Uhlenbrock 65100 User guide

The shortest connection
between technology
and pleasure
Manual for Software Version 1.0
Intellibox II
Intellibox II
Table of Contents
1. The Digital Center Intellibox II...................................................................................6
1.1 Description............................................................................................................................ 6
1.2 Quick guide........................................................................................................................... 9
1.3 Overview of the Commands................................................................................................ 10
1.4 Technical Data.................................................................................................................... 11
2. The Intellibox II Connections...................................................................................12
2.1 Definition of the individual Sockets..................................................................................... 12
2.2 Connecting Transformer, Track and Programming Track................................................... 12
2.3 Connecting LocoNet ........................................................................................................... 13
2.4 USB Computer Interface.....................................................................................................13
2.5 Connecting DCC Boosters.................................................................................................. 14
2.6 Connecting Märklin Boosters.............................................................................................. 14
2.7 Connecting s88 Modules .................................................................................................... 15
2.8 Connecting IRIS Receivers................................................................................................. 15
3. The Operating Elements.......................................................................................... 17
3.1 Overview of the Operating Elements.................................................................................. 17
3.2 The Display with the Display keys ...................................................................................... 18
3.3 The Controller ..................................................................................................................... 19
3.4 Menu Operation.................................................................................................................. 19
3.5 Entry of Numerals ............................................................................................................... 21
3.6 Entry of Names ................................................................................................................... 21
4. Basic Settings Menu ................................................................................................23
4.1 Menu Item Operation.......................................................................................................... 23
4.1.1 Speed Display.......................................................................................................... 23
4.1.2 Throttle..................................................................................................................... 25
4.2 “Language” Submenu ......................................................................................................... 27
4.3 ”Locomotive Data Format” Menu ........................................................................................ 28
4.4 “Turnout settings” Menu......................................................................................................29
4.4.1 General Data format................................................................................................. 29
4.4.2 Switching Times....................................................................................................... 30
4.5 “Hand Controller” Menu ......................................................................................................31
4.6 “Display” Menu....................................................................................................................32
4.7 “Programming Track” Menu................................................................................................ 34
4.8 “Interface” Menu.................................................................................................................. 35
4.9 “s88 Setting” Menu.............................................................................................................. 35
4.10 “Special Options” Menu .................................................................................................... 37
4.11 “Software-Version” Menu.................................................................................................. 38
4.12 “Start Mode” Menu............................................................................................................ 38
4.13 “Database” Menu .............................................................................................................. 39
4.14 “Reset” Menu .................................................................................................................... 41
5. The Control Desk......................................................................................................43
5.1 Operating Elements ............................................................................................................ 43
5.2 Locomotive Addresses und Names.................................................................................... 44
5.2.1 Locomotive selection................................................................................................ 45
5.3 Throttle................................................................................................................................45
5.4 Light and Special functions.................................................................................................46
5.5 The LokPosi Display........................................................................................................... 47
5.6 The Loco Menu................................................................................................................... 48
5.6.1 Multi-traction............................................................................................................. 48
5.6.2 Last called up Locomotive........................................................................................ 52
5.6.3 Controlling All Functions........................................................................................... 53
5.6.4 Dispatching Locomotives ......................................................................................... 55
Intellibox II
5.6.5 Edit a Loco dataset................................................................................................... 56
5.6.6 FRED Hand Controller ............................................................................................. 66
6. The Switch Panel Mode............................................................................................69
6.1 Description.......................................................................................................................... 69
6.2 Select Switch Panel Mode.................................................................................................. 69
6.3 Operating a Switch Panel ................................................................................................... 70
6.4 Configuring the Switching times.......................................................................................... 71
6.5 Select a Switch Panel......................................................................................................... 71
6.6 Setup and Edit a Switch Panel............................................................................................ 72
6.6.1 Setup a new Switch Panel........................................................................................ 72
6.6.2 Edit Switch Panel ..................................................................................................... 74
6.6.3 Delete Switch Panel................................................................................................. 76
6.6.4 Switch Address Display on/off.................................................................................. 77
6.7 Set Name, Symbol and Data format of Solenoid addresses............................................... 78
7. The Route Mode .......................................................................................................81
7.1 Description.......................................................................................................................... 81
7.2 Selecting Route Mode......................................................................................................... 81
7.3 Selecting a Route Group.....................................................................................................81
7.4 Switching Routes................................................................................................................ 82
7.5 Entering and Changing Route Groups................................................................................ 83
7.5.1 Entering a new Route............................................................................................... 83
7.5.2 Change a Route Group............................................................................................ 85
7.5.3 Delete a Route Group .............................................................................................. 86
7.6 Programming Routes..........................................................................................................87
7.7 Using Routes from an External Device............................................................................... 97
7.8 Automatically activate a Route when the Intellibox starts up............................................ 100
7.9 Processing two or more Routes in succession................................................................. 101
8. The Feedback Mode...............................................................................................104
8.1 LocoNet Feedbacks.......................................................................................................... 104
8.2 s88-Feedback ................................................................................................................... 104
8.3 Selecting a Feedback Module........................................................................................... 104
8.4 The Display....................................................................................................................... 105
8.5 Selecting a Feedback Group ............................................................................................ 106
8.6 Adding and Changing Feedback Groups.......................................................................... 106
8.7 Setting the Name and Symbol of a Feedback .................................................................. 113
8.8 Triggering Feedback Message ......................................................................................... 115
9. The LISSY Mode .....................................................................................................116
9.1 Description........................................................................................................................ 116
9.2 Selecting LISSY Mode...................................................................................................... 116
9.3 The Display in LISSY Mode.............................................................................................. 116
9.3 The Display in LISSY Mode.............................................................................................. 117
9.4 Selecting the Displayed Group ......................................................................................... 117
9.5 Adding a new or Changing a Group.................................................................................. 118
9.5.1 Adding a new Group............................................................................................... 118
9.5.2 Changing a Group.................................................................................................. 120
9.5.3 Deleting a Group.................................................................................................... 122
9.5.4 Switching the Address display on/off...................................................................... 123
9.6 Assigning a Name to a Train Category and LISSY Receiver............................................ 124
9.7 DirectDrive........................................................................................................................ 126
10. The Infrared Remote Control IRIS.......................................................................127
10.1 Description of the Infrared Remote Control .................................................................... 127
10.1.1 Function Mode...................................................................................................... 127
10.1.2 Operating controls................................................................................................ 127
10.1.3 Locomotive Control .............................................................................................. 128
10.1.4 Solenoid control.................................................................................................... 129
10.1.5 Activating a Route................................................................................................ 131
10.1.6 Power on/off......................................................................................................... 131
10.2 Intellibox Display Mode IRIS........................................................................................... 131
10.2.1 Selecting IRIS Mode............................................................................................. 131
10.2.2 Selecting the Transmission Channel.................................................................... 132
10.2.3 The Displays......................................................................................................... 132
Intellibox II
11. Model Time Clock.................................................................................................136
11.1 Description...................................................................................................................... 136
11.2 Selecting the Clock Mode............................................................................................... 136
11.3 Clock Settings................................................................................................................. 136
11.3.1 Special Settings.................................................................................................... 137
12. The Programming Mode ......................................................................................140
12.1 Programming Track ........................................................................................................ 140
12.2 Activating Programming Mode........................................................................................ 140
12.3 Programming of DCC and Multi-protocol Decoders........................................................ 141
12.3.1 Reading and programming CV Plain text............................................................. 141
12.3.2 Programming and reading individual CVs............................................................ 143
12.3.3 Mainline Programming ......................................................................................... 146
12.3.4 Register programming and reading...................................................................... 147
12.3.5 Paged programming and reading......................................................................... 147
12.3.6 Error message during Programming of DCC Decoders....................................... 147
12.4 Programming of Märklin Motorola or mfx Decoders ....................................................... 148
13. LocoNet Programming.........................................................................................150
14. The Interface.........................................................................................................154
14.1 Interface Characteristics................................................................................................. 154
14.2 Interface in Betrieb nehmen............................................................................................ 154
14.3 Communication PC - LocoNet (only for Experts)............................................................ 154
15. Operation as Auxiliary Device.............................................................................155
15.1 Operation ........................................................................................................................ 155
15.2 Setting the Operating Mode............................................................................................ 155
15.3 Connect as Auxiliary Device........................................................................................... 155
16. Software Update...................................................................................................157
List of Special options............................................................................................................. 159
Converting bits to bytes .......................................................................................................... 161
Module address table for feedback channels ......................................................................... 163
Coding table for solenoid decoder.......................................................................................... 164
Tips and Tricks........................................................................................................................ 165
HOTLINE ................................................................................................................................ 168
Intellibox II
1. The Digital Center Intellibox II
The Intellibox II is not only a Digital Center, but a complete S ystem in a Box. It has all the functions which previously one had to labouriously assembled, and with all that it is efficient and compact.
With the Intellibox II it does not matter whether you control your digital model r ailway in Motorola, DCC or Selektrix format. The Intellibox II utilise the various data formats simultaneously, on the same track, and is therefore a genuine multi-protocol digital center.
1.1 Description
Large, high resolution Display
The high resolution display is 98 x 42 mm (visible diagonal 105 mm) and allo ws a detailed representation of information in plain text or as symbols.
Night design
The Display and the keys have backlighting with which you can also see during the night phase when using an IntelliLight.
Two Throttles
Two locomotives can be controlled independently with the two large rotary controls. When the locomotive is changed these clever throttle controls without end stops automatically restore the saved speed of the selected locomotive. They c an be operated in DC and AC throttle mode.
The display shows the locomotive name or number, the speed (absol ute and relative to the highest speed) and the direction of both the locomotives that are actually being controlled by the throttles.
The light and 4 special functions can be switched by the function keys. In DCC operati on up to 28 special functions can be switched by the keys beside the display.
The high performance Booster has an output capacity of 3A and is short circuit protected.
Switch panel
The Intellibox II can control 320 Märklin and/or 2048 DCC sole noids. Groups of 8 or 16 in each case can be directly accessed by the key block. The state of turnouts and signals is indicated with the appropriate symbols in the centre of the display.
Route control
The Intellibox II internal route memory can hold up to 80 routes with 24 entries each. These can be called up by feedback c ontacts. Further routes that are stored in external devices can be called up by the Intellibox or merged into internal routes.
Feedback Mode
Up to 2048 feedbacks in groups of 8 or 16 are shown in the centre of the display by selectable symbols. Feedbacks can also be triggered directly from the key block.
Large Locomotive Database
The empty locomotive data base can store one’s own locomotive data records. Data entered can be address, name, data format, symbols for special functions and the setting for the maximum speed in km/h.
Locomotive Position Indication
In conjunction with the Individual Locomotive Control System “LISSY” the actual position of the locomotive can be displayed at top the display when it is called up.
Control of a locomotive can be taken over by a throttle with a simple key press and without entering the locomotive address or name, when it passes a selected LISSY receiver in LISSY-Mode.
Infrared Receiver
The integrated Infrared receiver allows wireless control of model railway layouts with our IRIS infrared remote control. If desired, in difficult space arrangements, 2 additional external receivers can be connected.
Model Time Clock
The Intellibox II integrated model clock can be blended i nto the middle part of the display. It indicates the time and weekday. The model time can be accelerated relative to the real time by factors between 1 and 127. This provides possibil ities such as timetabled tri ps and the synchronization of further LocoNet clocks, like in the LocoNet display 63450, Intelli Light 28000 and SoundDircetor 38000.
Locomotive Programmer
The Intellibox II provides simple menu driven programming of DCC, Motorola and mfx locomotive decoders. For DCC compatible decoders there is not only simple plain text programming, but also CV programming, main track programming, register programming and CV paged programming.
Motorola decoders are programmed using Motorola CV programming.
Various Data Formats The Intellibox II can control a mixture of makes of locomotive, function and turnout
decoders on a layout. The following data formats can be transmitted simultaneously:
Motorola Data Format Uhlenbrock, Märklin, Viessmann
Extended Motorola Data Format (Spur I) Uhlenbrock, Märklin AC Spur I format
DCC Data Format Uhlenbrock, Märklin Gleichstrom, Arnold, Digitrax, Lenz, LGB, Roco and all DCC
compatible decoders.
Selectrix Data Format Trix, Rautenhaus
Intellibox II
Intellibox II
9999 Decoder Addresses, 128 Speed Steps
Intellibox II supports all addresses and speed steps of the individual decoder makes.
Märklin Motorola Decoder 80 addresses, 14 Speed steps
Märklin mfx Decoder 255 addresses, 14 Speed steps
Uhlenbrock Motorola Decoder 255 addresses, 14 Speed steps
Uhlenbrock DCC Decoder 9999 addresses, 128 Speed steps
DCC compatible Decoder 9999 addresses, 14, 28, 128 Speed steps, depending on model
Trix Selectrix Decoder 112 addresses, 31 Speed steps
Extended Locomotive Special Functions
For each Locomotive address 32767 special functions (for some DCC decoders) are available for switching of lights, sound etc.
With USB Interface
The Interface at 115200 Baud offers the fast connection to the computer. It not only makes it possible to use PC programs to control the model railway layout but also serves for data protection of the Intellibox II and for updating system software.
With Help Function
The context sensitive help function almost makes a manual redundant. Help for the current operating situation is directly available at any time.
Non-volatile Memory
All settings which have been carried out on the Intellibox II remain p ermanent even when the equipment is switched off.
Updatable System Software
The Intellibox II system software can be updated anytime via the integrated USB Interface.
Compatible with many other devices
On the back of the Intellibox II, besides the sockets for transformer, track and programming track, there are sockets for DCC booster, Märklin Motorola booster, LocoNet, s88-feedback modules, IRIS auxiliary receiver, and also the USB computer.
Operation as Auxiliary Device
The Intellibox II can be connected at another LocoNet center (Intellibox II, Intellibox IR, Intellibox Basic, IB-COM or TwinCenter) as an accessory device and then takes on the functions of a control desk, 3A booster and Loco Net power feed. In addition a further s88 feedback input and a USB Port are available.
Intellibox II
1.2 Quick guide
Important! Please use this quick guide only in the beginning if you want to try out the Intellibox. Please read the entire manual to be fully informed about all functions and options of the device.
Connecting the Cable
The 16V AC from a 70 VA transformer and the Track are connected to the 6 way screw terminal plug as described in Chapter 2.
NOTE! Incorrect connection can destroy the device because connecting additional digital components can cause a short circuit between the transformer power and digital output.
Connecting the Device
If the plug is inserted into the Intellibox and the transformer power is s witched on the gr een [go]-key at the top right of the Intellibox II will light up after approximately 5 seconds and indicating that the device is in the ready state.
Ex-factory the Intellibox II has the following settings:
Speed display Speed steps indication Throttle AC throttle Default data format for Locos Motorola Default data format for turnouts Motorola
If the configuration for your layout is correct you place the first locomotive onto the track. Alternatively you must look in the “Basic Settings” Menu and make the necessary changes.
A complete description of the operation as well as all setti ngs can be found in Chapters 3 and 4.
Calling up a Locomotive
Press the left or right [lok]-Key
Use the numeric keys to enter the locomotive address
Confirm with the [ ]-key
Controlling a Locomotive
Increase the speed by turning the knob to the right
Decrease the speed by turning the knob to the left
Press on the control knob when the locomotive is stationary to change direction
Switching Light
The [f0]-key switches the Light on or off
Intellibox II
Switching Special functions
Press one of the Special function keys [f1] [f2] [f3] [f4]
If you press the context sensitive key beside the display you operate functions f0 to f28
on DCC decoders (see Chapter 5.4).
Note: All entries must be made on the controller on which the loco motive address or name was originally entered!
Changing the data for a single Locomotive
Press the [lok]-key of the right or left controller twice
With the Scroll key scroll down to the "Change Loco data entry" item
Confirm the selection with the Select Key (Auswahltaste)
Then make change to the desired setting for this locomotive address
Switching Turnouts
Turnouts are switched from the key block. With the eight pairs of keys the turnouts or signals with addresses 1 to 8 can be switched. The respe ctive position is indicated by a turnout symbol in the middle part of the display. The allocation of the keyboard can be easily changed at any time (see Chapter
1.3 Overview of the Commands
Very important! Use this brief description only if you want a quick reference to a little
information. Please read the entire manual to be fully informed about all functions and options of the device.
Switch off track power
Switch on track power
Select Locomotive by Address
[lok] + Address entry + [ ]
Select Locomotive by Name
[lok] + Select key
Change Speed
Turn the throttle knob
Change Direction
With locomotive stationary press on the controller knob
Emergency stop of the controlled locomotive
Press on the controller knob
Switch the Light function
The [f0]-key switches the light on or off
Switch Special functions f1-f4
[f1] [f2] [f3] [f4]
Switch Special functions f0-f28
Press the context sensitive keys beside the display Active functions are indicated with a tick.
Selecting the Device Mode
Press [mode]-key
Select with the keys on the right of the Display
Change Control Panel Mode Key Assignment
Press [mode]-key
Select panel with the keys on the right of the Display
[menu] + Number 1 Key + [ ] (Factory setting 1)
Change Feedback Mode Key Assignment
Press [mode]-key
Select feedback with the keys on the right of the Display
[menu] + Number 1 Key + [ ] (Factory setting 1)
Configure the Data format individual Decoder
[lok] + address entry + [ ] or [lok] + Select key
Press [lok]-key x2 + with Scroll key scroll to "Change Loco Data"
"Change Loco Data" + select "Change Data format"
Select the desired Data format + "Save"
Change Basic Setting
Press [mode]-key
Select Basic Settings with the Select key on the left side of the display
Confirm the setting with Select key
Return control mode with [menu]-key
1.4 Technical Data
Input power
Maximum allowable of 18V AC
Maximum Power loading
3.5 A to the layout track
0.5 A on LocoNet B output
0.5 A on LocoNet T output All outputs have short circuit protection!
Maximum number of Feedback modules
A total of 2048 feedback contacts can be connected.
Locomotive Address range
DCC Data format: 1-9999, Motorola-Data format: 1-255
Turnout Address range
DCC Data format: 1-2048, Motorola Data format: 1-320
Usable Transformer
16-18V AC, 52-70VA, e.g. Uhlenbrock 70VA Transformer 20070
180 x 136 x 80 mm
Intellibox II
Intellibox II
2. The Intellibox II Connections
The following section describes Intellibox II Connections and what must be noted when the devices are connected.
2.1 Definition of the individual Sockets
Figure 2.11 The rear view of the Intellibox II with its connections
6-way Header: s88-Feedback 5-way Header: Märklin Booster RJ12 Socket: LocoNet B (Booster) RJ12 Socket: LocoNet T (Throttle) 3-way Header: DCC Booster 6-way Header: Transformer, Track, Programming Track 5-way DIN Socket: additional IRIS receiver USB Socket: USB Computer connection
2.2 Connecting Transformer, Track and Programming Track
The included 6-way plug for connecting the transformer, Track and Programming Track is a screw terminal plug, to which the wires are connected by tightening the screws.
The image to the right shows the assignment of the terminal s of the plug.
The terminal assignment of the 6-way connector is shown in the diagram on the left.
Note: For the transformer and track connection you
should use wire with as large a cross sections as possible (at least 0.5 mm²). The connection to the track should be made at several locations of the layout. We recommend feed points with a separation of approx. 1m for H0.
For trouble free operation a transformer of min. 52VA and 16V A C is required. With full loading we recommend the Uhlenbrock transformer 20 070 with 70VA. The transformer output potential should not exceed 18V ~.
The transformer’s AC potential is connected to terminal 5 (brown) and 6 ( yellow) of the 6­way connecting plug.
Important: Incorrect connection ca n destroy the device because additional digit al devices may cause a short circuit between the transformer output and the digital power.
2-Rail track is connected to terminals 3 and 4 of the 6-way connecting plug.
For 3- Rail track (Märklin) the centre rail is connected to ter minal 3 (red Märklin cable) and the track body to terminal 4 (bro wn Märklin cable) of the 6-way connecting plug.
Programming Track
The Programming track is a section of track is specially setup for programming and reading of locomotive decoders.
This track is connected to terminal 1 (brown) and 2 (red) of the 6-way connecting plug.
Important: The track must definitely be isolated on both sides - with Märklin track it is essential to isolate the centre rail and outer rails. During progr amming the isolation point must not be bridged (e.g. by bogie or lighted wagon).
Note: The programming track can be used for programming and reading of decoders. It can equally be used for normal train traffic when the Intellibox is not in programming mode.
Intellibox II
2.3 Connecting LocoNet
The Intellibox supports all devices which have a LocoNet interface. LocoNet boosters such as Power 2, 4 and 7 are connected to LocoNet B since the digital rail
signal is available here. Connection LocoNet T is only suitable for manual control devices and devices that do not need a digital rail signal. We recommend connecting LocoNet boosters on large layouts to the LocoNet B socket only.
All other devices can be connected to LocoNet T.
Note: Behind a LocoNet power feed unit no track signal is available even if its input is connected to the LocoNet B socket.
2.4 USB Computer Interface
Attention: Before the Intellibox II is connected to the PC the driver software for the interface must be installed (see Chapter 15.3). The driver software can be found on the included CD.
Intellibox II
For connecting the Intellibox to a computer you us e a USB lead with type A and B plugs, Part No. 61070. This type of cable is also used for connecting the com puter with a USB printer.
The Intellibox USB interface is set to a data transmission rate of 115200 Baud.
2.5 Connecting DCC Boosters
Boosters with DCC Booster interface can be connected to the DCC booster socket. Both the DCC and the Motorola data format are output.
A 3-way clamp connector is provided for connecting to the device. The cables of braid or wire to be attached are stripped approx. 6 mm, carefully twisted, and tinned if possible.
Using a narrow screw driver (2 mm) which fits in the opening of the plug apply light pressure to open the clamp terminal contacts. The stripped end of the cable is inserted into the clamp terminal plug. When pressure from the screw driver is released the cable is fixed to that contact.
Lenz Booster
Both signal lines C and D as with the short circuit line E are connected to the 3-way clamp terminal plug.
Other DCC Boosters
Other DCC Boosters normally have two connecting cables which are connected to terminals 1 and 2 of the 3-way clamp terminal plug.
Note: Because of the missing short circuit line “E“, these boosters have no way of reporting a short circuit to the Intellibox. They are normally equipped with there own short circuit protection.
Märklin and Arnold Digital= Boosters
Märklin Digital= Booster (6016) and Arnold Digital= Booster (86015) ar e connected with the help of the Uhlenbrock Adapters 61 030 to the DCC Booster socket.
Figure 2.51 Attaching the cable to the clamp
Bild 2.51 Fixierung der Kabel im Klemmstecker
Figure 2.52 Assignment of the contacts of the 3-way connector (Cable side)
2.6 Connecting Märklin Boosters
Märklin boosters (6015/6017) and all boosters using the Motorola format that have a Märklin booster compatible connection can be attached to the Märklin booster socket. Connect the booster with the Märklin booster socket of the Intellibox II using the enclos ed flat strip cable (see the booster operating instructions).
The plugs must be connected to the so that the cable on the Intellibox and the Booster 6017 go to th e top and on the Booster 6015 to the bottom (as shown in the diagram).
Note: If the Booster Power 4 (Part No. 63 240) is to transmit the Selectrix Format it must be connected to the Intellibox Märklin Booster socket.
Tip: The Märklin Booster outputs the DCC Format when Special option 901 is set to “3“ (Setting see Chapter 4.10), otherwise the Intellibox will report the error „Short Circuit“ as soon as the Märklin Booster is connected and the DCC Format is output.
Figure 2.61 Connection of the flat cable
Intellibox II
2.7 Connecting s88 Modules
Feedback modules serve to monitor track sections and trains in automatic operations on a model railway layout.
All feedback modules that conform to the Märklin s88 standard c an be used on the s88 feedback input.
The flat cable supplied with the module is used to connect the module to the Intellibox s88 input socket. On both devices the plug must be connected so that the flat cable goes downwards.
more modules are used the flat cable is c onnected from output of the la st module to the
input of the next module so that all modules are daisy chained and con nected to the s88 feedback bus (see also the manual of the particular module).
Figure 2.71 Connection of flat cables
2.8 Connecting IRIS Receivers
The built-in receiver is located under the front panel to the right of the [C]-key. During operation the remote control IRIS (Part No. 66510) should always be held in the direction of the receiver (see illustration).
In difficult situations such as a model railway la yout in two rooms, two further external receivers can be used.
Auxiliary Receiver
Auxiliary receivers (Part No. 66520) are connected to the 5-pole DIN-socket, designated “IRIS receiver“. A single auxiliary receiver can be connected directly. When two auxiliary receivers are used they are connected to the Intellibox via a Y-cable.
Intellibox II
The receiver is attached to the back wall of the model railway layout using the provided double sided adhesive pad. As shown in the sketch, the are a bet ween the receiver an d the transmitter must be free from obstacles. For trouble-free operation, the receiver must always “see” the transmitter so that trouble free operation is possible. The most sensitive direction of the receiver is perpendicular to the center of the cov er dome to the rear wall of the receiver.
During operations the remote control should be always held toward a receiver. A red control LED under the transparent dome of the receiver blinks when the receiver has received the infrared signal from a remote control.
3. The Operating Elements
3.1 Overview of the Operating Elements
Intellibox II
A. Backlit LCD with associated display keys with information about locom otive address or
name, speed and driving direction and the current operati ng mode, e.g. in control desk mode shows turnout or signal status. The display ke ys are for selecting entries from the lists which are shown down the side of the display, e.g. in the control desk mode the list of special functions
B. Key area with operational status indicator, main control keys and help function C. Left Controller with function keys and locomotive selection key D. Right Controller with function keys and locomotive selection key E. Key block with telep hone keyboard and special keys
Operating status and key for interrupting and restarting of running operations
Selection of the operating mode e.g. operating desk mode, feedback mode, route mode, LISSY mode, programming mode, etc.
Setting options related to the current operating mode and return to the operating desk mode from each submenu
Help for every operating situation
Intellibox II
Left Controller
With endless rotary control, direction switch, f0 for switching light function , 4 function keys and locomotive selection key.
Right Controller
With endless rotary control, direction switch, f0 for switching light function , 4 function keys and locomotive selection key.
Centre Key block
Telephone key pad for entering digits and characters. With special keys for easy entry of addresses and working in the individual modes.
LCD Display
The large backlit LCD Display provides information about both currently controlled vehicles, currently selected operating mode (e.g. in control desk mode, display of turnout or signal status) and the assignment of the display keys, which always match the in dividu al operating situations.
Display keys
For selecting entries from the lists which are shown down the side of the displa y, e.g. in the control desk operation the list of the spec ial functions or the selection of individual menu items.
3.2 The Display with the Display keys
The large backlit LCD Display is clearly arranged on the panel. The three part display provides a clear overview of the current running status at all times.
The top area shows the current selected vehicle for each of the controllers along with their speed and driving direction.
The special functions are switched by the round display keys beside the display. If the controlled locomotive has more than 4 special functions, then the scrollbar in dicates the active items in the list. The triangular keys (= Scroll k e ys) can p age thro ugh this list up ward or downward. Their background light indicates the possible direction.
If the LISSY system is connected to the Intellibox the messages indicating the current state of the locomotive is shown above the locomotive name. This information is stor ed in the Intellibox and displayed again when the locomotive is next called. The display is updated whenever the locomotive passes another place on the layout that is being monitored by the LISSY system.
The middle has information about the current operating mode, e.g. in the control desk mode the state of turnouts or signals.
Intellibox II
3.3 The Controller
Locomotives can be called and controlled by the control desk. The Intellibox has two independent integrated controllers. They are on the left and right side of the unit.
Digital decoders with different data formats can be controlled simultaneously. The controllers are also operational during programming or while changing presets.
Each control desk consists of the throttle control knob for changing locomotive speed and driving direction as well as of the f0 to f4 special function keys. The [lok]-key on each control desk serves to select new locomotives on the controller.
3.4 Menu Operation
The Intellibox is operated by three main control keys [mode], [menu] and [help]. [Mode]-key switches between the device modes. If it is pressed the main selection menu appears a nd shows all the modes. On the left side are the modes that fully utilize the displ ay and on the right are the modes which represent the control desk in the display in combination with other control elements (control desk, routes, etc.) in the middle display area.
Intellibox II
The [Menu]-key leads to selection or configuration menus, which belong to each device mode. In the control desk mode e.g. a new control desk is selecte d or a solenoid is linked with a name and a symbol. A further press of the [menu]-key returns back to the Co ntrol Desk.
The [help]-key can be call context sensitive help at any time. The individual menus are always navigated with the display ke ys besid e the left and on th e
right the display. Depending upon the operation the dis play gives the meaning of these keys. If more than four options are available the triangul ar scroll keys light up. A scrollbar indicates if different options are still present above or below the four represented. These other options can be accessed with the triangular scroll keys.
The menus are constructed in such a way that the left side has the main options. T he right side shows associated control steps or a submenu which belong to one of the options on the left side. Here one often also finds the “Back” key to exit the menu or with which to return to a parent menu. For example the control desk menu:
If an option on the left side is activated by key press, this is repres ented by a frame around the menu element, e.g.:
The right side now shows options for this point. In this example the data format for solenoids can be set. The submenu is faded out again by another operation of the left selection key. If a selection key on the right is pressed the selection for this parameter (here the data format) is accepted and indicated left.
Intellibox II
3.5 Entry of Numerals
If during the course of operating the device input of a number of s equences is required to enter a locomotive or a solenoid address it is done with the alphanumeric ke yboard in the centre of the unit (key block). As soon as a digit key is pressed an input field appears. The input can be completed in the field and confirmed with []-key. The last entered digit can be deleted with the [C]-key. The [+]-key increments the number in the input field by one, while []-key decrements the number by one.
3.6 Entry of Names
While operating the device input of names may be necessarily to provide a locomotive or a turnout with a name. This input can be done with the alphanumeric keyboard in the centre of the unit (key block). As soon as a change of name is selected, depending upon context, a one or two line input field appears.
The actual line in which the text can be entered is marked by square brackets. The Curser position at which next character will be changed is s hown inverted. The arrow keys [] and [] can move the cursor within the line. The arrow keys [] and [] can be changed between the lines. The [C]-key will delete the character at the input position.
The character input is ended with the []-key.
Intellibox II
When an alphanumeric key is pressed a list of characters which can be inserted appears. As is the case for mobile phones repeated pressing of the key selects characters from this list. If the key is then released for a short time or if another key is pr essed the character at the cursor position is used.
Here are the symbols assigned to the alphanumeric keys 0-9:
Key Assignment Key Assignment
1 -1.,()<>_:+*/#! 6 mno6MNOöÖ 2 abc2ABCäÄ 7 3 def3DEF 8 tuv8TUVüÜ 4
hi4GHI 9 wxyz9WXYZ
5 jkl5JKL 0 (space)0
Note: Key [0] will overwrite the existing character at the cursor positi on either with a blank or the number “0” inserted.
Intellibox II
4. Basic Settings Menu
The Basic Setting of the Intellibox II can be changed by menu driven options and are the n saved to non-volatile memory.
The Basic Settings Menu is reached by pressing the [mode]-key and selecting “Basic Settings” submenu.
The Basic Settings Menu has the following items:
Loco data format
Turnout setting
To leave the main menu press the [mode]-key.
4.1 Menu Item Operation
4.1.1 Speed Display
The display of the vehicle speed can be in one of three ways.
Speed Step display
The display is directly in speed steps according to the decoder data format 0-14, 0-28, 0-31 or 0-126 speed steps.
Percent Display
The display is in percent of the maximum speed irrespective of the data format being used.
Display in km/h
If the individual locomotive address in the database has a top s peed assigned to it (see Chapter 5.6.5) the speed can be calculated and displayed in km/h.
The display is preset to “Speed Step display”.
Hand Control
Programming track
Special options
Software Version
Start mode
Intellibox II
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4.1.2 Throttle
The throttle controls on the Intellibox II can be selected to operate like a DC throttle or an AC throttle.
The factory default setting is “AC throttle”.
AC Throttle Mode
The AC Throttle Mode is set up to control locomotives like the AC transformers in 3-r ail systems.
Figure Principle of an AC throttle
In this operating mode the speed increases by turning the knob to the ri ght and decreases by turning the knob to the left. When either the maximum speed or the zero speed is reached further rotation in the same direction of the knob has no effect. In this operating mode the direction is switched with a light pressure on the throttle knob.
If the reversing switch is activated while the vehicle is running the vehicle will firstly stop and only then switch the direction over. It depends on the decoder data format if this causes an emergency (Motorola, DCC) or stops using the setup deceleration (Selectrix).
DC Throttle Mode
The DC Throttle Mode controls the locomotives as is common in the 2-rail DC systems.
Intellibox II
Figure Pr inciple of a DC throttle
In DC operating mode a right turn of the control knob, starting from speed step zer o, the locomotive will move in a direction. When the control is turned back the speed is re duced until the loco stops. A further turn to the left will cause the locomotive to accelerate in the opposite direction.
If the maximum speed of the loco is reach further turns in that direction has no effect. In this operating mode a light pressure on the control k nob will cause the vehicle to stop. It depends on the decoder data format if this causes an emer gency ( DCC) o r stops using t he setup deceleration (Motorola, Selectrix).
Intellibox II
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Intellibox II
4.2 “Language” Submenu
For the language of the text on the display the following languages can be selected:
The preset is “German“.
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Intellibox II
4.3 ”Locomotive Data Format” Menu
Sets the locomotive data format that will be used for decoder the first time they are called up and when an individual data format is not assigned to it.
The data format you will use most should be set up here before the first time you use the Intellibox II. The preset value is the new Motorola data format.
Possible settings are:
Motorola - old
old Motorola Data format Locomotive decoder with 14 speed steps, without special functions Function decoder controls with special functions keys f1 to f4
Motorola - new
also Spur-I-Format with 14 speed steps, with locomotive special functions f1 to f4
DCC 14-28-128
DCC Format with 14, 28 or 128 speed steps, up to 32767 special functions
Trix Selectrix with 31 speed steps and 4 special functions
Note: The format of individual decoders can eas ily be change d at any time indep endent of the locomotive data format in the “Change Loco Data” Option.
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Intellibox II
4.4 “Turnout settings” Menu
Attention: Turnout decoders from Märklin and Viessmann for the Motorola data format each control four turnouts. The address selected by the DIP switch on the decod er is not identical to the turnout addresses of the turnouts connected to the decoder.
All setting menus in the Intellibox II use turnout addresses and not turnout decoder addresses.
The appendix has a Table showing the relationship of the DIP switch position and the turnout addresses and also the assignment of the Märklin Keyboards.
4.4.1 General Data format
Sets the turnout data format that will be used for decoders the first time they are called up and when an individual data format is not assigned to them as outlined in Chapter 6.7.
The data format you will use most should be set up here before the first time you use the Intellibox II.
The preset value is the Motorola Data format.
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Intellibox II
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4.4.2 Switching Times
The switching pulse that is generated when a control key is pressed norm ally lasts as l ong as the key is held. To ensure that the switching function s till works with a very short key press and the solenoid is not damaged by a long activation the Intellibox II has a minimum and maximum switching time. The factory defaults for the switching time is 100 ms (0.1 sec.) minimum time and 5000 ms (5 sec.) for the maximum time.
Valid vales are between 0 and 9999 ms.
Note: In DCC decoders the switching times can only be set for turnout decoders that are not configured for “continuous” operation.
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