6.4.2. Step 3: LEFT and RIGHT arm assembly 62
6.4.3. Step 2: inserting the adjustable level screws 64
6.4.4. Step 4: finishing the Z stage assembly 66
6.4.5. Step 5: Applying tape to the bed. 68
6.4.6. Step 6: installing the Z stage in the machine 70
6.4.7. Step 7: greas it up 72
6.5 Assembling the material feeder 73
6.5.1. Step 1: drive mechanism main body assembly 74
6.5.2. Step 2: drive bolt assembly 76
6.5.3. Step 3: clamp assembly 78
6.5.4. Step 4: attaching the feeder to the machine 82
6.5.5. Step 5: assemble the filament holder 83
6.6 Mounting the electronics circuit board 85
6.6.1. Step 1: mounting the electronic circuit board 86
6.6.2. Step 1: preparing the electronic cooling system 87
6.6.3. step 3: connecting the heater 91
6.6.4. Step 4: connecting the print head electronics 92
6.6.5. Step 5: connecting the limit switches 93
6.6.6. Step 5: connecting the motors 93
6.6.7. Step 7: mounting the electronics cooling system 94
6.6.8. Step 7: strain relief 94
6.6.9. Step 9: checking and aligning the top-Z limit switch 95
6.7 Assembling and connecting the Ulticontroller 97
6.7.1. Step 1: assembling the Ulticontroller 98
6.7.2. Step 2: connecting the controller 100
7 Usage of the Ultimaker Original 101
7.1 Using the Ultimaker Original for the first time 101
7.1.1. Slicer software 102
Bijlage I EG verklaring van overeenstemming 105