Ultimaker 3D printer assembly instructions

The fast, easy to use, Open-source 3D printer
Ultimaker Original Assembly manual
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Te am U lt im ak er
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Table of contents
1 Introduction 5
1.1 Product description 5
1.2 Used symbols 5
2 Technical specifications 6
2.1 General product specifications 6
2.2 Environmental conditions 6
3 Precautions and safety instructions 7
4 Preparation before assembling 8
4.1 Engraving 8
4.2 Sanding 8
5 What to expect reading the assembly instructions 8
5.1 Structure of the assembly instructions 8
5.2 Dierent sides of the Ultimaker Original 8
6 Assembling the Ultimaker Original 10
6.1 Assembling the frame 10
6.1.1. Step 1: Inserting the ball bearings 11
6.1.2. Step 2: Mounting the limit switches 12
6.1.3. Step 3: Assembling the X and Y motor 16
6.1.4. Step 4: Preparing the BOTTOM panel 19
6.1.5. Step 5: Assembling the ‘cube’-shaped frame 22
6.1.6. Step 6: attaching various parts 27
6.2 Assembling the X/Y axes 30
6.2.1. Step 1: Assembling the FRONT, BACK, RIGHT, LEFT slider blocks 31
6.2.2. Step 2: Attaching the claws 32
6.2.3. Step 3: Mounting the caps 34
6.2.4. Step 4: Mounting the axes 38
6.3 Assembling the extrusion head 44
6.3.1. Step 1: Assemble the extrusion head housing 45
6.3.2. Step 2: cooling fan assembly 54
6.3.3. Step 3: attaching the housing on the XY frame 56
6.4 Assembling the Z stage 60
6.4.1. Step 1: Assembling the drive nut assembly 61
6.4.2. Step 3: LEFT and RIGHT arm assembly 62
6.4.3. Step 2: inserting the adjustable level screws 64
6.4.4. Step 4: finishing the Z stage assembly 66
6.4.5. Step 5: Applying tape to the bed. 68
6.4.6. Step 6: installing the Z stage in the machine 70
6.4.7. Step 7: greas it up 72
6.5 Assembling the material feeder 73
6.5.1. Step 1: drive mechanism main body assembly 74
6.5.2. Step 2: drive bolt assembly 76
6.5.3. Step 3: clamp assembly 78
6.5.4. Step 4: attaching the feeder to the machine 82
6.5.5. Step 5: assemble the filament holder 83
6.6 Mounting the electronics circuit board 85
6.6.1. Step 1: mounting the electronic circuit board 86
6.6.2. Step 1: preparing the electronic cooling system 87
6.6.3. step 3: connecting the heater 91
6.6.4. Step 4: connecting the print head electronics 92
6.6.5. Step 5: connecting the limit switches 93
6.6.6. Step 5: connecting the motors 93
6.6.7. Step 7: mounting the electronics cooling system 94
6.6.8. Step 7: strain relief 94
6.6.9. Step 9: checking and aligning the top-Z limit switch 95
6.7 Assembling and connecting the Ulticontroller 97
6.7.1. Step 1: assembling the Ulticontroller 98
6.7.2. Step 2: connecting the controller 100
7 Usage of the Ultimaker Original 101
7.1 Using the Ultimaker Original for the first time 101
7.1.1. Slicer software 102
Bijlage I EG verklaring van overeenstemming 105
1 Introduction
1.1 Product description
The parts of the Ultimaker Original can only be used for assembling the Ultimaker Original. An assembled Ultimaker Original can only be used for 3Dprinting of products.
Ultimaking LTD cannot be held liable for any damage caused by improper, incorrect or unwise use. Please read this manual completely and make sure youunderstand it.
1.2 Used symbols
Warning! A warning indicates the risk of (serious) damage to the user or the product if the user does not carry out the procedures with care.
Caution! A comment makes the user aware of possible problems
Notice: A notice makes the user aware of convenient functions and additional options.
2 Technical specifications
2.1 General product specifications
Product description
Name: Ultimaker Original Model/type: Revision 4 Yea r o f p ro duc tio n: 2014 Dimensions (W x D x H) 357 x 342 x 388mm Mass 9 kg
Technical specifications
Power source 110V or 230 V Operating system: Windows, MAC and Linux Speed: Max. head travel speed between
30mm/s - 300mm/s. Accuracy: Positioning < 0.05mm Build volume (X,Y,Z): 210 x 210 x 205mm Te ch no lo gy : FFF (Fused Filament Fabrication) Ambient Operating Temperature: 15° - 32° C Storage Temperature: 0° - 32° C
2.2 Environmental conditions
The Ultimaker Original can only be used in a dry environment. The product cannot be used in a humid environment and in an environment with lots of UV light. Usage in other environments can result in unwanted eects on the performance of the product.
3 Precautions and safety instructions
Only use original accessories from the manufacturer.
The product should only be used for applications as described by the manufacturer. All other applications are unprofessional and considered dangerous. The manufacturer cannot be held liable for damage resulting from errors, unintended or unprofessional use of thedevice.
Do not install the product outdoors or in any place where it might become wet.
Do not install the product in any place that might be exposed to extreme heat or cold.
Keep the product out of reach of children.
Disconnect the device from all power sources before cleaning it.
Remove the adapter from the power outlet during storms, lightning and whenever the product will not be used for a longer period of time.
Install the product as indicated in this manual. If in doubt, consult a recognized technician and always take account of local installation codes and regulations.
The product should be kept out of direct sunlight.
The product must not be discarded as unsorted municipal waste, it must be disposed of separately.
Find out about the options in your region for disposing of the productafter use. Do not throw away electrical appliances or components, but see whether the product (components) can be turned in, recycled or reused.
4 Preparation before assembling
4.1 Engraving
All panels are marked with the side they belong to. For all the panels except the FRONT panel and the BOTTOM panel, the engraving face. The FRONT panel has the “Ultimaker” engraving facing outward. The BOTTOM panel has the engraving facing downward.
4.2 Sanding
Before starting the assembly, you may want to sand the panels slightly to remove any burn marks/blemishes from the laser cutting process. You can also paint or stain your Ultimaker Original. Be aware that paint will not cover the brown cutting edges very well.
5 What to expect reading the assembly
5.1 Structure of the assembly instructions
Before assembling the Ultimaker Original, separate sub assemblies have to be built. The description of every sub assembly in this manual will contain:
• An overview of the needed tools;
• An estimation of the needed time to built the sub assembly;
• The steps;
Every step in this manual will be described using the following structure:
• Cautions and warnings (if applicable);
• The needed parts;
• The actions to perform the step.
To make this manual easy to understand, images are used as much as possible.
5.2 Dierent sides of the Ultimaker Original
In this manual, you will read about FRONT side, BACK side, LEFT side, RIGHTside, TOP side and BOTTOM side. In image 1 these terms are clarified.
RIGHT side
LEFT side
FRONT side
BACK side
TOP side
image 1: sides of the Ultimaker Original
6 Assembling the Ultimaker Original
about 60 to 90 minutes
hex key screwdriver (1,5mm) hex key wrench (2mm)
5.5mm (M3) socket wrench or pliers
Step 1: Inserting the ball bearings Assembling the frame 11
6.1.1. Step 1: Inserting the ball bearings
The following parts are needed in this step.
Letter Description Qnty.
FRONT panel 1
LEFT panel 1
RIGHT panel 1
BACK panel 1
ball bearings 8mm 8
8 x
image 2: parts needed for this step
Every panel needed for this step has two corresponding holes. To place the ball bearings, perform the following actions:
1. Get a panel.
2. Place the ball bearings. Make sure you place the ball bearings as deep as shown in image 3.
3. Repeat action 1 and action 2 for all panels.
Step 2: Mounting the limit switches Assembling the frame 12
image 3: placing the ball bearings into the panel
6.1.2. Step 2: Mounting the limit switches
Warning! Do not strain the tapped thread on the inside of the switch housing by putting a lot of force on the bolts. All limit switches are pre-tapped, you can fasten them directly with M3 bolts, no nuts required here!
Caution! Note that all wires of limit switches need to be twisted, seeimage 4.
The following parts are needed in this step.
Letter Description Qnty.
FRONT panel 1
LEFT panel 1
BACK panel 1
RED wired limit switches 2
BLUE wired limit switches 2
BLACK wired limit switches 2
bolts M3 x 12mm 8
bolts M3 x 16mm 4
washers 2
Step 2: Mounting the limit switches Assembling the frame 13
8 x 4 x 2 x
2 x
2 x
image 4: parts needed for this step
The orientation of the limit switches are engraved on the panels, except for the FRONT panel. The machine has 6 limit switches:
• 2 with BLUE wires
• 2 with RED wires
• 1 with LONG BLACK wires
• 1 with SHORT BLACK wires
Step 2: Mounting the limit switches Assembling the frame 14
To mount the BLUE wired limit switches to the front panel, perform the following actions:
1. Place the BLUE wired limit switches as shown in image 5.
2. Attach each BLUE wired limit switch with two bolts M3x12mm.
image 5: attaching the RED wired limit switches
To attach the RED wired limit switches on the left panel, perform the following actions:
1. Attach the RED wired limit switches as shown in image 6.
2. Attach each RED wired limit switch with two bolts M3 x 12mm.
image 6: attaching the BLUE wired limit switches
Step 2: Mounting the limit switches Assembling the frame 15
To attach the BLACK limit switch with LONG wires, perform the following actions:
1. Attach the BLACK limit switch with LONG wires as shown in image 7. Fine tuning the position will be described in another part of this manual.
2. Attach the BLACK limit switch with LONG wires. Use two bolts M3 x 16mm and two washers.
image 7: attaching the BLACK wired limit switch with LONG wires
Step 3: Assembling the X and Y motor Assembling the frame 16
To attach the BLACK wired limit switch with SHORT wires, perform the following actions:
1. Place the BLACK wired limit switch with SHORT wires as shown in image 8. Fine tuning the position will be described in another part of this manual.
2. Attach the BLACK wired limit switch with SHORT wires. Use two bolts M3 x 16mm.
image 8: attaching the BLACK wired limit switch with SHORT wires
6.1.3. Step 3: Assembling the X and Y motor
The following parts are needed in this step.
Letter Description Qnty.
LEFT panel 1
BACK panel 1
motors with long wires and rounded axles 2
black spacers 8
M3 washers 8
short timing belts 2
pulleys with a 5mm internal diameter 2
bolts M3 x 20mm 8
Step 3: Assembling the X and Y motor Assembling the frame 17
2 x
2 x
8 x
2 x
8 x
8 x
image 9: parts needed for this step
To assemble the Y motor, perform the following actions:
1. Place the pulley (5mm internal diameter) on the Y motor, see image 10. When placing, make sure to keep a distance of 1-2mm between the pulley and the Y motor.
2. Place the timing belt around the pulley, see image 11.
3. Attach the Y motor on the LEFT panel with Y motor engraved on the inside, see image 12.
Notice: Do not attach the X motor and Y motor too tight. The X motor and Y motor must be able to move up and down.
Notice: Place the X motor and Y motor in position that the wires face down in direction of the text.
4. To assemble the X motor repeat action 1-2.
5. Make sure to attach the X motor on the BACK panel with X motor engraved on the inside.
Step 3: Assembling the X and Y motor Assembling the frame 18
image 10: placing the pulley on the Y motor axis
image 11: placing the timing belt around the pulley
Step 4: Preparing the BOTTOM panel Assembling the frame 19
image 12: attaching the Y motor on the LEFT panel
6.1.4. Step 4: Preparing the BOTTOM panel
The following parts are needed in this step.
Letter Description Qnty.
BOTTOM panel 1
pieces of Velcro 4
bolts M3 x 10mm 4
motor with short wires and rounded axles 1
coupling 1
Step 4: Preparing the BOTTOM panel Assembling the frame 20
1 x 1 x
4 x
4 x
image 13: parts needed for this step
To prepare the BOTTOM panel, perform the following actions:
1. Move 4 pieces black Velcro through the 4*2 slots of the BOTTOMpanel, see image 14. Make sure the soft side is facing itself after placing.
2. Attach the Z-motor, see image 15. Attach the motor such that the wires face out towards the center ofthe BOTTOM panel.
3. Attach the coupling on the motor axis. The 5mm opening of the coupling has to face towards the motor.
4. Tighten the screws, see image 16. Make sure there’s a little space between the coupling and the BOTTOMpanel.
Use the 1,5 mm hex key as a guide.
Step 4: Preparing the BOTTOM panel Assembling the frame 21
image 14: moving black Velcro through the slots
image 15: attaching the motor
Step 5: Assembling the ‘cube’-shaped frame Assembling the frame 22
image 16: placing the coupling and tightening the screws
6.1.5. Step 5: Assembling the ‘cube’-shaped frame
The following parts are needed in this step.
Letter Description Qnty.
SHORT cable ducts 2
LONG cable ducts 2
blue Scotch tape 1
bolts M3 x 16mm 37
hex nuts 3mm 37
Step 5: Assembling the ‘cube’-shaped frame Assembling the frame 23
2 x
2 x
37 x
37 x
image 17: parts needed for this step
Warning! Be careful not to put any force on the panels because they are weak in this configuration; however they will become very sturdy once you mount a few more panels.
To assemble to ‘cube’-shaped frame, perform the following actions:
(for action 1-5 see image 18)
1. Place the BACK panel on the table. Make sure the markings are facing towards you.
2. Put the TOP panel, with the markings downwards, into the BACK panel.
3. Put the BOTTOM panel into the BACK panel.
The 3 holes in the top panel must be on the side of the back panel.
4. Put the FRONT panel in the TOP and the BOTTOM panel.
5. Attach the four panels. Use thirteen bolts M3 x 16mm and thirteen hex nuts 3mm.
Notice: loose fixation is highly recommended. You can tighten later.
Notice: if you attach the hex nuts, it can be helpfull to use some tape to keep them in position.
Notice: make sure no cables get jammed before tightening.
Step 5: Assembling the ‘cube’-shaped frame Assembling the frame 24
image 18: attaching the BACK, TOP, BOTTOM and FRONT panel
(for action 6-8 see image 19)
6. Place a SHORT cable duct on the RIGHT side of the BACK panel.
7. Fold the SHORT cable duct.
8. Tape the folded SHORT cable duct (to keep it folded).
Notice: make sure the blue Scotch tape can be removed easily.
image 19: attaching and folding the SHORT cable duct
(for action 9-14 see image 20)
9. Place a LONG cable duct on the RIGHT side of the FRONT panel.
10. Fold the LONG cable duct.
11. Tape the folded LONG cable duct (to keep it folded).
Notice: make sure the blue Scotch tape can be removed easily.
12. Place the RIGHT panel.
13. Attach the RIGHT panel. Use twelve bolts M3 x 16mm and twelve hex nuts 3mm.
14. Remove the blue Scotch tape.
Step 5: Assembling the ‘cube’-shaped frame Assembling the frame 25
image 20: placing and folding the LONG cable duct and placing the RIGHT panel
(for action 15-20 see image 21)
15. Turn the Ultimaker Original on it’s RIGHT side.
16. Place the second SHORT cable duct on the LEFT side of the BACK panel, fold it and tape it.
17. Place the second LONG cable duct on the LEFT side of the FRONT panel, fold it and tape it.
18. Place the LEFT panel.
19. Attach the LEFT panel. Use twelve bolts M3 x 16mm and twelve hex nuts 3mm.
20. Remove the blue Scotch tape.
Step 5: Assembling the ‘cube’-shaped frame Assembling the frame 26
image 21: positioning the other SHORT and LONG cable ducts and attaching the
LEFT panel
image 22: complete the frame by checking if all the bolts are tightened
Step 6: attaching various parts Assembling the frame 27
21. Move the wires of the limit switches through the cable ducts.
Notice: try to guide the endstop cables behind the y motor.
22. Move the wires of the X- and Y motor through the cable ducts.
23. Complete the frame, see image 22. Use twelve bolts M3 x 16mm.
Well done, the frame should look like this (see image 23).
image 23: result assembling the ‘cube’-shaped frame
6.1.6. Step 6: attaching various parts
The following parts are needed in this step.
Letter Description. Qnty.
wooden part 11A 1
wooden part 3A 2
bolts M3 x 16mm 6
hex nuts 3mm 4
lock nuts M3 2
Step 6: attaching various parts Assembling the frame 28
6 x
4 x
2 x
2 x
image 24: parts needed for this step
To attach the various parts, perform the following actions:
1. Attach wooden part 11A, see image 25. Make sure the lock nuts M3 are
attached on the outside.
Use two lock nuts M3 and two bolts M3 x 16mm.
2. Attach two wooden parts 3A to the bottom of the machine. Use two bolts M3 x 16mm and two lock nuts M3 for each wooden part3A.
Notice: wooden part 3A is 6mm thick, NOT 4mm.
Step 6: attaching various parts Assembling the frame 29
image 25: attaching part 11A
image 26: attaching wooden parts 3A
Great work! The frame is now ready! On to the next section.
about 60 to 90 minutes
hex keys (2mm) hex keys (1,5mm)
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