Brings You
Unmatched Versatility
e face of the foodservice industry is changing as more and
more foodservice operators worldwide are discovering the
value of combi-oven technology. Simply put, combi-ovens use
both moist heat and dry heat — either separately or in unison,
depending upon the application — to cook many di erent
foods in a wide variety of ways. is inherent versatility means
that a single piece of equipment can replace your need for a
steamer, grill and convection oven. Several factors
set Henny Penny’s SmartCombi™ apart as the
premium combi-oven on the market. e most
important is the development of our patented
Advanced Steam Technology,™ a better method
for generating relative moisture and a cooking climate that
bridges the gap between the de-liming problems associated
with boiler combis and the poor steam generation inherent in
boilerless systems. Henny Penny’s revolutionary Advanced Steam
Technology provides a superior combi-cooking solution. is is
a direct result of Henny Penny’s commitment to incorporating
only those advances with signi cant real-world applications.
No matter the demands of your market segment or the size of
your operation, Henny Penny o ers a SmartCombi™ speci cally
designed to meet your needs. We focus on building combis that:
Reduce operating costs
Are simple to use and maintain
Live up to our company’s
worldwide reputation
for quality

Thanks to an auto-reverse fan that circulates
heat more evenly, you gain more uniform
cooking results rack to rack. The benefi ts
are especially noticeable in items like
pastries that may turn out misshapen or
cooked when prepared in combi-
with only single-direction airfl ow.
Combi-cooking helps foods preserve their
nutrients and fl avor. For instance, roasting in
a SmartCombi
reduces food shrinkage by
20-30 percent because foods retain their
natural juices, and make for better-looking,
better-tasting meals.
An integrated temperature probe linked to the
control system shuts off the
oven when the desired temperature is reached.
This ensures product quality and consistency,
and eliminates the guesswork in preparation.
Sensitive recipes, like those high in sugar, are
less likely to scorch with the SmartCombi’s
precision controls and combined use of both
dry and moist heat.