ULTRA GTA 500, GTAx 500, AND GTAx 550
The control panels of these detectors have seven (7) touchpads which control all the operating
functions of the detector. Beneath the Arm Cuff are the Battery Pack and the headphone jack.
Power: Turns the detector on, off, or resets the detector to the factory settings.
Press once to turn the detector on.
As the detector starts the battery condition is checked audibly and displayed on the LCD
Display. Also, during the detector's start-up the detector adjusts automatically for the
elimination of ground minerals, and the audio threshold is set to a point that is just silent. The
last used pattern of discrimination is re-established and displayed on the LCD face.
Set Depth: (Also referred to as sensitivity). Permits the regulation of depth/sensitivity using the
+ and - touchpads.
Set Audio: Permits the regulation of the Audio Threshold using the + and - touchpads.
Set Disc: (Discrimination): Permits the regulation and/or adjustment of the discrimination
pattern by turning on and off target cursors on the lower LCD bar which shows the items to be
rejected or accepted as targets.
Pinpoint: Activates the Pinpointing function and causes the depth of coin-sized items to be
shown on the Lower Scale.
Last Mode: Switches operation between operating modes A and B.
+ and - Arrows: Used to move the Target ID cursor when setting the discrimination notches.
These arrows are also used when adjusting the Depth/Sensitivity, and Audio Threshold levels.
Special Note:
If you are ever unsure about the settings of your detector, simply
touchpad for approximately 10 seconds. The detector will emit an audio signal and the factory
default settings will be restored.
Graphic Display Information:
Above the LCD Display is a guide of targets for use with the Target Cursor to assist in the
identification of detected items.
those that correspond with segments which are turned on will give an audio response.
Note: All metal items will be indicated on the display but only
press and hold the Power

The Upper Scale of the LCD indicates the target found, and the setting levels of the Depth and
Audio modes. This scale indicates the maximum Pinpoint signal. It also shows the cursor
location for changing discrimination notches.
The Lower Scale of the LCD indicates the discrimination segments. Those that are illuminated
represent the discrimination pattern established. This scale, when pinpointing, indicates the
depth of coin-sized targets.
Indicates the condition of the detector's batteries. Batteries should be replaced when there is
only one segment illuminated.
1. Insert the Button ends of the Spring clip into the white lower stem. This will allow the overall
stem length to be adjusted for operating comfort.
2. Attach the lower stem to the searchcoil by inserting the two washers into the stem and slip
the searchcoil onto the stem. Insert the threaded bolt through the holes and
two knobs.
3. Install the upper stem to the lower and then this assembly to the GTA housing by
depressing the two buttons and coupling the stem to the housing. Adjust for the most
comfortable operating length.
4. Wrap the searchcoil cable snugly about the stem with the first turn of the cable over the
5. Insert the cable connector into the connector on the housing and
hand-tighten securely.
hand-tighten the
Lower the searchcoil to a level about one foot above the ground.
Press and release the POWER touchpad. The detector will give two (2) audio beeps, You will
then be ready to search. The Audio Threshold level is established.
NOTE: The GTAx 550 has Belltone Audio which alerts the operator with a special ringing
sound whenever a target of high conductivity such as a coin is located.
Scan the searchcoil in front of you in a straight line or a flat arc about your body. Keep the coil
level to the surface at a height of about one to two inches above the ground. This is
approximately grass-top height. The scanning speed should be about one to two feet per
The presence of metal will be indicated by an audio sound and a LCD cursor on the Graphic
Display. Make two or three repeated scans over the target to determine precisely the targets

location. Listen for the loudest, most pronounced audio signal. The Target ID Cursor will
indicate the target's probable identity on the Display. The Target Guide above the cursor is an
aid in determining the identity of the target.
Precise pinpointing is an important feature of your detector.
Touchpad and the searchcoil can remain steady and hover over the target. Slight movements
of the searchcoil will be reflected on the Upper Scale of the GTA Display. The greatest
deflection or illumination of segments-right to left- on the Upper Scale indicates the target is
directly beneath the center of the searchcoil. At the same time on the Lower Scale the
illuminated segments, left to right, indicate the depth of coin-sized items.
Another method of Pinpointing and Depth Reading used by many treasure hunters is as
follows. After acquiring a target, set the coil on the ground near but not directly over the target,
then press and hold the Pinpoint Touchpad. Do not lift the coil from the surface but slide it
around watching the LCD Display. When the two rows of segments touch each other, the
target is beneath the center of the coil at the depth indicated by the lower scale.
The detector in its initial factory default settings, will not respond audibly to most junk items. On
occasion, the detector will respond with a signal that is not clear and sharp as that of a coin.
Before digging some of these "blips" see where the target registers on the Graphic Display.
For many trash targets the detector will show two cursors at once or will give varying target
identities as multiple scans are made over the item.
It is not unusual for a large object such as an aluminum soft drink can to give an audio signal
indicating that a good target has been discovered. This is nothing to be worried about. The
target has been located due primarily to its size, conductivity, and nearness to the searchcoil.
When you determine that it is time to turn the detector off, it takes only a simple press of the
POWER Touchpad.
Press and hold the PINPOINT
When you press the POWER Touchpad the first time, your detector is ready to operate with
the factory settings in place and the discrimination set to find coins while eliminating most trash
from detection (Mode B). Many hunters never change from this "Notch" pattern. If you wish to
change operating modes however, press the Last Mode Touchpad and the detector changes
to Mode A that is established originally, to find all metals.
The discrimination pattern is easily adjusted to meet the operating needs of any detector
operator. From locating only one specific item, to locating all metals, it is simply a matter of
pressing a couple of touchpads. Press the directional arrow to move the cursor either left or
right. When it comes to the position you wish to turn on or off, press the "Set Disc" touchpad.
The segment then is either illuminated or not . It is so easy to customize the discrimination
pattern to fit your own desires.