What’s included
Preparing ti.ttle
Preparing ti.ttle
User Manual
Getting Started
STEP1. Powering up ti.ttle
Power up ti.ttle by tapping on the display twice.
When ti.ttle is not used for over 10 minutes it will
automatically power off.
ti.ttle Device
Portable Clip
Charging Cable
Getting Started
STEP2. Swing
When you maintain the same position for over 1 full
sec., Ready Mode switches to Swing Mode.
When switching to Swing Mode ti.ttle buzzes alerting
you to begin your swing.
STEP1. Attach a cradle onto the shaft and align
Viewing the club number marked on the cradle,
attach each cradle to its corresponding club.
Please attach the cradle on the skinnier part of the
shaft and push it upwards into the grip of the club.
*For putters, only insert up to the marked line.
If your golf shaft is on the skinnier side or there is a lot of
force in your swing, please stick the included sticker pad
onto the shaft. Also, sticking the pad to the inside of the
cradle will also provide stability.
Getting Started
STEP3. Viewing
Your swing analysis results will be listed in
sequential order and scroll across the screen.
To see your last swing results again click on the
display twice or place your club in front of you and
hold your stance for 1 sec.
STEP2. Insert ti.ttle onto the cradle
Align ti.ttle to the cradle outline and insert until you
hear a clicking sound.
Once you attach and power the device it will
automatically recognize the club and enter Ready
mode. Please double-check whether the number
displayed on the device corresponds to the club.
Connected Club Type
Display Information
ti.ttle’s swing info. is displayed as below:
ti.ttle is delivered to you in sleep mode.
Wake ti.ttle up by connecting it to the included charging
After entering Swing Mode, if you readjust your wrists or
make other movements, swing analysis may be affected.
Therefore, after setting-up, try to swing as immediately as
After activating Bluetooth and inputting your course info.,
your current hole no. and remaining distance will be
Club Type
ti.ttle’s default mode is Easy Mode.
To display more detailed analysis in Normal Mode, change
ti.ttle mode in the settings section of the ti.ttle app.
Swing Info.
Easy Mode:
Head Speed, Carry Distance
Normal Mode:
Head Speed, Carry Distance,
Club Path, Face Angle, Swing
type(Ball Flight)

App Installation
If your ti.ttle is in the ON state, remove ti.ttle from the
cradle and tap on the display twice to show golf course
Application Guide
Application Guide
Application Guide
Download the app on or
Individual club settings are performed through the
app which connects with your ti.ttle device.
Once set, personalized swing data can be seen on
your ti.ttle device.
iPhone Android
For Android users, the ti.ttle app is compatible with OS
versions 4.3 and beyond. Please try to update to the latest
version to ensure compatibility.
Application Guide
4. Golf Course Data
To receive golf course information, first turn on your
GPS and also connect to you ti.ttle device via
Bluetooth. Once you enter ti.ttle’s available golf
course, you can receive info. on the remaining
distance to each individual hole. (If you double tap
on the clock screen, it will display the remaining
1. ti.ttle Registration
Activate Bluetooth on your smartphone and press
Register ti.ttle on the main screen.
Once connection is complete, the button will switch
to say Change ti.ttle.
For convenient connection, ti.ttle only requires you to turn
on Bluetooth. When you open the ti.ttle app, it will
automatically detect and connect to nearby ti.ttle devices.
If there are multiple ti.ttle devices nearby ensure that your
connection was made correctly.
(A message stating, ‘Connect to a new device’ will pop-up,
which you can accept or reject)
Application Guide
5. ti.ttle device settings
Course selection and Measuring Unit Change:
In Application Set-up > Course set-up you can
change your current course location and distance
measuring unit (meter or yards)
Change Display Mode:
In Application set-up > ti.ttle mode you can change
the display mode.
Easy mode ‒ Head Speed, Carry Distance
Normal mode ‒ Head Speed, Carry Distance, Club
Path, Face Angle, Swing Type(Ball Flight)
Easy mode Normal mode
Head Speed
Head Speed
Carry Distance
Carry Distance
Club Path
Face Angle
Swing Type
2. Profile Set-up (Standard Calibration)
Log-in to your account to set-up your profile
ti.ttle’s standard settings are set for an amateur male
player. After installing the app and setting up your profile, if
you connect via Bluetooth you can set your gender and
skill level.
Application Guide
6. Locate ti.ttle
In ti.ttle menu>Device info you can activate the
locate ti.ttle function. When you press Locate ti.ttle,
your registered ti.ttle device will buzz twice.
7. Smartphone Message Check
Check phone messages on the go.
Missed calls and call decline functions are available
when connected with smartphone by Bluetooth for
phone call service.
3. Club Calibration (Personalized Calibration)
If you feel a disparity between your swing and ti.ttle’s
analysis, please use the app for club specific
When calibrating, ensure that ti.ttle is analyzing your
swing properly. If you move ti.ttle before or while entering
your initial distance, the device may mis-analyze your
swing. If ti.ttle saves this inexact measurement, your
personalized player profile may display significant
Caution and Warning
Everyday Use Warnings
ti.ttle is only water-resistant in very small amounts
of rain. Therefore please pay caution in the following
Don’t expose ti.ttle to large amounts of water.
After charging please close the USB cover.
Not closing the USB cover can cause ti.ttle to
malfunction due to water or dust.
Prevent ti.ttle’s exposure from water sprays.
Do not open ti.ttle up when in a wet state or with
wet hands.
Don’t store ti.ttle in moist areas.