and a red channel LED will be on (if it is a short circuit, any device connected
to this channel output will explode immediately).
Slave Power O
The slave power is required to run the diagnostic routine, therefore when the SLAVE POWER keyswitch is OFF, the system will indicate a FAULT.
Note that when the SLAVE POWER is OFF, all 16 fault indicator (Red) LEDs are ON at all slaves and the
Yellow (Fault Scan) LED is OFF at all slaves.
Slave Power LED
Indicates that slave power is turned on at the controller
Zone Selector
Armed Led
Indicates that the unit is armed at the controller.
Fire Button
Initiates the ring command when depressed.
Data Link
When the data link is activated (illuminated) the RS232 communications port is opened and can be
used to Set/Upload/Download the following using your pc/laptop computer with RS232 com port.
Display Memory Names
Name Memory Locations
Upload,Download Memory Locations.
The LCD display is 4 x 40 characters. The LCD readout provides all the information the Pyro-technician needs to edit, program and run shows.
The keypad is used for programming shows, and for limited functions during Run time.
A Keypad layout and brief description of their functions follows.
In the instruction section, key presses are indicated with >**< angle brackets.
Keypad Layout and Brief Description
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